Porridge. Table of ratios of volumetric parts of water and cereals according to N.I. Kovalev. Recipes.

A table of the ratios of parts of water and cereals from the book (textbook) “Russian Cuisine” by N.I. Kovalev and several recipes, comments and photographs from the authors of this post under the cut..

Table of ratios of parts of water and cereals “Russian Cuisine” by N.I. Kovalev and several recipes, comments and photographs from the authors of this post

Table of the ratio of parts (by volume) of water and cereals when boiling porridge (according to N.I. Kovalev “Russian Cuisine”, a textbook for students of higher educational institutions

Amount of liquid (parts per 1 part cereal)

CerealsCool porridgeSlushMush





Wheat spelled 23.5-45-6


BUCKWHEAT CROBBY porridge (standard technology, suitable for most types of porridge).

At the rate of 1 volume part of water per 1.5 - 2 volume parts of cereal.

Rinse the buckwheat and drain the water thoroughly (through a small sieve).

Pour 1.5-2 cups of boiling water into a (preferably cast iron) saucepan (volume 1-1.5l) or pot, add salt to taste (for the authors of this post this is about 1 level tbsp of salt), add vegetable oil if desired (a small amount, about 25-50 g) or without oil at all, add the cereal, let it boil (with the lid open), after boiling, cover with a lid and cook at the lowest boil, preferably on a flame spreader (if the hob is gas), about 20-25 minutes (each since the time varies a little for some reason)), until the water is completely absorbed by the cereal.


(Millet porridge often turns out sticky, and to get really crumbly millet porridge, for example, for millet juice or just to show off), the authors boil it differently than, for example, buckwheat J).

At the rate of 1 volume part of water per 1 volume part of cereal.

Rinse the millet cereal in several waters, add hot water and let stand for about 30 minutes or about 1 hour, drain the water thoroughly (!!!) from it (through sieves).

Pour 1 glass of boiling water into a (preferably cast iron) saucepan (volume 1-1.5 liters) or cast iron pot, add salt to taste (for the authors of the post this is about 1 tablespoon of salt without a slide), add vegetable oil if desired (small amount, about 25-50 d) or without oil at all, add the cereal and cook at medium boiling intensity, with the lid open, until the cereal has almost (!) completely absorbed the water, then cover tightly with the lid, cook until the water is completely absorbed (literally another minute), remove the pan from the cooking surface (from the stove) and let it brew for a few minutes. Open the lid and mix the cereal carefully.

WHEAT PORRIDGE WITH WHOLE WHEAT GRAINS(for example, for real sochiva, and in general this is a very interesting and healthy porridge).

Soak the wheat grains for a day (24 hours) (you can also “overnight”, for 12 hours if you don’t have time, but it’s better for 24 hours!). It is advisable to rinse the grains several times during the soaking process (to avoid “souring”). Then drain the water thoroughly.

It is advisable to cast iron pan with a volume of 1.5 - 2 liters (or into a saucepan, pot...) pour 2.5 - 3 cups of boiling water, add wheat grains, let it boil, cover with a lid, reduce the heating intensity to a minimum (reduce gas) and cook without salt and oil, at the lowest boil, until the grains completely or almost completely absorb water. You need to salt this porridge when the water has almost evaporated, at the very end. Add oil after the cereal is salted and cooked.


At the rate of 1 volume part of water per 1.5 volume parts of cereal.

Pour 1.5 cups of boiling water into a (preferably cast iron) saucepan or pot (volume 1-1.5 liters), add salt to taste (for the authors of this post it’s about 1 level tbsp of salt), add vegetable oil if desired (a small amount, about 25- 50 g) or without oil at all, add the cereal and cook, covering it with a lid, for about 12-15 minutes, until the water is completely absorbed by the cereal.


It is convenient to cook porridge by placing the pan on the divider (especially if the porridge is “long”).

When boiling cereals for sochiv and kutya, you should cook without salt and without oil (although there are types of sochiv, holiday ones, to which it is permissible to add oil, but this will be the subject of a separate post).

Porridges are very easy to prepare, healthy and very relevant during Lent).

