Nordic walking with sticks: technique and benefits for health and weight loss. Nordic walking indications and contraindications

More and more often we meet people walking briskly with poles resembling ski poles. This is a relatively new but rapidly growing sport activity - Nordic walking (less known as "Norwegian", "Swedish", "Finnish"). Why Nordic Walking? Despite the seeming simplicity and even comical actions, walking is very useful for the whole organism. It strengthens human health and has a positive effect on almost all systems of life. However, like any sport, Nordic walking can also be harmful if its rules and nuances are neglected. What are the benefits and harms of Nordic walking with sticks?

The main and most important feature of this lesson is that Nordic walking has a complex effect on the body and human health. How useful is Nordic walking with sticks, and what is its beneficial effect on the body?

  1. Even distribution of load on the muscles. A person involved in Nordic walking uses the muscles of the legs, arms, back, and abs. During the walk, all these muscles are given a calm, uniform load, due to which the muscles are strengthened.
  2. Strengthening the spine. It is known that walking is the best way to strengthen the spine, and the use of sticks that promote hand movements only enhances the beneficial effect. Nordic walking involves the belt of the upper limbs (clavicles, shoulder blades, shoulders), which play an important role in strengthening and maintaining the health of the spine.
  3. Correction and correction of posture. Vigorous hand movements require a flat, straight back, which is the best way to get rid of stoop and back pain.
  4. Strengthening the joints. Nordic walking involves the joints of the arms and legs. Regular walking helps to cope with joint pain and strengthen them.
  5. Beneficial effect on internal organs. Uniform and relatively fast movements improve hemodynamics (movement of blood through the vessels) and microcirculation (movement of tissue fluids), strengthen the heart.
  6. Pressure stabilization. This plus of walking logically follows from the previous paragraph: a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and blood vessels improves and stabilizes blood pressure.
  7. Help with hypodynamia. Physical inactivity is a decrease in active physical activity, which leads to violations of all body systems. This problem is very acute in the modern world, where a person spends most of his time sitting. Regular exercise provides the necessary load on all organs and muscles.
  8. Improvement of brain activity. Since it is customary to practice Nordic walking on the street, the abundance of oxygen has a beneficial effect on brain activity. A person's mood rises, he feels a surge of strength, the impact of stress is significantly reduced, memory and working capacity improve.
  9. Great help for weight loss. Nordic walking burns twice as many calories as regular walking, and the impact on all the muscles of the body helps to keep them in good shape and strengthen them. In addition, walking with sticks activates the metabolism, which, together with proper nutrition, will give an effective and quick result.
  10. Stabilization and improvement of sleep. Vigorous regular activity, combined with an abundance of fresh air, has a positive effect on sleep. People who walk tend to sleep better, get better sleep, and feel great throughout the day.
  11. Nordic walking is useful at any age. The benefits of Nordic walking for the elderly are invaluable: it has a beneficial effect on all vital systems of the body, strengthens blood vessels and improves blood pressure, normalizes sleep, and relieves joint pain. Nordic walking for pregnant women is also useful: uniform loads that do not require great physical strength have a positive effect on the health and morale of the expectant mother.
  12. Minimum material and physical costs. You do not need to spend a lot of money on Nordic walking classes: you just need to purchase the right, comfortable shoes and poles suitable for your height. Nordic walking is a pleasant, uncomplicated and incredibly healthy activity.

As can be seen from the points described above, poles play a crucial role in Nordic walking. What are walking poles for?

Nordic walking poles: why do you need them?

It is due to sticks that Nordic walking gains great benefits for the body. Sticks provide additional and vigorous movement of the arms, which strengthens the upper limbs. Extra exercise burns more calories and uses more muscles. Thanks to sticks, about 90% of the muscles of the body work. In addition, poles allow a person of any age and position to engage in Nordic walking: for the elderly, pregnant women and people involved in walking for medical and rehabilitation purposes, poles serve as a support that allows them to do more.

Read more about how to choose the right Nordic walking poles

Nordic walking with sticks: what do the doctors say?

In some cases, before starting classes, it is recommended to consult a doctor. However, almost all experts are unanimous: the health benefits of Nordic walking are simply enormous. Being a safe activity with a minimum of contraindications, walking at the same time has a huge positive effect on the human body, involves all the muscles, joints, stabilizes the vital processes of the body, improves morale, strengthens sleep, and affects brain activity. This is the main answer to the question: “How useful is Nordic walking?”

However, like any sport, Nordic walking has a number of contraindications (even if their number is minimal), and if the rules of walking are not followed, it can even be harmful. What are the disadvantages of Norwegian walking?

Harm and contraindications of Nordic walking

The disadvantages of Nordic walking are not so many, but you need to carefully read them in order to know what the negative consequences of this activity can be.

  1. Classes with an infectious and viral disease can aggravate the situation. Many people mistakenly believe that a simple "walking with sticks" will do nothing. This is not true. In this case, an intense load will adversely affect the body and can even lead to complications. Stop exercising until you get better.
  2. You can not practice with a recent surgical intervention. It can also lead to a number of unpleasant complications associated with regular and relatively high physical activity.
  3. Classes are contraindicated in heart disease. Despite the fact that walking strengthens the circulatory system, it is better to refrain from walking in case of heart disease. Intense regular exercise will not relieve you of the disease, but it can aggravate it and even lead to disastrous consequences. If you want to start exercising, be sure to consult a doctor and contact a trainer to draw up a competent and safe training system.
  4. Severe diseases and problems of the musculoskeletal system. Nordic walking affects the spine, and in severe diseases, the load can have a negative effect and cause additional back pain. Consult with a specialist before walking.
  5. You can not exercise with an injury to the shoulder joints. Hand movements in pole walking play an important role, and problems with the girdle of the upper limbs can be exacerbated. Refrain from Nordic walking while your injury is being treated and see a doctor before you start walking with poles.
  6. Incorrectly selected sticks can lead to problems with posture and spine. Be sure to pay special attention to the size of the walking poles. Too low or high sticks will only bring harm. To avoid this, carefully study the rules for choosing walking poles and choose your poles according to your height.

Like any activity, Nordic walking with sticks will be useful only if you are attentive and careful about your body, have a sound assessment of your own strengths and follow the rules of walking. Do not be too lazy to consult an experienced doctor: in this way you will not only avoid unwanted problems with the body, but also eliminate existing diseases and improve your physical and moral condition, and Nordic walking will become an enjoyable and beneficial activity.

Clearly about the benefits of Nordic walking in a video with Elena Malysheva

Once upon a time, professional skiers from Finland decided to keep fit at any time of the year. There was an idea - in the absence of snow to train using only ski poles. This is how Nordic walking was born. In the nineties of the last century, this sport won the hearts of many outdoor enthusiasts and became widespread.

Benefits of Nordic walking

Nordic walking exercises activate most of the muscles of the body:

  • deltoid;
  • subscapular;
  • large chest;
  • triceps;
  • infraspinatus;
  • broadest;
  • oblique abdomen;
  • flexing forearms;
  • press;
  • quadriceps and gluteal;
  • calf and posterior thigh muscle;
  • tibial anterior.

Nordic walking is a simple, but at the same time effective form of physical activity, with which you can load all the muscles of the body.

Nordic walking is also called Finnish or Nordic walking.

What explains the effectiveness of Finnish walking for strengthening muscles and burning fat? The inclusion of hands in the process of moving makes the whole body work actively, since in this case the load is distributed evenly.

The popularity of Nordic walking is due to the desire of most people to lose weight. Anyone can do this type of fitness, even pensioners, children, pregnant women. Thanks to visual agitation, the number of fans of this sport is increasing every year. Today we see both lone pedestrians actively working with sticks, and entire families.

Nordic walking can be practiced at any age

The advantages of this type of physical culture are obvious:

  • the tension of the joints of the lower extremities is relieved, the load on the spine and, as a result, the posture is corrected;
  • improves blood circulation in the brain, strengthens the muscles of the neck and shoulder, which relieves osteochondrosis of the cervical part of the spine;
  • due to the active burning of calories, weight is reduced;
  • “bad” cholesterol is removed, the heart muscle is strengthened. As a result, the heart rate and blood pressure are normalized, the risk of thrombosis is reduced;
  • improves sleep, concentration, memory;
  • the ligamentous apparatus is strengthened, a muscular corset is formed, due to which the risk of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is reduced;
  • osteoporosis is prevented - walking in the sun increases the production of vitamin D;
  • the musculoskeletal system is restored after injuries;
  • improves coordination of movements;
  • the volume of the lungs increases, which increases the supply of tissues with oxygen;
  • the muscles of the body are in constant tone.

Gymnastics, physical exercises, walking should firmly enter the daily life of everyone who wants to maintain working capacity, health, a full and joyful life.


Athletes often use Finnish walking, as they need constant endurance training to strengthen the cardiovascular system. Classes do not require a gym, expensive simulators, special uniforms and long-term training. On the street, the body receives more oxygen than in the building, and this is very important.

Elena Malysheva about Nordic walking - video

How Nordic Walking Helps You Lose Weight

Like many aerobic sports, Nordic walking burns calories and loses weight fairly quickly. Doctors note that when practicing Nordic walking, weight loss is 2-3 times more effective than using running. If the work is "sedentary", requires low activity, then the muscle tissue in the body is gradually replaced by fat. And this has to be dealt with in some way.

In one hour of intensive Nordic walking, 400-500 calories are burned, while during normal walking this figure reaches 280.

In order for the training to be most beneficial, you must follow the rules:

  • do not neglect the duration of the workout. If the goal is to lose weight in the shortest possible time, then you need to play sports every day for at least an hour. Calories begin to be burned after a thirty-minute workout. Only after this time the body uses the stored fat as an energy source;
  • use inventory. Thanks to the sticks, the speed of movement increases and muscle work increases;
  • exercise in any weather. In the cool season, energy is also spent on heating the body, which allows you to accelerate the desired weight loss. Enhances fat burning walking on rough terrain, hiking in the hills or uphill. Experts advise moving with an inclination of 5 degrees - this allows you to increase calorie burning by 50%. Gravel and snow, which impede movement, also hasten the disappearance of deferred fat deposits;
  • use weights. Over time, to increase the load on the body, you need to start using additional weight. It is distributed evenly in a vest or in a backpack behind the back. Accelerating with a large arm span also increases the efficiency of Nordic Walking;
  • Learn the methods of interval training. For weight loss, it is good to use training with intervals. It is an alternation of short-term enhanced loads with weak ones. For example, Nordic walking of average physical activity for 15 minutes is replaced by a simple brisk step. Then they return to the main position. This type of training improves metabolism.

Nordic walking is an incredibly effective and affordable sport.

The benefits of Nordic walking are not limited to physiological indicators. Many fans of this type of fitness after a month of classes note positive changes in their mental state:

  • there is no need to take antidepressants;
  • walks in the park area, squares, along the river cause a feeling of unity with nature;
  • acceleration of hemodynamics contributes to the production of endorphins, which calm the person.

Is it possible to lose weight doing Nordic walking - video


Nordic walking is contraindicated in the following diseases:

  • heart failure;
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • bleeding during pregnancy;
  • colds or acute infections;
  • arthrosis, arthritis and flat feet;
  • injuries of the shoulder joint and limbs;
  • hypotension;
  • scoliosis of the spine;
  • diabetes mellitus;

In the recovery period after the operation, it is also impossible to engage in active walking.

Nordic walking technique with sticks

The Nordic walking technique is simple - with the help of special sticks you move like a skier, starting from the ground.

Begin training with a warm-up. A short-term exercise is performed, which includes tilting to the sides, back and forth, stretching the legs and squats. Then check the fastenings on both sticks.

The technique for performing the Nordic Walk is as follows:

Start classes should be gradual. At first, fifteen minutes, three times a week, increasing the duration and speed of training. It is not bad to control the maximum allowable heart rate. For women, it is calculated by subtracting age in years from 226, for men - from 220.

The company of like-minded people stimulates the habit of training - together it is easier to endure difficulties - many overweight people lack willpower. This is due to the lack of muscle training and heavy sensations after the first workouts.

Complete Nordic Walking Lesson for Beginners - Video

How to choose equipment

Sticks should be durable, so you should choose models with a higher carbon content (20%). It is better to purchase equipment with interchangeable tips in order to move comfortably on any surface: ice or snow requires spiked tips, and a smooth surface needs rubber tips. Plastic parts wear out quickly, so their number in equipment should be minimal.

Sticks should be securely fastened, lie comfortably in the hand, not slip and be light in weight. Equipment with plastic handles should be discarded.

There are two types of sticks:

  • telescopic - it's good to take the road with you, because the sticks fold up and take up little space;
  • monolithic - more reliable and safe, since this equipment does not have latches that often fail.

Sticks for Finnish walking must be selected individually

It is important to choose the desired length of sticks, it is calculated individually. A person's height in centimeters is multiplied by 0.68 and rounded up to a number that is divisible by 5.

For example, with a height of 180 cm - 180x0.68 = 122.4. Result = 120 cm - this is the desired length of the stick.

How to choose sticks - video

The older a person becomes, the more attention he should pay to his health, which gradually begins to deteriorate. Experts say that with retirement, this deterioration becomes more noticeable. To keep your body in shape, older people need to lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly.

But not all physical exercises are suitable for people of retirement age. The most optimal and effective option in this case is Nordic walking, which can be considered as an alternative to active and demanding sports.

What is Nordic walking? Why is she needed? What benefits will it bring to our body? Is Nordic Walking suitable for older people? Today we will try to find answers to these and many other important questions!

Nordic walking (another name is “gymnastics on the go”) is a health-improving physical exercise that consists in walking with two sticks. If you look at a person who is engaged in Nordic walking, you might think that he is skiing without the skis themselves.

For the first time, mankind learned about this type of walking in the thirties of the last century. It was then that in the warm season, Norwegian skiers began to train, simulating skiing training without using these same skis. A little later, the Swedes and Finns intercepted their initiative.

Physicians who observed athletes very soon came to the conclusion that such training has a useful additional effect: it strengthens joints and muscles much more effectively than traditional running or walking. It also became clear that Nordic walking is suitable not only for young and active athletes, but also for pensioners, people with problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Sticks that are used while walking allow you to use a large number of muscle groups, but at the same time significantly reduce the load on the spine and ligaments.

In the early eighties, Europeans of different ages briskly walking with Nordic walking sticks could no longer surprise anyone with their extravagant appearance. Now more than 22 million people around the world are fans of Nordic walking. Every year their number is growing.

What happens to the body during Nordic walking?

  • 89-92% of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and back are involved in the training process.
  • Metabolic processes in the body are accelerated, which is why calories begin to be burned faster (700-720 calories in 1 hour), and extra pounds disappear without a trace.
  • Heart rate increases by an average of 15-18 beats per minute, which is why Nordic walking is an excellent cardio workout.
  • Improved coordination and sense of balance.
  • The spinal column is aligned, pain in the spine is noticeably reduced, posture is corrected.
  • Reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • The body is enriched with oxygen.
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • There is a hardening of the body.
  • Intestinal function improves: constipation disappears, gas formation decreases.
  • The respiratory volume of the lungs increases by 30-35%.
  • Sleep is normalized, insomnia disappears.
  • The mood is noticeably improved.

Gymnastics on the go is very useful for pensioners and the elderly. If you regularly engage in Nordic walking, then:

  • general health will improve markedly;
  • more energy and strength will appear;
  • joints will be strengthened;
  • an older person will become more active;
  • performance will improve;
  • blood pressure stabilizes;
  • the risk of stroke and other heart diseases will decrease;
  • immunity will increase;
  • the working capacity of the lungs will increase, it will be possible to breathe "full breasts";
  • the level of cholesterol in the blood will decrease;
  • metabolism will accelerate;
  • coordination of movements is stabilized;
  • an elderly person will become more cheerful, forget about depression and irritation;
  • sleep is normalized, there will be no trace of insomnia.

Nordic walking is useful for older people who experience joint problems, suffer from osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, Parkinson's syndrome, and other similar diseases.

When Nordic walking works:

  • scalene muscles;
  • deltoid;
  • biceps;
  • triceps;
  • abdominal muscles;
  • gluteus maximus;
  • quadriceps (quadriceps femoris);
  • muscle of the back of the thigh;
  • leg muscle;
  • calf muscles.

For pensioners, Nordic walking is also useful because it helps to fight excess weight. But it should be remembered that the speed of movement should not exceed 5.5-6 kilometers per hour.

Nordic walking is strictly forbidden for older people when:

  • pinched spine (in different departments);
  • aortic stenosis (only acute form);
  • bradycardia and tachycardia;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • anemia;
  • arthritis of the last form;
  • infectious acute diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • hemophilia;
  • acute renal failure;
  • acute thrombophlebitis.

It is impossible to engage in Nordic walking for people who have suffered a myocardial infarction of any complexity.

Nordic walking poles: how to choose the right one?

Special sticks with tips are the main equipment, without which it is impossible to practice Nordic walking. Do not forget that they are different from ordinary ski poles, which are categorically not suitable for this exercise, since their length does not meet the required standards.

The choice of sticks for Nordic walking should be approached very responsibly, otherwise you can harm your health. If you use the wrong poles, the load will increase, causing damage to the ankles, knees and back.

On the handles of the right sticks there are special straps that look like mitt gloves (fingerless gloves). Thanks to these straps, you can push off the ground without squeezing the handles and without making much effort. Straps protect the palms of the hands from the formation of calluses and dropsy.

Special spikes, which are located at the bottom of the sticks, provide reliable grip on the ground during the warm season, and with icy and snowy surfaces in the cold season.

If you plan to walk on asphalt, paving slabs, concrete, then rubber nozzles should be put on the end of the spikes.

There are two types of sticks:

  • monolithic. They have a solid construction, the length does not change. Very durable and reliable sticks that many experts advise older people;
  • telescopic. They can be moved apart, so that the length of the structure changes.

Trainers are advised to choose sticks that are made of carbon, aluminum alloy, fiberglass, carbon alloy. Ideal sticks are quite stiff, but light.

To choose the optimal height of the stick, you must use the following formula:

  • for the elderly- multiply the growth by a factor of 0.66. If the growth of a pensioner is 1.75 cm, then the length of the sticks suitable for him is 115.5 cm;
  • for physically developed people- multiply the growth by a factor of 0.68. If a person's height is 1.75 cm, then the length of sticks ideal for him is 119 cm;
  • for professional athletes- multiply the growth by a factor of 0.7. If the athlete's height is 1.75 cm, then the length of the optimal sticks for him is 122.5 cm.

Basics of Nordic Walking

Preparation and highlights

Before starting a workout, you need to do a complete warm-up to warm up your muscles well. Check the sticks: pay attention to the condition of the straps, spikes, check the length.

During the workout, watch your breath. It should be even and calm. Take two steps and breathe in through your nose, take four steps and breathe out through your mouth. After finishing your workout, don't forget to cool down. Be sure to do some breathing exercises. Older people should remember that the optimal duration of the first workout is 15-25 minutes.

Execution technique

1. Walking with sticks is practically no different from the natural process of walking.

2. When taking the next step, do not forget to roll from heel to toe.

3. While walking, the back must be kept straight, you can slightly tilt the body forward.

4. Keep your shoulders relaxed, slightly down.

5. Alternately move your arms and legs. If the left foot is in front, the right hand should also be in front.

6. Steps during Nordic walking, compared to normal walking, should be longer.

7. When you walk, your hands move like a pendulum.

9. When you pull back the hand with the stick, the palm should be open and fixed only with a strap.

10. Your arm should not go back or forward more than forty-five degrees.

There are several variants of Nordic walking: parallel movement of legs and sticks, triple quick steps, wide steps, etc. Choose the one you like the most.

There are many sports directions that have their advantages and disadvantages. There are options that people of all ages can use, while receiving huge benefits for their body. Nordic walking with sticks can be safely attributed to this group.

What are the benefits of Nordic walking?

The presented sports direction is approved by many doctors, since it has a number of important properties. It has been established that walking affects a person in a complex manner, without causing harm. It has long been used by many rehabilitation centers, and it is included in various programs that allow you to restore the body after serious illnesses. This direction is recommended for people aged and those who suffer from extra pounds. To understand which one, just look at the main list of possible outcomes.

  1. It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, normalizing blood pressure and blood circulation.
  2. The benefits and harms of Nordic walking with sticks are associated with the ability to lose weight and cope with cellulite, as well as improve muscle condition.
  3. The nervous state is stabilized, which makes it easier to cope with stress, insomnia and other problems.
  4. The benefits of classes are related to the fact that they are carried out in the fresh air, improving brain activity and increasing efficiency.
  5. Develops stamina and fitness.
  6. It has a huge benefit on the function of the musculoskeletal system. You can remove pain in the spine, improve posture and bone density. With regular training, the risk of fractures and other injuries, as well as various diseases, is reduced.

Nordic walking for arthrosis

Many sports areas are contraindicated in diseases of the joints. Nordic walking with arthrosis of the knee helps in the treatment and is used to prevent the development of diseases. The benefits are associated with the reduction of excess weight, which often causes joint diseases. Thanks to the use of additional support, the load is distributed evenly on all joints and muscles. The main thing, in order not to cause harm, is to start with a minimum intensity, gradually increasing it.

Nordic walking with cervical osteochondrosis

According to statistics in rehabilitation centers, people with musculoskeletal problems involved in race walking felt a surge of strength after 3-4 weeks, movements were easier for them, and motor function was restored. Thanks to the use of sticks, the load is distributed over the entire body, which allows you to relieve tension. Osteochondrosis and Nordic walking are also compatible due to the fact that while maintaining posture during training, the upper body and arms can be in a relaxed state. Equally important is the increase in muscle density.

How to practice Nordic walking with sticks?

Different terrains are suitable for training, for example, an ordinary street, park or forest. Start on a level surface to minimize the risk of injury. Nordic walking rules require three sessions over seven days, and they must last at least half an hour. In the sports shop, purchase equipment, choosing it according to your height. Equally important are comfortable clothes and shoes.

Nordic walking technique

The movements of the human body during exercise are similar to skiing. This style does not rely on sticks, as they should slide freely on the ground. Hands are inserted into the mounts, and they must be kept along the body as close to it as possible. Proper walking with Scandinavian sticks involves a rhythmic change in the position of the limbs, as in normal walking. There are several key points in the execution technique.

  1. Bend your legs slightly at the knees, and tilt your body forward.
  2. A wave of the hand should indicate the size of the step, that is, the wider it is, the greater the step.
  3. Keep your arms wide and keep your gear close to your body.
  4. First, lower yourself to the surface with your heel, and then, go to the toe. The entire foot should touch the ground.
  5. Don't lower your gear abruptly as this will disrupt your walking pace and also put stress on your joints.
  6. The body should be static, that is, the hips, chest, shoulders and back of the head should participate in the movement.

Nordic walking with poles for weight loss

Overcoming excess weight without physical activity will be difficult, and sometimes impossible, since you need to burn calories. The effectiveness of Nordic walking for weight loss is due to the fact that this is a cardio direction. In addition to spending fat, there is a strengthening and drawing of the muscle corset. To get results, it is important to feel the work of the muscles and follow the basic rules.

  1. You need to do it regularly and preferably three times a week, spending 40 minutes on training.
  2. Start with a step that is slightly faster than walking.
  3. Keep in mind that when walking in small steps with a large amplitude of the arms, you can develop the upper body, and with large steps and close positions of the arms, the legs actively work.
  4. Use for effective weight loss - alternating fast and slow pace.

Nutrition for Nordic walking for weight loss

If this sports direction was chosen to get rid of accumulated fat, then you need to change your eating habits. Refrain from eating high-calorie, fatty, sweet, smoked and other junk food. Already this step will allow to achieve the first results. Nutrition during Nordic walking must comply with the basic rules.

  1. Eat small meals and in addition to the main meals, add two additional ones.
  2. You should not train on an empty stomach, and a couple of hours should pass after eating.
  3. Give preference to protein foods with low fat content, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits.
  4. Maintain water balance, so the daily rate is 2 liters.

Benefits of Nordic Walking for Seniors

With age, changes occur in the body, many diseases occur, which significantly affects the quality of life. The situation is aggravated by the lack of physical activity. Nordic walking for the elderly is ideal because it does not require a lot of effort to train, but it can provide a number of clinically proven benefits. During training, four points of support are used, which allows for good balance and safety.

Nordic walking for pregnant women

During the period of bearing a child, many women go into the so-called gentle mode. This is considered a mistake, since physical activity must be present and in limited quantities it is not harmful. Nordic walking during pregnancy is one of the few permitted directions. This direction combines fitness and outdoor walks, which leads to a number of useful properties.

  1. The amount of incoming oxygen to the internal organs and the fetus increases. As a result, you can get such benefits: insomnia disappears, and the risk of shortness of breath and problems with the cardiovascular system is minimized.
  2. Many women in the position suffer from, and so regular classes will help stabilize the mental state. Nordic walking with sticks, the benefits and harms of which have been proven by scientists, allows women to avoid postpartum depression.
  3. With systemic exercises, you can not be afraid of a strong weight gain, which is harmful, complicating childbirth.

Nordic walking - contraindications

Although this sporting direction is considered sparing, in some cases even it should be abandoned. Physical activity is harmful in the presence of infectious diseases and exacerbation of chronic ailments. It is necessary to consult a doctor if there are problems in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Nordic walking can harm people who have recently had surgery. High blood pressure is also a contraindication. To avoid harm, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination beforehand.

Everyone knows that sports and exercise are the basis of a healthy lifestyle. Any activity helps the muscles stay in good shape, maintaining the corset of the body, the spine and the location of the internal organs of a person in a natural state.

Exercise increases blood circulation and improves well-being. There are many different kinds of sports, but mostly they are designed for completely healthy people. Nordic walking is suitable for an unlimited circle of people, both for active and strong athletes, and for children, the elderly or overweight citizens, people after surgeries and injuries.

Scandinavian walking. What it is?

Nordic walking (or Finnish walking or Nordic walking) is an amateur sport in which a person walks leaning on special poles. Such equipment resembles ski poles, however, there are significant differences between them. For example, Nordic walking poles are shorter than cross-country skiing poles; on the tip there is a strong tip to soften the force of impact on the surface of the base: asphalt, ice, snow, soil.

Pushing off with sticks while walking, the load on the upper body increases and energy consumption increases. 90% of all muscles of the human body are involved in Nordic walking, in contrast to ordinary walking (70%) and running (45%).

At the same time, relying on sticks, the shock load on the joints and ligaments is reduced, and the ability of a person to overcome obstacles (mountainous terrain, ups and downs) increases. For people who find it difficult to go a long distance or those who are tired during the journey, you can always stop and restore your breath and strength if you lean on sticks.

Nordic walking is a cardio activity. It trains the cardiovascular system, increases metabolism, promotes weight loss, strengthens the muscles of the musculoskeletal system.

The history of the sport

The idea of ​​walking with sticks belongs to the Finnish cross-country skiing team coach. In an effort to improve strength and endurance during the off-season, athletes continued training in the summer, overcoming distances using poles. As a result, Finnish skiers managed to show better results in competitions than their competitors.

Most information sources consider that the founder of a separate sport "original Nordic walking" is Finn Marko Kantanev. After improving the structure of walking sticks, he published instructions for this discipline in 1997.

But to date, his copyright has not been confirmed. The primacy of the description of walking with sticks is disputed by the ski coach Mauri Repo, who developed several methods at a time when such walking was not yet singled out as a separate sport (1974-1989).

Nordic walking has become widespread in many countries of the world. First, the Scandinavian countries, Germany and Austria learned about this discipline. There, in the late 1990s, travel routes began to be developed and research was carried out on the impact of walking with sticks on human health. Today, the International Nordic Walking Association (INWA) includes more than 20 countries, and training sessions are conducted by instructors in 40 countries.

In Russia, the popularity of Nordic walking is growing every year, an increasing number of people meet on walks with equipment typical for this sport. However, there are those who are not yet aware of the simplicity, benefits and beneficial effects of walking with sticks.

Benefits of Nordic Walking

As already mentioned, Nordic Walking is a versatile sport that is suitable for anyone who can walk. The only contraindication to classes can only be bed rest prescribed by a doctor.

Nordic walking belongs to the general physical training exercises. For athletes, it helps to diversify cardio training and add stress to the muscles of the upper half of the body, and for patients to recover faster after injuries and operations. Walking with an emphasis on sticks makes it possible for the elderly or overweight people to increase their physical activity.

Benefits of Nordic Walking:

  • simultaneous exercises of all muscle groups;
  • safety of joints and ligaments, reduction of pressure on the spine;
  • increased energy consumption contributes to weight loss;
  • training of the cardiovascular system;
  • ease of use, it is enough to have only special sticks, and you choose the route yourself;
  • classes can be carried out at any time of the year;
  • coordination and balance training;
  • improves;
  • increases lung capacity, increases blood oxygen supply;
  • outdoor activities heal the body as a whole;
  • relieves depression and;
  • treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Harm of Nordic walking

However, it must be taken into account that too intense loads and Nordic walking routes for unprepared walkers can harm the body. Persons with serious medical conditions should consult their doctor before starting exercise.

Traveling with sticks should start with small distances, gradually increasing the distance and the number of activities per week. It is important to remember that the greatest effect is achieved if you ensure the regularity of training!

How to choose sticks for Nordic walking

There are two types of Nordic walking poles:

  • telescopic - sticks consist of retractable segments, the length of which is adjustable;
  • fixed (monolithic) - sticks have a constant length.

Telescopic sticks are convenient for transportation and storage, as they allow the owner to reduce the size of the inventory. But the retractable mechanism is a weak point that can break over time when adversely affected by frost, water or sand. Sticks of a fixed length are selected immediately according to the height of the user. They are stronger and lighter than telescopic ones. The cost of monolithic sticks is also higher than that of a competitor.
