Fitness simulators for slimming the abdomen and sides

The problem of a large volume of the abdomen and wide sides is familiar to both men and women. You can solve it with the help of low-calorie and regular exercise in the gym or at home. For the convenience of those who want to adjust the parameters of their body, many fitness simulators have been developed that can make training more effective and results faster. And in order to achieve maximum results when exercising on them, you need to understand the principle of operation of the equipment and know the rules and techniques of classes.

Types of fitness equipment

Modern simulators are divided into two large groups:

  1. Strength trainers.
  2. Sports equipment for fitness with cardio load.

The first type is aimed at working out specific muscle groups and losing weight in certain parts of the body. The development and study of muscles on such simulators is carried out in a standard respiratory mode.

The second type of simulators involves all the muscles, stimulates energy consumption and fat burning, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and promotes weight loss. Also, cardio equipment trains endurance.

A variety of sports equipment in the gym provides the opportunity to work in all areas of body shaping and targeted training of specific muscle groups. Focusing only on strength training without the use of cardio equipment slows down the process of weight loss and reduction in volume. As a result, muscle tissue builds up under the fat layer, which further increases the volume of the waist and hips. Thanks to the use of cardio equipment, the risk of pumping is eliminated.

The principles of cardio equipment and their differences must be carefully studied in order to get the most out of training.

  • Treadmill.

Running loads are a popular way to reduce weight. The stationary track makes it possible to practice at any time and in any conditions, it allows you to adjust the load by switching the speed and angle of inclination. It is recommended to start fitness classes on a treadmill with a leisurely walk and gradually accelerate. To complete - a smooth decrease in the intensity of running. You need to run 3-4 times a week for at least half an hour. Extremely effective for weight loss is the technique of interval running.

  • Stepper.

This is a compact device for doing exercises for the sides, which are reminiscent of walking on stairs. Correct and efficient work on the stepper is performed without supporting the body by the handle of the projectile. It is also important to stand on the platform for the feet with the whole foot and feel the work of the muscles. You can train on the stepper for half an hour 3 times a week or up to an hour 2 times a week.

  • Exercise bike.

This sports equipment works out all the muscles, but has less effect on the joints. Therefore, training on an exercise bike is more comfortable and less traumatic, which makes it possible to do fitness longer - up to 4 times a week for an hour.

  • Rowing machine.

On the rowing machine, exercises for the sides and abdominals are performed. Its action mimics the movement of oars and trains the muscles of the lower and upper body at the same time. Also the rowing machine is useful for stretching. Classes on it are laborious, but from that very effective. It is recommended to conduct them for half an hour 3-4 times a week.

  • Ellipsoid.

Fitness classes on an elliptical trainer are considered the most beneficial for weight loss, especially in the abdomen and sides. If you keep the press tense during work, then the stomach will lose weight, and if you lean forward and rest your hands on a static handrail, the sides will be worked out. Performing exercises for the sides and abdomen on an ellipsoid should take 30-40 minutes, the number of sessions per week is three.

Power simulators for the abdomen and sides help not only to lose weight, but also to work out the muscles in a quality manner. The most popular simulators to achieve these goals are worth exploring in more detail.

  • Rider rider.

This fitness machine was invented by the famous actor Chuck Norris. The rider, due to its design, combines the functions of rowing machines, lower limb presses and upper traction. This feature of it works out all the muscles, and especially the muscles of the press, without overloading it. It is recommended to do it for half an hour 3 times a week.

  • Cardiotwister.

This device is similar to a stepper, but differs from it in a greater power load. Due to the possibility of twisting the body, it is possible to perform physical exercises on it not only for the lower extremities, but also for the back, abs, sides and waist. Cardiotwister strengthens the spinal column and develops its flexibility. For a tangible result, just 30 minutes of training every 2-3 days is enough.

  • Press bench.

The design of such a bench for is a horizontal surface with mounts for the lower extremities in order to pump the abdominal press with and without weights. More complex models allow you to pump the press with a high amplitude, which has a positive effect on the muscles of the back and waist. The number of repetitions and approaches on this simulator, as well as the level of complexity of physical exercises, depend on the initial level of physical training.

  • Block equipment for working on the press.

The design of this fitness machine has special attachments for the limbs and an adjustable lifting weight, which allows you to safely and efficiently perform exercises for the sides and abdominals. The training program on a block simulator is usually selected by the instructor on an individual basis, depending on the desired results.

  • Hoop or hula hoop.

This device in a short time can provide weight loss of the waist and abdomen. There are a lot of varieties of hula hoops: from lightweight folding or flexible models to hoops with weights and a calorie counter. You need to work with a hoop for 30-40 minutes every other day.

For effective work on any of the sports simulators in order to lose weight and strengthen muscles, certain rules should be followed:

  • only a combination of fitness classes with proper nutrition can give a tangible result;
  • it is advisable to perform physical exercises during the peak of individual physical activity. For example, "owls" are more disposed to evening training, and "larks" are better to do in the morning;
  • exercises for the sides and abdomen should be performed 2 hours before bedtime and a couple of hours after waking up;
  • weight loss will be more intense if you wrap problem areas with cling film for the duration of the workout;
  • it is worth remembering that effective fitness classes are systematic and regular, therefore it is advisable not to skip workouts;
  • during cardio training, it is imperative to monitor the pulse so that it does not exceed 50-70% of the individual age maximum, calculated according to the scheme: 220 minus age;
  • before class, it is imperative to perform a warm-up for a quarter of an hour, and after - a hitch, which usually consists of stretching exercises.