Deadlift with dumbbells for girls. Deadlift for girls: benefits and harms, execution technique

Good afternoon, dear readers of our site! Today we want to tell you about a very popular exercise that no bodybuilder can do without - the deadlift. You can learn about how to properly perform this exercise in order to avoid injuries and achieve excellent results, what are its benefits for the beautiful half of humanity, in this article.

What is deadlift and why is it needed

The deadlift is a basic barbell exercise that engages a large number of muscles: erectors of the spine, latissimus dorsi, upper back, forearms, glutes, hamstrings, adductors and thighs.

Secondary load goes to: trapezium, serratus and rhomboid muscles, shoulder muscles, deltas, abdominal muscles, thigh muscles, gluteal and biceps thighs, lower leg, gastrocnemius, tibialis anterior muscles. Moreover, deadlift is useful for both men and women, as it strengthens the entire body, helps burn unnecessary fats and develops the muscles of the whole body.

There are several options for performing deadlift:

  • Classic deadlift;
  • Deadlift on straight legs (Romanian deadlift);
  • Deadlift with dumbbells;
  • Romanian deadlift with dumbbells on one leg;
  • Deadlift Sumo.

What is effective and useful deadlift for girls

Some girls in the gym bypass this exercise, considering it too heavy and the lot of only strong male hands. And very in vain! It is not at all necessary to immediately take on large weights, at first it is enough to use not very heavy dumbbells, or a neck from a barbell.

The deadlift is one of the most energy-intensive exercises, so it perfectly helps to get rid of body fat and get rid of cellulite, especially in the thighs. It will also help to tidy up the muscles of the buttocks, the inner and back of the thigh. After all, any woman dreams of a beautiful and inflated ass, so not a single workout for the lower body can do without this exercise.

Also, by loading the back muscles, you can make your back even and toned. Therefore, you can always confidently wear fashionable dresses with an open back.

Deadlift Technique

Since there are several techniques for performing this exercise, we will consider them all.

Classic deadlift:

The position of the squat depends on which muscles will be more loaded. When the back is parallel to the floor (Fig. 1), the back muscles are more loaded, since the exercise begins with lifting the back to a vertical position. If, however, take the position of the thighs parallel to the floor (Fig. 2), then the main load will be on the legs and buttocks, since the exercise begins with straightening the legs.

Rice. 1 Rice. 2

  • Sitting down, take the bar with a direct grip, palms slightly wider than the pelvis;
  • The back is completely straight, the shoulder blades are brought together, a slight deflection in the lower back;
  • Fully straighten up, smoothly and without jerks. At the same time, make sure that the back and spine are completely straight, and the shoulder blades are brought together;
  • Hands at this moment should not pull the bar, they perform the function of cables;
  • The bar moves vertically, as close as possible to the hips and shins;
  • Looking straight ahead;
  • When lowering the barbell, start by bending your knees and pulling your pelvis back.

Deadlift on straight legs (Romanian deadlift)

This version of the thrust equally well affects both the buttocks and the back of the thighs, and the muscles of the back.

Romanian deadlift

  • Standing, take the bar with a direct grip, palms slightly wider than shoulders;
  • The back is straight with a slight deflection in the lower back, the shoulder blades are brought together;
  • Look straight ahead throughout the exercise;
  • We begin to lower the body smoothly, with a tilt of the back and retraction of the pelvis back;
  • Legs can be kept straight, or you can bend a little;
  • The bar of the bar is lowered vertically, as close as possible to the hips and knees;
  • We bring the bar to the middle of the lower leg and return to the starting position.

Deadlift with dumbbells

Classic deadlift with dumbbells Romanian deadlift with dumbbells

This variant of traction can be done both in the Classical way and in the Romanian way. You can hold dumbbells in front of you (like a barbell) or on your sides. This method is especially suitable for beginners or those who practice at home. The execution technique is no different from the previous options.

Romanian single leg deadlift

To perform this exercise, it is best to use a dumbbell or other comfortable weight, but not a barbell.

  • Standing on one right leg, with your left hand grab a wall or other convenient vertical surface;
  • In the right hand we hold a dumbbell;
  • With a straight back, let the body down, take the thigh of the left leg back to parallel with the floor;
  • Looking straight ahead;
  • We return to the starting position;
  • We change sides.

Sumo deadlift

This version of the exercise involves the muscles of the legs and buttocks more, and especially the adductor muscles of the thighs.

Sumo deadlift

  • The legs in this exercise are located much wider than the shoulders, socks to the sides at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • The back is completely straight, with a slight deflection in the lower back, the shoulder blades are brought together;
  • We take the barbell with a direct grip, palms slightly wider than shoulders;
  • Hips at the bottom point are parallel to the floor, the angle at the knee is 90 degrees;
  • We tear off the barbell from the floor with a push of the hips, smoothly straighten the body, arms at this moment are straight, look in front of us;
  • We return to the starting position.

How to Avoid Injury While Deadlifting

In fact, this effective exercise is not traumatic if you follow all the rules of the execution technique. But mistakes are also common, especially for beginners who practice on their own.

Consider the main execution errors that can lead to various injuries and will not bring any positive result for your figure:

  • Performing exercises without warm-up.

We will not get tired of repeating that it is always necessary to start any kind of training, and even more so with weight, only after a good one. It is better to start with a minimum weight to prepare the muscles and joints, and then take on a larger one.

  • Using too much weight.

The weight should be such that you can perform 3-4 sets of 15-20 times, while feeling tension in the muscles, but not a strong overstrain and, moreover, pain.

  • Rounded loin, stoop.

It is very important! If you can’t keep your back and shoulders straight and your shoulder blades flattened, then it’s worth reducing the weight with which you are exercising. If you are training with a barbell, then remove all the weights and do it in an empty neck. If this does not help, then dumbbells will always come to the rescue.

And be sure to keep your eyes straight ahead, both at the lowest point and at the top.

  • Pulling the shoulders back and a strong deflection in the lower back at the top.

A strong backbend can be dangerous for the lower back, and pulling the shoulders back can even cause chronic pain and injury to the joint, ligaments or muscles. Therefore, it is undesirable to perform these movements. At the top, you should stand straight, shoulder blades together, knees should be straight.

Powerlifters can do this, but this does not mean that it is correct and safe.

  • Flexion of the arms at the elbows.

You don't need to bend your elbows at all. The arms should be completely straight, hanging down under the weight of the barbell or dumbbells. Only the muscles of the hands and shoulders work. Biceps and triceps are completely relaxed and stretched.

  • Sharp movements.

All bends and lifting should be smooth without sudden jumps and movements, otherwise it is fraught with injuries, and you will not lift normal weight.

That's all for today. We hope that we have told you enough about such an effective strength exercise as deadlift. Train regularly, work on your body and then it will work for you!

The benefits of deadlift for girls can not be overestimated. It develops strength, strengthens the extensors of the spine and improves, works out the muscles of the legs and buttocks, giving them a sexual shape. The exercise is heavy and technically difficult - before doing it well.

There are four main options for deadlifts, which to varying degrees include certain muscle groups in the work. Include in your leg workout the type that suits you. Do not deadlift more than once a week so that the muscles, joints, ligaments, and nervous system have time to recover.

Varieties of deadlift for girls

Classic deadlift

In this version of the exercise, the entire muscle mass of the legs, buttocks, extensor muscles of the spine and the trapezius muscle work. Classic deadlift increases strength and power endurance, improves coordination.

But it does not give a noticeable increase in muscle volumes in priority places for girls - the buttocks and biceps of the thighs work here in a short amplitude. But if you need the strength that comes in handy in the rest of the exercises, the deadlift is the main assistant.

Execution technique

Stand next to the barbell lying on the floor so that the feet are located under the bar, and the bar itself almost touches the ankle. Feet hip-width apart, toes slightly turned to the sides. Leaning towards the bar, grab the bar with a wide grip. To keep your back straight, bend your knees, "sit down" to the bar.

Lift the bar off the floor and straighten up. The extension of the knees and the body occurs synchronously, the gaze is directed forward all the time. After a second pause at the top, slowly lower the bar to the floor and repeat the movement.

Sumo deadlift

The exercise works out the gluteal and adductor muscles, forming a sexy leg line. For girls who complain about too much “clearance” between the thighs, sumo-style traction will help correct this flaw.

Additionally, the extensor muscles of the back are included in the work, but in this version they receive less load than in the classical deadlift, due to the lower location of the pelvis and the lower inclination of the torso.

Execution technique

Set your legs wider than in the classic deadlift - so that at the bottom point of the lower leg are perpendicular to the floor. Spread your socks to the sides by 45-60º. Sit down on the bar, keeping your back straight and your pelvis back; grab the bar with a medium grip.

Raise the bar by contracting the gluteal muscles. At the bottom point, feel how the muscles of the inner thighs are stretched. To actively include both the adductors and the buttocks in the work, pull from the "pit" - do the traction while standing on the platform or special plinths. This will increase the range of motion.

Romanian deadlift for girls

The deadlift on straight legs, also known as Romanian, is a basic exercise for developing the biceps of the thighs, creating a seductive contour of the legs. The exercise also works the gluteal muscles and extensors of the spine.

You can perform Romanian deadlift with both a barbell and dumbbells. The first option allows you to take more weight, but the second provides a more natural trajectory of movement, so it is suitable for beginners.

Execution technique

Remove the barbell or dumbbells from the racks. Straighten your back and slightly bend at the waist. Feet shoulder width apart or slightly narrower. Pull your pelvis back, keeping the arch in your lower back. The legs in this movement are conditionally straight - only a slight natural bend in the knee is allowed, which will increase the range of motion and help keep the back straight.

When lowering the neck of the barbell (or dumbbell) slides along the legs. At the bottom point, feel how the muscles of the back of the thighs are stretched. When lifting the projectile, do not pull it with your back - unbend the body with the force of the gluteal muscles. In addition, strain them at the top point to feel a burning sensation in the muscles.

Deadlift on one leg

This version of the deadlift works the glutes and hamstrings, improves coordination, and strengthens the stabilizer muscles and ankle ligaments. Due to the need to maintain balance, the gluteus medius muscle, which forms the upper part of the buttocks, is included in the work.

You can perform the exercise with a barbell or dumbbells. The second option is more natural and safer for the back, although it is easier to maintain balance with a barbell. Beginners are advised to master this exercise without weights or in a crossover.

Execution technique

Take dumbbells or a barbell in your hands, stand up straight, bend your back slightly in the lower back. Lean your body forward while keeping your back straight. At the same time, the working leg is slightly bent at the knee, and the second one comes off the floor and is retracted back as the body is lowered.

You can increase the load by putting weights on your legs - this is how both the supporting leg and the “passive” leg will work. Balancing with a weight is more difficult, and this is a plus in working on coordination.

Training program for girls using deadlift

Choose a set of exercises that suits your goals and do it once a week. At the end, you can add exercises for the abdominal muscles.

Option I: Emphasis on the buttocks and hamstrings

  • Romanian deadlift, 4x10-12
  • Bending the legs in the simulator lying, 4x12-15
  • Hyperextension, 4x15-20

Option II: Emphasis on the buttocks and inner thighs

  • Sumo deadlift, 4x8-10
  • Wide stance leg press, 4x8-10
  • , 4х10-12
  • Reduction of legs in the simulator, 4x15-20
  • Stretching

Option III: correction of the shape of the buttocks

  • Bulgarian barbell split squat, 4x8-10
  • Deadlift on one leg with dumbbells, 4x10
  • Taking the legs back in the crossover, 4x15-20
  • Breeding legs in the simulator, 4x15-20
  • Squats without weights with an elastic band on the knees, 3x20

Deadlift Mistakes

hunched back

This mistake can cost you your health. Lifting a lot of weight with a bent back, you risk getting herniated discs, stretching of the connective tissues and dislocations of the vertebrae.

To eliminate this flaw, adequately select the working weight. Remember: muscles will not grow faster if you set strength records at the cost of an injured spine. Start with minimal weights and work your way up to a weight that allows you to complete 10-12 reps with perfect form.

Strengthen your back extensors by doing hyperextension and exercises from exercise therapy - this will improve results in the deadlift and protect the spine from injury.

Deviation of the body back at the top point

In a similar way, powerlifters in competition show the judges that they have lifted the weight to the end - they fill the body back, pushing the pelvis forward. This habit was also adopted by ordinary gym visitors, especially girls - with this technique, the buttocks contract more strongly.

But in addition to the buttocks, the lumbar spine receives an excessive load. This is fraught with pinched nerves, compression fracture of the vertebrae, and enslavement of the back muscles.

Carefully monitor the position of the body, avoiding excessive tilt back. For peak contraction in the buttocks, use safer exercises - glute bridge, reverse hyperextension, leg abductions.


When one hand holds the bar with a forward grip and the other with a reverse grip, you can lift more weight. But by using this technique all the time, you risk shoulder joints and bicep ligaments that are stretched too much.

For girls with weak hands and small hands, instead of a different grip, it is better to use weightlifting straps. Buy them from a sporting goods store or make your own.

Common Questions

Does the deadlift really ruin a woman's figure?

When working with heavy weights (2/3 of your weight and more) - yes. To keep the body in a stable position, they will turn on, and a serious load leads to their growth. To maintain proportions, and at the same time protect the spine, a strong weightlifting belt will help.

What to do if during the execution of the Romanian thrust, the hamstrings are not felt, but only the buttocks?

The reason may be a strong lordosis in the lower back - because of this, the buttocks take the lion's share of the load. Try to stand with your toes on a slight elevation (for example, pancakes for a barbell) - this will increase the range of motion, and the biceps of the thighs will be more stretched.

Does it make sense to do deadlifts at home if only light dumbbells are available?

Even light weights can create training stress for the muscles. Give preference to more complex options - for example, on one leg. Combine deadlifts in supersets with other exercises - lunges, glute bridges, hyperextensions. Girls, especially beginners, do not need the same heavy weights as men, so sometimes home equipment is enough.

Style Outcome

Choose the right deadlift option based on your goals, priority and lagging muscle groups, health status, and training years. Do not rush to increase working weights - muscle growth does not depend on the number on the pancake, but on how you feel the work of the muscles. Improve your technique and take care of your health.

What are the most useful exercises for the fair sex? Power! But many girls try to avoid them, and this is in vain. One of these is the deadlift for girls. With its help, you can perfectly tighten the whole body. And with the help of various variations, focus on the legs and buttocks.

This will require a minimum of equipment, and the effect will be maximum. You can work in the gym and at home. As a projectile, you can take a barbell, including the Smith simulator.

Deadlift is an excellent assistant in the formation of elastic and strong buttocks.

The deadlift remains an unremarkable exercise for most of the fair sex. As practice shows, the exercise is quite useful.

In addition, regular performance will increase strength in various tractions, preparing the body for strength work. Special attention should be paid to strengthening and strengthening the muscles of the stabilizers.

Should girls do deadlifts?

Deadlift is a great solution for girls to strengthen the muscles of the whole body. Allows you to efficiently and effectively pump your legs, buttocks and back, and regular work will significantly change the silhouette.

However, many are worried that it is possible to pump over. But, if you work with small weights in a certain corridor of repetitions and approaches, the effect for girls will be as positive as possible.

In addition, the arms, shoulders and back actively work in the process. Therefore, speaking of harm, it is worth noting that the first in the exercise is more than the second. As for the harm, there are 2 reasons - incorrect execution technique or pathology in the form of injuries.

Deadlift and sumo will bring maximum benefit to the fair sex.

The main benefits of deadlift for girls:

  • Strengthens and develops the whole body;
  • Improves coordination;
  • Allows you to achieve a balance of stabilizing muscles;
  • Effectively fights fat deposits;
  • Activates metabolism;
  • Strengthens the thighs and buttocks in various variations.

Deadlift for girls: what muscles work?

3/4 of the muscle groups of the whole body take part in the work, namely, the back, legs, lower back and arms. The back and lower back take the brunt of the load. With various variations, you can accentuate the load. The exercise is available for execution in three variations, and the load will depend on each variation.

  • Classic. The lower back takes an active part in the work, in particular the extensors of the spine, the inner back and the quadriceps. The glutes, arms, and lats are also included.
  • Sumo. The buttocks and quadriceps are actively working, as well as the adductor muscles of the thigh. The biceps femoris receives the load as a stabilizer, and the extensors of the spine experience a static load.
  • On straight legs. Almost all the load falls on the biceps of the thigh and buttocks.

The stabilizing muscles in the exercise are the abs and calves.

Types of deadlift for girls

Deadlift with a barbell is a rather traumatic exercise, therefore, it requires strict adherence to the execution technique. Its observance is an excellent security guarantee that the most positive, and not negative, effect will be obtained in the process of implementation. Therefore, many people ask the question - how to do deadlift with a barbell correctly?

  • The first step is to choose the right weight. It is better to start small and gradually increase the load.
  • It is imperative to warm up, this will warm up the muscles and prepare them for work. Also, avoid injury.
  • It's best to start the first few sets with light weights to warm up.

Consider the classic deadlift technique for girls:

  1. Start position: We pick up a projectile - a barbell, dumbbells, weights, etc. Keep your back straight and be sure to bend in the lower back. The legs are shoulder-width apart, the socks are slightly turned to the sides for greater stability. The bar is located along the body, perpendicular to the quadriceps and can be in contact with it. The head is straight, looking forward.
  2. On the exhale: The body smoothly descends with simultaneous retraction of the pelvis back. As soon as we feel the tension in the lower back, we begin to squat with the help of the legs. We go down to the point where the body and the floor are parallel. The bar or projectile should be located as close to the body as possible. They don't have to touch the floor.
  3. On the inhale: We again take the starting position, keeping the even position of the body. We don't stop at the bottom.

Sumo deadlift: how to do it right

This variation is distinguished by a wide setting of the legs. The technique for performing with any projectile, be it a barbell, kettlebell or dumbbells, will be the same. The main purpose of the exercise is to work out the inside of the leg, in particular, the adductor thigh muscles.

You can perform both with a barbell and with dumbbells - the execution technique is identical. Its advantages are that it allows you to work out the inside of the legs well and strengthen the stabilizer muscles. Therefore, the wide stance in sumo style is much better than the classic thrust for girls.

Sumo Deadlift Technique:

  1. Starting position: We put our feet shoulder-width apart. We turn the socks at an angle of 45 degrees in different directions. It is due to such a rack that the load is shifted. The grip of the bar is slightly wider than the shoulders. The back is straight.
  2. On the exhale: We begin to go down, smoothly bending our knees, maintaining the position of the body. It is very important to keep your knees and feet at the same level. You can't bend your knees. By tilting the body forward as much as possible, we begin to work with our feet. We work on the same principle as in classical traction.
  3. On the inhale: We quickly rise up, pushing ourselves with our feet. Do not pause at the bottom.

Romanian draft

A good solution for uniform study of both the top and bottom. This result is achieved due to slightly bent knees, thanks to which the Romanian traction for girls will become a universal exercise. How to do it correctly:

  1. Starting position: Similar to classic. The knees are slightly bent, while the body should be taken back.
  2. On the exhale: We go down, while taking the buttocks back. Movement - tilting the body to a point of strong tension in the buttocks and biceps of the thigh. Therefore, the amplitude of movement will depend solely on the flexibility of the athlete.
  3. On the inhale: We return to the starting position. The biceps of the thigh is always in tension.


Its feature is a special position of the body, in which the load is accentuated on the back of the thigh and buttocks.

Deadlift with a barbell is a great solution for women and girls who want to get attractive legs and slender buttocks.

Incorrect technique can lead to injury. An important point is complete control of all movements.

Deadlift on straight legs - the correct execution technique:

  1. Start position: The position of the legs is slightly narrower than the width of the shoulders, the chest is forward, the natural deflection in the lower back. We press the projectile taken in hand as much as possible to the body.
  2. On the exhale: We descend slowly. At the same time, we take back the buttocks and torso. Movement - tilting the body to a point of strong tension in the buttocks and biceps of the thigh. The knees should not bend throughout the entire exercise.
  3. On the inhale: We return to the starting position. The biceps of the thigh is always in tension, and at the top point you can not fully straighten.

What kind of deadlift can be used?

The classic technique is the use of a barbell. However, in order to diversify your workouts, it is recommended to pay attention to other shells. This will help shift the angle of the load a bit and give good results. To date, the most popular are:

  • With a neck. A classic option that is used in any power sport.
  • In Smith. Turns off stabilizer muscles, suitable for beginners or those who are recovering from injuries. Suitable as an additional exercise, but it is better to work with free weights.
  • Weight. Due to the amplitude shift, more load is placed on the middle of the back and forearm.
  • With dumbbells. Similar to a weight, the load is shifted closer to the center, and also involves the forearm in the work.

Should girls do deadlifts with dumbbells?

Deadlift using dumbbells for many is a rather unremarkable exercise. As practice shows, it is quite useful, in particular for girls, beginners and those who are recovering.

Regular execution will increase strength in various tractions. This is achieved due to the high load of the stabilizing muscles. This prepares the body for heavy strength work.

The main “feature” of deadlift with dumbbells is an increase in amplitude by a couple of centimeters. Due to this, more muscle fibers are involved in the work and muscles are better stretched. The execution technique is identical to the classic with a barbell.

A large selection of weights will allow everyone to find a working option. This will be especially useful for girls. Since it will strengthen not only the muscles, but also allow you to stretch well. This minimizes the risk of injury.

With what weight should women deadlift?

Very often girls ask this question. But, there is no definite answer to it. How many kg to do is an individual question. It all depends on the goals, wishes and physical capabilities.

As a rule, the working weight is from 20 to 40% of the one-time maximum. This is quite a comfortable weight for many girls. But, it is better if he is selected by an experienced coach, taking into account all the wishes.

What can be contraindications?

All heavy basic exercises, in which several or more muscle groups work, have contraindications for a certain group of athletes. An axial load is placed on the spine, which can lead to a worsening situation for those who experience problems.

Therefore, the exercise should not be performed by those who have various diseases with the back. These include intervertebral hernia, curvature of various parts of the spine.

Before doing this exercise, we strongly recommend that you consult with an experienced trainer.

What are the common mistakes?

As a rule, when performing deadlifts, especially in the first approaches, many make mistakes, so it is desirable that someone experienced from the outside observe the execution technique. Here are the main ones:

  1. Uneven back and lower back. A very common mistake, especially among novice athletes. Under the weight, the back strongly hunches and an unnatural deflection occurs in the lower back. Risk of injury.
  2. Projectile position. A common mistake many beginners make is holding a barbell or dumbbell in front. With a lot of weight, the shoulder blades sink anatomically down and force the upper back to round. The result is a hump, in which the exercise becomes ineffective and traumatic.

Despite the abundance of various new programs aimed at shaping a beautiful athletic body, the leaders in this matter are still time-tested and practice-tested exercises.

One of these effective techniques is the deadlift for girls. This is a basic technique that allows you to simultaneously work with almost all major muscle groups. To perform this exercise, you will need additional equipment - kettlebells, barbell, dumbbells. In performing deadlifts, competent technique is of paramount importance. It is she who determines the effectiveness and safety of classes. Best of all, this technique works out the back, buttocks, hips. In power sports, deadlift for girls and men is a competitive discipline.

This exercise can rightfully be considered universal, aimed at working out various zones. Its implementation provides effective pumping of most muscles. The main load falls on the legs, buttocks, back, shoulders and arms. The exercise is performed using special equipment - barbells or dumbbells. The fair sex is recommended to train with low weight. For the initial stage, a couple of kilograms will be a sufficient load. As you master the technique, you need to increase the weight. In this way, you will maintain the high efficiency of training.

Why do deadlifts

Often, gym goers refuse to perform strength exercises, as they believe that weight training will deprive their figure of grace and femininity. This is a deep delusion. Moderate power loads will contribute to the activation of fat burning processes, and will also tighten the muscles, give them a beautiful relief. Deadlift for girls is a great way to pump up a beautiful ass, tighten the hips from the outside and inside, give a sporty shape to the arms, get rid of the manifestations of cellulite and excess weight. When performing this exercise, a large amount of energy is expended, which has a positive effect on the process of losing weight. Also, the abdominal muscles are included in the work, which allows you to put in order one of the most problematic areas of the female body. With the help of regular deadlifts, you can achieve a thin waist and a toned abs. In addition, in the process of training, the spinal muscles are strengthened and, consequently, posture is corrected.

Benefits for the legs

The legs are the main area to which the deadlift for girls is directed. In the process of performing the technique, the biceps and inner thighs are developed and tightened. These areas are usually difficult to train, and the deadlift allows you to successfully put them in order. Certain methods of performing traction are aimed at stretching. In this regard, the effect obtained is significantly higher than the result of training on a block simulator. If the traction is performed on straight legs, then most of the load falls on the biceps. And in this case, these muscles develop much more actively than when performing flexion on the block.

Benefit for the priest

The buttocks are an area that modern ladies pay increased attention to. Firstly, the buttocks are of great importance in the overall impression of the female figure. Secondly, quite often it is in this zone that fat reserves are deposited. Thus, every woman who wants to look 100% needs to have a toned, elastic ass, which the deadlift will help to achieve. In terms of the formation of beautiful buttocks, the most suitable ways to perform deadlifts are sumo or classic.

The deadlift is an anaerobic type of exercise that forces the muscles of the whole body to work, due to which the load increases. As a result, the effect of fighting extra pounds is achieved much faster and more noticeable than when performing only cardio exercises. Therefore, for full-fledged classes, deadlift is simply necessary for women.

Benefits for the back

The deadlift involves the lower back, latissimus dorsi, and extensors. Therefore, it has a wonderful effect on the development and strengthening of the back. With regular exercise, the spine straightens, posture is corrected, an attractive relief is formed, fat folds are eliminated. A beautiful, strong, athletic back plays an important role in the perception of a female figure. It gives the silhouette harmony, smartness, proportionality.

If you are looking for an exercise that will train almost all the main zones, then the deadlift for girls will suit you. The execution technique involves the work of 75% of the muscles of the body, including the muscles of the hips, trapezium, forearm, latissimus dorsi, back extensors, abs, buttocks, biceps.

The deadlift combines eight different exercises:

  • leg flexion;
  • twisting, aimed at the development of the press;
  • wrist flexion;
  • thrust down with straightened arms;
  • leg press;
  • back extension;
  • rise on toes;
  • shrugs for working out the muscles of the neck and upper back.

The main types of exercises are sumo, deadlift with dumbbells for girls, classical and Romanian traction. They differ in the way they are performed. The choice of one or another type is determined by the characteristics of the body of the athlete, as well as her individual preferences. If you are new to the world of sports, then when choosing the type of traction that suits you, consult an instructor. The specialist will recommend the most suitable option, as well as talk about the nuances of implementation and help you master the correct technique. Sumo usually suits tall ladies with long legs and excellent stretching. The universal version is the classic. This technique at home can be performed with dumbbells.

Basic rules of the deadlift

Only the correct execution of the technique allows you to achieve impressive results. First of all, this concerns the degree of muscle development, relief formation, and fat loss. It is equally important to strictly follow the technique in order to ensure the safety of the workout. Deadlift with dumbbells for girls or exercises with a barbell is a serious type of load that, if performed incorrectly, can result in dangerous injuries.

You need to start training with warm-up exercises. Before pulling, you can run for about 10 minutes, pedal an exercise bike or jump rope. This will warm up the muscles and prepare them for a more thorough load. Warming up is extremely important when performing a deadlift, not only in terms of the effectiveness of the exercise, but also in terms of safety.

After warming up, stretch your muscles a little, focusing on the buttocks, lower back, neck, hamstrings, and shoulders. Further preparation involves a warm-up aimed specifically at the load zone.

You need to start the exercise with a small weight, gradually increasing it. Classes in the gym are recommended to be carried out once every five days. More frequent performance is not recommended, especially for beginner athletes.

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, parallel to each other.
  • The bar of the bar should be placed in the central part of the feet.
  • Grasp the projectile, spreading your palms 50 cm apart.
  • Raise the projectile, hold it for a while, then lower it.

As part of this technique, it is necessary to perform five circles with a different number of repetitions and with a different degree of load:

  • first round - five repetitions with an empty neck;
  • second round - five repetitions with 50% of the weight;
  • third round - three lifts with 75% of the weight;
  • fourth circle - two lifts with 90% of the weight;
  • fifth circle - up to 10 lifts with a working weight.

classical technique

Most often, women use the classic deadlift technique. You need to execute it like this:

  • stand up straight, calmly, the lower back is in a natural state;
  • hips and back determine the degree of load. If you bend down to parallel with the floor, then the exercise will load the back most of all;
  • the main load should fall on the legs, back, but not on the arms. The arms are only pulling the weight like cables, not lifting it;
  • when lifting the projectile, the pelvis must be retracted;
  • the bar must move in a vertical position. To do this, in the process of lifting, you need to bend your knees, move your pelvis back, while tilting your straightened body forward. The trajectory of the projectile should lie close to the legs;
  • during the exercise, keep your back straight, do not weaken the tension of the press, back. The shoulder blades must be closed.

If you want to start mastering the deadlift, then before that it is recommended to take time to strengthen the legs and back due to pull-ups, lunges, hyperextensions, squats.


This is another name for the Romanian deadlift technique. Its fundamental difference is that in the process of execution, the legs remain straight. Due to this, the maximum level of tension is achieved in the back of the thighs and in the buttocks. The rectifiers of the back also receive a good load. Here are the basic rules of Romanian technique:

  • arms wrap around the bar about shoulder width apart;
  • do not round the back, bring the shoulder blades together;
  • keeping the position of the back, bend forward, push the pelvis back. If stretching allows, then the legs should be left straight. But you can also slightly bend at the knees;
  • the bar should move vertically along the shins and hips;
  • lift the projectile without releasing tension in the back and legs;
  • when lowering, it is important to bring the projectile to the middle of the lower leg, and not to throw it. This will stretch the hamstrings.

A variation of the Romanian technique is traction on one leg:

  • hold the body with your left hand for any support;
  • take a dumbbell in your right hand;
  • standing on the right leg, squat. At the same time, the left thigh is retracted and rises up to parallel with the floor;
  • the dumbbell should make a vertical path down along the thigh and lower leg;
  • it is important not to round the back and not release tension in the buttocks;
  • lifting should be done smoothly.

sumo technique

Sumo is another popular deadlift for girls. The technique is highly effective in relation to the gluteal muscles. It allows you to work with much larger weights than the classic technique. Sumo is performed as follows:

  • feet are widely spaced, turned to the sides at 45º;
  • one palm rests on the neck, the other - under it at a distance wider than shoulders;
  • the thighs are parallel to the floor and form a right angle with the shins. The back is not rounded;
  • stretching forward, bring the shoulder blades together;
  • lift the projectile with the effort of the hips;
  • slowly return to the starting position.

The most important factor that determines how effective the deadlift will be is the execution technique. The videos will help you understand the main points of this exercise, but ideally it is best to seek help from a professional instructor. The specialist will help you understand all the important nuances, develop the technique. Having mastered the rules for performing traction, in the future you will be able to successfully engage on your own. This is extremely important, as improper traction can lead to serious injury. Among the gross mistakes that beginners usually make are the following:

  • back flexion. Throughout the entire process of execution, the back should maintain a straight position. Flexion is the path to sprains, dislocations of the vertebrae and the formation of an intervertebral hernia;
  • falling back. At the top point, you can not deviate back. This creates an increased load on the lower back, which can cause pinched nerves, hernias, compression fractures;
  • different grip. This feature is typical for sumo technique. But you should not use it too often, as it causes overstretching of the shoulder joints and ligaments of the biceps.

It is impossible to engage in deadlift for people with impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system, scoliosis, intervertebral hernias, compressions, protrusions, problems with joints, heart, blood vessels.

There are exercises that athletes need, regardless of their gender and "experience" in sports. Deadlift is a basic exercise that is intended not only for male athletes, but also for girls. But it is effective and safe only with the right technique.

Any athlete, even a beginner, has heard this mysterious phrase more than once. Without delving, at first, especially into the essence.

This exercise belongs to the category of basic ones, and any competent trainer always strongly recommends it to all novice athletes - both bodybuilders and fitness fans - in order to strengthen the whole body. This period follows immediately after the end of the introductory classes. Basic basic exercises:

  • Bench press.
  • Deadlift.

Basic exercises are multi-joint, that is, many muscles are involved in their implementation.

The principle behind the deadlift is to lift the bar off the floor with a specific technique. The exercise itself consists of three phases: separation, lifting and fixation. During this thrust, the athlete, while squatting, pulls up the weight.

For girls: a clear need

Many representatives of the weaker sex shrug their shoulders in bewilderment when the coach advises them to do deadlifts, believing that for girls who go to the gym, this is not only not necessary, but it is even harmful for them to do this.

This misconception is supported by all sorts of myths and legends that within a few months the waist will become wide, shoulders - like a weightlifter and testosterone will bounce so that the body is covered with hair - such horror stories can be heard abound from various "specialists".

There is some truth in this if this exercise is performed with the loads that strong guys create for themselves, working on strength - that is, doing it with significant weights and for a small number of repetitions.

This is also done by girls who are engaged in powerlifting, working with large weights.

If there is no such desire, and the goal of the female representative is to create a toned, beautiful body, then it would be more correct for girls to do deadlifts, working with small weights and doing many repetitions. Then there is nothing to fear that you will soon turn into a mountain of muscles. By the way, this is not as easy to do as it seems at first glance.

How to do it right

To avoid all these negative phenomena, girls need to know how to properly do deadlift.

Expert opinion

Igor Bondarev

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In order to get rid of excess subcutaneous fat, the deadlift is simply necessary, since it is a very energy-intensive exercise. Performing it, the girl will build muscle in moderation, making the body athletic, fit and at the same time burn fat.

Most exercising women try to train their legs and buttocks more, and this is understandable, since it is these "details" of the body that men pay the most attention to.

To achieve the greatest result in this goal, girls can perform the so-called Romanian thrust, where the buttocks and biceps of the thighs (their back surface) are more involved. In the classic traction, the back and quadriceps (the front of the thighs) work more.

There is also the sumo style deadlift, for example, and the perfectly straight-legged deadlift, which is called the deadlift.

Romanian draft: benefits

There is an opinion that any deadlift is traumatic. Yes, this is true, if you do not follow a not so complicated technique, performing traction thoughtlessly. And with its proper implementation, there is also a therapeutic effect that will save a person from back pain.

To do this, you need to use a simplified version of it, which is commonly called Romanian traction. The name speaks for itself - it was invented by the Romanians, and began to be used to strengthen the lower back. It is also often referred to as the straight-legged deadlift. This exercise is effective, as already mentioned, also for the following departments:

  1. Buttocks.
  2. Backs.
  3. Back of the thigh.

The exercise thoroughly works out all these muscles. In addition, the broadest backs, trapezium, abs, wrists, forearms, and neck are also involved.

Expert opinion

Igor Bondarev

Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports

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Romanian deadlift can be done even with sore knees, since they have a minimum load.

The correct technique for performing deadlift on straight legs:

  • You need to stand so that your knees are as close to the bar as possible.
  • The legs are about shoulder-width apart or even slightly narrower.
  • The bar should be gripped approximately shoulder-width apart – or even slightly wider.
  • Stand on the whole foot, but when performing, the emphasis is on the heels.
  • In the starting position, the shoulder blades are brought together and a breath is taken.
  • The movement of the pelvis is carried out in such a way as if the athlete with its help wants to push the imaginary wall behind her even further back.
  • The bar of the bar does not fall completely - only to the middle of the shins. In this case, you need to feel how the hamstrings are stretched. The back is bent.
  • This is followed by movement in the reverse order on exhalation at the end of the trajectory.

Nevertheless, no matter how this exercise is called, nevertheless, the knees in it are half-bent, and it is impossible to perform it on strictly straight legs in order not to injure the lower back and remove unnecessary stress from the knees.

You also need to remember that the neck should always be straight, because if it is bent, then the load on the lower back increases by 20%. And this is not included in the plans of athletes.

When performing the Romanian deadlift, girls can and should use a barbell, and don’t be afraid that it’s too hard - you can use an empty neck without additional load. It all depends on individual physical fitness.

A little bit about sumo technique and classic traction

Sumo is also quite a popular technique for girls. The buttocks are more involved here.

Correct execution:

  1. Feet wider than shoulder width, and toes apart at about 45 degrees.
  2. You need to take on the bar with a different grip. The hands are also slightly wider than the shoulders.
  3. The thighs should be parallel to the floor and the shins at 90 degrees.
  4. Straighten your back and stretch forward.
  5. The shoulder blades are brought together, and the chest is forward.
  6. The bar is lifted with a push of the hips.
  7. Lower the bar.

How it works in the classic version:

  • The stance is straight, the lower back is naturally bent.
  • The load is regulated by the position of the back and hips. The back parallel to the floor performs a large load, and vice versa.
  • You should not pull the bar with your hands - they are straightened. The bar must be raised by pushing the pelvic part back.
  • The knees should be bent, the buttocks retracted while lowering the straight back forward - so the bar will go vertically and as close as possible to the lower leg and thighs.
  • Rounding of the back is not allowed - the posture should be straight, the press is tense, the shoulder blades are brought together.

Deadlift with dumbbells

Deadlift with dumbbells is also welcome for girls, especially for home workouts. Dumbbell deadlift is not so popular, but applicable:

  1. At home, not everyone wants to work out in the gym, having complexes about poor physical development or simply unwillingness to train with a group of people nearby. For many, it is simply inconvenient to get to the fitness center.
  2. For beginner athletes.
  3. For those for whom even the weight of the neck from the bar will be too large.
  4. When a bodybuilder wants to create an isolating load with heavy dumbbells on the hamstrings. However, this option seems doubtful for experts.

All movements, breathing, are similar to performing a deadlift with a barbell.

It is worth mentioning another alternative - an exercise that belongs to the category of isolated ones. This is also a Romanian thrust, but with one hand. It is done like this:

  • One hand holds on to the support, in the other - a dumbbell.
  • During execution, the dumbbell slides over the leg.
  • For better pumping, slow execution is recommended.
  • You need to make sure that your back is always straight. For a better load on the biceps of the thigh, you need to strain it during the traction.

Bugs and equipment

Possible runtime errors:

  1. Rounded back. This is the most common mistake, and most often it is made with the wrong weight - it turns out to be too large for the athlete. When the body cannot pull the weight, the back comes to the rescue. You should choose weights so that it is even all the time.
  2. The athlete in the starting position stands too far from the bar, and this cannot but affect the correct technique.
  3. Arms bent at the elbows. And again the weight is great! Because of this, the grip weakens, which is automatically corrected by bending the arms at the elbows.
  4. With large weights (if such a need is pursued), you need to use a different grip. You can also use straps, but this is rather for the professional level of an athlete.

Equipment. It is better to wear sneakers - they fit snugly to the legs. And in order not to rub the shins and thighs, you should always wear sports trousers or leggings, that is, do not exercise with bare legs.

What traction to choose

Sometimes there are doubts about the correct choice of deadlift.

It is believed that the sumo deadlift, for example, tightens the buttocks better. However, you should not use only information from the Internet to clarify this problem. It is better if this choice is made by a specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body of a training girl.

If an athlete has short legs, and she is not tall, then sumo technique will be given to her with great difficulty.

When a girl's stretching wants the best, then she is also not ready for the above technique.

Tall athletes are more comfortable performing classic deadlifts.

Expert opinion

Master of Sports in Powerlifting

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The final choice should be with the coach. It is he who will recommend one of the pulls: sumo or classic, dead or Romanian. And perhaps it would be better to do not with a barbell, but with dumbbells.
