Medicinal properties of carrot tops and its use in traditional medicine

Carrot tops are known not only in cooking, but also among physicians. It is good for the body. To properly use greens, you need to know about the benefits and disadvantages of the plant.

The root crop itself (carrot) has been used in various ways since ancient times. Not everyone knows that the tops of carrots also carry a certain value. Its medicinal properties help maintain health. In addition, it has a specific aroma. Therefore, it is often added to salads, combining with other vegetables.

Also present in large quantities: calcium, chromium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. These elements have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Carrot greens are rich in chlorophyll, which has the ability to purify the blood and strengthen bone tissue. The substance has an advantage - the answer for the regeneration of processes. For this reason, carrot tops can be used to treat oncology, at least the leaves can slow down the pathological process.

The tops perfectly stimulate the functions of the reproductive system, thereby relieving a man of sexual problems. As a result, the potency increases, the spermatozoa begin to move faster. This is important for infertile couples.

The usefulness of greens lies in a significant amount of mineral salts, important vitamins. The tops contain selenium, known as a natural antioxidant. When using a small sprig of carrot greens in the morning, you can cover the daily dose of this mineral. Also, the tops contain sucrose in the amount of 10%.

She is a leader among greens with keratin in the composition. In the body, the mineral is converted into vitamin A, thereby protecting cells and prolonging youth.

What helps?

Carrot tops are used for the treatment of various diseases and general support of the body. Substances in the composition of the leaves normalize the immune system, increase the protective properties of the body. In the case of a current illness, they help to recover quickly. In addition, the tops are able to maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, so carrot leaves are used as preventive measures against stroke.

Also, do not neglect to use the leaves for high blood pressure. Greens have a positive effect on blood vessels, normalize blood pressure, and help at the initial stage of hypertension. Osteoporosis is a disease in which carrot tops can be a good helper. It preserves calcium, prevents bone fragility, and prevents the disease from progressing.

There is a beneficial effect on the functioning of the lungs, so greens are often advised to be added to the fees used during a cough. With obesity, the tops help to reduce excess weight and normalize metabolic processes.

Vitamins B in the composition of the leaves restore the nervous system, eliminate irritability,. For example, leaf tea is drunk with emotional overload.

It is important to know that carrot greens have a detoxifying effect. For this reason, a decoction with carrot leaves can normalize the condition after alcohol intoxication, poisoning.

Possessing a diuretic effect, the tops eliminates any puffiness, removes. There is no immediate effect, but the process is noticeably accelerated. Children need carrot tops during the period of changing teeth.


Even with all the advantages and disadvantages of carrot tops, it has contraindications. Root leaves are not recommended for use in the following conditions:

  • Allergy to carrots;
  • stomach ulcer (acute phase);
  • Duodenal ulcer;
  • Inflammatory process in the large intestine;
  • Colitis.

Pregnant women should be careful about carrot greens, as it can cause premature birth. In other cases, the tops are used without prohibitions.

Dosage forms

For medicinal purposes, carrot leaves are used as a decoction. It can be taken orally and used externally. Useful tea from tops and freshly squeezed juice from tops.

In folk medicine, all parts of the root crop are used, including the leaves. Tinctures are made from them, juice is squeezed out, a decoction is prepared.

Popular recipes for the whole family

If there is stomatitis, then carrot tops will help to cure it or significantly alleviate the condition. For adults, the juice of the leaves of the root crop, diluted with water 1: 1, is suitable. The oral cavity is rinsed three times a day.

  • For babies, carrot juice is suitable. Starting from the second month of life, the child needs to drip 1-2 drops of juice per day before feeding. The increase in dose should go up to 4 months. At this age, the dosage will be 1 teaspoon. To treat stomatitis in an infant, you should squeeze the juice and leaves, add a little honey, lubricate the baby's mouth.
  • For the treatment of the heart and blood vessels, you need to put a couple of branches of tops on 200 grams of boiling water. Insist 12 hours in heat. Take 100 grams several times a day. The recipe is useful for people who have had a heart attack.
  • Often, carrot leaves are used during. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour a handful of leaves with hot water, leave it warm for an hour. Take three times a day, both during remission and during an exacerbation.
  • It will be useful for a nursing mother to drink juice from the tops of carrots. This normalizes lactation and increases milk production.

In case of any disease, it is necessary to contact a specialist in a timely manner. It is dangerous to arbitrarily prescribe treatment for yourself, since all pathological processes in the body must be controlled by a doctor.
