Sports nutrition protein benefits and harms. How to make a protein shake at home? Does protein for men affect potency

Many people think that sports nutrition, including protein, is harmful to health. According to some versions, protein affects potency, destroys the liver and kidneys, and even causes addiction.

Now answer the question: is there any harm to the protein found in meat, fish and dairy products? After all, in this case we are talking about the same thing.

Side effects from this type of sports nutrition are possible only under certain circumstances, namely:

1. Sometimes people have an allergic reaction to soy protein. This is due to the fact that it contains phytoestrogens, similar in their action to the female sex hormones estrogen.

2. The digestive system of some people does not perceive gluten, and it is also included in the composition of the protein. As a result, allergies may occur.

It must be understood that in both cases we are talking about a separate intolerance to some components, and not about the dangers of the protein.

Many studies have confirmed that, which is recommended by manufacturers for use, does not adversely affect the internal organs of a person.

Protein can worsen the condition of the kidneys only if there were problems with the kidneys even before the start of protein shakes. Sometimes these diseases simply do not manifest themselves. It is important that after the withdrawal of the concentrate, all negative effects completely disappear.

It can be concluded that the protein harms the body only when there is an individual intolerance or diseases of the kidneys and liver. If you do not have such complications, protein will only benefit you.

Benefits of Protein

But from the protein is really great, which is why it has a high among athletes.

Protein stimulates muscle growth, as it nourishes them with essential amino acids. There are as many branched chain amino acids as there are in whey protein, not in any other source. During strength training, the muscles are very damaged, and whey protein gives them back everything that they have lost.

If you take the supplement after an intense workout, hungry muscles will turn on a defense mechanism. They will begin to store protein, and muscle mass will increase.

The four essential amino acids found in protein help muscles recover faster by acting as pain relievers.

Casein protein is absorbed very slowly in the body. If you drink it before going to bed, the muscles will feed on the necessary substances all night.

Protein has a lot of useful properties, this can also be seen from the numerous positive reviews. If you play sports and you do not have problems with the liver and kidneys, as well as intolerance to the components of this supplement, then concentrated protein will be almost indispensable for you.

Today, much is said about the benefits and harms of protein. Those who start using it are afraid of negative consequences, including complete impotence. Why is protein dangerous to health, what is truth and fiction?

To understand this issue, it is necessary to consider the process of making protein powders, after which it is already possible to draw conclusions about whether it can be used as a sports nutrition for men or not.

Myths about the dangers of protein

There are a number of myths about the dangers of protein that are completely untrue. Some of these myths include:

  1. Addiction. The intake of protein in sports nutrition can in no way cause addiction, the composition does not in any way contain components that could cause such addiction.
  2. Decreased male potency. You can even note the opposite picture - when using sports nutrition, an increase in sexual desire is observed.
  3. Possible disorders in the work of the kidneys or liver. Protein cannot harm a healthy body. There is only one amendment: sports nutrition is not recommended if there is chronic renal failure.

Real danger

Sports nutrition contains nutrients that are used by the body to maintain its vital functions. But even protein, which is necessary for building a muscular system, can be dangerous. So there really is harm, the following points should be noted:

  1. Individual intolerance to some components of the mixture, allergic reactions. In some cases, the body simply does not have enough enzymes to break down proteins.
  2. If you use too much protein, then it will really do a lot of harm. Dysbacteriosis may develop, bloating, constipation, and pain appear. Protein is not digested to the end, it is an excellent flora for the reproduction of any harmful microorganisms.
  3. Unscrupulous manufacturers can add heavy metals to food, but this is already dangerous for health, it can cause severe intoxication.
  4. You can not take a lot of protein in the presence of chronic kidney disease, with renal failure. In this case, sports nutrition can greatly worsen the situation.

What is sports nutrition?

What is the composition of the protein, which is now so much disputed? This substance itself is a polymeric molecule, or a chain of amino acids. Human protein also consists of amino acids, the number of which is 22. But the body itself is able to synthesize only 14 of these amino acids, which can also be called nonessential, the rest are called essential. They can only come with food. These essential amino acids include:

  1. The amino acids leucine, valine, isoleucine are components of the protein structure. They activate protein synthesis, create an anabolic background in the human body, which is necessary for building muscle mass.
  2. Glutamine is a substance that makes up more than half of the mass of all muscle proteins. This amino acid is very important for any person.

In the production of sports nutrition, the task is to introduce into the composition of the drug not purified, but also the most effective proteins, which fully contain all the necessary substances for building muscle mass, to provide the body with all the necessary proteins.

Unlike numerous myths, only natural protein is taken for sports nutrition.

  1. Natural whey, which contains everything necessary for the body. Such protein formulations are characterized by the fastest breakdown, the intestine absorbs the ingredients quickly and easily.
  2. Casein is a milk protein, which is also called a slow protein. It turns into jelly under the influence of a special acidic gastric environment. Casein is digested for a long time, approximately within 8-12 hours, therefore it is recommended to take it at night.
  3. Egg white. Here, amino acids are slightly inferior in value to other ingredients, but it is very rich in sulfur, which is necessary for the full functioning of the body.
  4. Soy is a plant based protein. Many claim that it is not very healthy, but this is far from the case. It is wheat, oats and soybeans that are invaluable sources of many proteins that are otherwise unobtainable.
  5. Meat products. Complete protein, which is necessary for health, can only be obtained from meat ingredients. But such amino acids, although they have a high level of value, are not absorbed so well.

Conscientious manufacturers do not introduce any dyes and flavors, artificial substances into the composition of proteins. The powder contains at least 90% pure protein. But its price cannot be low, this must be taken into account when choosing. Often it is because of such cheap and low-quality drugs that a large number of myths arise.

Most people have doubts about such a sports supplement as protein. This is supported by all sorts of rumors, stories, retellings of generally incompetent people, many of whom have never even tried such an additive. These people tell everyone that sports nutrition, in particular protein, causes irreparable damage to health. Some people compare it to AS (Anabolic Steroids), they say that it affects potency, causes addiction and harms the kidneys. In fact, such arguments are not supported by any real fact and are meaningless. But there are a number of exceptions. We will try to analyze this and many other things in detail and answer this question: “is protein harmful to health?”.


The protein is made from food raw materials and does not carry any harm to the human body. It can be consumed at any age, of course, if you are actively involved in sports. If a person leads a normal life without going in for sports (by sports, we mean not only bodybuilding, but also many other types, for example: boxing, running, swimming, etc.) Protein (translated from English - protein) is a simple food a supplement that contains a high concentration of protein, which we need so much to avoid catabolism in the body. - this is the process of splitting muscle tissue, that is, the body begins to devour itself, using the muscles as an energy resource. This process occurs as a result of the stress that your body receives during training.

So, is protein good? The use of this sports supplement not only does not harm our body, but only contributes to our health. An athlete, due to the current pace of life, pure protein is extremely necessary due to constant stress, physical work (in addition to training), physical inactivity, and also, a person does not always have time for a snack (it is very important to follow a diet, getting protein in order to avoid catabolic processes). In addition, this sports supplement is very easy to use, it is enough to carry water with you. In addition, I would like to say that the harmfulness of protein is practically negligible, compared with current food additives, E, fast food, saturated fats, etc. By the way, most people have been taking protein since birth, if a baby formula like nutrilon tells you something. The only difference is that it contains, in addition to proteins, more fats and carbohydrates. By the way, here is a very useful table (mini cheat sheet) that you can save on your computer:


However, the harm from the protein exists, but only for those people who have allergic reactions, such as lactose. If you take it, then it contains a fairly large amount of lactose. Most people simply do not digest this carbohydrate, as many, after the age of 20, stop producing the hormone that neutralizes lactose. Susceptibility to lactose can be checked in a simple way, it is enough to drink milk, if you normally tolerate this product, then lactose is not terrible for you. Otherwise, if you bought whey protein, and you are not friends with lactose, you will have to sit on the toilet for a while. Also, it should be remembered that you need to buy sports nutrition in trusted stores and only reputable manufacturers.

In addition to lactose, the real harm from protein, a person can get due to kidney failure. But, as studies have shown, those dosages of protein intake per 1 kilogram that are recommended in bodybuilding do not have any negative impact on human health. Repeated studies were conducted, where 20 athletes were involved, who for 28 days took protein in the composition of 2.9g / 1kg. At the end of the period, the study showed that there were no negative changes in the body.

Are proteins bad for men? There are a number of side effects in males that result from consuming soy protein. This is justified by the fact that in some cases it may contain phytoestrogen, which is somewhat similar to the female sex hormone - estrogen. Because of this, an allergic reaction to soy protein is quite common. Gluten intolerance can also occur if the digestive system does not accept gluten. You should always look at the composition of the protein, whether there is gluten in the composition.


From all of the above, we can draw a brief conclusion and answer the question: “Is protein harmful?”. If you do not have any problems with the kidneys, there is no allergy to protein composition products, then you can safely add this sports supplement to your daily diet.

Also, it should be remembered that supplements with a high protein concentrate are purely auxiliary in nature. The main role in your diet is still played by such natural products as: meat, fish, eggs, cereals and so on.

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Recently, training in the gym has become a fashionable activity, and athletes take supplements, including protein. Is protein harmful to men's health, or can it be taken without restrictions? Someone claims that sports nutrition is effective for muscle growth and has a beneficial effect on health, while someone is sure that you should not use such substances, as they are dangerous.

To answer these questions, you need to understand how sports nutrition works.

What is sports nutrition

There is a strong opinion in society that sports nutrition is a dangerous drug for health. Protein is often confused with real drugs - steroids, but there is a huge difference between them and sports protein. The negative attitude of society towards steroids has its advantages: a novice athlete will not risk taking an unfamiliar drug. This can save him from possible health problems in the future.

Let's figure out what protein consists of, and what benefits and harms exist when using it.

Proteins are present in common foods: meat, eggs, fish. Human muscles are made up of proteins. When a person does a lot of sports and receives large power loads on the muscles, they begin to grow. For successful muscle growth, an athlete needs to get enough protein, but the right amount of protein is not always found in food, which is why sports nutrition was invented.

Sports nutrition is 100% protein. The main component is whey, from which fats and carbohydrates have been removed, water has been evaporated. The resulting powder is packaged in jars and sent to sports stores. To the question of why protein is harmful, you can answer that nothing if you use it correctly. The use of any substance without measure can cause a number of health problems. Vitamins are also useful and necessary for life, but if they are taken in excess, hypervitaminosis will occur.

In order for sports nutrition to bring benefits, not harm, you need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to take it correctly. It is difficult to calculate the exact amount of protein necessary for the body, but on average, an athlete who is actively involved in the gym needs up to 3 g of protein per day per 1 kg of weight. It is almost impossible to get so many proteins from ordinary products, so they resort to sports powder. Its regular use will make up for the lack of proteins in the body and will allow you to build beautiful strong muscles.

Truth and fiction about the dangers of additives

Myth 1: sports nutrition causes problems with potency. This is not true. Since sports nutrition is 100% natural protein, it cannot harm your health in any way. If there are problems with the athlete's potency, then most likely the following reasons take place:

  1. A person is too tired in training.
  2. Perhaps, in connection with the opinion of society about the dangers of sports supplements, the athlete inspired himself that he would have problems with potency. Self-hypnosis can actually cause various disorders of the body.
  3. The athlete uses fake or low-quality sports nutrition.
  4. The probable reasons lie in an unbalanced diet: enough proteins enter the body, and there are few vitamins or fats.

Myth 2: harm to the kidneys and liver. There is some truth in this, but it all depends on how you use the supplement. Indeed, the liver and excretory system may suffer, but this can only happen if the supplement is consumed in large quantities. With ordinary food, it is not possible to obtain such an amount of protein, but taking sports nutrition is easy. With an increased amount of protein, the liver and kidneys will receive an additional load in an attempt to remove excess substances from the body. Therefore, you should be careful about the amount of sports supplements used: there is nothing dangerous in the recommended amounts of protein.

Myth 3: Excessive weight gain. Many people believe that sports supplements lead to uncontrolled weight gain. Indeed, with active physical exercises and eating supplements, weight increases, but this happens solely due to the growth of muscle mass. Unused proteins are excreted from the body with the help of the liver and kidneys.

In addition, there are even special protein diets, the meaning of which is to play sports and consume the required amount of protein. At the same time, the consumption of fats and carbohydrates is limited. Even women use them.

It should be borne in mind that for the diet you can not use a mixture of proteins and carbohydrates - gainers. Remember that when dieting, you should limit the intake of fats and carbohydrates, but not completely exclude them from the diet.

From this we can conclude that the protein for men and women is not dangerous if used correctly.

Modern society has turned the vector of attention towards a healthy lifestyle. Now it has become fashionable to visit sports and gyms, to demonstrate a toned figure, muscles, and a good stretch.

Protein - a catalyst for muscle growth

Most prefer to engage in weight lifting, which helps to quickly adjust the figure, gain muscle mass. In order for the process to go even faster, athletes begin. As you know, the rate of growth of muscle mass directly depends on the level of proper and balanced protein nutrition. Protein in this case acts as an excellent catalyst.

Protein is consumed by many, strenuously. Some do not dare to take such a step, because they believe that it can bring a lot of harm to the body.

Harm or benefit?

Almost all professional athletes and medical doctors assure that protein is a special protein that cannot be replaced by other components. It is thanks to him that the growth of muscles and cells of the body occurs. For an athlete, drinking a protein shake has become the norm. At the same time, the stronger the load during training, the more cocktails are consumed.

At the moment, there is no clear answer about the dangers or benefits of protein. The vast majority of people involved in sports believe that the substance is harmless if it is used in the required amount, following the regimen.

There have been cases when excessive protein intake has led to side effects. The dosage should be selected purely individually, based on the loads and frequency of training.

Sports doctors have deduced, according to which it is necessary to consume no more than 1 gram of protein per 1 kilogram of human weight every day. In this case, there will be no harm to health. When protein is consumed in unlimited quantities, the level of trace elements increases, and this directly affects the state of the body. The person begins to feel worse, the general tone decreases.

The gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, suffer from excessive. This is a signal that you should stop or limit the use of the drug.

Protein is not a steroid

It is extremely important to consume high-quality proteins made from meat, soy, eggs, casein, or whey. Quality proteins are made entirely of protein.


Protein, when used correctly, helps to quickly build muscle mass, since the whole is composed of protein. However, there are different types of proteins. Some are designed to be consumed immediately after waking up, others before a workout, others after a workout, and so on. It is important that the product is of high quality.

If protein is consumed excessively, side effects may occur. First of all, the gastrointestinal tract suffers. This leads to a deterioration in the general condition, loss of desire to train. According to athletes - all the protein eaten should be produced on
