Diet of separate nutrition for 90 days: essence and features

A 90-day diet based on the principles of separate nutrition allows you to achieve good results without harming the body. It makes it possible to normalize metabolism, lose weight and fix the results obtained for a long time. After 90 days of proper nutrition, excess weight does not return again and again, as is the case with other diets. What is this type of diet and what are its features? Let's consider further.

Who is this weight loss option for?

The 90-day diet is a real godsend for people who have been losing weight for a long time or have only recently begun to struggle with extra pounds. This weight loss option is suitable for people who have 20 or more kg of excess weight, as well as metabolic disorders. The diet has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, makes it possible to quickly get rid of unnecessary kilograms.

The acceleration of metabolism is the main factor that provides a stable result for a long time. It is the accelerated metabolic processes that make it possible to consolidate the result and stay at a normal weight for a stably long time.

The essence of the diet

The three-month diet is based on the principles of separate nutrition. Scientists managed to establish that this type of food intake has a very beneficial effect on the organs and the whole body as a whole, and has a good healing effect. Reducing the number of calories consumed ensures the burning of extra pounds.

Most people note that in the early days it is very difficult and unusual to adhere to the basic principles of the diet. As you get used to the new way of eating, discomfort will decrease. After 2-3 weeks, a complete adaptation occurs, and subsequently the diet is more easily tolerated.

Initially, you should tune in to:

  • The diet has clear deadlines - your "torment" in the form of some restrictions on food intake will last a certain time - only three months.
  • The success of a diet depends on the willingness to unquestioningly follow its principles, combine foods correctly and abandon the usual type of food.
  • After three months, you will need to continue to monitor your weight, combine proper nutrition with regular exercise.

Before you start a diet, you should weigh yourself and measure the main parameters of the figure in order to determine the size of the changes for the better after the end of the diet.

What is a diet of separate nutrition 90 days (video)

Diet 90 days of separate nutrition. Basic principles, approaches, sample menu, contraindications and main benefits.

We follow the basic principles

The diet is based on 4-day nutrition cycles. New day - a certain grocery set.

1st day of the cycle - protein. This is where the diet starts. Throughout this day, you should eat exclusively protein foods - eggs, fish and meat dishes, sour-milk products.

Day 2 of the cycle - starchy. The diet should be saturated with foods with the highest starch content. Here, first of all, we are talking about all kinds of cereals, potatoes, other starchy vegetables and fruits, grain bakery products.

3rd day of the cycle - carbohydrate. The basis of the diet should be vegetables and fruits, pasta, yeast-free homemade cakes. It is on the third day of the cycle that you can treat yourself to a few pieces of dark chocolate or your favorite dessert.

4th day of the cycle - fruity. On this day, the use of fruits is shown. Dried fruits, seeds of various fruits (for example, pumpkin seeds) are also allowed. Freshly squeezed juice lovers can afford 1-2 glasses of their favorite drink.

Do not forget that juice is the same food that replaces a full meal.

The days of the cycle are repeated one after another. The 29th day has come on the calendar - it's time to unload for the body. This day should become unloading, during which you need to let the body cleanse itself and relax exclusively on the water. Then the diet cycle starts from the very beginning, from the 1st protein day.

90 day diet menu

All three months of the diet, breakfast should be of the same type. The menu for other meals during the day can be planned by each person depending on their taste preferences. Below is a sample menu for the week:

Day 1 - meat. Breakfast: One favorite ripe fruit and a few berries. Lunch: 150 g green salad, 200 g grilled salmon steak. Snack: a sandwich with a tomato, a piece of boiled chicken and lettuce. Dinner: a glass of your favorite fermented milk drink - sourdough, low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk.

Day 2 - starchy vegetable. Breakfast: berries and fruits (similar to day 1). Lunch: 200-250 g vegetable stew. Afternoon snack: baked apple or pumpkin. Dinner - 100-150 g of dried fruits.

Day 3 - sweet, carbohydrate. Breakfast - similar to day 1. Lunch: 250-300 g of homemade pizza. Snack: Vermicelli with hard cheese and tomato sauce. Dinner: black or green tea with a piece of homemade biscuit.

Day 4 - fruit and vitamin. Breakfast: by analogy with day 1. Lunch: a salad of your favorite fruits (no more than 250-300 g). Dinner: a few pieces of watermelon or melon.

Day 5 - protein. Breakfast: Similar to Day 1. Lunch: Green salad with beans and avocado. Snack: omelet with hard cheese and milk sausage. Dinner - cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat.

Day 6 - vegetables. Breakfast is the same. Lunch: stewed vegetables - eggplant, zucchini, carrots, sweet peppers (200-250 g), 50 g of bread. Afternoon snack: potato casserole with parsley or other herbs to taste. Dinner - an apple or a banana.

Day 7 - carbohydrate. Breakfast is the same. Lunch: vegetable lasagna. Snack: 100-150 g of apple pie. Dinner: a glass of hot chocolate or tea with homemade cakes.

Compatibility of products with separate power supply (video)

Separate nutrition for weight loss. What you need to know about the compatibility of products with separate meals? Professional advice.

Recipes for the 90 Day Diet

Below are a few recipes that will help diversify the menu during the diet and please yourself with delicious and hearty dishes.

Boiled chicken on protein day

Wash a medium-sized chicken well, place in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Add 1 whole carrot and 1 onion (pre-peeled), salt and black pepper (in a small amount). Cook over low heat until done. Remove the cooked chicken from the broth and separate the meat from the bones. Portioned pieces of chicken can be divided into several meals. Eat warm with vegetables or legumes.

Rice with vegetables on a starchy day

To prepare the dish, you need to prepare: 150 g of rice, 250 ml of broth, one carrot and a medium-sized onion, 1 bell pepper, a couple of cloves of garlic, salt, olive oil. Finely chop the vegetables, add garlic and lightly fry in olive oil. Pour in the broth and add the pre-washed rice. Simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes with the lid closed. For 5 min. salt to taste until done. Rice with vegetables goes well with a green salad.

Buckwheat porridge for a starchy day

Rinse 2 cups of cereal thoroughly, pour into a deep container, ideally into a pot. Pour water from a ratio of 2: 1 (two glasses of water to one glass of cereal). Add a teaspoon of butter and a little salt. Mix the ingredients and place the pot in the preheated oven. To prevent the porridge from burning, it must be periodically stirred during cooking.

This method is also suitable for making wheat or barley porridge.

Lean Pancakes on Carb Day

In a deep bowl, mix 2.5 cups of sifted flour, 1 teaspoon of sugar, a little salt, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and? glass of mineral water. Ideally, beat the ingredients with a mixer. If one is not at hand, then a regular whisk will do. Pancakes should be baked in a well-heated frying pan until golden brown.

To make the dessert even more delicious, you can prepare a delicious topping - chop one banana and add some nuts, raisins, a little grated dark chocolate and? a teaspoon of butter. Wrap the filling in pancakes, smearing the rest of the chocolate on top. The meal is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Fruit salad of exotic fruits on a vitamin day

Cut one large avocado, banana, kiwi and mandarin into small pieces. Put in a salad bowl, mix thoroughly and sprinkle with a little lemon juice. The most delicious treat is ready.

To achieve your goal, lose weight and not gain it again, during the diet, be sure to follow simple but significant recommendations:
  • In the morning, have breakfast exclusively with fruits, without expanding the diet with other foods.
  • Dine no earlier than noon. Ideally - between twelve and one in the afternoon.
  • If hunger has made itself felt ahead of time, you can have a light snack. As a snack, you can use apples, bananas, kiwi, citrus fruits.
  • The break between lunch and dinner should be about three hours.
  • On a “protein day”, the intervals between main meals should be an average of four hours.
  • On the day of eating fruits and vegetables, the breaks between breakfast, lunch and dinner should be minimal - 2-3 hours.
  • Refuse any food after 20.00.
  • At lunch, eat all the necessary amount of food. By the evening, portions can be reduced.
  • For food and preparation of various dishes, you should use only high-quality and fresh products, do not use semi-finished products.
  • It is unacceptable to use products containing so-called hidden fats, sugars and other additives harmful to the body.
  • All dishes are cooked in a small amount of vegetable or olive oil. They should also dress salads.
  • Preference should be given to baked dishes, as well as steamed food.
  • Minimize the amount of salt and various seasonings on the menu.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of non-carbonated water per day. It is also allowed to drink tea, coffee and compotes.
  • Do not forget about sports and exercise regularly.

Getting out of the diet

To consolidate the results, you should properly exit the diet. After 90 days, it is recommended not to refuse, but to continue to follow its basic rules:
  • have fruit for breakfast in the morning;
  • observe the principles of separate nutrition;
  • do not violate the schedule and regularity of eating.
Numerous reviews of the 90-day diet of separate nutrition suggest that in 90 days the human body adapts and gets used to a new diet and way of eating, after which it becomes a commonplace habit.

To get enough, the body needs much less food. At the same time, the daily diet becomes sufficient for an active lifestyle, vigor and strength. Extra pounds no longer appear.

Diet outcomes may vary. So, for example, a person with a slight overweight can lose from 6 to 9 kg during a three-month diet. At the same time, very obese people can achieve more significant results by dropping 20-25 kg in 90 days.

The main advantage of a separate diet is that it allows you to completely rebuild and regulate the metabolic processes in the body, as a result of which extra pounds go away forever.


Separate nutrition is not an option for everyone, it has its own contraindications. The 90 day diet should be abandoned:
  • people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • minors (a growing organism needs a different nutrition system);
  • women during childbearing.
Even if there are no above or other contraindications, before going on a diet, you should consult with a therapist (or nutritionist) so that the experiment with nutrition does not turn into sad consequences for the body and does not lead to an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of the 90 day diet

Separate power supply has a lot of advantages and a small number of disadvantages.

Among the main advantages are the following:

  • A long-term diet (three months) allows the body to completely adapt to a new nutrition system, get used to it, consolidate the right habits and never return to the old ones.
  • The diet can be quite varied and has every chance to fit perfectly into the menu of your family - you do not have to cook different dishes for yourself and your household separately.
  • Most of the dishes and products “allowed” during the diet are on the menu of cafes and restaurants. This means that various festive events and other feasts “will not pass by” you.
  • Thanks to a varied diet, the body does not adapt to the same type of food, as a result of which weight is reduced throughout all three months of the diet.
  • The periodic use of sweets and all kinds of goodies in the form of fresh fruits allows the body to take a break from the diet and restore strength.

As already mentioned, there are very few drawbacks to the 90 day diet. The first is the presence of some contraindications for certain categories of people. The second is a rather impressive duration of the diet. Not everyone, even the most persistent people with good willpower, manages to endure three months and not return to the old lifestyle and diet.