The benefits and harms of bear fat, reviews, how to take

The benefits and harms of bear fat are an urgent issue for fans of traditional medicine. The natural remedy has been used for decades - and it's interesting to know what properties make it popular.

The appearance of bear fat and characteristics

The fat layer under the skin of a bear allows not only the bear to survive the cold winters. Fat is also very useful for the human body, because it has healing properties.

Up to 28 kg of useful fat, or, as it is also called, fat, is obtained from one brown bear - and after processing, the product is sent to pharmacies and health shops. Outwardly, the fat looks like a thick substance of white or yellowish color, which has neither a sharp specific smell nor a recognizable taste.

At a low temperature of up to 9 degrees, bear fat is in a solid state, softens in heat, and at a temperature of about 30 degrees it becomes liquid. Useful properties are preserved in all states. The medicinal value of the remedy is due to the varied diet of the brown bear - the predator eats not only meat, but also honey, fish, herbs and berries, nuts and bird eggs. All the beneficial properties present in these products accumulate in the body of the bear and in its fat.

The composition and calorie content of bear fat

To understand the benefits of bear fat, you need to familiarize yourself with the detailed composition. The remedy contains:

  • natural animal and vegetable proteins;
  • minerals copper, iron and calcium;
  • choline;
  • natural bioregulators responsible for immunity - thymusamines, hepatimins;
  • bioregulator cerebramin, useful for the brain;
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids in equal proportions;
  • unsaturated acids, among them - oleic in the amount of more than 40%;
  • vitamins A and E;
  • vitamins B12, B3, B2 and B1.

The properties of fat successfully replace whole vitamin complexes. The calorie content is 910 calories per 100 g of the product - and at the same time the cholesterol content is extremely low, so there is no harm from increased nutrition.

What is useful bear fat

After reviewing the detailed composition and properties of the product, it is easy to understand that the benefits of bear fat for the human body are simply enormous. Healing agent:

  • increases the level of immunity and significantly strengthens the body's resistance;
  • reduces harmful cholesterol, cleanses the body of toxins, eliminates the harm of toxic heavy metals;
  • stimulates brain activity, improves the quality of blood;
  • has a beneficial effect on the state of the psyche and levels the hormonal background;
  • accelerates the process of cell renewal, promotes the rapid absorption of nutrients by the body;
  • helps fight anemia, dystrophy and exhaustion;
  • protects the heart and blood vessels from overload;
  • strengthens the respiratory system - including bear fat helps with asthma;
  • fights infections and inflammations in the body;
  • improves the condition of the skin and hair;
  • has a good effect on the condition of the joints and connective tissues.

For women

Since bear fat has a beneficial effect on hormonal levels, it will be of great benefit to women during menopause. In addition, the internal and external use of the drug helps with inflammatory processes in the female genital organs, prevents blood stasis, and normalizes reproductive functions.

For men

For men, the benefit of the product is that the properties of fat help in curing prostatitis, adenoma, impotence and even infertility. Regular intake of a useful remedy improves erectile function and increases libido.

Is it possible to give bear fat to children

The remedy is not contraindicated for babies - but so that there is no harm, it is possible to offer it to a child for the first time only after 3 years and if necessary. For example, they use bear fat for coughing for children, for the treatment of the common cold and SARS.

  • Children from 3 to 6 years old can be given no more than 1/3 teaspoon of the product without harm.
  • Children under 12 years old - a little more, half a teaspoon.
  • Teenagers can use a whole teaspoon of the product without harm to health.

Attention! It must be remembered that for all the benefits, bear fat has contraindications and can be harmful. Before treating a child with this remedy, you need to consult a pediatrician.

Is bear fat used for weight loss

Despite the increased calorie content, the remedy will be of great benefit on a diet. It effectively cleanses the body and activates fat burning processes, saturates the body with all useful substances. And the nutritional value is compensated by the fact that they take the product in very small dosages that do not harm the figure.

What helps and what bear fat treats

You can take the remedy for the sake of prevention, there will be no harm from this. But still, more often the properties of bear fat are used for medicinal purposes to alleviate specific ailments. Indications for bear fat will be as follows:

  • respiratory diseases;
  • ailments of the intestines and stomach;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • lack of immunity;
  • weakened nervous system;
  • ailments of the musculoskeletal system;
  • skin diseases;
  • colds of an infectious and bacterial nature.

They take bear fat for tuberculosis, the product is even used to treat cancerous tumors as an adjuvant - and they achieve positive results.

The use of bear fat externally and internally

In order for a natural remedy to bring maximum benefit in the treatment of ailments and not turn to harm, you need to know exactly how to take it. There are proven recipes of traditional medicine.

To strengthen immunity

Weakened immunity is manifested by a tendency to frequent colds, chronic fatigue, lack of strength. The beneficial properties of fat strengthen the immune system, restore vigor to the body and help to forget about a bad mood and the eternal feeling of "brokenness".

  • To strengthen the body's resistance, the remedy is taken in the amount of 1 large spoon.
  • You need to drink the remedy twice a day - before breakfast and shortly before dinner.
  • For a pleasant taste and greater benefits, bear fat is recommended to be mixed with liquid flower honey.

True, the treatment will take more than one day - in order for the body to become really stronger, you will need to take the remedy for at least 3 months.

From cough

When coughing, it is customary to use compresses and rubbing with bear fat. For example, you can mix:

  • bear fat - 4 large spoons;
  • finely ground hot pepper - 1 piece;
  • turpentine - 2 large spoons;
  • fir oil - 2 teaspoons.

The agent is mixed until smooth, impregnated with a piece of cloth, applied to the throat or chest and wrapped for an hour with cling film. Bear fat works great for pneumonia - the benefits of the remedy alleviate the symptoms of even severe respiratory diseases.

For colds and bronchitis

From SARS, influenza, acute bronchitis, such recipes help well:

  • Bear fat in the amount of 2 large spoons is mixed with a mashed fresh onion, the neck and chest are rubbed with the mixture, a napkin is applied on top, the compress is fixed with cling film and wrapped with a woolen cloth for an hour. It is best to carry out the procedure in the evening.
  • Bear fat with honey and milk is heated to 40 degrees and drunk three times a day. The drug softens the pain in the throat and relieves the temperature.

With a cold

If a cold is accompanied by a runny nose and nasal congestion, the benefits will be from drops.

  • For their preparation, fat is mixed with the juice of the Kalanchoe plant.
  • Then 2-3 drops are instilled into each nostril no more than 4 times a day.

If the runny nose is chronic, then a teaspoon of the remedy can be mixed with 5 drops of eucalyptus oil and smeared with this mixture on the bridge of the nose several times a day.

For joint pain

Since the remedy relieves inflammation well, bear fat is used for osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis.

  • beforehand, the body is well steamed in a bath or simply taken a hot bath;
  • fat in the amount of 150 g is mixed with 20 ml of jojoba oil and 10 drops of fir oil;
  • the warmed body is rubbed with balm in sore spots, wrapped for an hour with cling film and woolen cloth.

For stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal problems

The tool well helps the regeneration of mucous membranes, promotes the renewal of liver cells, helps the stomach to secrete digestive enzymes in the right amount. Therefore, the properties of fat are used for ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis and heartburn, they treat diabetes and constipation.

Instructions for bear fat for problems with the gastrointestinal tract looks very simple:

  • fat in the amount of 1 teaspoon is melted to a liquid state;
  • taken twice a day shortly before meals.

It is necessary to carry out therapy for 2 to 3 weeks, with good tolerance of the drug, the dosage can be increased to 2 teaspoons.

With hypertension

The fat of the forest predator equalizes blood pressure and is very useful for hypertension - especially for the elderly. It is recommended to take 1 teaspoon of the melted product before meals - twice or thrice a day. The maximum duration of the course of treatment is 3 months.

For psoriasis and other skin conditions

Natural remedy benefits skin condition and relieves inflammation. Therefore, it is used for psoriasis, dermatitis, wounds and abrasions - healing is faster than usual.

  • For the treatment of psoriasis and other ailments, you can prepare an ointment with bear fat - for example, mix the remedy with honey in equal proportions and smear irritated places twice a day.
  • It is also recommended to take 1 large spoonful of liquid fat inside for a month - this will activate the immune system and contribute to a quick recovery.

From burns

Since fat accelerates tissue regeneration, it will be of great benefit in case of burns.

  • It is best to use undiluted, pure fat.
  • A cotton swab or cotton pad is dipped into it and the fat is gently applied to the affected surface.
  • It is not required to bandage the smeared place, you need to repeat the procedure every day until the burn disappears completely.

Important! In no case should you lubricate a fresh, just received burn with fat - this will bring great harm. First, the damage is cooled for a long time under cold water, then treated with hydrogen peroxide, and only a few hours later a medicinal drug is applied.

From hemorrhoids

The beneficial properties of bear fat contribute to the rapid healing of cracks in the rectum, and also help to remove hemorrhoids. The method of treatment is the following:

  • with cracks and knots that have come out, it is necessary to lubricate the anus daily with melted fat - until the wounds heal;
  • in chronic illness and internal nodes, you can make small rectal suppositories from solid fat and use them daily until recovery, changing twice a day.

With oncology

A natural remedy helps to achieve recovery even with oncology, because it launches the immune system at full capacity and does not allow cancer cells to grow, harming the body.

  • In the initial stages of the disease (1 or 2), liquid fat, cognac and aloe juice are mixed in equal proportions, and then they drink shortly before meals, 1 large spoon three times a day.
  • Fat allows you to quickly restore the usual functions of the body after chemotherapy and reduce its overall harm. The agent is mixed in equal proportions with honey and the medicine is taken orally, 1 large spoonful three times a day.

Important! Under no circumstances should cancer be treated with natural remedies alone. It is necessary to use fat only as an addition to specialized medical preparations.

How bear fat is used in cosmetology

Bear fat is useful not only in curing diseases - it is actively used in home beauty recipes. On its basis, face and hair masks are made, the hands and skin of the whole body are lubricated with the product.

For face and body

The tool softens the skin and rejuvenates cells, helps to get rid of problems with the production of subcutaneous fat and eliminates inflammation.

  • Melted bear fat in a volume of 30 ml is mixed in equal proportions with shea butter, then heated to a warm temperature for a couple. You can add your favorite essential oils to the mask. After the mixture has cooled, it is applied to the face for a quarter of an hour.

The mask with bear fat is suitable not only for the face, but also for the hands, and for the whole body.

For hair beauty

The natural product strengthens the hair roots, normalizes the oiliness of the scalp, gives the curls volume and silkiness.

  • 1 large spoonful of fat is mixed with the same amount of honey, 5 drops of orange essential oil are added. The semi-liquid mixture is rubbed into the scalp at the roots and left for an hour and a half, and then washed off without using shampoo.

Harm of bear fat and contraindications

Useful bear fat in traditional medicine still has some contraindications. Harm from it will be if you take the remedy:

  • with individual allergies;
  • with stones in the gallbladder and inflammation of the biliary tract;
  • while taking antibiotics, hormonal drugs and psychotropic drugs;
  • at the age of less than 3 years.

It is also forbidden to use bear fat during pregnancy - its properties can harm the mother and fetus.

Which fat is better: bear or badger

In addition to bear fat, badger fat can also be found in health shops and pharmacies. In terms of properties, these funds are very similar, and there is still debate about which of them will benefit more.

Most researchers are inclined to believe that the beneficial properties of bear fat are still greater. The diet of this predator is more diverse, respectively, more valuable substances accumulate in the subcutaneous layer.

How to melt bear fat at home

In most recipes, fat is used in liquid form - it must be melted before use. They do it like this:

  • fat is passed through a meat grinder so that its structure becomes looser;
  • then placed in a small saucepan and heated in a water bath, stirring with a wooden spoon;
  • at the end of the process, the liquid fat is filtered, poured into sterile jars, cooled and placed in the refrigerator.

Melting fat takes about 3 hours, while it is important to ensure that the temperature does not rise above 90 degrees - otherwise all the beneficial properties will disappear.

How to choose the right bear fat

In pharmacies, you can find both bear fat in capsules and in jars, and private sellers can sell the product in the form of pieces of solid fat.

  • A high-quality product has a white or cream color, is uniform in consistency, and has no pungent odor.
  • The product must not contain traces of blood or hairs.
  • The natural product melts at temperatures above 26 degrees, becoming liquid, and at temperatures below 9 degrees it freezes.
  • High-quality fat in a liquid state is easily mixed with honey until a homogeneous mass.

Advice! it is best to purchase the product from reliable sellers who can provide quality certificates.

How long can bear fat be stored

In the refrigerator or freezer, at a temperature of 3 degrees or below, the product is stored for 2 years without losing its beneficial properties.


The benefits and harms of bear fat depend on whether there are any strict contraindications for use. In the absence of such, the properties of the fat of a forest predator will bring great benefits to the body and help in healing a number of ailments.
