What should you eat to lose weight fast?

Why do we gain weight? Everyone knows the answer. This is the result of malnutrition and lack of sports activities. The concept of "improper" nutrition means: fast food products, semi-finished products, products containing harmful food additives and other dangerous carcinogens. The question arises: "What to eat to lose weight?".

And you can eat almost everything! However, in order to lose weight already gained, you need to radically change your diet, throwing out all harmful foods from it. Start eating the right food! This does not mean going on a diet, limiting yourself to something for a certain time. Not! With diets, irreparable harm is done to the body, because at first the kilograms go away, but then they can double back.

The basics of proper nutrition

The philosophy of proper nutrition (PP) is the use of products that are useful for the human body. Following the basic principles of PP, you need to eat 5 times a day. The following meals are provided: a hearty breakfast, a snack, a rich lunch, another snack and a light dinner. By eating every three to four hours, we speed up our metabolism, contributing to weight loss.

The key to weight loss is the right combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Calorie counting and portion control are also quite important. First, you need to calculate the required daily number of calories, which is individual for each. Secondly: to create a so-called calorie corridor, which contributes to the activation of metabolism. Thirdly, limit the amount of consumption of a number of products.

So what do you need to eat to lose weight not only quickly, but also safely? What foods should be eaten?

Vegetables are the basis of our diet

Most likely, asking about what to eat in order to lose weight quickly, any person will receive advice to include vegetables and herbs in their diet. This will be the right decision! These fiber-rich foods will help you shed extra pounds painlessly. The great news for those who are losing weight is that vegetables and herbs can be eaten with virtually no restrictions.

Cabbage (all kinds), carrots, beets, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes - they are all rich in vitamins and minerals. There are a lot of variations of vegetable dishes. You can eat them in the form of salads, make vegetable casseroles, boil, bake, stew or grill. Vegetables are best paired with protein.

Protein sources - meat, fish, eggs and legumes

To lose weight, you need to eat dietary meats: chicken, rabbit, turkey, or, in extreme cases, beef. You should forget about pork skewers a little. You should eat boiled or baked meat. Meat is a must-have food that should not be removed from your diet. To match the meat - fish and seafood, which have a number of useful trace elements. Fish can be baked or boiled. In any case, it turns out very tasty and healthy.

When losing weight, you can eat eggs. The myth continues that eggs contain cholesterol. However, 1-2 eggs a day is a healthy breakfast or lunch option. You can make an omelette from eggs or just boil them. Eggs are a very useful product for weight loss.

Legumes are another valuable source of protein. Beans, peas, lentils are very nutritious foods. They can be eaten as a side dish or added to soups. And also they can partially replace meat.

Fruit is a great snack

To lose weight, you must definitely eat fruits. It can be the usual apples, citrus fruits, apricots, plums, kiwi, etc. You can make salads, smoothies from fruits, and you can bake apples. You need to be careful with bananas and grapes. They are too high in calories.

It is recommended to eat seasonal fruits. In summer, eat apricots, raspberries, currants, and watermelons. But in autumn and winter - pears, apples and citrus fruits.
In summer, you can harvest dried fruits in order to steam them in winter and eat or cook compotes from them.

Dairy products

What dairy products should you eat to lose weight? Do not blindly believe in the miraculous effect of low-fat dairy products. Such products a priori cannot be natural. Preference should be given to low-fat yogurt and cottage cheese. But with yogurt, be more careful, if you eat it, then without fillers.

What not to eat if you want to lose weight?

The answer is obvious - do not eat sugar. It is not only unhealthy, it is even harmful to the body. It is best to eliminate it from your diet as much as possible. It can be replaced with honey.

Also, be careful with salt. It retains water in the body, promotes swelling. Salt is initially present in every product, the habit of adding salt to food is completely unhealthy. You should limit your salt intake. For example, salt the dish only during cooking.

When losing weight, you do not need to eat mayonnaise and ketchups. It is better to make your own sauces based on sour cream. Mayonnaise can replace sour cream mixed with mustard and curry seasoning. Salads and at all it is enough to fill only with olive or vegetable oil.


Having excluded salt, at first you will have to somehow compensate for its absence. Spices are a great alternative. When choosing them, you need to carefully study the composition. We need natural herbs that will complement the taste of dishes, and not drown them out with unnatural flavors. However, spices should be used very carefully, because they increase appetite.

Is it possible to eat starchy foods and sweets when you are losing weight?

It is possible, but in very limited quantities. If the flour is cooked without yeast, then it is quite possible to eat it, for example, for breakfast. And you have to be careful with sweets. It is better to limit yourself to dark chocolate, which is very useful in reasonable quantities.

In any case, if you eat flour products and sweets, then only home-made. There are many recipes on the Web, thanks to which you can cook healthy dishes, such that they will not harm your figure at all, unlike store-bought products with a dubious composition.

Drink water and get rid of extra pounds

In order to lose weight correctly and quickly, it is necessary that there is urine, to monitor the water balance of the body. Be sure to drink at least 8 glasses of plain water a day. A glass of warm water with lemon, in the morning, on an empty stomach, will help start the digestive system. During the day, you need to adhere to this scheme: drink water no later than 20 minutes before meals, and no earlier than an hour after meals.

We make a menu of proper nutrition for the day


1st option - porridge (oatmeal, barley) + fruit
2nd option - low-fat cottage cheese with honey
3rd option - omelet with vegetables.

If there is a feeling that a breakdown is not far off, then it is for breakfast that you can eat something fatty and high-calorie. There will be a whole day ahead to burn those extra calories. So you can save yourself from major disruptions, and hence large gains.

Snack: 250ml kefir + fruit

Options: baked apple slices with cinnamon or fruit salad.


You can cook a vegetable soup or eat a piece of meat (preferably boiled or steamed) or fish with vegetables prepared in the right way (boiled, stewed, baked).

Snack: 250 ml of kefir + fruit


Protein (fish, chicken, rabbit, beef) + vegetables.

Quite a nutritious meal!

When developing a weekly menu, you can enter protein and fasting days. On a protein day, it is supposed to eat only protein, and on a fasting day - kefir, apples or buckwheat. This helps speed up the metabolism.

Important! Do not forget about the calorie corridor. Every day - a different number of calories (within the acceptable range).

Proper nutrition is not a short-term method of losing weight. This is a way of life, thanks to which you can safely lose weight, and most importantly, prevent it from returning.
