Protein shakes with banana and milk: benefits, recipes

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Protein shakes with banana and milk: benefits, recipes

What does it mean if your boyfriend asks you to make him a banana protein shake, and your best friend is walking around with a collection of jars filled with boiled meats and nuts? Everything is very simple! People who are engaged in building a beautiful body organize proper and regular nutrition for themselves.

In addition, constant sports force these characters to introduce specialized supplements into their bodies. The most popular are vitamins and high-protein mixtures, amino acids and fat burners, as well as isotonics, energy drinks, creatines and L-carnitines. Don’t you think that from the list above, a banana protein shake looks like the greatest yummy and the least evil?

Well, now let's get back to our list of what the bodybuilder, fitness lady and marathon runner should get. First, a wholesome, healthy diet. Secondly, biologically active additives, the list of which was made above. Sometimes they are called sports nutrition, but this does not change the essence of the phenomenon. It is they that allow a training person to build muscle mass, increase power loads and maintain various organ systems in a state that allows a person to lead his own way of life, which is too active for the layman.

Why You Need Supplemental Protein

What does a banana protein shake have to do with it then? Because protein or whey protein is the first drug that athletes begin to take, whose load begins to exceed the “normal average”. What for? Let's take a look at how the human body benefits from an extra dose of protein.

By the way, the form of their entry into the body can be any. Some people like to drink a protein shake of cottage cheese and banana after a workout, another prefers to crush whey protein straight from the can, almost like caviar, only with more benefits for their body.

What happens if you regularly consume a protein shake with a banana:

  1. The human body will receive additional building material necessary for the formation of new cells. Taking a protein shake from a banana and milk after a workout, we artificially direct the flow of additional protein to the "building" of the muscular skeleton. So natural products allow bodybuilders to build muscle mass without harm to the body. And if we again mention the possibility of consuming a protein shake of cottage cheese and banana, then with obvious pleasure for a person.
  1. Protein, which enters the body unscheduled, improves metabolism. At the same time, it blocks the absorption of fats by the body. These two factors add up to weight loss. In other words, ridding the body of a layer of fat cells that hide muscle relief.
  1. Protein is believed to be an antioxidant. What it is? It binds free radicals that stop the oxidation (aging) of organelles, cells, organ systems. Therefore, a protein shake with banana and milk can be called the most delicious of all drugs that stop the aging of the body.
  1. The same protein taken by an athlete in the form of a protein shake with banana and cottage cheese has been proven to lower blood cholesterol levels. This minimizes the risk of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, thinning their volume or blockage. Therefore, whey protein - unexpectedly, was included in the list of drugs prescribed for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  1. Replenishing the body with building material - "free" protein, the discussed dietary supplement gives the body a kind of shield. This refers to the protective and immune function that proteins perform in our body. Additional building material allows the body to synthesize more "universal soldiers" that protect our body from infections that come from the Outside World.

An important point - whey protein or a protein shake with milk, banana and honey is categorically not recommended for those who are lactose intolerant or prone to allergies.

How to replenish protein stores in the body

There are three ways to replenish the human body with proteins. Firstly, we get our dose of proteins in the most trivial process of nutrition. White and red meat, dairy products, legumes are a valuable source of protein. At the same time, protein of animal origin is considered more valuable than that of plant origin.

Secondly, an additional dose of proteins can be obtained by buying dietary supplements in sports nutrition stores. This protein is obtained from the whey obtained as a result of the souring of milk. A high concentration of a useful substance in a jar allows a person to give the body a “building material” without switching to an exclusively protein diet.

Thirdly, we prepare a protein shake from banana milk and cottage cheese, thus combining business with pleasure. In general, if you are a gourmet bodybuilder, then it is the third option that can be considered ideal. Without forgetting, of course, the basics of a balanced diet, a reasonable combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as multiple meals during the day in small doses. Especially useful - they will provide the body with the protein necessary for building relief muscles and will not add new fat deposits.

How to make banana, cottage cheese and milk protein shakes

Let's start with what a valuable drink is prepared in. A sports shaker is best suited for this. It is no different from what the bartender uses. It’s just that it’s not alcohol that is whipped up with soda and fruit juices from tetra packs. We hope that such things never got into the inside of your sports shaker. Our athlete loads the chosen ingredients into the shaker glass, closes the lid and starts shaking. A sieve is used when you need to filter out the foam or unmixed particles of the components of your protein shake with banana and milk.

Sometimes cocktail authors suggest using a mixer rather than a shaker. This is justified in the case of mixing ingredients with different densities in a drink or in case of a need to obtain a truly homogeneous mass.

What are homemade protein shakes made from? Naturally, the basis of the banana protein shake recipe is milk. But! The same drink can be made from cottage cheese. Plus - a banana, the taste of which goes well with most dairy products. In addition, the taste of the drink is enriched with other fruits - strawberries, blueberries, wild strawberries, as well as nuts and oatmeal. Sometimes honey and even ice cream are added to the drink. The combination of the above components allows you to get an exceptional taste of homemade banana protein shake.

At the same time, we do not exclude the option of preparing a homemade banana protein shake from the whey protein described above. It is bought in sports nutrition stores. But to improve the taste and aesthetic appearance of the drink, a banana is added to it.

Best Homemade Banana Protein Shake Recipes

bodybuilder's dream

Liquid is poured into the shaker container - 0.5 liters of water or milk. It contains 1-2 tablespoons of whey protein. The dose is determined by consultation with a trainer or dietitian. An important point is that the powder is poured into the liquid, and not vice versa. This makes it easier to mix the drink to a homogeneous mass.

The shaker closes. The shake base is mixed by shaking the bowl to make a protein shake with milk and banana. Where is the banana? After obtaining a homogeneous mass, it is thrown into the shaker in a moderately crushed form. Another shake session and the bodybuilder gets the best drink that will allow him to build muscle mass without compromising health.

An important caveat - a ready-made protein shake made from milk and a banana should be consumed within 2 hours after preparation. The reason is that in a mixture with the highest concentration of protein, the processes of bacterial reproduction proceed at an accelerated pace.

Meaning - it is this drink that will bring maximum benefit to the body of its consumer. Regular intake of such liquids will allow the athlete to build muscle mass and eliminate fat faster.

Naturalness as a way of life

For those who prefer naturalness in everything, the following drink is offered. For 0.5 liters of milk, 1 crushed banana is added to the shaker. To increase the protein content, cottage cheese is added to a protein shake with milk and a banana. The norm is 100-200 grams. It is not forbidden, if the athlete is not prone to easy weight gain, to enhance the flavor component with a spoonful of honey, nuts or a handful of oatmeal.

Value - the time for which the named natural components are combined in a protein shake of cottage cheese, banana and milk is minimal. The chef sees that he is laying the shaker, therefore, in accordance with modern theories of healthy eating, this drink will bring maximum benefit to the human body.

Extravaganza of taste

For those who have just embarked on the path of acquaintance with biologically active substances and the principles of sports nutrition, we offer the “light” option. This is a protein shake made from cottage cheese, milk and banana, the taste of which is enriched with foods that are questionable from the point of view of a healthy diet. For example, for 0.5 liters of milk, 1 chopped banana and 100 grams of cottage cheese are put in a shaker. And here is the "secret agent" - 200 grams of ice cream like "plombir".

Significance - such drinks can be offered to children, guests and relatives less advanced in a healthy way of life. The harm from ice cream can be minimized if you cook it yourself.
