white asparagus

This year I wanted to nominate white asparagus. It is at the end of April - May that the season of white asparagus begins and lasts just over a month. White asparagus is a popular spring delicacy in Europe. In Germany and Holland, where this product is especially loved, almost all restaurants have a special menu "Asparagus Time" at this time of May, with various dishes based on it.

Generally, With parja (asparagus) - one of the most delicious, healthy and expensive vegetable crops. The first sprouts of asparagus, which are white, green, pinkish green, or purple, are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Young, tender shoots can be eaten raw or quickly steamed, in water, in the oven, or grilled. Asparagus is one of the earliest vegetables of the new season: harvest of young shoots begins in April-May.

White asparagus differs from green asparagus in the tenderness of taste and the softness of the shoots. To make the asparagus white, the rosette and shoots are completely covered with soil. Deprived of sunlight, asparagus shoots do not produce photosynthesis. A more labor-intensive growing process also explains the higher price of a seasonal delicacy.

Asparagus belongs to the lily family and is a close relative of the onion, although it does not resemble it at all in appearance or taste. Asparagus comes from the Mediterranean region and has been known to people since ancient times. Previously, it was cultivated for medicinal purposes, as a diuretic and blood purifier. During the Renaissance, asparagus was declared an aphrodisiac and therefore banned from the use of monks (a fact that makes a modern person smile). In addition to its outstanding nutritional qualities, asparagus is an ornamental crop that is used in flower arrangements (many are familiar with the delicate "Christmas trees" with orange berries).

Asparagus is a fairly new vegetable for us and many have not yet been able to appreciate its taste. Properly cooked asparagus has not only a delicate and delicate taste, but also a lot of useful properties.

The chemical composition of asparagus ( per 100 g)

Water - 92.7 g

Ash - 0.6 g

Proteins - 1.9 g

Fats - 0.1 g

Carbohydrates - 3.1 g

Mono- and disaccharides - 2.2 g

Starch - 0.9 g

Dietary fiber - 1.5 g

Organic acids - 0.1 g


Vitamin PP - 1 mg

Beta-carotene - 0.5 mg

Vitamin A (RE) - 83 mcg

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.1 mg

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.1 mg

Vitamin C - 20 mg

Vitamin E (TE) - 2 mg

Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) -1.4 mg

Macro - and micronutrients

Calcium - 21 mg

Magnesium - 20 mg

Sodium - 2 mg

Potassium - 196 mg

Phosphorus - 62 mg

Iron - 0.9 mg

The energy value (per 100 g) - 20 kcal

Useful properties of asparagus:

Asparagus, regardless of variety, is rich in valuable vitamins (A, C, B1, B2 and E) and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, magnesium, iron and zinc). Potassium salts and asparagus acid activate the kidneys, which facilitates the removal of metabolic decay products, zinc promotes wound healing and strengthens connective tissues. Calcium and phosphorus are useful for building bone tissue, while iron and magnesium increase the ability of blood formation. Asparagus is also an excellent dietary product and helps to remove "extra" from the body, as it contains a lot of ballast substances.

Even at the beginning of the last century, due to its healing properties, white asparagus was sold in pharmacies in Germany.

Above, I mentioned the aphrodisiac properties attributed to asparagus. In fact, there is no scientific evidence that asparagus has just such properties. However, according to the ancient science of life, Ayurveda, asparagus is a plant that increases sensuality, positively affecting sexual problems. Men have used "love arrows" for centuries to increase sperm count, sexual power, low libido and other sexual problems. The name of the species of asparagus growing in India “Shatavari” is not without reason translated as “having a hundred husbands”. Asparagus (Shatavari) gives strength to the reproductive organs, normalizes hormonal levels, improves immunity, eliminates infertility and serves as the basis of a rejuvenating elixir. Due to the abundant content of B vitamins, which contribute to the normal development of the fetal nervous system in pregnant women, one of the most valuable vegetables for them is asparagus.

Purchase, storage and processing of asparagus

Contrary to the belief of many, the thickness of asparagus shoots has nothing to do with their tenderness; however, the tenderness of the shoots is affected by their age and freshness. Therefore, when buying asparagus in the store, choose elastic shoots of even color with small dense tops. They should not be sluggish, and the places of cuts should not be dry.

Bought or harvested asparagus is best eaten immediately. storage worsens the nutritional quality of the vegetable. If you have a need to store asparagus, then treat the shoots in the same way as with fresh flowers: renew the sections and put in a glass of water. Water should cover the base of the shoots by a few centimeters. The glass should be covered with cling film and stored in the refrigerator. In this way, you can keep the shoots fresh for a week.

Before cooking, cut off the tough bases of the shoots (some prefer to peel them with a paring knife, like potatoes) and rinse the asparagus with cold water. The cut ends of the shoots can be frozen for later use in soup.

Canned asparagus significantly loses its nutritional value, and most importantly, its amazing taste. In case of emergency, use the freezing method for preservation. Pour the washed and cut shoots with boiling water for 3 minutes, then immediately place in cold water for 5 minutes to stop the heat treatment process. Drain the water, pack the shoots in freezer bags, remove the air from them, label the bags and place in the freezer.

cooking asparagus

Eat asparagus fresh, as well as quickly steamed (about 5 minutes), boiled in a small amount of boiling water (3 minutes), or grilled or in the oven for a few minutes. The most important thing in cooking asparagus is not to "overcook" the vegetable, the finished shoots should be crispy inside. It is very convenient to use special narrow tall pots for cooking asparagus: the shoots are placed vertically in such a pan, their bases are boiled in a small amount of boiling water, while the tender tops are steamed. The water in which the asparagus was boiled can be used several times, stored in the freezer, and then cooked on it for soup.

Cooked shoots can be eaten without anything, or you can sprinkle them on the table with olive oil and lemon juice, balsamic vinegar sauce, or dip them in some mayonnaise-based sauce. You can add asparagus to a salad or gravy, asparagus goes well with a variety of stir-fries (quick-fried vegetables with oyster and soy sauce in Chinese style).

And by tradition - a few delicious dishes from the recipes of the site "Trump Food"

White asparagus with salmon


2 bunches of white asparagus (about 24 pieces)

8 thin slices smoked salmon

30g butter

0.5l milk

120g grated emmental cheese


Salt and pepper

Boil the asparagus in salted water (10-15 minutes). Readiness can be determined as follows: the blade of the knife should easily cut through the asparagus without applying force. If the asparagus is already wilted, put a tablespoon of sugar and lemon juice into the boiling water. Drain the water and set aside the asparagus. Tip: Bouillon can be used to make soup.

Melt the butter in a small saucepan, add the flour and mix with a whisk. Add milk and nutmeg, stirring constantly. Salt and pepper. After boiling, the sauce should thicken, remove from heat and mix with grated cheese.

Wrap three asparagus shoots in salmon slices and put on a fireproof dish, pour over the sauce and bake in the oven in the grill mode (if there is none, then set the thermostat to maximum and turn on only the top heat). Bake until golden brown on the sauce.

Serve on warm plates. Ideal with boiled new potatoes and parsley. Muscat white wine goes well with asparagus.

Option: instead of salmon, you can use raw smoked ham (if funds allow, then Parma). Instead of white asparagus, you can use green asparagus, the cooking time of which is shorter by 3-4 minutes.

Hollandaise sauce for asparagus

Hollandaise sauce is a classic accompaniment to asparagus that can be used with other dishes (fish, vegetables) as well.


2 tablespoons lemon juice

4 tablespoons hot water

3 large egg yolks

100g butter

1/4 tsp cayenne pepper (chili)

Salt to taste

In preparing the sauce, it is important to have all the products on hand and make sure that the sauce does not boil in any case. Heat the lemon juice, melt the butter separately. Water should be very hot, boiling water.

Put the saucepan on a very slow fire (it is better to use a water bath). Pour in the yolks and start beating with a whisk until the mass begins to thicken. Gradually add boiling water while continuing to whisk the sauce. Pour in the warmed lemon juice, remove from heat and continue beating. Now add a little melted butter. Add pepper and salt and beat again.

An important point: you need to beat at the same pace and in the same direction, otherwise the sauce may curdle. If this does happen, add some cold water and whisk the sauce vigorously.

Flemish sauce for asparagus


4 boiled eggs

75 gr. butter

1 bunch of parsley

Salt and pepper

If you are not a fan of standing at the stove or simply do not have time, then there is an easier option. Mix finely chopped eggs with melted butter and parsley.

Salt and pepper. The sauce is ready!

Spaghetti with green peas, asparagus and mint


  1. Clean the asparagus and prepare for cooking.
  2. Pour water into a pasta pot and heat. Once the water boils, salt and cook the spaghetti al dente.
  3. While the water is boiling, make the sauce. Pour water into a separate saucepan and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, throw in the asparagus, green peas and boil for 3 minutes.
  4. Then immediately discard them on a sieve and put them in the pan where they were cooked. Pour cold water into a saucepan and let the peas and asparagus sit for 5 minutes.
  5. Throw them on a sieve to drain excess water.
  6. Set aside a few tops of asparagus and a handful of green peas - you'll need them.
  7. In a separate pan, heat the olive oil and sauté the garlic and thyme sprig in it. Add green peas, asparagus and cream, salt and pepper. Add some water and boil the sauce for 7 minutes. Turn off and grind the sauce with a blender.
  8. Add mint and blend again until smooth. Add the asparagus and peas you set aside to the sauce and toss to combine.
  9. Combine the sauce with the pasta, mix again and arrange on plates.

Linguine with white asparagus


  1. Boil pasta until al dente.
  2. Boil the asparagus.
  3. Pour a little olive oil into a large, well-heated frying pan, add chili pepper, chopped garlic and onion, then asparagus, pasta, chopped parsley.
  4. We bring the dish to taste.
  5. When serving, add a drop of truffle oil to the linguini with white asparagus - for flavor.
  6. The dish is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Risotto with asparagus


  1. Heat 2 tablespoons butter and 2 tablespoons olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat. When the oil starts to foam, sauté the onion until soft. Add rice and cook for 2 minutes while stirring. Salt, pepper. Pour in the wine and, stirring, cook until the wine boils away. Add some asparagus and 1/4 cup stock. Stir so the rice doesn't stick. When the rice begins to absorb moisture, add more broth.
  2. Add the rest of the asparagus, after about 12 minutes. Continue adding broth and stirring.
  3. After about 18 minutes, add butter, cheese and stir. Add broth. Bring the rice to readiness. Can be served at the table.

Creamy white asparagus soup


  • 2 potatoes
  • 80 g cream
  • 1000 ml water
  • 15 white asparagus stalks
  • 20 g orange juice
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 1 shallot
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 3 tbsp white wine (dry)
  • 1 duck breast, skin on
  • salt, pepper, rosemary to taste

1. Finely chop the vegetables. Melt the butter in a saucepan, put the vegetables, cook until the onion becomes transparent, then pour in the wine and simmer until the smell of alcohol disappears.
2. Add chicken broth, let it boil, reduce heat and cook for another 30 minutes. Remove from heat, pour in the cream, beat the mixture with a blender until smooth, salt and pepper. Pour orange juice into a saucepan, add sugar, rosemary, put on high heat and evaporate the contents to a syrup state.
4. Rub the duck breast with salt and pepper, fry it in a hot frying pan from the skin side until golden brown. Then put the meat on a wire rack and bring to readiness in the oven, at a temperature of no more than 180 ° C.
5. When serving in a serving of soup, put 4 slices of duck meat, pour over warm orange syrup.
