Calorie pear conference 1 pc

Calorie and nutritional value of pear

Pears have long been used in folk medicine. They are characterized mainly by fixing, diuretic, disinfectant, antipyretic and antitussive action. This effect is possessed not only by fresh, but also by dried fruits, as well as juice, decoctions (fresh and dried fruits), jelly.

And yet the fruits of the pear tree are one of the healthiest delicacies. Pear is rich in sugars, organic acids, enzymes, fiber, tannins, nitrogen and pectin, vitamins C, B1, P, PP, carotene (provitamin A), as well as flavonoids and phytoncides. Pears usually seem sweeter than apples, although they have less sugar. Many varieties of pears are rich in trace elements, including iodine.

The main value of the pear is in the content of nutritional fibers (2.3 g/100 g). The content of vitamin C in it is not high. In terms of folic acid content, pear surpasses even blackcurrant.

The fruits of pears should be consumed correctly: eat on an empty stomach and drink water. Also, they should not be eaten with meat and regaled on them earlier than half an hour after the end of the meal. Only ripe, fragrant, juicy, delicate fruits have medicinal properties.

Pear juice is an excellent tonic, tonic and vitamin remedy, it is also extremely useful in the treatment of certain gastric diseases. Pears contain a lot of folic acid, which is important for children, pregnant women and those who are concerned about the problem of hematopoiesis.

Ancient doctors valued pear fruits as a means of promoting the rapid healing of wounds and lowering the temperature. In ancient Arabic works on medicine, it was indicated that pears help treat lung diseases. Pear juice and fruit decoctions have antibacterial activity due to the content of the antibiotic arbutin. They are also used as a means to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

The benefits of this fruit for the digestive system are invaluable. Ripe juicy and sweet pears promote digestion, have fixative properties and are therefore useful for intestinal disorders. Pear pulp is more easily tolerated by the body than apple pulp. Sour and very tart varieties of pears strengthen the stomach and liver, stimulate appetite, but they are more difficult for the body to digest. Therefore, this type of pear is contraindicated for the elderly and those who suffer from severe disorders of the nervous system.

With liver diseases, cholecystitis, gastritis, two pears eaten in the morning will relieve pain and heartburn, and eliminate discomfort in the intestines.

Pears have an invigorating, refreshing and cheerful effect, improve mood.

Pear is very useful for the heart in general and for cardiac arrhythmias in particular. This is due to the fact that the pear contains a lot of potassium, which means that it has alkaline properties that have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart. By the way, the better and stronger the smell of a pear, the greater its benefits, especially for the heart. Unlike apples, pears are also good for the lungs.

For cosmetic purposes, ripe pear fruits are used (gruel from them), preferably wild stale pears - they contain more vitamins, organic and biologically active substances.

A pleasant crunch when biting a pear is explained by the presence of stony cells in the pulp, the shells of which consist of lignified fiber. This very fiber irritates the mucous membrane of the small intestine, therefore, with exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, eating pears is better refrain.

Below is a table of calorie content and nutritional value of pears.

The product's name Number of grams of the product Contains
pear 100g 47 kcal
one medium pear 135 grams 63.7 kcal
conference pear 100g 56 kcal
proteins 100g 0.4 gr.
fat 100g 0.3 gr
carbohydrates 100g 10.3 gr.
dietary fiber 100g 2.8 gr.
water 100g 85 gr.

100 grams of pear contains the following trace elements: Iron 2.3 mg, Zinc 0.19 mg, Iodine 1 mcg, Copper 120 mcg, Manganese 0.065 mg, Selenium 0.1 mcg, Fluorine 10 mcg, Molybdenum 5 mcg, Boron 130 mcg, Vanadium 5 mcg, Silicon 6 mg, Cobalt 10 mcg, Nickel 17 mcg, Rubidium 44 mc.

100 grams of pear contains the following vitamins:
Beta-carotene 0.01 mg
Vitamin A (RE)2 mcg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.02 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.03 mg
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic) 0.05 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.03 mg
Vitamin B9 (folic) 2 mcg
Vitamin C 5 mg
Vitamin E (TE) 0.4 mg
Vitamin H (biotin) 0.1 mcg
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 4.5 mcg
Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) 0.2 mg

Pears are used in the pear diet for weight loss

See also: orange calories

©Nika Sestrinskaya - especially for the site

How many calories are in pears?

Pear is one of the healthiest fruits available to every person. In addition to its taste, it also has a number of valuable properties that help cleanse the body and strengthen the immune system. The calorie content of a pear is very low, which allows you not to refuse delicacies even for those who monitor their weight.

On the world market, fruits exported from China are more popular. But in our area there are all conditions to grow this tree and cultivate varieties that have appeared in Asia. No one will be surprised by the Chinese pear lying on the shelves of our stores. Moreover, this variety has become one of my favorites.

fruit benefits

The pear contains such vitamins: C, B1, P, PP. It is rich in carotene, folic acid (especially useful for children and pregnant women) and many other important substances for the body.

This fruit is very useful for improving the functioning of the heart, it strengthens blood vessels and helps to accelerate blood formation. Often this product is advised to donors for the restoration of the body. With cholecystitis, gastritis, liver disease, it is enough to eat two fruits in the morning, and this will save you from heartburn and pain.

Juices and decoctions contain an antibiotic of natural origin, arbutin, which has an antibacterial effect. Pear fibers are better absorbed in the digestive system than apples, they are digested faster and contribute to the normal functioning of the intestines. But you also need to be able to eat fruit. It is best to eat pears before meals with water. Then, for several hours, you should not eat meat, and after a hearty dinner, wait at least half an hour, and only then enjoy this dessert.

Energy value of the product

The calorie content of a pear is estimated at 47 kcal per 100 grams. This rather low figure allows you to add a pear to the list of dietary products. One medium fruit, which weighs approximately 135 grams, will give the body 63 kcal.

The advantage of the pear also lies in the high content of dietary fiber - 2.8 g per 100 grams of product. This makes the fruits more satisfying. Compared to an apple, a pear contains much less sugar, although it tastes sweeter. This fact also plays into the hands of people who follow their figure. A large amount of water (85/100 grams) allows you to deceive the stomach, because the liquid creates a feeling of satiety.

Varieties and their properties

In the domestic market, you can observe many different varieties of this fruit.

Here are a few and the most common:

  • Chinese pear (usually exported from China, Israel, Korea);
  • conference (grows in our latitudes, characterized by a long shelf life);
  • golden gate (winter variety, resistant to spoilage);
  • Mlievskaya early (ripens early, has very soft fruits).

All these varieties fell in love with the buyer, because they have juicy fruits and approximately the same composition of useful elements.

The Chinese pear produces medium-sized fruits. It is juicy, sweet and no less useful than its relatives. The energy value of the fruit is 42 kcal. The only negative is the shelf life.

Since this product is exported from far away, please check the delivery date when purchasing. Sometimes it starts to spoil already on the way to the store, but at the right temperature it can be stored for more than two weeks. Of the pluses, we denote the fact that the Chinese pear is very soft and juicy. This fruit differs from domestic long-term varieties.

The Conference variety also grows in our latitudes. This pear is the lowest calorie, only 40 kcal per hundred grams. Moreover, there are no less vitamins and microelements in it. But the size of the fetus is larger than that of other species. One copy weighs an average of 200 grams, which in total is 80 kcal.

Dried fruits enjoy great love, especially in winter. In our case, we should mention the dried pear. The energy value of this product is quite high due to the fact that in order to get one kilogram of goodies, it is necessary to spend quite a lot of fresh food. Dried pear is estimated at 249 kcal / 100 g.

To summarize: the energy value of a pear, whether Chinese or otherwise, is very small. This means that it can be safely consumed in the form of a dietary dessert. This product is also very useful for people who monitor their own health. One or two fruits a day will delight you with taste, bring tangible benefits and a charge of positive mood.

How many calories are in a pear: green, williams or pakham

From an early age, we all know such a tasty fruit as a pear. And we all know how nutritious and healthy it is! But if you ask you directly what a pear is good for, the answer will be standard: “It has a lot of vitamins.” Do you know what kind of vitamins enter our body with pears? What processes does it contribute to in our body?

Pear nutrition

There are countless vitamins in pear. This list contains vitamin C (4.2 mg), PP, B1 (0.01 mg), B2 (0.02 mg), B3 (0.15 mg), B5 (0.04 mg), B6 ​​(0 02 mg), A, provitamin A. The pear also contains organic acids (folic acid is especially important, which is also called B9), fiber (1.9 g), sugar, carotene, enzymes, pectins, nitrogen substances, tannins , phytoncides, flavonoids, various trace elements (iodine, fluorine, copper, zinc) and macronutrients (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium). With vitamins, sugar and fiber, everything is probably clear. But what are tannins or, for example, phytoncides? In order to realize the full usefulness of pears, we will answer these questions.

Tannins are complex organic substances belonging to the aromatic series. They have an anti-inflammatory effect on the intestines, improve the absorption of nutrients, reduce the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract, help in the treatment of antigy and stomatitis (in the form of a rinse), etc.

Pectins are plant high molecular weight saccharides that affect metabolism and lower cholesterol levels. Pectin reduces the likelihood of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and, importantly, cancer. It also activates the microorganisms that produce vitamins.

Phytoncides are biologically active substances with antimicrobial properties. Phytoncides are found in plants everywhere: in the stem, root, flowers (if any). They purify the air, ridding it of harmful microorganisms; some can repel rodents and insects that carry disease.

Flavonoids are natural phenolic compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. They ease the course of allergies, protect the walls of blood vessels in diabetes and heart disease, and prevent certain types of diseases associated with oncology.

Pear as medicine

The properties of pears that are useful for us include antipyretic, diuretic, antitussive, disinfectant and fixing action. It helps in the treatment of lung diseases (it is able to thin and remove accumulations of mucus), anemia, with violations of the pancreas, heals wounds and lowers the temperature. If you have gastritis, cholecystitis or liver disease, try to train yourself to eat a pear (one / two is enough) early in the morning. This should help deal with heartburn and pain. Arbutin in pears prevents diseases of the bladder and liver. In addition, the pear miraculously invigorates and improves mood! There is a little secret - the more useful the pear is, the stronger it smells. So it is difficult to overestimate the possibilities of a pear!

Healthy pear calories

How many calories are in an apple, pear? Often, when calculating the caloric content of the diet, you need to know this for sure. So how many calories are in 1 pear (in our case). So, in 1 piece there are about 55 kcal (if it is more than 100 grams). For comparison, an apple has 45 kcal.

How many calories are in a pear - probably worries those who are losing weight and dieters. We hasten to reassure you, a pear is a non-calorie product. In its 100 grams, only 42-45 kcal. According to the composition, we can say that the pear is the richest in carbohydrates: 10.2%. Proteins in a pear are contained in an amount of 0.3%. Even less fat! Only 0.2%! The rest is water. Therefore, watching the figure, you can not worry about how many calories are in a pear and that you ate more of them than you need.
We have now called the average calorie content. But after all, there are many varieties of pears, and what if you bought an unfamiliar one, but you need to know the calorie content?

Pear varieties

How many calories are in pakham pear, for example? 42 kcal per 100 grams. In addition, pakham pear is very fragrant and delicate, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

In the pear "Duchess", which was awarded the title of the best dessert variety due to its juiciness and sweetness, 42 kcal per 100 grams. It is medium-sized, with a reddish blush on the side, fine-grained.

42 kcal per 100 grams is also found in the naxi pear, or Chinese pear. It is distinguished by juicy pulp with a pleasant sourness. You will not confuse this variety with anything thanks to its “appearance” that is different from others. "Nashi" is more like an apple in shape, but in composition and properties, of course, it corresponds to a pear.

A pear with the original name "conference" contains 46 kcal per 100 grams. Only a little more than others, but how delicious it is! "Conference" is distinguished by exceptional sweetness and fragrantness.

How many calories are in a Williams pear? Here things are a little different. Variety "Williams" contains about 50 kcal and has a pleasant aroma of nutmeg and a delicate taste. The flesh is white-yellow.

Pear varieties are distinguished by the time of year. There are, respectively, autumn varieties (Crimean honey, smerichka, bere bosk, conference), winter (kucheryanka, noyabrskaya, dekanka winter, striiskaya) and summer (summer Williams, Clapp's favorite, starkrimson)

If the question arose, how many calories are in a green, red or yellow pear, then it is the same - 42 kcal per 100 grams.

Proper use of pears

If you are still in doubt about whether to use a pear for weight loss, then the answer is definitely yes! Unlike apples, its pulp is easier to carry. But remember that tart or sour pears are more difficult to digest, but at the same time strengthen the stomach, and at the same time the liver.

If you eat pears in small quantities as a snack, they will fit perfectly into your diet. Pear just can not be eaten on an empty stomach. The rules for eating pears also include the fact that they cannot be washed down with water, you can eat half an hour after eating, and preferably until two in the afternoon (in extreme cases, up to four). In the evening, the pear you eat will turn into unnecessary sugar.

Pear for diet

There is even a pear diet. The secret is very simple - a pear for breakfast and lunch. Of course, do not forget about other products. An addition to a pear breakfast can be bread or black bread, a small portion of buckwheat or rice porridge. For dinner, add fresh vegetables or herbs, cheese, eggs, low-fat dairy products. For dinner, eat something light - fat-free cottage cheese or a glass of milk. With this diet, unsweetened green tea is allowed, as well as meat (chicken breast, lean beef). Very important: meat can be eaten after a pear even after three hours. Do not forget!

Dried fruits

Use fresh pears in your diet, or you can sometimes replace them with dried ones.

Dried pear is suitable for people with diabetes and liver disease, plus it does not contain sweeteners. If you want to say goodbye to excess weight, a dried pear will not work for you. It (no less useful) contains 270 kcal. However, this calorie content is compensated by the fact that the dried pear helps to remove heavy metals and toxins from the body, prevents fainting and dizziness. Also, dried pears have a natural sweetness, because they do not contain sugar syrup. But do not use them in combination with milk - it acts as a laxative (not applicable to cottage cheese).

"Drinking Pear"

Pear decoctions and natural pear juices are very useful. They have a tonic and restorative effect, strengthen the gastrointestinal tract and vascular walls, and have antibacterial properties. Diabetics should drink pear juice with water in a ratio of one to one half an hour before lunch (breakfast or dinner). Thanks to this, you will be able to avoid sudden spikes in sugar levels.

A pear has significantly less sugar than an apple, but it tastes very sweet. This tasty fruit does not have a very high energy value, therefore very useful for dietary nutrition.

Pear Duchess

There are many varieties of this fruit. The Duchess variety is quite popular due to its delicate taste and pleasant aroma.

The nutritional value of a medium-sized Duchess pear is 42 kcal.

She is great for dessert any time of the day. From the Duchess variety, you can make a great juice that will tone, strengthen and saturate our body with vitamins.

Calorie content of pears Conference and Williams

The Conference variety is distinguished by its rigidity, however, the fruits are very juicy, can be stored for a long time, while not spoiling and retaining all valuable properties.

The energy value of pear varieties Conference reaches 46 kcal.

The Williams variety has a special softness of the fruit, so I often use it for baby purees.

Pear Williams contains 48 kcal.

It is best to eat a pear half an hour before meals, and after taking it, do not drink any drinks for an hour, as the fruit contains a lot of water.

The use of pears in the diet

In most cases, this fruit can be consumed by people on a diet. In pears there is a lot of fructose, assimilating which the human stomach does not use insulin, and this is an excellent option for diabetics.

Pear juice perfectly removes toxins, but if you use it with food, there will be no effect - this should be done separately.

Pear cleanses and strengthens the stomach and intestines, but, as already mentioned, in no case should you drink it, because it is undesirable to dilute the gastric juice necessary for its digestion.

It is forbidden to seize a pear with fish and meat.

Furthermore , these foods should not be eaten for three hours after eating the fruit. It must be borne in mind that eating it before meals will cause a feeling of hunger.

The diet, in which pears are the main product, lasts one week. This period can not be increased - it threatens health problems. But if you liked the diet and brought good results, the diet can be repeated only after 3 months, Not earlier.

Sample menu:

  1. Breakfast - oatmeal porridge, low-fat cottage cheese, which can be replaced with cheese. Wash it all down with pear juice, but not immediately.
  2. Lunch - vegetable salad, lean soup, boiled fish.
  3. Dinner - boiled hard-boiled or soft-boiled egg, a salad of pears and other fruits.

Every day for a week should eat from two to five pears. Drink juice, tea or fruit drink without sugar, but taking into account the recommendations above.

For a diet, it is better to take white ripe pears. having a characteristic aroma. They are delicious, as they contain a high content of biologically active substances. The ripeness of pears is determined by pressing with a finger - if a dent remains, then you can safely make a purchase.

Calorie content of pears - how to lose weight

Pears are fruit trees and shrubs of the Pink family. Some types of pear are valued for their delicious edible fruits, while others are grown as ornamental trees. The shape of the pear fruit is very similar to a light bulb - narrow at the top and more expanded and rounded at the bottom.

Pear fruits are consumed fresh, canned, juice is made from them and, despite how many calories are in a pear, they make delicious jams and jellies usually combined with other fruits or berries. Fermented pear juice is called Perry or pear cider, and the dried pear, which contains much more calories (249 kcal) than the raw one, does not lose its beneficial properties and is a raw material for compotes rich in vitamins.

Useful properties of pears

The pear, which is quite low in calories, is a good source of dietary fiber and vitamin C, the concentration of which is mainly observed in the peel of the fruit, so it is very important to eat the fruit in its unpeeled form.

Pears are low in benzoates and salicylates, which makes it possible to include the fruit in the diet of people with allergies. Most of the fibers found in fruit are insoluble, which regarding how to lose weight, pears are an excellent laxative.

Pear fruits, the calorie content of which is only 57 kcal per 100 g, contain such bioactive substances as glucose, carotene, sucrose, nitrogenous substances, fructose, copper, molybdenum, tannins, various vitamins, fiber and iron mineral salts.

Due to the fact that the fruit contains more fructose than glucose, the absorption of which requires the production of insulin in the body, the pear is useful for violations of the pancreas and is included in the diet for diabetes and obesity.

Pear fruits contain the flavonoid quercetin, as well as other flavonoids and carotenoids. Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant that reduces the risk of cancer and prevents damage to the arteries that can lead to heart disease.

The pear is also rich in essential oils and biologically active substances, which not only increase immunity and the body's resistance to infections, but also have an anti-inflammatory effect and help in the fight against depression.

Compotes cooked from dried fruits are useful for inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, and for those who are puzzled by the question of how to lose weight, pears with low energy value become a tasty and healthy dessert.

How many calories are in a pear: nutritional and energy value of the fruit

The calorie content of the pear makes it possible to use the fruits of this tree as a dietary product, since the body will spend much more energy on their absorption than it will receive from its use.

The nutritional value and calorie content of a pear per 100 g of fruit is:

  • Carbohydrates - 15.23 g;
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1) - 0.012 mg (1%);
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2) - 0.026 mg (2%);
  • Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3) - 0.161 mg (1%);
  • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) - 0.049 mg (1%);
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.029 mg (2%);
  • Folic acid (vitamin B9) - 7 mcg (2%);
  • Choline - 5.1 mg (1%);
  • Vitamin C - 4.3 mg (5%);
  • Vitamin E - 0.12 mg (1%);
  • Vitamin K - 4.4 mg (4%);
  • Calcium - 9 mg (1%);
  • Pear calorie content - 239 kJ (57 kcal);
  • Magnesium - 7 mg (2%);
  • Zinc - 0.1 mg (1%).

Pear calories: an easy diet for weight loss

Due to their low calorie content, pears are one of those fruits, the use of which is welcome when following various diets, because they not only have a number of useful properties, but also cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

The pear diet is excellent for the fall season, when most fruits are already in ripening season, and the fruit's ripening season has just begun.

There are several options for a pear diet, the calorie content of which, as you know, is only 57 kcal.

So, the first version of the diet is designed for one week, during which, without starving and without harm to the body, you can lose 3-4 kg. Pear fruits contain a small amount of sugar, so it is allowed to consume the fruit in unlimited quantities throughout the day. Pear fruits should be ripe and fragrant, as unripe fruits contain tannins that can cause constipation.

The essence of this complex for weight loss lies in the fact that in the first half of the day the use of any dishes is allowed, however, it is better to limit flour, fried and sweet foods a little, but it is not necessary to completely exclude them. All subsequent meals after dinner should consist of raw pears, pear juices or compotes without sugar. It is important to remember that a pear, whose calorie content is quite low, should not be consumed on an empty stomach, the fruit can be peeled if desired, but the inside of the fruit with seeds will have to be eaten completely, since it is they that contain the microelements necessary for the weight loss process. Also, you should not eat meat dishes after pears for at least 2-3 hours, since the process of food fermentation is possible, accompanied by discomfort and bloating. Plain or mineral water and herbal teas, along with pear juice or compote, can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

The second diet option, which allows you to lose 5-7 kg, thanks to the low calorie content of the pear, lasts 2 weeks. The approximate menu of the daily diet, designed for two weeks is as follows:

  • Day 1, 4, 7, 10 and 13: breakfast - 50 g of black whole grain bread, 2 ripe pears and 200 g of fat-free kefir or yogurt. Lunch - 50 g of brown rice, 200 g of boiled chicken or turkey breast, 150 g of fresh vegetable and green salad. Dinner - 3 ripe pears;
  • Day 2, 5, 8, 11, and 14: Breakfast - 2 low-calorie pears, 2 whole-grain toasted toast, and a serving of oatmeal. Lunch - 3 ripe pears, 70 g of hard cheese and 50 g of black whole grain bread. Dinner - 3 ripe pears;
  • Day 3, 6, 9 and 12: breakfast - 100 g of boiled lean beef and 100 g of buckwheat porridge. Lunch - 2 low-calorie pears, one boiled carrot and two hard-boiled eggs. Dinner - 3 ripe pears.

So, for those who are puzzled by the question of how to lose weight, pears become an indispensable product for weight loss. The main thing to remember is that only adults and absolutely healthy people can follow such a diet. As a dessert, you can use pear puree with a small amount of nuts, and for snacks, fresh or baked apples are best. If after dinner there is a desire to drink herbal tea, it is important that at least half an hour elapses after eating pears.

The low calorie content of the pear allows it to be used as a product for fasting days.. The high content of fiber, vitamins and macronutrients in pear fruits allows you to maintain a feeling of fullness throughout the fasting day.

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