How many carbs are in rice? The benefits and harms of this product

Most of us have rice in our diet. Moreover, on the basis of this incredibly useful cereal, many different diets have been developed. People have been cultivating this crop for eight millennia, but in Russia they learned about it only three hundred years ago. After reading this article, you will find out how many carbohydrates and other nutrients are in rice.

Variety of varieties

Despite the fact that there are more than 20 varieties of this cereal in the world, only a small part of the entire existing range is available to our compatriots. For those who do not know how many carbohydrates in it will be interesting that brown varieties are considered the most useful. They are not as soft as white counterparts, and they cook a little longer. Especially this type of cereal is valued among nutritionists and adherents of a healthy lifestyle.

One of the elite varieties is considered to be distinguished by thin long grains. It is valued for its excellent taste and aroma.

Paradoxically, the least useful white polished varieties are considered the most common. Their popularity is explained by the fact that the preparation of such cereals does not take too much time, and the dishes are incredibly tasty.

Beneficial features

For those who want to know how many carbohydrates are in boiled rice, it will be interesting to read how this product is useful. This cereal is ideal for people who monitor their diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. Due to the absence of gluten, it can be consumed by anyone who is contraindicated for this substance.

It is also important that rice is considered one of the key components of the children's menu. It can be used as complementary foods even for six-month-old babies. Porridge cooked from this cereal and supplemented with vegetable, fruit or meat puree is a complete children's food that provides the growing body with many vital substances.

Low-calorie rice has a fairly high nutritional value, so it is included in the diet of professional athletes and is suitable for those who monitor their weight. In addition, this cereal is rich in potassium, therefore, it contributes to the normalization of the cardiovascular system. Rice also has an enveloping effect, which means it is indicated for gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vitamin and mineral composition

For those who are interested in how many carbohydrates are in rice, it does not hurt to find out what nutrients this product contains. Of course, the composition of different varieties of cereals is somewhat different from each other. However, there are a number of substances that are necessarily present in each of them.

Rice is considered an excellent source of protein and amino acids, which are actively involved in the formation of muscle tissue. It is these substances that support the health of hair, skin, eyes, heart, lungs, ligaments and nervous system.

Those who want to know how many carbohydrates are in rice, it will be interesting that they account for about 80% of the total mass of the product. It contains unsaturated and saturated fatty acids. Also, cereals are rich in various minerals and trace elements, including cobalt, nickel, selenium, iron and phosphorus.

To whom is this product contraindicated and how many carbohydrates are in rice?

100 grams of uncooked rice contains about 78 grams of complex carbohydrates. In a boiled product, this amount is reduced to 25 grams. Moreover, the energy value of raw grains averages about 330 kcal.

Rice can be consumed by almost all categories of the population. Dishes prepared from it can cause harm only in cases where a person has an individual intolerance to this product. In addition, do not forget that rice has quite strong fixing properties, so it should not be consumed by people suffering from hemorrhoids, fissures in the large intestine and chronic constipation. Do not discount the fact that an excess of carbohydrates can provoke the development of diabetes.

Having figured out how many carbohydrates are in rice, you can talk about how to cook it properly. It is advisable to do this in thick-walled metal, glass or Teflon dishes.

Interestingly, in Japan, cereals are not washed. The inhabitants of this country are sure that all the most valuable things disappear from rice along with water. Since our state does not have such a developed technology for the production of this product, it is still better for us to pre-wash it. Otherwise, dirt and pathogenic microorganisms can get into the finished dish.

After putting the rice in a saucepan, fill it with hot water or broth, salt, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. After this time, put the rice in a colander, rinse with settled clean water and wait for about seven more minutes. During cooking, cereals are not recommended to be mixed.
