Rice porridge with milk: preparing the most healthy porridge

We all remember this wonderful dish from childhood. Delicious milk rice porridge is always associated with health and childhood experiences. And it is true. Rice porridge with milk is healthy, and its preparation takes a minimum of time and money. Cooking it is a pleasure. Although each housewife has her own recipe for rice porridge with milk.

So, how to cook rice porridge with milk?


1. Rinse the rice well in cold water. Rinse until the water is clear, as shown in the photo. Put the rice in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Cooking with cold water is longer, but the porridge will turn out tastier. About half a liter of water - maybe a little more, but not less. Our recipe today is the separate cooking of the components of the dish. The proportions indicated above can be done a little more or less. The main thing is that you will start to succeed. Put the pot on the fire and bring to a boil. Prepare milk for boiling.

2. You will have to cook without moving far from the stove - you will need to stir more often. Thus, cook until half cooked. It will take about 15 minutes to cook. We constantly try. Boil the rice until it absorbs all the water. The photo shows the texture.

3. We take milk, pour it into a separate bowl and bring to a boil. Add sugar - to make the porridge really tasty and sweet. Carefully! Milk will run away immediately after boiling, the preparation of dairy dishes is always associated with this rather unpleasant property of milk! We will cook on a slow fire. Pour hot milk into cooked rice. Add sugar and salt according to your taste. Keep in mind that rice absorbs ingredients well, so you can put a little more salt than you think is “just right”. A little bit.

4. Cook the porridge until the rice is completely cooked. We check the readiness empirically. That is, try. Don't forget to stir constantly. Rice likes to stick to the bottom and is lumpy, so you should cook by constantly stirring the porridge. Every one or two minutes. After the milk is poured, and the porridge is brought to a boil, it remains to cook for another 6-7 minutes.

5. Well, our milk rice porridge is ready. It seems that special additions to this dish are not required. Although, this is an amateur. Often rice milk porridge is supplemented with raisins, apples, dried fruits or jam.

Rice mainly contains B vitamins - B1, B2, B3 and B6. The composition of the vitamin complex of this cereal has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. In principle, the benefits of rice for the central nervous system are noted even in people who are far from science and knowledge of biochemistry. Dairy and, in general, rice porridges are soothing, and they are easy to cook.

Video recipe

Rice contains a lot of iron, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, calcium. It has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and the state of blood vessels. Of particular note is the fact that rice removes excess salt from the body - the "white death". Due to the high content of potassium, sodium salt (common salt is sodium chloride) is forced out. This helps to improve the functioning of the brain, blood vessels, heart, more efficient metabolism and the decomposition of excess fat. That is why rice porridge and other dishes are eaten on numerous diets.

But before you cook rice porridge in milk, let's see what are the benefits and harms of this wonderful product, and what kind of cereal is it in general.

Milk rice porridge, and rice in general, are useful, this has been known for a long time. The main thing that makes it a popular product of many nations so far is its composition. This is a unique product, whatever the recipe. In 100 grams of rice, 8 grams are occupied by complex carbohydrates (which are decomposed by the body with difficulty, and not like, for example, sugar). Rice contains 8 essential amino acids. There is quite a bit of fiber (3%), so the rice side dish seems to be an excellent option not only in terms of taste, but also in terms of purely biochemical qualities. Calorie rice porridge with milk 97 kcal.

According to the shape of the grains, this cereal is long and round-granular. Chefs say that the most delicious porridge is obtained if it is cooked from long-grain rice. However, I can argue. Of the round-grained variety, porridge is certainly tastier. The benefits of both varieties are the same, as well as the harm.

What is the harm of rice? Unfortunately, he is. Of course, not the one that is sometimes shown on some ridiculous videos designed to draw attention to the video. But there is.

What kind of rice to choose

Of course, you can cook yummy from any variety. But you need to know the difference. On sale it comes in three types - white, yellow and dark. Any variety is suitable for milk porridge, just the benefits of different varieties are slightly different. Although, any rice porridge with milk is tasty and healthy. Our recipe today is from round-grain rice.

White rice is steamed and processed grains that are quite suitable for cooking for children or the elderly, the sick. In principle, they can be cooked by everyone. Yellow rice is a product partially processed by a special method. The top layer of grains is removed, in the process of steaming and processing, most of the nutrients penetrate deep into the grain. By the way, there is a rather interesting video about rice processing, it is worth watching. The benefits of such rice are much more tangible than white. Dark rice is an unprocessed crop that contains all the beneficial substances originally laid down by nature. And harmful too. Although, the harm of this variety of this cereal has not yet been established by anyone. Of course, almost everyone chooses the pretty white variety. And today's our recipe will be from it. But here it's a matter of taste. Undoubtedly, it is more beautiful, besides, the preparation of the dish is much faster.
