Fat burning cocktails at home. Rules for the preparation and use of diet smoothies

Kiwi cocktail perfectly splits and burns fat accumulation. Other than that, it's useful and delicious drink, which stores in its composition many nutrients necessary for our body.

A smoothie will not help to remove excess wrinkles on the waist and hips, if you combine a drink with food, which can only contribute to the set. extra pounds.

Therefore, it is important to understand that such a drink should replace a full dinner.

The benefits of a kiwi smoothie for weight loss

  • Citrus consumption increases fat burning during physical activity and greatly reduces the risk of blood clots that can clog arteries and cause a heart attack.
  • Kiwi pulp neutralizes free radicals, slows down the aging process.
  • Just one ripe fruit is enough to replenish daily allowance vitamin C intake.
  • In addition, it is rich in vitamin E, beta-carotene, potassium and fiber.
  • In terms of vitamins and minerals, kiwi surpasses the most consumed fruits in the world, including orange, banana, pineapple, apple.
  • The main advantage of kiwi cocktails is their low calorie content and a huge amount of useful substances. One serving of such a drink contains no more than 200 kcal, and in its own way nutritional value may well replace one full meal.
  • Another plus is that fat-burning cocktails help to cope with beriberi and bad mood which is important for weight loss.

Slimming cocktail with kiwi (9 recipes)

citrus bomb

Kiwi - 1
Lemon - 2 slices
Banana - 1/2
Apple - 1/2
Pomegranate juice - 1/2 citrus
Juice of one orange
Water - 1/2 cup

Mix the peeled pulp of kiwi, banana and apple with water and beat in a blender. Then pour the juice of orange and pomegranate into the resulting mixture. A nutritious smoothie can replace breakfast and energize you for the whole day.

Green cocktail

Kiwi - 1
Parsley - 8-10 sprigs
Mint - 7-8 sprigs
Lemon - 2 slices
Water - 100 g

For this cocktail only green leaves are used, and the stems can be left for salad. Mix all ingredients in a blender with ice water.

Kiwi with celery

Kiwi - 1
Apple (green) - 1-2
Celery - 4 stalks
Water - 100 ml or ice

Celery is considered a product with negative calorie, which means that the body will spend more calories than gain! Whip all the products in a blender and forward to harmony, forgive extra folds at the waist.

Kiwi with ginger

Kiwi - 1
Grapefruit - 1
Ginger - 50 g
Lemon - 1/2

An unusually tasty and incredibly healthy cocktail helps in weight loss and boosts immunity!

Peel and cut the citruses into cubes, grate the ginger on a fine grater. Beat all the ingredients of the cocktail in a blender, after cooking, you can add ice.

Kiwi with kefir

Kiwi - 1 fruit
Kefir - 200 ml
Lemon - one slice
Mint - 2-3 sprigs

Peel the hairy fruit and cut into pieces. Blend all ingredients in a blender until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Mango exotic

Kiwi - 2 pieces
Mango juice - 400 mg
Orange (or grapefruit) - 1 fruit

Try a kiwi, mango, grapefruit or orange smoothie. This drink is able to speed up metabolism and improve the digestive process. It saturates the body with vitamins, removes toxins and toxins, and also strengthens the immune system. Beat citrus pulp until smooth and mix with mango juice.

Kiwi with green tea

Kiwi - 2 fruits
Orange - 1 citrus
Limon - 1 slice

Peel the citruses and finely chop. Using a blender, prepare a delicious fat-burning cocktail from all the ingredients. By the way, if you use a peach or a banana instead of an orange, then the taste of the drink will be softer and the consistency thicker.

Kiwi with watermelon (diuretic)

Kiwi - 2
Watermelon - 200 g pulp
Ice - a couple of cubes

Quick to prepare, with low calorie content and an interesting combination, the drink will quench your thirst on a hot day and clean your kidneys at the same time. Beat the pulp of the fruit and add a couple of ice cubes to the already prepared drink.

Pineapple with kiwi

A pineapple

To prepare this drink, 2 parts of kiwi and 5 parts of pineapple pulp are taken. Everything is mixed in a blender. To lose weight, drink it instead of a hearty dinner and do not forget about regular physical exercise!

Delicious and no calories Tips for a sweet tooth: how not to gain weight from ice cream. Can it be eaten for breakfast or dinner.

How to make a cocktail at home

To prepare healthy and effective drink from kiwi for weight loss do not forget about these points:

  • Do not add alcohol to vitamin shakes. Alcoholic beverages whet the appetite, and we (for weight loss) need to suppress it on the contrary. Besides alcoholic drinks contain a considerable amount of calories, and we extra calories also nothing.
  • Prepare drinks only from fresh food, in extreme cases, you can use frozen berries.
  • Citrus peel is a natural shield against vitamin loss. Therefore, do not buy citrus fruits already peeled. No matter how tempting the price of such a product is, there are no vitamins left in it, almost all the useful substances have disappeared.
  • Peel and cut the pulp of the fruit just before cooking. And never leave the prepared drink "for the evening" or "for the morning." Remember - vitamin C disappears within half an hour after cooking. And after a couple of hours in your glass there will be just a delicious drink, and not a valuable health cocktail.
  • When in contact with metal nozzles, some of the nutrients are destroyed, so the prepared smoothie contains only half of the valuable active components of fresh citrus.

On the contraindication and property of citrus to influence excess weight read the article There you will also find information on how to apply kiwi at night and use it during unloading day.

It is not at all difficult to prepare a fat-burning kiwi cocktail yourself at home. The main thing is to drink the drink immediately after preparation and prepare it from ripe fruits. Summer is just around the corner - start losing weight today!

Cold, thick smoothies made from fruits and vegetables, called smoothies, are currently at the peak of popularity. Kiwi-based green smoothies are considered the most popular and healthy.

Smoothies with kiwi are a bright, tasty and healthy start to the day. What is also very important, its taste can be constantly supplemented and changed with the help of other ingredients. The main thing is to show imagination and creativity, as well as to have a desire to feed your loved ones wholesome food. If you include tasty green drink from kiwi, the result will not keep you waiting. You will definitely have more energy, mood will noticeably improve, digestion will improve and leave overweight. In addition, your hair will grow better, skin condition will improve. The same beneficial effect on your body will have and.

If for some reason you have not yet tried the green kiwi smoothie, then you need to urgently correct the situation. Get acquainted with simple and interesting recipes. You may also like , simple, fast and affordable.

Kiwi smoothie with mint


  • kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • mint - 7 sprigs
  • lemon - 2 slices
  • water - 100 ml
  • parsley - 2 table. spoons
  • honey - to taste

Put kiwi slices, lemon, water and greens in a blender bowl, beat, use honey as a sweetener.

Green smoothie with kiwi and banana


  • banana - 1 pc.
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • avocado - 0.5 pcs.
  • water - 100 ml
  • spinach - 0.5 bunch

We grind all the ingredients in a blender, pre-freeze the banana in the freezer to make the smoothie more dense.

Kiwi smoothie for weight loss


  • kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • broccoli - 150 g
  • water - 50 ml

First, beat the kiwi and banana with a blender, then add the rest of the ingredients. As a result, we get a low-calorie drink with which you can lose extra pounds.

Smoothie with kiwi and cocoa

Required products:

  • kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • mint tea - 1 cup
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • spinach - 100 g
  • cocoa - 1 tsp. a spoon

We cool the mint tea, you can also use chamomile or lemon balm. Then beat it with the rest of the ingredients until a creamy structure is obtained.

Sour-milk smoothie with kiwi and cinnamon


First, beat the fruit with a blender, add the remaining ingredients after 5 minutes, sprinkle with cinnamon on top.

Morning smoothie with kiwi


  • celery - 2 stalks
  • parsley - 1 handful
  • kiwi - 3 pcs.
  • peach - 1 pc.
  • vanilla - 0.5 pod

Whipping all the ingredients, we get a fragrant smoothie that will help you start the day right.

Ginger smoothie with kiwi

  • ginger - 2 cm.
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • apple - 1 pc.
  • water - 3-4 tbsp. spoons

We beat kiwi and apple on a blender, then again with grated ginger and the right amount of water.

Smoothie with kiwi and oatmeal


  • oat flakes - 2 table. spoons
  • kiwi - 3 pcs.
  • natural yogurt - 1 cup
  • vanilla pod - 2 g

Beat yogurt with cereal and kiwi, add a little vanilla for taste. This smoothie is suitable for breakfast, as it turns out to be very satisfying.

Fat-burning smoothie with kiwi and lemon


  • kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • lemon - 2 slices
  • parsley - 3 sprigs
  • mint - 3 sprigs
  • apple juice - 2 tbsp. spoons

Beat the lemon together with the zest and kiwi with a blender, add greens and apple juice, grind everything into a puree. Add some water if desired.

Today there are many ways reduce weight- some of them require drastic measures, others - great strength will. But there are ways that help lead without necessarily giving up the main meal or excessive physical activity, and the name of this method is cocktails from natural products. Is it really possible? - you think. Let's take a closer look at one of them and find out what is in their composition that helps to fight against hated kilograms.

Kiwi, lemon, parsley, mint - these are the main components of the proposed recipe for weight loss. We all know that greens are healthy, citruses have a rich composition, but not everyone can fully explain what the effect of each ingredient in a wonderful cocktail is. Let's get to know them better?

How to lose weight: Kiwi

This exotic fruit in fact, it is a source of invaluable properties for the body. In addition to what it contains daily dose vitamin C, it helps to maintain the balance of metabolic processes, affects the processes of splitting fats, removes harmful accumulations from the body in the form of fats and slag formations. Also, kiwi helps to cope with hunger, and just a couple of slices of the fruit allow the incoming food to be absorbed much faster.

How to lose weight: Lemon

We have known about the anti-cold effect of this citrus for a long time, but not everyone knows what processes and breaks down fat accumulations. The process of transformation takes place in the background general health and recovery of the body.

How to lose weight: Parsley

In addition to the mass of vitamins and nutrients contained in the well-known summer grass, it also has an amazing property that is very much in demand for our figures, namely, it removes excess fluid. Sometimes, it is enough to consume a decoction of parsley every morning for two weeks, and no diet is required.

How to lose weight: Mint

Fills the body extra energy, which is simply necessary for and during diets and with dietary restrictions. In addition, it has a positive effect on the speed of metabolic processes, accelerating them to the limit.

We figured out the benefits of each of the components, there was no doubt about the effect of the cocktail, which means it's time to start preparing this wonderful remedy. Take the ingredients in the following proportions:

- kiwi 1 piece;

- 2-3 lemon rings with peel;

- 7-8 sprigs of parsley;

- 5-6 sprigs of mint;

- 100 ml. purified water;

- 1 hour a spoonful of honey, but this is optional.

Peel the kiwi, wash the greens. Using a blender, grind kiwi and lemon with zest in a puree, then add parsley sprigs to them, and take only leaves from mint. Grind everything again with a blender, pour water into it, mix and drip a little honey. Drink immediately after preparation, bon appetit, lose weight and lose weight with joy!

With best wishes,

Not always physical exercises and proper nutrition helps to quickly cope with excess body fat. Sometimes the body needs to be stimulated, one of the most effective methods is fat-burning cocktails, which give an internal impetus and help to model the figure.

Delicious fat-burning smoothies can always be made from simple ingredients.

It is recommended to drink fat-burning cocktails for a snack, they saturate, tone up, nourish the body with vitamins, and at the same time do not add many calories to the diet. Such drinks are a supplement, but not a full-fledged proper nutrition, so it is very important to find correct ratio between sports, weight loss menus and fat-burning cocktails.

Tip: For those who do not diet, but only adhere to balanced nutrition, on such cocktails it is recommended to spend fasting days.

What to cook from

Fat-burning cocktails at home can be prepared not according to strict recipes, but by experimenting, it is enough to know the list of products that promote the breakdown of fat cells and improve metabolic processes: carrots, beets, cabbage, celery, kiwi, low-fat sour milk, radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers, plums, grapefruit, oranges, blueberries, raspberries, cinnamon, green tea, ginger, horseradish, coconut milk, papaya, red wine 100 ml/day, apples, pears, oatmeal.

How to do

Place the ingredients in a blender and blend thoroughly until smooth. At the end, you can add chopped fruits, berries, herbs.

Choose simple and affordable products

fat burning cocktail recipes

There are a lot of products for making cocktails, you need to choose your favorite from an extensive list and start losing weight with pleasure.


A fat-burning kefir cocktail contains useful prebiotics, it contains calorie fat, is rich in protein, lowers cholesterol, and is quickly absorbed:

  • Apples 250 g, add 50 g of celery and 100 g of pineapple to them, chop and pour 250 ml of kefir, mix.
  • Watermelon, raspberries, peeled cucumber - all 250 g each, beat, at the end add a glass of natural yogurt or kefir.
  • Grind melon 200 g, add kefir and 1 tsp. cinnamon, mix.
  • Juice of 1 orange, a glass of yogurt, crushed pineapple 200 g - beat everything.
  • Kiwi - 4 medium, green apple - 2 peel and grind, add a spoonful of honey and kefir - 1 tbsp.
  • Freshly squeezed carrot juice - 1 tbsp, juice of 1 green apple, ginger a quarter of a teaspoon, kefir -200 ml, beat thoroughly.

Fat burning recipes based on kefir are simple and available at any time of the year.

According to Dukan

If the weight has risen, and a strong push is required, then the Dukan fat-burning cocktail will help. Eat before bedtime, not only breaks down fat, but also cleanses the body well. Kefir 1%, ground red pepper, literally at the end of a knife, ½ tsp. chopped ginger, the same amount of cinnamon. Mix all the ingredients well, drink a fat-burning drink immediately.


Fat burning kiwi smoothie should be consumed immediately after preparation. The drink requires: kiwi - 1, a couple of lemon slices, parsley 5-7 sprigs, chop everything, add 1 tsp honey, but it can be excluded from the recipe altogether, pour 100 ml of water and beat well.

Kiwi cocktail is not only healthy, but also very tasty


If you have included heavy artillery in your diet - fat-burning cocktails at home, it is better to diversify the recipes. So, one of the powerful fat-burning foods - celery goes well with many foods. 200 g of celery greens, 2 green apples - chop, add juice from half a lime, half a glass of water and the same amount of ice. Blend the ingredients in a blender.


Based on water, you can also prepare a number of effective fat-burning cocktails, but it must be ice cold. Here is one of the popular fat burning drinks:

  • 250 ml water, 1 tsp. honey, one crushed cinnamon stick and 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar, mix well.

Fat burning ginger shakes

With ginger, you can brew fat-burning tea, add to dishes, prepare salads. Dishes with this product should not be eaten before bedtime, as it invigorates. Fat burning cocktails, recipes based on it:

  • Take half tsp. ginger, 1 ripe banana, 200 ml low-fat natural yogurt, 100 ml milk and 1 tbsp. honey. Shake the cocktail in a mixer good supplement for dinner or breakfast.
  • A glass of yogurt, ginger tsp, ½ tsp cinnamon and a pinch hot pepper chilli, mix well. To obtain maximum effect of such a drink you will need to drink 1.5 liters per day.
  • Ch.l. ginger powder, 1 lemon, 1 cucumber, a few mint leaves and 10 cups pure water, all mix and drink throughout the day.

Ginger helps to lose weight, remove toxins and toxins

According to reviews, ginger fat-burning drinks are considered the most effective in the fight for weight loss.


fat burning green cocktail from cucumbers:

  • Cucumber - 1, green apple - 1, celery - ½ bunch, chop ginger root 10 mm, a little cinnamon. Chop the vegetables, add the rest of the ingredients and beat well. You can sweeten with stevisiod.

You can add beets or carrots to cucumber smoothies.

We have provided you with several effective drinks for weight loss, you can invent your own fat-burning cocktails, while reviews on the forums suggest that each person needs to choose a drink individually, it is better to consult a nutritionist for this.

Promote the breakdown of fat, improve performance digestive system, intestinal tract, normalize metabolic processes

About contraindications

AT general practice fat-burning cocktails are prohibited for people suffering from allergies to certain products, gastritis, ulcers and others gastrointestinal diseases. Especially harmful are those in which hot pepper and ginger are present. Gentle drinks: beetroot, carrot, cucumber, kefir, apples and celery should be taken with caution, in a diluted form, after consulting a doctor.

A cocktail made with a blender, mixer or food processor from low calorie food plant origin is called a smoothie. The mixture replaces the main dishes eaten for lunch or dinner, or as a snack. Thanks to the orderly and rational intake of a fresh drink, you can easily get rid of body fat without feeling hungry and without harming your health. As ingredients, mainly fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs are used.

Useful properties for weight loss

This drink contains a huge amount of dietary fiber, which beneficial effect for bowel function. The liquid helps to cleanse the decay products, accelerate the metabolism. Smoothies are well absorbed by the body, saturating it with useful microelements and vitamins. The use of a natural nourishing mixture is considered the best option to suppress hunger while following a diet for weight loss. Other benefits of smoothies include:

The most popular are smoothies with kiwi for weight loss. The green fruit is often referred to as the Chinese gooseberry because it has a sour taste and a pleasant aroma characteristic of this berry. Useful properties of kiwi for weight loss and body health are in such moments:

  1. The peel of the fruit contains antioxidants that help increase calorie expenditure.
  2. The fruit perfectly eliminates toxins, normalizes the digestion process, and lowers cholesterol levels in the blood.
  3. High concentration vitamin C activates the process of fat burning, has a rejuvenating effect.
  4. The presence of potassium in kiwi helps to remove excess fluid from cells and tissues, contributing to weight loss.
  5. Regular intake of green fruits reduces the risk of blood clots, cancer cells, strengthens the heart and blood vessels.

Rules for the preparation and use of diet smoothies

Choosing this method of losing weight, you need to tune in to the implementation certain conditions, then the benefits of drinking a cocktail will become significantly significant. In the process of preparing and drinking smoothies, a number of rules should be observed:

  1. The consistency of the drink should not be too liquid, but not too thick.
  2. For a cocktail, it is desirable to choose high-quality, fresh and environmentally friendly ingredients.
  3. Before mixing, you need to wash the products well, remove the bones, peel, partitions.
  4. Combine sweet and sour ingredients for richer flavors.
  5. For the basis of a kiwi smoothie for weight loss, fermented milk products, such as kefir or natural yogurt, are suitable.
  6. It is allowed to add any juices, and it is better to refuse high-calorie components.
  7. It is forbidden to use sugar, sweeteners, salt. Cinnamon is suitable as a flavor enhancer.
  8. Alcohol and carbonated drinks are prohibited.
  9. 2 days before the start of the diet, it is necessary to reduce the amount of high-calorie foods, introduce more fruits, vegetables, mineral water without gases.
  10. To quickly get enough of a smoothie, you need to drink it in small sips, through a straw or with a spoon.
  11. In order to reduce weight, a vitamin cocktail is taken for lunch or dinner, low-fat broths, cereals on the water can be included in the menu.
  12. Subject to strict regime Smoothies should be consumed every 2 hours. In the intervals between meals, it is allowed to drink water, green tea.
  13. The duration of the smoothie diet should not exceed 1 week, as the body needs fats, animal proteins and various nutrients.


It is advisable to discuss any changes in the usual diet with a specialist, which will help to avoid health problems in the future. It is strictly forbidden for pregnant and lactating women to abuse the drink and sit on a strict diet. Kiwi smoothies for weight loss are contraindicated in:

  • allergies to cocktail components;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the mixture;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • presence of gastritis, ulcers, hyperacidity and other diseases of the stomach;
  • dysfunction of the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system.

Kiwi Smoothie Recipes

A unique combination of low calorie and useful properties makes smoothies a real discovery for adherents proper nutrition. Made from the pulp of fruits, berries, vegetables, the drink contributes to the acquisition slim figure, health promotion, gives a charge of vivacity, strength and energy. There are many options for a vitamin cocktail using kiwi fruit, each of which is an excellent fat burner. Regular use of a delicious mixture will help get rid of 5 kg per month.

From kiwi and banana

  • Time: less than 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 1.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 177 per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, snack, child, dessert.
  • Cuisine: American.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Smoothies with banana and kiwi are an indispensable PP treat. Fruit drink belongs to the nutritious dishes with unique set trace elements and pleasant taste. During a diet, such a cocktail perfectly copes with outbreaks of hunger, saturating the body for a long time. Smoothies prepared according to this recipe, it turns out sweet due to the presence of a banana in it, so the use of sweeteners is not recommended.


  • kiwi - 70 g;
  • banana - 50 g;
  • milk - 150 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove peel from banana, cut into slices.
  2. Chilled and washed kiwi peel, cut into 4 pieces.
  3. Place fruit in a blender and blend high speed until puree.
  4. Add milk to the mass, continue whisking until a homogeneous consistency.
  5. Pour the finished drink into a suitable container.

  • Time: 10 minutes.
  • Servings: 1.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 144.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, afternoon tea, dinner.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Kiwi goes well with fermented milk products. A kefir-based cocktail contains proteins necessary for the normal functioning of organs and tissues, as well as bacteria that support the intestinal microflora. Fruit and milk mass helps to cleanse the walls of blood vessels, strengthen immunity. A smoothie for dinner for weight loss will make it easy to get rid of extra pounds without exposing a person to stress and without depriving you of gastronomic pleasure.


  • kiwi - 1 large fruit;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • kefir 2.5% - 150 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the peel from the fruit, cut them into small pieces.
  2. Place all components in a container, add kefir.
  3. Thoroughly grind the products with a blender until a homogeneous thick mass.
  4. Pour into a glass, garnish with a slice of kiwi.
  5. If the finished mixture has a pronounced sourness, you can add a few drops of honey or syrup to it.

With yogurt

  • Time: 10 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 2.
  • Calorie content of the dish (1 serving): 167.5 per 100 g.
  • Purpose: breakfast, snack.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Green smoothie for weight loss with kiwi, avocado and yogurt is popular among athletes who consume it 1-1.5 hours before training. The mixture gives strength, helps to preserve muscle mass and reduction of body fat by accelerating metabolism. The avocado included in the drink provides the body with proteins, enzymes, lipids, suppressing appetite between meals.


  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • low-fat yogurt - 300 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the soft avocado from the peel, remove the core, cut into slices or grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Peel ripe kiwi fruits from the skin, cut into several parts.
  3. Place products in suitable dishes, grind with a blender or mixer.
  4. Pour natural yogurt into the mass, beat it to a puree.
  5. Pour the smoothie into a glass to chill the drink, you can add 2 ice cubes.
  6. Drink in small sips.

Strawberries with kiwi

  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 2.
  • Calorie content of the dish (per 100 g): 52.93.
  • Purpose: breakfast, afternoon snack, dessert.
  • Cuisine: American.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Smoothies with kiwi and strawberries are a real "vitamin bomb" that can not only improve the figure, complexion, but also saturate the body with valuable substances and minerals, and prevent beriberi. For its preparation, it is advisable to take fresh berries, although frozen strawberries also do not lose their beneficial properties. This juicy and appetizing smoothie perfectly copes with outbreaks of hunger, helping the slimmer to endure the period of food restriction more easily. Weight loss occurs due to the activation of metabolism, excretion excess fluid.


  • kiwi - 120 g (1 pc.);
  • strawberries - 60 g;
  • banana - 100 g;
  • pineapple juice - 150 ml;
  • honey - 0.5 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the banana, cut it into slices.
  2. Remove the peel from the kiwi, chop with a knife.
  3. Wash the strawberries thoroughly, remove the stalks.
  4. Mix all products, pour them with pineapple juice.
  5. Beat with a blender until a paste-like consistency.
  6. pour over tall glasses, garnish with berries and serve.

banana and apple drink recipe

  • Time: 10 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 3.
  • Calorie content of the dish (per 100 g): 53.15 per 100 g.
  • Purpose: breakfast, snack, before bedtime.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

A light refreshing smoothie with kiwi for weight loss, complemented by fruits, spices and mint, is perfect as the main course of a fasting day. The harmonious combination of components provides high efficiency cocktail in the fight against overweight body, fatigue, lack of macro- and microelements. Prepared like this simple recipe the drink perfectly tones, improves digestion, restores metabolic processes, prolongs youthfulness of the skin.


  • kiwi - 220 g (2 pcs.);
  • apple - 120 g (1 pc.);
  • banana - 150 g (1 medium-sized fruit);
  • lemon juice- 100 ml;
  • fresh mint - 2-3 leaves;
  • cinnamon - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Fresh fruits wash, remove the skin, cut into small pieces.
  2. Transfer the smoothie ingredients to a blender bowl, add freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  3. Finely chop the mint, combine with the rest of the products.
  4. Beat the mixture for 2-3 minutes until it acquires a homogeneous structure.
  5. Divide the mass among the glasses, sprinkle with cinnamon on top.

Cocktail with apple and spinach

  • Time: 10 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 2.
  • Calorie content of the dish (per serving): 181 per 100 g.
  • Purpose: breakfast.
  • Cuisine: American.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Fruit and vegetable drinks - the easiest, fastest and most healthy breakfast. The cocktail contains few calories, while it has a healing effect on the body. Green smoothies act as a powerful sorbent, as they remove toxins, toxins, salts and other harmful elements. As a result of detoxification, acceleration of metabolism, there is an improvement in well-being, a surge of energy. Constantly consuming the mixture, you can reduce weight, improve health, prolong the beauty and youthfulness of the skin.


  • kiwi - 5 pcs.;
  • apple - 2 pcs.;
  • lime - 0.5 pcs.;
  • fresh cucumber- 3 pcs.;
  • parsley - 3 sprigs;
  • fresh or frozen spinach - 40 g;
  • boiled water- 1 glass.

Cooking method:

  • Kiwi cut in half, remove the pulp, removing the hard part of the stalk.
  • Peel apples and cucumbers.
  • Squeeze the juice from half a lime (it is allowed to replace it with a lemon).
  • Cut off the stems from the spinach and parsley, chop the greens with a knife.
  • Combine all ingredients together, beat with a blender for top speed until the mass has a homogeneous consistency.
  • Pour into glasses, garnish with a lime wedge.

