Why are the press cubes uneven?

The front surface of the rectus abdominis muscle is crossed by three or four tendon bridges, due to which the muscle takes the form of cubes.

Rectus abdominis / youtube.com

In some people, these bridges are slightly shifted or staggered, and when the muscle increases in size, this becomes noticeable.

Staggered Ab Sections / bodybuilding.com

Why are they different?

This is a genetically determined feature, like eye color or hair texture. Moreover, genetics determines not only the location of the jumpers, but also their number. So, for some people, the press will consist of only four cubes, for others - from six, and for some - even from eight.

Left - six cubes, right - four / abgoals.com, gymterest.com

Does this affect performance in any way?

No. The location and number of tendon bridges does not affect the strength of the muscle, so you can safely engage in power sports - another form of the press will not interfere with you at all. However, genetics can affect how sculpted the abs look.

That is, someone can not swing at all, and the press will be embossed?

Not certainly in that way. In some people, the abdominal muscles are naturally thicker. Muscles with such a structure will look more prominent, especially if a person has a low body. However, it is impossible to get distinct cubes without training.

Why are some cubes so far apart?

It's all about the tendons that attach the muscles to the bones. If you have long tendons and short muscle bellies, the distance between the cubes will be greater, if vice versa - less. In people with short tendons, the potential for hypertrophy increases due to the greater muscle area.

Is it possible to somehow fix the asymmetrical press? Maybe there are special exercises?

No exercise will help you change the genetically determined structure of muscles and tendons. But there is nothing wrong with that. Many bodybuilders and athletes around the world have such a structure of the press, and this does not prevent them from doing what they love, looking great and winning competitions.