How to build arms at home without dumbbells

In this article, we will tell you a technique on how to pump up your arms at home without dumbbells and barbells using your own weight for girls and guys. Guys want to build their biceps and triceps to make their arms bigger. Girls need to train their hands to be slim and keep them in good shape.

These hand exercises at home are suitable for both women and men. To make the complex universal, each exercise is offered in different variations to increase the load for men and decrease for women, respectively. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments and get an answer.

Muscular arms, just like pumped-up abs, make a huge impression on others. That is why their development is so important.

Developed biceps, triceps, shoulders, forearms - they are not born with them (unlike the calf muscles, the size of which is largely determined by genetics), this is achieved by long workouts.

The owners of fitness halls know this, so everything is equipped there for convenient hand training.

But if you are traveling or working somewhere far away, you will have to go for a trick. In addition to the usual exercises in the gym, you will need to train your hands without simulators.

Luckily, there are a number of hand workouts at home that you can do just about anywhere. They mainly use their own body weight.

To understand how to build arm muscles at home without dumbbells, you need to study the anatomy of the arms and understand what makes them what they are.

Anatomy of the muscles of the hands

The main muscles of the arms are the biceps and triceps. We will focus on them to improve the appearance of the hands and increase their strength.

You should reconsider your attitude to training with light weights and a high number of repetitions (15+). This is suitable for both women and men.

To make the muscles grow (which gives them shape and relief / makes the muscles to be in good shape) you need to load them with exercises that can be performed with excellent technique 6-12 times per set.

It's normal for you to focus more on training one muscle than others if you have such a task ahead of you (for example, if that muscle is lagging behind). But provided that the rest of the muscles are sufficiently developed to avoid disproportion and injury.


Men often neglect the development of the triceps muscle, which is located on the back of the arms. They like to pump biceps more, because its shape is clearly expressed and visible to the eye.

But triceps is a larger muscle group than biceps, and if you want big arms, you should add a little more emphasis on pumping them.

Triceps training is important not only for men. The fact is that women are genetically more inclined to accumulate fat than men. And fat is located in them in different places. As a rule, in men in the upper body (hence the "beer" bellies), and in women on the hips and arms.

The most effective way to lose fat is diet. But it is also important to combine it with training to strengthen the muscles of the arms, in particular the triceps, in order to give the arms a beautiful shape and “tightness”.


Although this is a relatively small muscle, this does not mean that it should be given little attention. Located on the front of the shoulder, it is perhaps most commonly associated with strength and power - just ask any child to mimic a bodybuilder's workout and they'll start doing the biceps exercise.

Strong biceps are needed in back exercises. They help keep a straight posture and help avoid injury.

Now let's get down to the main one - how to pump up the muscles of the hands at home. And for this we have prepared the best exercises with varying degrees of difficulty.

The best exercises for triceps without dumbbells and simulators

With these exercises, you can pump up your arms at home without dumbbells, barbells, and even exercise equipment.

An important plus of triceps (and chest) exercises: they can be performed anywhere. It does not require anything but the floor and walls. Here are the top 3 exercises:

1. Narrow stance push-ups (diamond or diamond push-ups)

Close-grip push-ups (here we are looking at their variation called diamond push-ups) is not an easy exercise, but when performed correctly, is one of the best for triceps.

In regular push-ups, the arms are slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, so the load is distributed between the chest and triceps. And with a narrow grip, only the triceps are loaded, because in it the palms are placed together, and the elbows are kept close to the body.

Here is how it should be done:

  • Rest your hands on the floor, connecting the thumbs and forefingers of both hands, creating the shape of a "diamond" (triangle)
  • Keeping your elbows as close to your body as possible, lower yourself down until your chest touches the outside of your palms.
  • Keep all muscles (abs, buttocks, thighs) in tension
  • Raise your body up to the starting position. Then repeat all over again.

Lightweight options (if the usual way is too heavy):

  • Push-ups with a narrow grip from the wall
  • Push-ups with a narrow grip with an emphasis on a bench (or any other hill)
  • Regular push-ups from the floor

Complicated options (if the usual way is too easy):

  • Push-ups with a narrow grip with legs resting on a hill (for example, a chair)
  • Push-ups with a narrow grip with weights (for example, a backpack)

2. Push-ups from the bench for triceps

This is another exercise that works the chest and triceps to varying degrees, depending on the exercise you choose.

For most people, this exercise will be a good start initially, but your goal should be to transition into the dips (they put more muscle into the work).

The only downside to bar pushups is that you have to find something suitable to perform them. On playgrounds, bars are most often present, but instead of them, you can use a table corner or two sturdy chairs.

Here's how to do this exercise according to the video above:

  • Maintain balance between two benches or chairs by keeping your feet on one and your hands on the opposite.
  • Push your chest forward and keep your back straight.
  • Lower yourself until your elbows are bent at an angle of about 90 degrees.
  • Then rise by straightening your arms.

Lightweight options:

  • Triceps Bent Knee Bent Press (Feet on the floor)
  • Triceps push-ups with legs on the floor

Complicated options:

  • Push-ups from the bench for triceps with weighting. Put your backpack or suitcase on your hips.
  • Push-ups on the uneven bars

  • Dips with weights (hang a heavy backpack or use something that can be fixed between your legs).

3. Triceps Extension

All previous exercises are great because they work several muscles at the same time. But single-joint, or isolated, exercises are very useful for working out lagging muscles.

The video above shows the exercise using the TRX machine and a weight vest, but you can use a wall or other surface.

Here's how it's done:

  • Stand in front of the TRX, table, or wall and place your hands about 15 centimeters apart.
  • Place your feet about a meter from the wall. Keep tension in your abs and glutes to keep your body in a straight line.
  • Bending only the elbows, lower the whole body so that the head falls just below the hands.
  • Do not make other movements with your elbows, except for flexion and extension.
  • Raise the body using only the strength of the triceps.

Lightweight version:

  • Extension to the triceps from the wall (the more hands are placed and the smaller the angle between your body and the wall, the easier)

Complicated version:

  • Triceps extension from the floor

The best exercises for biceps

Unfortunately, you will have to find some equipment to train your biceps (and back at the same time). If there is no playground with a horizontal bar nearby, you need to find something to hang on. And another table (for horizontal pull-ups).

1. Pull-ups with a reverse grip on the biceps

This is my favorite exercise after the deadlift.

Here, as in regular pull-ups, the back works. But thanks to a different grip, a lot of the load falls on the biceps.

I have always believed that pull-ups are better than dumbbell curls due to the inclusion of more weight (your own body weight), and a greater range of motion.

This is another one of the exercises that can be difficult for beginners, so some modifications are given below. But if you think you can do it, here are the instructions:

  • Grab the bar with both hands. Grip width narrower than shoulder width. The palms are directed towards you.
  • Do not relax the press and buttocks so that the body in profile resembles a straight line.
  • During execution, bring the shoulder blades together and, as it were, pull them down.
  • When your chin reaches the bar, stop and slowly lower yourself down.

Lightweight options:

  • Negative Pullups

  • Isometric holds on the horizontal bar

Complicated version:

  • Pull-ups with regular grip

  • Pull-ups for biceps with weights

2. Horizontal pull-ups

Even when I work on my back in the gym, I choose horizontal pull-ups.

You may have heard of the bent over row. You take the barbell, bend over, pull the barbell to your chest. This is a good exercise if done properly. But if the weight is heavy, it becomes difficult to perform the exercise with proper form.

Horizontal pull-ups solve this problem. The technique of this exercise is difficult to spoil, you can add weights without the risk of increasing injury.

In addition to the back, they also perfectly train the biceps and core.

Watch the video tutorial for this exercise and follow these instructions:

  • Lie on the floor under a bar or table.
  • Grab the bar or edge of a table with your palms facing away from you.
  • Keep tension in your abs to keep your body in a straight line.
  • Pull your body up until your chest touches the bar or table.
  • Then get down.

Lightweight options:

  • Traction at the doorway

  • Pull with a rag

Complicated options:

  • Horizontal pull-ups with increased leg support

  • Horizontal pull-ups with a weighting agent (for example, a backpack)

3. Biceps curl with an expander

For the last exercise in our series, you will need an expander orTRX.

This isolation exercise is great for finishing off your bicep workout. To be honest, you may not need it if you regularly do reverse grip pull-ups and horizontal pull-ups.

Instructions for working with an expander:

  • Step on one handle with your foot. Take the other hand.
  • Let your arms hang freely so that there is no tension in the expander.
  • Push your chest forward.
  • Bend your elbows as you raise your arms to your shoulders.
  • Lower your arms slowly.

Instruction forTRX:

  • Grab the handles and lean back. The further you lean, the harder the exercise will be.
  • Bend your elbows. The inside of your palm should be facing you.
  • Slowly straighten your arm to its original position.

Summing up

I have combined in this article exercises that can be performed anywhere.

They are great for a day when you train your upper body. But they should be only part of the overall set of exercises (I do not recommend training only the arms, no matter how attractive it may seem!). If you are interested in how to quickly pump up your arms, then I will say that here you need to focus on increasing the total body weight and complex training of all muscles. Because our body does not tolerate disproportions and it is difficult with small muscles of the whole body to pump up huge arms.

I combined these exercises into a superset in order to save you time. Everything will take you 30 minutes.

A superset, or superset, is when, after completing one exercise, another immediately follows (without rest). Such a system works because while the muscles involved in the previous exercise are being restored, others are already working.

The order in which the supersets are performed is denoted by a number, and the combination of exercises into a superset is denoted by a letter. In this workout, for example, the first superset includes biceps pull-ups (1A) and diamond push-ups (1B). You do 1 set of pull-ups, then immediately a set of push-ups. The superset is over. Relax and start a new superset. Do the next exercise in the triceps series, and the next in the biceps series. Take a rest. The same goes for the third superset.

When all the exercises from the program become easy for you, complicate them.

How long do you swing your arms? Write in the comments what helped you in this matter and what did not.

According to materials:
