Currant leaves: medicinal properties and contraindications

Garden crop, called currant, is considered one of the most common. An unpretentious shrub tolerates frost well, gives a large harvest and does not require special care. The plant has been cultivated since the 15th century. There are at least 1000 populations of berry crops in the world. Each variety is divided into early, mid-season and late. Often found in the wild in Russia and Europe.

Without exaggeration, currant fruits are very much appreciated in horticulture, as well as in the economic, cosmetic, culinary and pharmaceutical industries. Folk healers revere and love the plant. The value of a garden shrub is indicated by its chemicals. Not only berries, but also currant leaves are endowed with a therapeutic function. Medicinal properties are fully studied and tested in practice. In the next publication, we will talk about this culture, or rather about the benefits of leaves.

Every gardener knows firsthand that the berry bush exudes a pleasant aroma and is a decoration of the site. But not everyone is aware of the benefits of black currant. The leaves (medicinal properties are justified by the composition) are enriched with essential oils, which exhibit a bactericidal effect. Like berries, they contain vitamins A, P, ascorbic, malic, succinic and citric acids.

Carotenes, pectin substances and a balanced list of chemical elements (iron, manganese, copper, cobalt, iodine and others) were found. Based on such a rich and varied composition, the leaves are used in folk therapy along with berries. In dried form, they are added to fortified collections to strengthen immunity.

We prepare currant leaves

Medicinal properties (when collecting raw materials, we will describe in the article) of fruits and leaves are stored fresh, dried and frozen. Berries should be harvested after full ripening, depending on the variety. The leaves are usually cut in June-July, when the shrub has faded, and the berries have not yet appeared. The main thing is to carefully examine their appearance. The surface should be free of damage and signs of disease.

After that, the raw materials are thoroughly dried: under a canopy or in the attic. Do not expose the product to the damaging effects of sunlight, otherwise ascorbic acid decomposes. The dried plant is used in cooking and folk therapy.

Currant leaves: medicinal properties and indications

The combination of the contained components allows it to be used as an antioxidant agent. Dried leaves are recommended to be used as a tea decoction to maintain protective forces, especially during an epidemic of colds. The drink contributes to the replenishment of vitamin C.

Ascorbic acid deficiency negatively affects visual function. Using a natural berry decoction for influenza, you can avoid complications and shorten the course of the disease. It is impossible not to say about the diuretic and diaphoretic effect of the leaves. In the course of clinical studies, scientists were able to discover cleansing and adsorbing properties.

Due to the presence of pectin elements, decoctions and infusions based on this plant remove decay products, radionuclides, heavy metals and toxins from the body that clog our vessels. Raw materials are designed to help restore digestive function, improve bowel function, and increase the production of gastric juice.

The benefits don't end there. It should be noted that blackcurrant leaves, whose medicinal properties and contraindications are incomparable, are an effective tool in the fight against problem skin. Dermatologists often prescribe baths or lotions along with medications. Procedures with herbal decoction have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Natural medicine eliminates itching, dries acne, relieves redness and irritation. Even pediatricians advise bathing the baby in such a solution. For the same purpose, a red currant leaf is suitable. Medicinal properties are not inferior to other varieties. They are brewed, then applied to boils or inflammation.

They make masks aimed at combating enlarged pores and excessive oiliness. The tool eliminates swelling, bags under the eyes, gently whitens. The broth is rinsed with curls, it helps to cure seborrhea, make hair shiny and silky. Leaves help reduce sweating and remove unpleasant odors.

A pleasant addition to the diet of a pregnant woman

Doctors fully confirm the high benefits of garden shrubs. One of the main advantages is the content of vitamin C. This is an indispensable element for the proper development of the fetus and the maintenance of the woman's immune system. Berries and currant leaves will help to avoid vitamin deficiency. Medicinal properties and contraindications must be known to all expectant mothers. From the product you can prepare fruit drinks, tonic drinks, tea, jelly. Simple dishes and drinks are easy to prepare, have unlimited benefits and a pleasant taste.

Application in alternative medicine

As we found out, blackcurrant is endowed with a unique fortified composition. Leaves (healing properties appear in any form) can be combined with other herbs that will help cure a number of pathologies. Regular consumption of raw materials will destroy pathogenic bacteria, improve the functioning of internal organs and prevent anemia. Folk healers actively use funds in the form of water and alcohol tinctures, decoctions and compresses. We offer you to get acquainted with the most popular and effective.

Healing infusion for rheumatoid diseases

The recipe includes 50 grams of dried blackcurrant leaves and half a liter of boiling water. Both components are mixed and infused in a closed container for 60 seconds. Take orally three times a day approximately 20-30 minutes before meals. The solution helps with stones in the kidneys.

For patients with diabetes

You will need the following plants: 5 gr. mint leaves, 20 gr. dandelions, 10 gr. blackberry leaves and currant leaves (the medicinal properties of the herbal tea are very high) in the amount of 15 gr. Take a tablespoon of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, cover or pour into a thermos. The broth should stand for at least an hour. Drink in a filtered state three times a day for 5-10 minutes before meals.

In case of influenza

An excellent drug for relieving the symptoms of colds. It is prepared from two large spoons of dry raw materials (leaves) and 250 ml of water (hot). Steam the mixture in a water bath for about 15 minutes, then strain. Take a sip before each meal. The same medicine lowers blood pressure and fights dermatological problems (apply compresses to the skin).

Phytocollection to lower the temperature

A "tasty" medicine is designed to bring down the high temperature and establish metabolic processes. It is done as follows: take 15 gr. blackberry and raspberry leaves, as well as currant leaves (the medicinal properties of plants have a positive effect on health) in the amount of 20 grams. From the resulting mixture, we need only two teaspoons and 400 ml of boiled water (hot). The infusion will be ready in 15 minutes. Drink after meals as a tea drink.

To prevent alopecia

Do you dream of a lush and thick hair, but do not know how to achieve this? We present to your attention a simple and effective recipe. Combine blackcurrant leaves in a glass of boiling water (healing properties and contraindications are contradictory) - about 3 dessert spoons. Leave the solution for about an hour. Rinse curls after shampooing. With the help of vegetable decoction, you can accelerate hair growth, prevent hair follicles from falling out.

Available restrictions

In small doses, use for people with peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract and gastritis (during an exacerbation). Contraindications include thrombophlebitis. Do not take redcurrant leaves for allergy sufferers. Medicinal properties and contraindications should be known to all lovers of the berry bush. Be healthy!
