Eggs stuffed with red fish. How to cook eggs stuffed with red fish

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

, this is perhaps the most famous and common snack. It was prepared in the days of our grandmothers. And this dish has always been a success at any holiday table. However, if earlier eggs were stuffed with some standard set of ingredients, now the richness of products and personal imagination make this dish truly unusual and exclusive. For example, eggs can be stuffed with red fish or, which will make this appetizer rich and extraordinary.

It turns out that such a classic snack as stuffed eggs, through a selection of exquisite ingredients for minced meat, can be turned into a luxurious and unhackneyed dish. A feature of eggs stuffed with red fish is their high nutritional value and unforgettable taste.

- eggs - 9-10 pcs.,
- a mixture of peppers - on the tip of a knife,
- mayonnaise - 40 g,
- salmon weak salting(or trout) - 150 g,
- garlic - 1 medium clove,
- parsley - 3 sprigs.

Eggs stuffed with red fish - an exquisite recipe of the day.

How to cook with a photo step by step

Boil chicken eggs hard for 10 minutes. Remove them from boiling water and place them under cold running water, let them cool completely. In this case, the eggs will be easy and simple to peel. Peeled eggs are divided into two even halves.

Separate the yolk from the protein. This must be done carefully so as not to spoil the protein boat. Grate the yolks in a separate bowl on a grater with small holes or chop with a fork.

Cut red fish small cubes and send to the crushed yolks.

Grind the greens thoroughly. One of the branches is left untouched. It will serve as a decoration for our appetizer of eggs stuffed with red fish.

We combine all the ingredients obtained in a separate bowl, namely the yolk, fish, dill, add mayonnaise, crushed garlic and pepper. We mix everything. The egg filling is ready.

It remains to fill the egg white boats with this filling, which we do. After this dish cool in the refrigerator.
Before serving eggs stuffed with red fish, you need to decorate them with previously prepared greens. You can additionally decorate with red caviar or make roses from red fish.

The combination of such bright colors as white, red and green will make your snack not only tasty, but also incredibly beautiful and appetizing! Your dish will not go unnoticed, believe me!
Photo recipe prepared by Starinskaya Lesya
We strongly recommend that you prepare one of these.

If a holiday is coming up and there is no time to cook at all variety of dishes focus on snacks. They are tasty, look interesting on the table, are very easy to prepare, and require a minimum amount of ingredients. If you are convinced that it is profitable, beautiful and tasty, consider the option of making stuffed eggs.

The main thing is to choose the right filling. From a wide variety, I suggest using red fish. For a budget dish, you can use chopped fish.

Stuffed eggs with red fish


  • 8 fresh large chicken eggs;
  • 35-40 g of mayonnaise;
  • salmon and cod appetizer - 1 box per 100 g;
  • greenery for decoration.


1. Eggs need to be hard-boiled. In time, it will take approximately 9-11 minutes from the moment of boiling. Then take them out of boiling water and rinse with cold water until the eggs are completely cooled. And it is necessary to keep the eggs in cold water to facilitate the process of cleaning the shell.

It is worth cleaning the eggs carefully and carefully so as not to damage the protein, otherwise it will be problematic to stuff, moreover, it will not look aesthetically pleasing.

2. Divide the eggs into halves and remove the yolks. It is easier to pull them out of the proteins with a fork, so the thin part of the “boats” will not break.

3. 2/3 of the yolks put in a deep plate. The remaining third can be simply eaten or used in some kind of salad.

4. Add a fish snack to the yolks. If you want the fishy taste to dominate, it is better to take two boxes.

5. Mash the ingredients well with a fork. Mix thoroughly.

6. So that the filling does not turn out dry and does not fall apart, add mayonnaise.

7. Mix until smooth. We fill the "boats" from the protein with the filling of yolks and fish.

9. Decorate each stuffed half with herbs. An onion is suitable for this purpose, and, but parsley will look more impressive.

That's all! Completed in just 17 minutes. Now you can eat. Appetizers are only served cold.

I am sure that it is difficult to find a person who would not like eggs, at least in some form of their preparation. Today I offer you a simple recipe for eggs stuffed with red fish. This dish is perfect for breakfast light dinner, as well as for the festive table. Thanks to red fish, which can be used absolutely any (or smoked), the appetizer acquires a beautiful and noble color. And it is precisely because of the magnificent appearance that this appetizer is suitable for special occasions.

Such an appetizer will especially help you out if any holiday is approaching, and there is very little time left for preparation. Then you should focus on, and stuffed eggs are one of those. They are tasty, look interesting on the table, are very easy to prepare, and require a minimum amount of ingredients. There will be another appetizer ideal option for a picnic, where you can offer it with fresh vegetables guests who are impatiently waiting for the barbecue to be ready.
In this recipe, after hard-boiling the eggs, it is important to immediately place them in cool water so that they are easier to peel and do not stick to the protein. Otherwise, it will be difficult to clean the eggs, which will spoil appearance snacks.

- eggs - 2 pcs.,
- red fish - 100 grams,
- walnuts - 2 pcs.,
- mayonnaise - for dressing.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Hard boil the eggs. Then, as I wrote above, so that the protein looks beautiful and the eggs are easier to peel, dip them in cold water where you hold for about 10 minutes. You can change the water several times.
Then peel the eggs, divide into two halves and remove the yolk from them.

Pour mayonnaise, but not much, otherwise the filling will fall out of the proteins.

Mix the stuffing well. Its consistency should not be liquid. She has to keep her shape.

Now stuff each protein tightly with the filling, laying it out in a slide, and decorate with pieces of red fish on top.
Bon appetit, delicious and interesting flavors!

Stuffed eggs, this is perhaps the most famous and common snack. It was prepared in the days of our grandmothers. And always this dish was a success on any holiday table. However, if earlier eggs were stuffed with some standard set of ingredients, now the richness of products and personal imagination make this dish truly unusual and exclusive. For example, eggs can be stuffed with red fish or cod liver, which will make this appetizer rich and extraordinary.

It turns out that such a classic appetizer as stuffed eggs can be turned into a luxurious and unhackneyed dish by selecting exquisite ingredients for minced meat. A feature of eggs stuffed with red fish is their high nutritional value and unforgettable taste.

- eggs - 9-10 pcs.,
- a mixture of peppers - on the tip of a knife,
- mayonnaise - 40 g,
- slightly salted salmon (or trout) - 150 g,
- garlic - 1 medium clove,
- parsley - 3 sprigs.

Eggs stuffed with red fish - an exquisite recipe of the day.

Boil chicken eggs hard for 10 minutes. Remove them from boiling water and place them under cold running water, let them cool completely. In this case, the eggs will be easy and simple to peel. Peeled eggs are divided into two even halves.

Separate the yolk from the protein. This must be done carefully so as not to spoil the protein boat. Grate the yolks in a separate bowl on a grater with small holes or chop with a fork.

We cut the red fish into small cubes and send it to the crushed yolks.

Grind the greens thoroughly. One of the branches is left untouched. It will serve as a decoration for our appetizer of eggs stuffed with red fish.

We combine all the ingredients obtained in a separate bowl, namely the yolk, fish, dill, add mayonnaise, crushed garlic and pepper. We mix everything. The egg filling is ready.

It remains to fill the egg white boats with this filling, which we do. After this dish is cooled in the refrigerator.
Before serving eggs stuffed with red fish, you need to decorate them with previously prepared greens. You can additionally decorate with red caviar or make roses from red fish.

The combination of such bright colors as white, red and green will make your snack not only tasty, but also incredibly beautiful and appetizing! Your dish will not go unnoticed, believe me!
Photo recipe prepared by Starinskaya Lesya
We strongly recommend that you prepare one of these.
