Recipe for wheat porridge in water with oil

Wheat porridge is an inexhaustible storehouse of vitamins, nutrients and minerals, it is very satisfying, healthy and surprisingly tasty, even on water. To cook delicious and crumbly wheat porridge, it is enough to know a few little tricks and secrets. There are so many recipes for making such porridge that you don’t know which one is better. Therefore, before you cook wheat porridge, you need to choose a good and proven cooking recipe. According to many recipes, wheat porridge can be boiled in milk, water and broth. It can be sweet, salty, or spicy. It is used as a main course or side dish for meat, fish, meatballs.

Many beginners and young hostesses are tormented by the following questions:

  1. What to cook porridge?
  2. How to cook it right?
  3. What to serve it with?
  4. How much to cook wheat porridge, so as not to get a nasty mess.

There are two forms of cooking: regular and Moscow (with the addition of meat). To get rid of such questions, you can cook a similar delicacy according to the proposed recipe. To prepare the dish you will need the following ingredients:



Step by step cooking with detailed and irreplaceable photos:

1) The first and most important step in the recipe is choosing a quality cereal. Then measure out the required amount and sift with a very fine sieve to get rid of excess debris and stones.

2) The next important step is thorough washing. You need to rinse the cereal with running water. Then pour warm water and leave for half an hour.

4) When the water boils, you can pour cereals into it. Do this carefully so as not to splash water. Mix thoroughly, let it boil and reduce the heat to a minimum. You need to cook until done.

5) Remember that it is necessary to cook wheat porridge over low heat. Cooking time will be about forty-five minutes. Then you can arrange on portioned plates, put a piece of delicious butter on top and serve. You can also decorate with nuts, fresh vegetables and herbs. It will serve as an excellent and ideal side dish for meat, vegetable and fish dishes.

Cook with pleasure, improve your culinary talent and skills, pamper yourself and your loved ones with such a healthy delicacy. Wheat porridge is satisfying, nutritious, healthy, appetizing, fragrant and incredibly tasty. Now you know how to cook delicious porridge. Follow the instructions in the recipe and you will definitely succeed. As you can see, the recipe is quite simple, which any novice housewife can handle.

Beneficial features

In addition to taste and nutritional qualities, such a delicacy is very beneficial for health.

  1. An inexhaustible source of vitamins - A, B6, B12, E, PP and C.
  2. A storehouse of minerals that have a general strengthening effect on the human body, namely: potassium, phosphorus and fluorine, zinc, molybdenum and iron, manganese and magnesium, cobalt and sodium.
  3. The nutritional value of such a dish is fiber, proteins, carbohydrates.
  4. The most useful is the porridge, which is made from coarse grains.
  5. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning and activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It is a universal sponge that absorbs all harmful and negative substances, salts, mucus, stones, liquids, slags and toxins, and then removes them from your body. As a result, you can lose a few extra pounds.
  6. A unique remedy used in the fight against dysbacteriosis, diseases of the intestines and stomach, constipation.
  7. The disturbed metabolism is restored.
  8. An irreplaceable component of health, longevity, youth and beauty.
  9. Prevention of the cardiovascular and nervous system.
  10. Strengthens the immune system, prevents viral diseases.

Harmful properties

Given all the benefits, it should be noted about contraindications.

  1. Pregnant girls/women.
  2. Acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Individual intolerance, allergic reactions.
  4. Don't abuse.

Video recipe

special medical diet

This dish has the most important properties and functions that are essential in the fight against excess weight, namely:

  • improved digestion;
  • normalization of fat metabolism;
  • activation of the protective functions of your body;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • relief from bowel dysfunction and constipation.