Recipe for homemade chickpea hummus - exquisite taste of the Mediterranean on your table

Do you often please your family with something other than the usual dishes? Yes, so that the food was not only tasty, but also healthy. You understand that this is not about fried pies on weekends. No, infrequently? So what is stopping you, maybe it seems to you that it is very difficult to cook healthy and unusual food at the same time? Whatever you answer, we will dispel these myths - see below the recipe for homemade chickpea hummus. You will surprise your family and guests with this appetizer and decorate your everyday life with bright taste.

Chickpea snack is perfect for everyone

Hummus, what is it?

This is a paste or puree that is an integral part of the diet in the Middle East and near the Mediterranean Sea. Hummus is a source of protein, vegetable origin. For our country, the dish is rare, so you have every chance to become the best hostess among friends. To prepare this appetizer, take chickpeas. These are peas or beans, which is sometimes called lamb.

Recently, healthy eating and various innovations in the diet and lifestyle have become popular, because chickpeas are increasingly used to prepare various unusual dishes. In addition to chickpeas, spices, garlic, and olive oil are added to the dish. As you understand, the result is a very fragrant and healthy pasta.

Hummus is rare for us, but not for the inhabitants of the East

For information! The inhabitants of the Mediterranean have always been distinguished by longevity, good health and beauty. Just remember the hot inhabitants of Italy. They owe much of their excellent health to their diet.

The homemade chickpea hummus recipe that we will offer you will make your table richer. It is not difficult at all, but it will take time, so it is better to postpone cooking for the weekend so that you can make pasta according to all the rules. Hurry here is fraught with disappointment.

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Health Benefits of Hummus

One phrase - a healthy snack, is not enough to appreciate the importance of chickpeas and chickpea snacks for our health. In short, we list some of the benefits of eating hummus in your diet.

  • It can be used by vegetarians.
  • Suitable for gluten allergy sufferers. These are the people who cannot eat many foods that contain grains.
  • Removes harmful substances and toxins from our body.
  • Fills with energy, makes the skin clearer.
  • Normalizes blood sugar levels.
  • Contains macro-, microelements, vitamins. Especially a lot in the composition of vitamins of group B.
  • It has a positive effect on brain activity and on the endocrine system.

Chickpeas are very good for our health

For information! As for the calorie content of hummus, it depends on the ingredients that you use, but if you cook pasta according to the classic recipe, then on average it is 200-300 kcal.

As for the cons, this is gas formation in the stomach if you overeat a snack. Also, the paste is contraindicated for people who have an individual intolerance to the components. If you are wondering what chickpea hummus is eaten with, then it's all a matter of taste. Someone prefers to use it for sandwiches with bread or crispbread, someone adds it to meat, someone dips vegetables, chips and other products into pasta.

Secrets of delicious hummus and useful information

One of the main components of hummus is sesame paste. But if you are not a resident of a metropolis, you are unlikely to be able to find this product. But you shouldn't despair either. Pasta can be made by hand. In a frying pan, sesame seeds are dried and lightly fried, after which you pour them (cooled) into a blender and start grinding. Pour in a little olive oil. A good paste should have the consistency of a cream.

The dish must be cooked according to the rules

To prepare a snack, chickpeas must be taken hot, this speeds up the mixing and cooking process. After boiling the peas, you should remove all the skins, they usually separate on their own, so you just have to filter the chickpeas well. If the chickpeas were well soaked and cooked for a long time, then its skins can not be separated, they will be very soft and the blender will grind them. Be patient, as you need to cook peas for about 2-3 hours, but you need to take three times more water than chickpeas.
