Oatmeal on the water - a simple recipe for a classic breakfast

or, is the best way to start your morning. Oatmeal on the water is a classic, tasty and healthy breakfast. We will now get acquainted with the features of porridge and recommendations for preparing a super-breakfast.

How to choose oatmeal

Of course, the most useful oatmeal, in which all vitamins and nutrients are preserved to the maximum, is obtained from a natural product, from whole oats(aka "Hercules"). It requires more time to cook, so it often loses to its crushed competitors (extra oatmeal). You can cook for a hearty breakfast, but today we are preparing a diet dish.

Flakes "extra" also differ in the degree of processing of flakes. If the package says number "3", these are the smallest flakes. They are perfect for small children and people with sensitive stomachs. These flakes are processed with steam and therefore they do not need to be boiled, just pour boiling water over them and let it brew for a couple of minutes.

Flakes with number "2" also thin. They are made from cut cereals. It takes 10 minutes to prepare these cereals.

The maximum content of carbohydrates from crushed differ flakes №1, they are made from whole grains, their structure is the most dense. Accordingly, for the preparation of such cereals, you will have to spend more time - 15-20 minutes, but porridge from them will be quite nutritious and very useful for the stomach.

Flakes "Hercules"- this is a separate variety of oatmeal, they are thicker than any extra flakes, they take the longest to cook, but they also have the most benefits.

Keep oatmeal in airtight packaging, otherwise they absorb moisture that is harmful to themselves. The shelf life of oatmeal is counted from the date of production, not packaging. High-quality oatmeal is white, cream or yellowish in color.

Recipe for oatmeal porridge with water

How to cook oatmeal with water. To get started, prepare two glasses of oatmeal, a liter of water, half a teaspoon of salt, a couple of small pieces of butter, sugar - at your discretion.

Carefully pour oatmeal into boiled water, salt and cook until thickened over low heat. Don't hesitate to stir so that your porridge can be boiled enough.

You can serve porridge with sugar, honey or fruit. You can pour the finished porridge with your favorite jam. If you are planning to lose weight or lose weight, then the calorie content of oatmeal will just help you with this. Just don’t add anything to the porridge, you don’t even need to salt it.

There is an accelerated option for cooking oatmeal: microwave. To do this, fill the oatmeal with water, add salt and cook for 4 minutes at full power. You can diversify the flakes with raisins and spices. Raisins should be added immediately and cooked for 4 minutes with cereal, and nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon with cloves should be flavored with a ready-made dish.

Scotch oatmeal

In addition to the huge benefits of oatmeal for the body, it is very easy to prepare. In some countries, it is generally the basis of the diet. In Scotland, for example, porridge, oatmeal, has become the main national dish. This happened because oats are the basis of the Scottish diet, 80 percent of the national cuisine is prepared from it. Until the 18th century, the Scots did not even eat white bread, but baked bread from wholemeal bran. We can safely say that in Scotland they know a lot about making oatmeal, so we offer you the recipe for Scottish oatmeal below.

Real Scottish oatmeal is prepared differently from our usual oatmeal. When preparing a porridge dish, stop adding salt, this will make it possible to correctly reveal the taste of oatmeal.

Also, according to the traditional recipe, butter, sugar and milk should not be added to the porridge. Porridge is cooked for about half an hour only on water and whole or crushed oat grains are taken as the basis, flakes will not work.

Oats need cook on low heat stir constantly, only then it will reveal a delicate nutty flavor that will spoil the addition of sugar, butter or jam. But while eating, the finished dish can be salted or served with milk or cream.

The tradition of cooking porridge is still observed today, and the Scots cook porridge for a whole week, after which they allow the porridge to cool. It is also important that the dish is thick so that it can be cut into portions and eaten for breakfast.

If you are planning to lose weight or cleanse your body, add water-based oatmeal to your diet. And you will see what miracles it is capable of.
