Why drink cocktails after a workout. When and how should you drink a protein shake? Video: Making protein shakes at home


Disadvantages and side effects:

  • Individual intolerance is possible.
  • May cause digestive discomfort and disturbances, including diarrhea, constipation, nausea and vomiting.

Protein contraindications

Taking the supplement is contraindicated in case of individual lactose intolerance. It is also undesirable for persons under the age of majority.

Protein composition

In addition to pure protein, which contains the group nonessential amino acids and irreplaceable, which must be ingested with food, the composition contains fats, carbohydrates, namely lactose, and flavors. Also, depending on the brand, vitamins may be included in the composition.

What types of protein are

Whey Protein

This type powder differs in that when obtained from whey, lactose is removed from it as much as possible, this makes the product less caloric and quickly digestible. Whey products are best for post-workout intake. While the body has expended energy during exercise, the catabolic process is launched. If you take a serving of whey protein on time, you can immediately avoid muscle breakdown due to its rapid absorption. Such a cocktail can be taken after strength and cardio for those who want to gain more or just keep fit. Approximate calorie content, depending on the manufacturer, is 350-400 kcal per 100 grams, usually one serving is 25-30 grams.


Obtained by separating the protein casein from whey. This type of protein is absorbed the longest, so it is appropriate to take it during the period. This product is slightly higher in calories than whey protein, mainly it all depends on the lactose content and fats that are added energy value. Final product may contain 400-450 kilocalories per 100 grams. Casein is not suitable for those who want to remove adipose tissue, but for weight gain, this species is indispensable. Since casein is absorbed for a long time, it is advisable to take it at night to prevent muscle breakdown during sleep. Also, the product can be used before training or during morning time in order to saturate the body with protein for as long as possible.

soy protein

Protein plant origin does not have such value and rich amino acid composition for athletes of any level. It is the worst absorbed, but is indispensable assistant in the training of vegans and lactose intolerant individuals. Usually, soy protein is included in order to provide the body with all kinds of protein, but at the same time, to reduce the cost of its products. Calorie content is about 300 kcal per 100 grams.

Whey Isolate

Obtained by complete purification of whey protein from fat and lactose. Due to this, the calorie content becomes lower, and the value and quality of the protein does not suffer. This product is indispensable for and for those who want to get the body in shape. To those who suffer overweight, but wants to treat himself to sweets, it is the isolate that will help to achieve results, preventing disruptions in the diet. The calorie content of this powder per 100 grams does not exceed 350 kcal.

Whey Protein Concentrate

This species is the preferred additive for the set muscle mass. Unlike whey isolate, it contains high percent carbohydrates and fats, which significantly increases the calorie content of the product, but makes it valuable for muscle growth and maintaining a stable weight. Due to the high content of carbohydrates, the concentrate helps to increase the production of insulin, a powerful anabolic hormone.

Whey protein hydrolyzate

Absorbed faster than others chemical formula powder is partially decomposed into amino acids, so after training at the time of hunger, when you need to urgently eat, the hydrolyzate is an emergency. The calorie content and composition of the product is almost the same as whey protein, but the cost is much higher due to the production method.

egg protein

Eggs, of all protein foods, are the fastest and most fully digestible sources of protein in terms of digestibility. Therefore, we created a type of protein that suits everyone. Unfortunately, its amino acid composition is not as rich as whey, and the cost of egg protein is higher. It is often added to complex protein supplements. Egg whites are also suitable for those who are lactose intolerant. Approximate calorie content per 100 grams - 350 kcal.

beef protein

A product for those who are contraindicated in lactose. Beef has less fat, and the protein composition is rich in amino acids. One of the disadvantages of beef cocktails is the specific taste of bitterness, which is unpleasant for many, because of this it is not so popular. Calorie content does not exceed 350 kcal per 100 grams.

Complex protein

Multicomponent protein includes several types of protein, the formula may contain such types as: casein, Whey Protein, soy, egg and others in various proportions. This is the highest calorie type of powder, contains a large number of carbohydrates and fats, the energy value increases to 500-600 kcal per 100 grams. The product is suitable only for weight gain, and thanks to casein it is absorbed longer, which is necessary at night. Gain dry muscle mass with this product will not work.

How to take protein

For mass gain

For muscle growth, casein, multicomponent protein, whey protein concentrate, diluted with low-fat milk, is suitable. Do not exceed 4 servings per day, not forgetting other food sources of protein and carbohydrates.

  • Be sure to take one serving after training, the second before bed.
  • You can do the rest of the tricks between meals, in the morning or before training.

The main thing is to get daily allowance protein for muscle growth.

For weight loss

When losing weight, only whey protein isolate is suitable - without fats and carbohydrates. Take no more than two servings per day.

  • One serving can be taken in the morning or between meals on rest days.
  • AT training days: take one serving before training or in the morning, and the second immediately after exercise.

Dilute the powder with water to avoid excess calories.

What to look for when choosing a protein

  • Expiration date: the product must be fresh, do not use protein after the expiration date.
  • The integrity of the pack or can: there should be no signs of opening or deformation of the package.
  • Availability of certification trademark, quality control.
  • Ingredients: Each product has a list of ingredients that you need to consider and balance against your goals.


Protein is necessary for all athletes, both gaining weight and losing weight. Without amino acids, the growth of new cells, which means muscle tissue, is impossible. To increase muscle mass, an athlete needs to consume 2-3 grams of protein per kilogram. own body. In this case protein powder is not the only source of amino acids, but replaces 1-2 meals, or is taken before and after training. In addition, the timely use of protein helps prevent muscle breakdown, since during starvation the body will destroy muscle protein. Therefore, it is important for athletes who are gaining weight, as well as losing weight, to consume protein in order to avoid muscle loss.

Protein is an essential nutrient for people who want to lose weight and “build” the body of their dreams. The body spends more energy on its absorption than on the processing of carbohydrates. At the same time, the protein saturates for a long time, quickly suppresses the feeling of hunger. Now protein shakes for drying and weight loss are being actively advertised. The price of quality drinks is rather big, but they can be easily prepared by yourself. They will be not only cheaper, but also tastier than store-bought ones.


Mechanism of action and benefits of protein drinks

Protein is an essential element for building muscle tissue. There are many unbalanced diets in which it does not enter the body enough. As a result, along with the first lost kilograms it is the muscles that burn and leave, the hated fat remains. This should not be allowed, you can add to light diet protein food: chicken, milk drinks, lean fish. But there is not always time to cook them, over time, the taste of monotonous (and healthy) food is frankly annoying. This is where protein drinks come in handy.

Benefits of cocktails:

  • give the body protein
  • satisfy hunger well and for a long time;
  • easy and quick to prepare;
  • give strength and energy;
  • have different tastes.

Another huge plus is the low calorie content. A protein shake for weight loss in terms of energy value will be much less than a full-fledged lunch or dinner, but it will saturate just as well.

Types of finished proteins

There are many types of protein powder for shakes. It is tasteless or already with additives. In any case, the product is prepared according to the instructions on the package. You can also notice the difference in price. Sometimes it reaches several thousand rubles. The cost depends on base product, concentration of amino acids, manufacturer.

Main types:

  1. Soy. Cheap protein, contains 50% amino acids, intended for vegetarians, allergy sufferers.
  2. Serum isolate. It is distinguished by a high content of amino acids (up to 90%), high-quality cleaning.
  3. Whey hydrolyzate. Expensive, has a slight bitterness, but contains up to 98% amino acids.
  4. Serum. Contains 60% amino acids, neutral taste, falls into the middle price category.
  5. Casein. It contains 60% amino acids and is characterized by slow activity.

How and when to drink cocktails

Often protein drinks replace breakfast. In this case, they are supplemented with grain bread, walnuts, fruits or berries, herbs. A good portion of protein will saturate until lunch, give strength and energy. It is advisable to use it two hours before training or one hour after it.

Protein shakes can be consumed instead of lunch or dinner. But no need to overdo it. Wholesome food must be ingested. healthy person You need 2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. Calculating the rate is easy. An excess of cocktails will only harm, increase the load on the kidneys, and provoke a deficiency of other important substances.

Advice! You need to drink protein shakes slowly, through a straw, this will contribute to better absorption of protein, and the feeling of satiety comes only 15 minutes after eating.

Protein Shake Powder Recipes

For the preparation of drinks, powdered soy, whey or casein proteins. They can be without flavorings and flavorings or already contain something. For breeding, low-fat milk or drinking water is used, mineral water, juices, coffee. Additionally, you will need a mixer or blender. They will prevent the appearance of lumps, the mass will be homogeneous, light and tender.

Cocktail with yogurt and fruit

Protein powder - 2 tbsp. l.
Natural yogurt - 140 ml
Fruit - 100 g

You can take any fruit, except bananas. Rinse, cut into pieces, put in a blender, add yogurt, add protein powder. Beat for 2 minutes until smooth. If the fruit is not very juicy or the yogurt is too thick, you can add a small amount of purified water.

Chocolate protein shake

Skimmed milk - 300 ml
Powder - 2 tbsp. l.
Cocoa without sugar - 1.5-2 tbsp. l.

Combine protein powder with cocoa, stir so that no lumps form. Small portions add cool milk, continuing to stir. Lower the blender, beat chocolate cocktail two minutes.

Slimming cocktail with mocha flavor

Boiled coffee - 1 cup
Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
Chocolate flavored whey protein - 1 tbsp. l.
Milk - 100 ml

Add fresh honey and chocolate flavored whey protein powder to the milk. But you can use a neutral product. Beat a minute. Combine with brewed coffee. Stir the slimming drink so that the flavors combine.

Cocktail for weight loss "Strawberry in chocolate"

Skimmed milk - 260 ml
Protein powder - 2 tbsp. l.
Strawberries - 100 g
Cocoa - 1 tbsp. l.

Rinse strawberries, dry, remove leaves with sprigs, pour into a blender or other dish convenient for grinding. Blend into a puree. Pour in the cocktail powder mixed with cocoa, then dilute the mixture with milk. Stir until smooth for 2-3 minutes.

Video: Making protein shakes at home

Homemade Protein Shake Recipes

In preparation protein shakes only natural products are used for weight loss protein products: milk, kefir, cottage cheese, raw eggs. Of course, such drinks contain less protein, but they are much cheaper. They are tasty and nutritious, give energy, are great for satisfying hunger, losing weight. Also, for cooking, you will need a blender, dishes that are convenient for whipping the drink, and a knife.

Important! Since the eggs are used raw, it is very important to pay attention to their quality. Be sure to wash the shell with soap before cooking, salmonellosis pathogens may be present on it.

Pineapple slimming smoothie with eggs

Fresh or canned pineapple - 3 slices
Fresh egg white - 2 pcs.
Yolk - 1 pc.
Water - 150 ml
Walnut - 1 pc.

Place the pineapple, egg whites and one yolk cut into pieces in a blender, add water, beat the mass until smooth. Pour the drink into a glass, add one chopped walnut. Stir, drink protein shake immediately after preparation.

Banana protein shake with milk

Milk - 500 ml
Bananas - 300 g
Nuts - 30 g
Honey - 3 tbsp. l.
Curd - 100 g

Combine honey, cottage cheese, add bananas broken into pieces, any nuts to your taste. Grind the mass into a homogeneous puree. If the cottage cheese is liquid, you can take 200 g. Dilute the cocktail with whole milk of arbitrary fat content, beat for another minute.

Strawberry smoothie for weight loss with cottage cheese

Strawberries fresh or frozen - 150 g
Milk - 250 g
Curd - 150 g
Honey to taste

Combine washed, peeled strawberries with cottage cheese, add honey to taste, grind with a blender to obtain a homogeneous puree. Pour in milk. Beat a minute.

Protein shake with protein and orange juice

Sour cream 10% - 200 g
Egg white - 1 pc.
Orange juice - 160 ml
Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
Lemon - 0.5 pcs.

Put sour cream, honey in a blender bowl, add raw egg white squeeze the juice from one half of a lemon. Mix with a blender until smooth. Dilute the cocktail with fresh orange juice. Pour the drink into a glass. To taste, add chopped nuts or a mint leaf.

Spicy slimming cocktail with ginger and cinnamon

Kefir or natural yogurt - 250 ml
Fresh ginger - 5 g
Dry cinnamon - 0.3 tsp
Dry red paprika - 0.3 tsp.

Peel the ginger root, cut off the right amount, chop with a knife, pour into a blender. Add sweet paprika and cinnamon. You can prepare this cocktail in a spicy version with the addition of ground red pepper, which has a fat-burning effect. Pour kefir or natural yogurt, beat for 2 minutes. Drink chilled, for weight loss this cocktail is useful to use at night.

Protein shake with ice cream

Whole milk - 300 ml
Cream ice cream - 100 g
Powdered milk - 3 tsp.
Egg - 1 pc.

Shake the egg until smooth, add both types of milk. Whisk together for about three minutes. Add ice cream. If desired, sweeten the drink with honey, for flavor, you can add a little vanillin. Stir again, just a few seconds, pour into a glass, use immediately.


Protein powders contain large portion protein, you can not use it in excess of the norm indicated in the instructions. It is forbidden to take drinks during the period breastfeeding, as well as during pregnancy, when the load on the kidneys is increased. You can not use protein products for weight loss in childhood and old age.

Main contraindications:

Do not forget about individual intolerance. As additional ingredients products with increased allergenicity are often used: honey, eggs, chocolate, coffee, citrus fruits, strawberries and other berries, fruits.

Video: Protein drink with cottage cheese for weight loss

Every person needs correct and healthy eating . However, unfortunately, in modern world it is not easy to choose products that meet the required quality standards and do not harm the body. Homemade protein shakes help fight shortages nutrients. They are not only a complete source of protein, but also enrich the body with many useful vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, fiber, vitamin C and so on. Protein shakes are indispensable for intense physical activity.

The value of proteins

Squirrels are the building blocks of a living organism, they play an important role in all processes of human life support. There is a huge number, in which it is provided mainly protein nutrition. This is because proteins are the main building blocks for muscle tissue. In addition, they speed up metabolism and control hunger. Among other things, proteins control sugar levels in the blood and help to avoid its abrupt changes.

Thanks to balanced diet With enough proteins, you can quickly , put your body in order, improve your body.

Why is it important to take protein shakes before and after training?

If you are regularly engaged in gym, then you need to know that in order to improve efficiency strength exercises you need to take protein shakes before and after training.

Why is it important to drink protein shakebefore training? The point is that during exercise your body is under stress. Thanks to the timely intake of protein (about one hour before training), you will provide yourself with the necessary stock of amino acids for productive training. In addition, if the cocktail is based on milk or juice, then this will give you an extra energy. In this case, you can not be afraid of fatigue.

After workout timely delivery is also very important. protein nutrition. It was at this time that the so-called protein-carbohydrate window(about half an hour after exercise), when the body most needs a certain amount of protein and carbohydrates.

Recipes for protein shakes for weight loss

If you want to lose weight, then you need to increase your daily diet amount proteins and balance content fats and carbohydrates. It can be done at no extra cost for special sports nutrition, at home. Protein shakes will provide the body necessary quantity nutrients. Besides, liquid food better and faster digestible, . Proteins do not allow the body to lose muscle mass when losing weight, which is very important if you want to achieve beautiful and harmonious forms. These cocktails can replace meals(for example, a snack or dinner), or arrange fasting days 1-2 times a week.

The following are best for weight loss protein shake recipes:


  • 400 g reduced fat cottage cheese
  • - 400 g fruit (excluding high-calorie bananas and plums)

How to make baked milk at home:

Since this cocktail is in the best way fitsfor unloading days , then the approximate number of products is indicated for the whole day.
Mix the ingredients and grind them with a blender. If you takedifferent fruits, then this will make your cocktail even more useful and fortified. The best for the preparation of "Sybarite" are suitable: apples, cherries, sweet cherries, strawberries, kiwi, peaches, oranges, grapefruits. You can add a littlejuiceor low calorieyogurt(sugarless).
The indicated amount is best divided into 5 doses during the day. Cocktail "Sybarite" contains daily allowance protein needed female body as well as fiber and vitamins.

"Chocolate Protein Shake"

  • 2 tablespoons cottage cheese
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon natural cocoa (mix in a little hot water)
  • 150 ml. reduced fat milk
  • optional: cinnamon, vanilla, chocolate or coconut flakes

This cocktail is perfect fordessert.

"Oatmeal Protein Shake"

  • 2 tablespoons oatmeal (finely ground)
  • pour them with a glass of warm milk with a fat content of not more than 2.5%
  • 0.5 grated apple
  • 1 tablespoon low-fat cottage cheese
  • if desired, you can add a teaspoon of honey, but the calorie content of the cocktail will increase slightly.

Mix everything well, you can beat with a blender. This cocktail is perfect.for breakfast- tasty, satisfying and good for digestion.

Protein shake recipes for mass gain

Some people also dream of coping underweight- it's not always easy. They can come to the aid of special cocktails that contribute with the help of essential nutrients. Contributes to weight gain quality, otherwise a large number of rolls and fatty meat can only lead to an increase in body fat. muscle mass builds up well combination of protein and "right" carbohydrates. Healthy carbs are found, for example, in bananas, honey, dried fruits, cottage cheese, nuts, cereal flakes.

"Banana coctail"

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 50 grams of cottage cheese
  • 1 glass of milk

"Chocolate cocktail"

  • 50 grams full fat cottage cheese
  • 1 glass of warm milk
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa
  • 20 grams of grated chocolate
  • chopped nuts

Protein shake recipes for intense physical activity

With intense physical activity the need for a complete protein for the body increases significantly. After all, protein helps muscles recover faster. Its deficiency may not have the best effect on the quality and effectiveness of your workouts. Before training It's best to take a high carb smoothie like Banana as it will help you energize and fight off fatigue. After workout it is best to prepare yourself a light protein shake, with low-fat cottage cheese or milk, not high-calorie fruits. Skimmed milk powder can also be used for these shakes. It will enrich its composition with proteins without excess carbohydrates and fats.

"Light protein shake based on powdered milk"

  • 2 tablespoons fat-free cottage cheese
  • 150 ml. reduced fat milk
  • 100 grams of fruits or berries
  • 2-3 tablespoons of powdered milk

We've looked at options ready recipes for making protein shakes. However, here a huge room for culinary creativity, you can create your own drinks, knowing the basic principles of their preparation.

  1. So, first you need to choose base for a cocktail. The most common, healthy and delicious basics:
    - skimmed milk
    - unsweetened low fat yogurt
    - homemade yogurt on the skimmed milk(on starter cultures "Narine" or "Evitalia")
    - soy or almond milk (their advantage is lower cholesterol content)
  2. Then select second main proteiningredient. It could be:
    - cottage cheese (low-fat and unsalted)
    - raw egg (it must be thoroughly washed before preparing a cocktail)
    - nut or almond butter
    - skimmed milk powder
    - protein powder (sports nutrition)
  3. After that, add your favorites to the cocktail.fruits or berries, they will enrich it with vitamins, trace elements and fiber:
    - bananas
    - citrus fruits
    - apricots
    - Strawberry
    - blueberry
    - cherry
    - kiwi
    - watermelon

Protein shakes occupy a significant position in the niche sports nutrition. To achieve excellent results when working on your body, you need to listen to the recommendations of experts. In this article, you will learn about when to drink a protein shake, before or after a workout. Interested people will be happy to use the recipe at the end of the article.

Pre-Workout Protein Shake

The Undeniable Benefits of Pre-Workout Protein

Considering that your diet requires adequate amounts of protein, we recommend that you opt for a pre-workout portion of sports nutrition with the addition of BCAAs. The product is in optimal form and is quickly absorbed, so at the time of the start of the load, the percentage of amino acids in the blood will be impressive. Know that nutrients taken both before and after physical activity, play an important role in the construction perfect body and continuous improvement of its performance. By ignoring pre-workout protein intake, you reduce your potential for increased anabolism - gaining muscle mass and reducing catabolism (muscle breakdown after exercise).

Fat burning and muscle nutrition

The beneficial effect of protein intake, and specifically BCAAs, is greatly enhanced in a low-carbohydrate diet regimen. Such a nutrition system creates a low level of glycogen in the body, and, consequently, causes increased oxidation of adipose tissue or fat burning. This process is facilitated by metabolic training with weights or interval training. The benefits of consuming protein just before training also lies in the intensive nourishment of actively working muscles. The peculiarity of BCAAs is that amino acids are not processed by the human liver, they are absorbed into the bloodstream and sent directly to muscle tissue.

Protein shakes: protein shakes before and after training help build muscle faster

Other protein shake options

Protein after workout

A large number of experts advise taking a fresh protein shake immediately after exercise, containing fast protein and BCAA supplement. For this purpose, a portion of a surprisingly powerful drink is also suitable - a gainer, which acts as a supplier of carbohydrates and valuable protein. The purpose of such nutrition is to increase the rate of protein production in muscle tissue. This process can be at least three times faster when compared with the exclusion situation. proper nutrition after training. A post-workout serving of protein predisposes to increased production of the anabolic hormone insulin, and also provides comprehensive muscle tissue recovery.

Protein at night

If you want to take care of the muscles without interruption, you must also take into account the fact that they require nutrients even during a night's sleep. True, at night the body is unable to digest solid food. For this reason, we suggest choosing a casein-based protein shake - such a meal in the evening will provide the most delayed absorption and intensive nourishment of your muscles while you rest. In no case do not use carbohydrates in the evenings, because at night they are transformed into unwanted body fat.

Interesting facts about protein and training

In fact, experts disagree on when to drink a protein shake before or after a workout: it is generally recommended to take the right supportive sports nutrition systematically, including evening time before bedtime. The distribution of protein servings is carried out in accordance with the goals of a particular person, the condition of his body, the type and schedule of physical activity.

Daily work in the gym or at home will be successful if you put in the body a complex of proteins and carbohydrates. But we urge you not to fill your stomach with food before training, as this will interfere with proper exercise. It is optimal to use a good protein shake prepared on the basis of whey protein half an hour before exercise. When adding carbohydrates, give preference to fructose, which excludes the creation of a ground for the release of insulin, and this hormone, as you know, prevents effective fat burning because it lowers the percentage of sugar in the blood.

Homemade protein shake


  • base - kefir or natural milk (half a liter);
  • protein component - protein powder (50 grams), fat-free cottage cheese (100 grams), eggs - (1 piece);
  • fat content - olive oil(2 small spoons);
  • carbohydrate ingredient - a choice of jam, fruit syrup, natural honey, sugar (up to 15 grams, since adding 20 grams of sweet ingredients at the output will give a gainer protein-carbohydrate mix);
  • vitamin ingredient - fruits, favorite berries or half a banana (to your taste).

First, milk (kefir) is whipped with a mixer with a half dose of protein powder. Then intensively mix the resulting mass with cottage cheese, then put the remaining powder. And at the end, add fruit or berry supplements with butter. You can prepare many variations of the cocktail based on your preferences. It uses whey protein, cereals, various fruits, berries, gelatin, raw eggs, juices, ice, ice cream, cocoa, cheeses and other products that positively affect the figure.

Most experts recommend consuming homemade or store-bought protein shakes half an hour before exercise, but at the same time, do not neglect such a recharge half an hour after exercise. Also, do not forget that the dosage of proteins and other substances that support muscle mass should be determined strictly on an individual basis.

Protein is a protein that helps to shed excess weight and build muscle mass. It is sold in dry form in any specialty sports nutrition store. However, many athletes, both beginners and professionals, prefer to prepare their own protein shakes.

There are some of the most popular such drinks that you can make yourself. In this article, you will learn how to perform a protein shake at home.

Benefits of homemade protein shake

A protein shake, which is made at home, has several advantages over a store-bought counterpart:

  • It contains no chemical impurities. Therefore, it is a 100% natural product.
  • Its taste can be changed at your discretion. To do this, you need to add or exclude from the composition certain product. However, its effectiveness will not suffer.
  • Has a reasonable price compared to a store product.
  • Good for the body. If you use a protein shake that is made at home correctly, you can gain muscle mass, as well as achieve the effect of losing weight.

Top 10 Homemade Protein Shake Recipes

There are many recipes for how to make a protein shake without leaving home. Specialists in the field of sports nutrition identified 10 of them best recipes which will be given below.

To prepare this drink, you will need:

  • small peaches - 4 pcs.;
  • vanilla high protein blend- 1 tablespoon;
  • milk with zero mass fraction of fat - 1 glass;
  • instant cereals- 1 glass.

It is very easy to prepare this drink at home. You need to peel the peaches and cut them into slices. If you did not find fresh fruits, then you can replace them with canned ones in the amount of half a jar. Heat milk without boiling. Mix all products in a blender to get a homogeneous mixture. To gain muscle mass, this cocktail should be consumed before and after training. If the goal is weight loss, then they are also recommended to replace evening reception food. The calorie content of the drink is 306 kcal.

To prepare a cocktail according to this recipe, take:

  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • milk with zero mass fraction of fat - 200 ml;
  • coconut oil - 1 tablespoon.

protein shake by this recipe should be cooked like this. Warm the milk, but do not boil. After that, mix all the products in a blender to make a thick drink. calories this cocktail is 461 kcal. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for weight loss. However, it promotes muscle growth, so you can use it before and after training.

To prepare this drink according to this recipe at home, you need to use the following products:

  • chopped almonds - 0.5 cups;
  • whey protein with chocolate flavor - 1 serving;
  • chocolate - 0.5 tiles;
  • milk in which there is no fat - 200 ml.

Such a protein shake is recommended to be prepared like this. Grate the chocolate on a coarse grater and warm the milk slightly. Next, beat all the products in a blender so that the mass becomes homogeneous. calories finished product- 457 kcal. Therefore, it should be used before and after training for muscle growth. It is not recommended to use a cocktail for weight loss, because. it promotes weight gain.

4. Vanilla cocktail.

You can make this protein shake at home with the following products:

  • casein protein with vanilla flavor - 1 serving;
  • Vanilla Flavored Whey Protein - 1 serving
  • natural yogurt without preservatives and dyes -150 ml;
  • milk with no fat in the composition - 100 ml.

Preparing such a drink at home according to this recipe is very easy. To do this, you need to heat the milk, without bringing it to a boil, and then mix it with other components. After that, all products must be placed in a blender and turn on the device for a few minutes so that the mass becomes homogeneous. The drink can be used for muscle growth and weight loss. In the second case, they need to replace dinner, as well as drink it after a workout. If you need it to gain muscle mass, then you need to drink a cocktail before and after training.

To prepare this drink at home, you will need the following products:

  • instant cocoa powder - 3 tablespoons;
  • whey protein with chocolate flavor - 1 serving;
  • milk with no fat in the composition - 2 cups;
  • cottage cheese with zero mass fraction of fat - 1/2 cup.

How to prepare this protein shake with your own hands? Heat the milk, but do not boil. After that, pour it into a blender and add the rest of the ingredients there. Turn on the device for a few seconds so that the entire mass becomes homogeneous. This cocktail is one of the low-calorie. It contains only 275 kcal, therefore, the drink does not contribute to weight gain. Therefore, it can be drunk for weight loss. It can also be used for muscle growth. To achieve a set of muscle mass, you need to drink it before and after training.

6. Protein shake.

You can prepare such a cocktail according to this recipe using the following products:

  • squirrels chicken eggs- 10 pieces.;
  • water - 3/4 of proteins;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Warm up the water slightly. After that, mix it with proteins, salt, pepper and put the mixture on gas. Cook it over low heat, stirring constantly until the egg whites begin to curdle. After that, filter the drink. Such a cocktail does not contribute to weight gain, so you can use it for weight loss. It can also be drunk for muscle growth. If you are looking to gain muscle mass, then you should drink the drink before and after training.

AT this case you will need the following products:

  • ice cream - 1/2 cup;
  • milk with zero mass fraction of fat - 2 cups;
  • milk powder - 1/2 cup;
  • chicken protein - 1 pc.

You can make such a cocktail at home like this. Warm up the milk and pour into a blender. Add the rest of the ingredients to it and beat them thoroughly. Such a drink high calorie promotes weight gain, so for weight loss is not suitable. But it can be drunk for muscle growth. To gain muscle mass, it is recommended to use it before and after training.

To prepare this drink, take:

  • brewer's yeast - 2 teaspoons;
  • juice of any citrus fruits - 200 ml;
  • protein powder - 2-3 scoops;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.

Place all products in a blender and beat them thoroughly. Such a drink is an excellent option for both weight loss and muscle growth.

You will need these products:

  • orange juice - 2 cups;
  • dry milk - 2 tablespoons;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • gelatin - 1 tablespoon;
  • banana - 1 pc.

Work all products in a blender until a homogeneous mass is formed. Drink the resulting drink should be for gaining muscle mass and for weight loss.

To prepare it, take:

  • cottage cheese - 100 grams;
  • sour cream - 150 grams;
  • honey - 2 teaspoons;
  • chopped chocolate - 3 teaspoons.

Combine all products and place in a blender. Turn it on for a few minutes so that the composition is thoroughly mixed. The drink should be consumed before and after training to gain muscle mass. For weight loss, you should not drink it because of the high calorie content.

homemade protein drinks great option store counterparts. With their help, you can quickly achieve the desired figure.
