Fitness for weight loss at home for beginners: exercises and recommendations

I so want to look perfect by spring, but there is absolutely no time for going to the gym! Familiar answers? If so, then it's time for a change. Why don't you start training at home, at a convenient time, when the household is calmly doing other things? Immediately there is no question of where to put the child, he can be with you and even take part in training. All you need is a desire to achieve results, a well-planned schedule and willpower. And the results of the next weigh-in or your own photo in underwear can become an incentive. Fitness for weight loss at home is not only possible, but also very convenient, profitable and interesting, the most important thing is to start.


The first thing you need is to choose the time when one of the rooms is at your disposal. And it doesn't have to be a kitchen. The minimum room size is two square meters. At first, without the accompaniment of a professional coach, it can be a little difficult, but it does not matter. Download the right video for you. It will make classes much more effective and interesting. In addition, this way you are much more likely to finish the lesson completely.

There is another important advantage of using a ready-made lesson. This is the accompaniment of a virtual trainer, explanations and a good example, as well as musical accompaniment that will make the lesson much more fun. However, even the best lesson will not turn you into a model in one or two times. Therefore, keep in mind immediately that fitness for weight loss at home should become a way of life.

And the last important condition is a positive attitude in the process of training. Work must be hard, but not hard labor, otherwise it will quickly turn into a hard routine and be abandoned. Fitness for weight loss at home should become a pleasant ritual, and for this, the load must be increased gradually, adding bright details to the workout. It can be a fashionable uniform, a comfortable rug, peppy music.


Many justify their forms by the fact that they do not have time to go to the gym. And low activity at home - the lack of necessary equipment and simulators. In fact, you won’t need anything special, and it will depend only on you what kind of fitness for weight loss will be. At home, you can master the dance program, select strength exercises or focus on cardio, it all depends on your desire.

So, you will need free space and a special mat for classes. And you can not spend money on it, but take a blanket. Exercises for weight loss will be beneficial on their own, but they will be most effective when using dumbbells weighing 2-4 kg. In addition, you can supplement your sports equipment with a fitball, aluminum or massage hoop and a good jump rope. And ask your neighbors what time you won't disturb them.

But you don't need to have trainers. An effective workout for weight loss at home can be quite organized without them. However, if you have a free amount of money and a place in the apartment, then you can purchase a treadmill. If not, then it may well be replaced by jogging in the fresh air.

Length of home workouts

This is a topical issue, since housewives often complain about the lack of free time (however, they allow themselves to get up at 10 am and watch morning programs for another hour or two, but this is a digression). Fitness lessons at home for weight loss will help you slightly adjust your daily routine, become more energetic, do more and get less tired.

So, for classes to be effective, their duration should be at least one and a half hours a day. Not everyone can afford such time costs. However, this is the main advantages that distinguish fitness classes for weight loss at home. The whole workout can be divided into several approaches. For example, cardio (20 minutes) can be done before breakfast. Transfer the power load on the upper body (25 minutes + 5 minutes for warm-up) to lunch, and equivalent strength exercises on the muscles of the lower body can be performed in the evening. In this case, the cardio load can be replaced with an intensive walk if it lasts at least two hours.

Basic Rules

You can find a lot of exercises and video tutorials for every taste, however, any fitness workout for weight loss at home is designed to strengthen and tighten muscles and reduce body fat. The most problematic area is the stomach, so the abdominal muscles should be given the main attention. However, you need to remember that you need to perform exercises for these muscle groups in 3-4 sets, 15-20 times in each.

But before you start training, choose the best diet for yourself. As a result of regular sports activities, the appetite grows, and you yourself will not notice how a layer of fat grows under the strengthening muscles. Only by combining sports activities and proper nutrition, you will make your body beautiful.

Common Mistakes

Don't expect results to start showing up instantly. Usually, the face first loses weight, then the décolleté zone comes, the arms lose weight, then the stomach and, finally, the hips and buttocks. This is extremely important to understand in order to maintain personal motivation and not quit practicing fitness at home. Weight loss exercises for beginners are best chosen from professional lessons that are compiled by experts in their field. Otherwise, you can make a typical mistake: choose exercises for the press and wait for the fat deposits from the sides to start to go away. The best and most intense abs workouts will not give results without additional cardio exercises and a healthy nutrition system. Our body is a single system, excess weight is gained and reduced evenly, so you need to develop an optimal program for yourself.

Stage one - warm-up

Do not neglect it, because it is the key to success. A proper warm-up will prepare the muscles and ligaments for stress. This step takes five to ten minutes. For warm-up purposes, you can choose light running or jumping rope, swinging arms and legs, tilting the body and turning the neck. In general, exercises that are performed without load. You need to start every lesson and every morning with a warm-up, even if there is no workout today.

Core workout

This is the main block of exercises that a person practicing fitness at home should choose for himself. Exercises for weight loss should be started with small loads, half an hour is enough, including a couple of basic exercises for the press, arms and legs, hips and buttocks.

After warming up, you can move on to push-ups and exercises with dumbbells. Then carry out a complex with a tilt of the body, and you can work on the muscles of the press. Trunk raise, leg raise, torso raise with twist and leg pull. After that, the complex is waiting for you on your feet. These are squats, swings and lunges.


It is this block that is omitted most often if we are talking about fitness for weight loss at home. For beginners, it is important to know that stretching should definitely complete the workout. It is she who allows the muscles to cool and consolidate the result. In addition, stretching allows you to make your workout 20% more effective.

There is another important point. This block of exercises makes muscles and ligaments more plastic. As a result, you will perform the main exercises more efficiently, and, therefore, get rid of excess weight even faster. In addition, stretching allows you to effectively rest between sets and normalize breathing, minimize stress for the body.

Seven troubles - one answer

And today, many believe that in their case, physical activity and diet will not help in any way. Some have chronic diseases of the endocrine system, others have a slow metabolism, others are simply used to eating sweets with stress. In fact, diet and sports will help everyone, you just need to get off the couch.

In the case of systematic overeating, sports loads contribute to the normalization of appetite and the acceleration of metabolism. As a result, even consuming the same amount of food, you do not accumulate weight, but lose it. With endocrine disorders, the diet will avoid deterioration. Gradually, the activity of the endocrine glands improves, and the very cause of the problem disappears. If food was a way for a person to relieve stress, then sport makes him morally more stable. Now you will look for support in the gym, and not in cooking.
