Deadlift: dumbbells or barbell?

The deadlift is one of the best exercises for training the hamstrings and glutes. Also, the lower back (lower back) receives an additional load ...

Many athletes ask the question - with which projectile is it better to do deadlift, with dumbbells or with a barbell? Today we will look at both options and figure out what their main difference is.

The hands during the dumbbell row are in a more comfortable position than the fixed bar of the bar - this is the main difference from the barbell row. Due to this position of the hands, it is possible to shift the center of gravity, due to which the load on the extensors of the back is reduced and the load on the back of the thigh is more concentrated.

Starting position:

Grab the dumbbells with a neutral grip and stand up straight. Place your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower.

While inhaling, pulling the pelvis back and leaning forward, gently lower the dumbbells down.

Recommendations: bend over by pulling the hip joint back. Try to keep your legs as straight as possible, but if your stretch does not allow you to lower the dumbbells at least to the middle of the lower leg, you can bend your knees a little. In the lower back, deflection throughout the exercise, do not let the back round. Do not take the dumbbells forward, they should be close to the legs (or almost close) throughout the movement.

Unlike the dumbbell row, the barbell allows you to work with more weight (more than 100 kg), which in turn creates a greater load on the muscles than in the dumbbell version.

Starting position:

Grab the barbell with a shoulder-width grip. Take the bar off the racks and take a step back. Stand up straight. Put your feet at a distance of about 20 centimeters from each other.

Exercise technique:

While inhaling, slowly, pulling the pelvis back and leaning forward - lower the barbell down.

As you exhale, return to the starting position.

When performing barbell rows, use the same recommendations as in the previous exercise.

As you can see, both exercises have their advantages and we cannot give preference to any one of them. We recommend doing both versions of the deadlift, which will only benefit you. You can do two exercises in one workout (for example, 3 sets with a barbell and 3 with dumbbells) or alternate them, which will at least add variety to your training process, and this is also not unimportant. These exercises will be a great addition to your legs and glutes training program, so be sure to include them in your training plan and you will see for yourself the effectiveness of the deadlift in the next workout.
