Nordic walking with sticks: benefits and harms. The benefits of Nordic walking with sticks and contraindications

There are many ways in which you can take care of your health even without gyms.

If street jogging is undesirable or too difficult for you, then Nordic walking with sticks can serve as a great alternative.

This exercise dates back to the 30s of the last century.

This technique was first used in Finland. During the summer, skiers used this exercise to keep their bodies in shape.

In itself, it is simple, but at the same time effective form of physical activity, with which you can load all the muscles of the body. The benefit of Nordic walking with sticks will be that with its help you will keep your whole body in good shape.

Nordic walking with sticks: the basics

To get started right to engage in this type of activity, you must first conduct some training. It is best to train on a flat surface. This is necessary so that the novice athlete can explore the possibilities of adjusting the bindings, and get a little comfortable with this type of walking. Arms must be positioned in the same way as during normal walking - along the body. Thus, the sticks will not serve as a support when walking, but will drag freely along the ground.

Gradually, as you get used to the sticks, you need to increase stride length. When walking, you will have to raise your hand with a stick to about chest level, and then lower it down, leaning on the ground. You should not take your hands far to the sides - they should be as close to the body as possible. While walking, you need to rhythmically change the position of the arms and legs, while relying on sticks.

The main feature of this exercise is the observance of natural human movements. The whole body should move in the same way as under normal conditions, perhaps a little more rhythmically. In fact, the technique is quite simple, it is only important to catch right pace movement.

The length of your step will depend on the size of your arm span. The larger the swing, the longer the step will be, so you need to catch the golden mean. Too much swing will increase the load not only on the legs, but also on the chest, as well as the back of the head. Too short - will hamper your movements in the hips. Professional trainers provided several tips for beginners:

1. Sticks should be confidently clamped in your hands, but this should not cause you tension;

2. When walking, it is necessary to send the stick back behind the body. At the same time, the elbow is straightened;

3. When you have already mastered the initial aspects, you do not need to drag the sticks behind you - you need to push them off the ground in time with your feet;

4. Should slightly tilt the body forward when moving;

5. When stepping, the foot should roll from heel to toe;

6. Sticks are best held at an angle of 45 degrees.

You should start classes with the choice of sticks of the correct length. It depends on your height and intensity of walking. The length can be calculated from formula: your height X 0.68.

Nordic walking with sticks: what are the benefits for the body?

Nordic walking is quite different from both running and walking. Thanks to sticks, an impressive part of your weight is transferred to your hands. This reduces the load on the knee joints and hips, but more calories burned. In addition, the health benefits of Nordic walking with poles are that it engages almost every muscle. As a result, from this exercise alone, you can tone your entire body.

Nordic walking with sticks is also beneficial for the body in the following ways:

It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and lungs. Like any other physical activity, it makes the heart work faster, as a result of which it pumps blood through the body faster. Your muscles will receive more nutrients and blood circulation throughout the body will improve. It also has a very good effect on brain function.

Regular walks can reduce back pain and strengthen the spine.

Since this walking involves about 90% of the muscles of the whole body, after a while of training you will be able to notice how your back, legs, and arms have strengthened.

Improves the work of the cardiovascular apparatus and the respiratory system.

Improves blood pressure, lowers the concentration of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Unlike normal walking, it puts less pressure on the joints and promotes bone density.

Helps to cope with ailments of the musculoskeletal system.

It improves the overall metabolism of the body and returns the body to youth and energy.

Improves the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, coordination, and facilitates climbing steep surfaces.

This is just general information about the benefits of Nordic walking. In many European countries, this exercise was included in the rehabilitation program after operations. It is the best, "sparing" physical activity, which serves as the prevention of osteoporosis and is prescribed for the elderly as an alternative to running.

Nordic walking with sticks: what is the harm to health?

Even an exercise such as Nordic walking with sticks can be harmful. Of course, it is a rather gentle workout, but if the elementary rules are not followed, these exercises can go sideways for you. Here are some contraindications:

1. Long breaks between workouts. This applies more to those who practiced professionally or at least at an average level. Breaks between classes could be caused by the presence of any injuries, and soon after the cure, the athletes can not wait to restore the load. And at this stage, you need to be careful - you do not need to drive yourself right away. It is necessary to increase the intensity of training measuredly, day after day, and not immediately start running multi-kilometer crosses.

2. Hand and shoulder injuries. Everything seems to be clear here - if it hurts to move and lean on sticks, then you should not force yourself to do it through force. The same applies to injuries to the legs and joints of the lower body.

3. Heart failure- after all, this walking is a cardio load, so you need to carefully monitor your breathing.

4. Hypertension.

5. First few weeks after abdominal surgery.

6. Inflammatory or degenerative processes of the musculoskeletal system or lower limb joints. Focus on your feelings - in no case should you continue training if pain occurs.

7. Infectious diseases or a cold.

8. Degenerative processes and deformations in the spine.

As you can see, even this sport has a considerable list of contraindications. However, in other cases, Nordic walking with sticks can be harmful only if you start exercising without first warming up the joints and ligaments. In other e cases, it brings only benefits and excellent health.

Nordic walking with sticks for children: good or bad

In the last paragraph, we examined possible contraindications to this type of physical activity.

In the absence of the above ailments, there is no reason to forbid the child to engage in this sport.

On the contrary, it will bring only positive character.

Speaking quite frankly, even ordinary walking is fraught with a greater danger than Nordic walking with sticks.

Since part of the load is transferred to the hands, the joints of the lower extremities will receive less stress. At the same time, the whole body will be strengthened. And we are talking not only about the child's muscular corset, but also about the heart, bones, blood vessels, and so on.

Therefore, if you are still thinking whether this type of activity is dangerous for a child, then you can be calm, he only benefits the young body.

Nordic walking with sticks: benefits for losing weight

Nordic walking with sticks is very useful for weight loss. It is much more expensive in terms of calories than regular walking. She burns more calories per unit of time. With regular exercise, you can tighten your body and get rid of muscle flabbiness. Of course, it is less effective than running, but compared to it, it has several advantages.

Firstly She's not that tedious. Not every person is able to run at an intense pace for 40 minutes. Passing in the Scandinavian style is much easier, and at the same time you will not have a feeling of shortness of breath and less likely to experience muscle cramps.

Secondly, Nordic walking is good for the body in that it not only does not wear out the joints, but vice versa, it strengthens the skeleton of the body. Besides, being overweight even when walking can put a lot of strain on your joints, and for that reason, it's not worth the risk of exhausting yourself with hard running.

With the help of Nordic walking, you will not only burn calories that will be spent on providing energy to the body, but also improve the metabolism in the body. The better your metabolism works, the faster you will get rid of unnecessary kilograms. And all this will happen against the background of general health promotion and improvement of the appearance of your body.

Therefore, to the question: “Is Nordic walking good for weight loss?” you can answer unequivocally - it is very useful and will help you achieve even the most difficult of your goals.

Nordic walking is the easiest and most affordable outdoor fitness. The philosophy behind Nordic walking is simple - anywhere, anytime, any age! Due to the special distribution of loads, endurance increases and the duration of your workouts increases. Nordic walking keeps the muscles of the upper and lower body in good shape at the same time, due to which, in the process of training, up to 90% of the muscles of the body are involved.

From the outside, it looks a little unusual, people walking with ski poles through a park immersed in greenery, as if they had mistaken the time of year. They would have to wait for the winter, and in the summer they go to the ski trails.

Norwegian, or as it is also called, Nordic walking, was invented in the middle of the last century by professional skiers who want to keep fit even when the snow has already melted. But pensioners have made this sport really popular. They had to take sticks in their hands after doctors conducted a series of studies and found that such walks are more effective than regular walking and do not give such a strong load on the heart as running.

Nordic walking is not only physical education, but also an opportunity to gather your thoughts to think. During stops along the way, sticks can be used for stretching and strength exercises - it turns out such an impromptu fitness room in nature.

Experts estimate that Nordic walking burns twice as many calories per hour as compared to regular walking of the same duration.

How to choose Nordic walking poles

1. Sticks must be telescopic, i.e. take shape. They can be in 2 knees or 3 knees. For daily workouts, 2 knees are best, and 3 knees for travel (fit into a suitcase).

2. Necessarily removable timlyak, i.e. unfastened. In no case do not buy sticks with a loop. If you have sticks with a loop, then during training you will be forced to hold the stick and the brush will be in tension. In this case, there will not be a sufficient amplitude of the work of the triceps and back muscles. If there is a timlyak, but it does not come unfastened, then this is not convenient in terms of holding power blocks. You lose time and pace of training to remove the timlyak.

3. The presence of tips and rubber shoes. Tips for walking on the ground, snow and ice, and shoes for walking on asphalt.

4. When you are just starting out, it is not necessary to buy expensive carbon poles. Yes, they are more durable, but aluminum ones are also suitable for a start.

Stick length

Do not forget to wear closed shoes when going for a walk, otherwise you risk injuring your feet with the sharp end of a stick or tripping over an obstacle.

In order to master the correct technique, which gives the maximum noticeable effect, it is enough to follow three simple steps.

1. Technique "Counterstep"

In normal walking, we always walk with our right foot forward and with our left hand, and vice versa. It always happens automatically, we just don't think about movement. Grab your Nordic walking poles and start walking at the same pace as you would with normal walking. Try not to analyze your movements - everything will happen automatically. Feel the rhythm, slowly add amplitude to your hands. Try to walk actively increasing your walking speed. In a couple of minutes you will be confidently walking in the right rhythm.

2. Technique "Drawing"

In order to easily master the technique of counterstepping with sticks in your hands, use the so-called dragging technique. Lower the sticks behind you, take a couple of steps dragging the sticks behind you. Slowly add amplitude to your hands, feel the rhythm, the sticks just hang on your gloves and follow your hand. Repeat the exercise several times until your movements are natural and the exercise does not cause you any problems.

3. Technique "Repulsion"

Maintaining the amplitude of the previous exercise, begin to lean on sticks with your hands. Try to transfer your body weight to the sticks completely - the stronger and more actively you push off, the stronger your load. Push off with sticks so that each step forward is given by the effort of the hands. The arm moves forward 45 degrees. Hand movements are calm, pendulum, from the shoulder. The hand is always straight. Hands with sticks go like on rails. Hands are tightly pressed to the hips. Try not to scatter the sticks to the sides and not to bring the triangle behind you.

Experts advise beginners to choose ordinary parks, where there are no sharp hills and ravines. At the same time, the optimal training time for those who are just mastering this sport is about 40 minutes.

Benefits of Nordic Walking

1. With Nordic walking, the load on the joints and spine is much less than when running or regular walking. So this sport can be practiced even by people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and pensioners. Nordic walking will help to recover from diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

2. In addition, this sport is a great opportunity to lose weight. The main advantage of this method of losing weight is that it allows you to get rid of extra centimeters in the most problematic places. Hard training will make your waist and hips slimmer.

3. Nordic walking also improves coordination of movements, enhances the sense of balance, increases the level of cerebral blood supply, normalizes sugar levels, stabilizes blood pressure and eliminates muscle spasms.

4. By doing this sport you will forget about stress and depression, and also become much stronger and more resilient.

Frequent attacks of angina pectoris at low physical exertion and at rest (4 functional class, unstable angina pectoris).

Heart rhythm disturbances (paroxysmal form of atrial fibrillation and flutter, parasystole, pacemaker migration, frequent polytopic or group extrasystole, especially ventricular).

Aneurysm of the left ventricle and aorta (relative contraindications).

Violations of atrioventricular conduction of high degrees.

Circulatory failure 2 B Art. and higher.

Arterial hypertension with stably elevated blood pressure.

Pulmonary heart failure 2 tbsp. and higher.

Concomitant diseases that interfere with walking (polyarthritis of various etiologies with dysfunction of the joints, discogenic radiculitis, defects and amputation of limbs, etc.).

Questions and answers

Questions are answered by expert and Nordic walking coach Nastya Poletaeva.

Tell me, what is the main advantage of Nordic walking, well, for example, compared to fitness?

In my opinion, first of all, these are outdoor activities. Also, Nordic walking has practically no contraindications, and regardless of your physical form, you can do it. That is, Nordic walking can be practiced by older people and teenagers and even children.

What equipment is needed for this sport?

The equipment is very simple - these are special sticks. Contrary to popular belief, these are not ski poles.

How to choose the right Nordic walking stick?

If you are an athlete and well physically prepared, you need to multiply your height by 0.7. If you are an ordinary person, please multiply your height by 0.66-0.68.

What should be the shoes and are special gloves needed?

Special shoes are not needed, good walking shoes are suitable. The main thing is that they are worn out and closed so as not to injure the leg with the sharp tip of the stick. The same applies to gloves, special sports gloves are also not needed.

For a beginner, how to choose the right route, is it worth going to the hills right away?

I would advise beginners to start with the nearest park. Rough terrain is good for trained people because it puts a lot of stress on the cardiovascular system. Start on level ground.

What is the meaning of Nordic walking? Do you need to follow the rhythm, move at a certain speed, somehow breathe correctly?

There is a certain walking technique, a certain technique. Of course, you can just take sticks and go, but if you set a specific goal for yourself, then depending on your goal, you choose the way to train. Inhale-exhale should alternate according to the scheme: for the first 2 steps - inhale through the nose, for the next 3-4 steps - deep exhale through the mouth. When walking intensively, it is allowed to breathe only through the mouth.

Few people know about the benefits and dangers of Nordic walking with sticks in our country. These physical exercises have become available to our fellow citizens relatively recently, therefore they represent a completely new trend that allows you to maintain good health.

It is assumed that this sport was invented by the coach of skiers who needed to somehow keep fit in the offseason.

Nordic walking helps to keep the body in excellent condition

After such classes, athletes not only did not lose their physical skills, but also improved their own performance, showing decent results in competitions.

Nordic walking is an amateur sport

This growing popularity of outdoor activities with sticks makes experts think about the benefits and harms of Nordic walking for the elderly, patients with chronic ailments and children, as well as other categories of the population who are interested in this technique.

Today, Nordic walking is one of the types of amateur sports, when a person walks at a moderate pace, relying on special equipment - sticks.

Special poles for Nordic walking
It has been proven that with this type of load, almost all the muscles of the body work in a person, while only half of them work when running. How useful is Nordic walking with sticks, what are the benefits and contraindications for this technique?

The benefits and effectiveness of the technique

Today, Nordic walking is widespread in most countries of Europe and the Americas. In our country, this technique is also very popular.

However, at present, not everyone knows what Nordic walking with sticks gives, how exactly it is good for health, and can such physical activity harm the human body?

What are the benefits of Nordic walking

The health benefits of Nordic walking are as follows:

  • this set of walking exercises does not adversely affect ligaments and joints, and also carefully treats the spinal column, without provoking displacement or injury of the vertebrae;
  • with Nordic walking, almost all the skeletal muscles of the body are involved in the work, so it is a very effective method strengthening muscle tissue;
  • thanks to such gymnastics, you can easy to lose extra pounds without exhausting exercises for the body and strict diets;
  • the benefits of walking with Scandinavian sticks is its b beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system;
  • walking with special sticks is fine trains coordination of movements and balance;
  • using the technique, it is possible to significantly improve posture, get rid of stoop and feeling of stiffness in the spine;
  • Nordic walking is effective method of prevention and physiotherapy treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system degenerative-dystrophic etiology;
  • this kind of amateur sport allows get rid of depression and insomnia;
  • The health benefits of Nordic walking are also evaluated by its beneficial effect on the pulmonary system, by increasing the volume of the lungs and improving blood flow to the organs;
  • such outdoor activities strengthen immunity, increase the overall tone of the body;
  • Nordic walking allows trauma patients recover faster and return to a fulfilling life.

You will learn all the details about the benefits of Nordic walking from the video:

Speaking about the usefulness of walking with Scandinavian sticks, it is also worth mentioning that with this type of physical activity, not only the muscles of the lower part of the body are actively working, but also the muscle tissue of the upper parts of the human body.

This allows you to strengthen the muscles, ligaments and joints of the arms, shoulder girdle and even the neck, improve blood flow to the brain and stimulate the central nervous system.

Is Nordic Walking Really So Beneficial? Is it possible to engage in such sports for children and the elderly? Naturally, when discussing the benefits and contraindications of Nordic walking for children, it should be emphasized that this type of physical activity is absolutely harmless for young athletes, so you can start walking with sticks at any age.
The benefits of Nordic walking for the elderly are also clear. It allows people of retirement age to get rid of senile ailments, mitigate the course of many chronic ailments and prevent their exacerbations.

Benefits of Nordic Walking for Women

In addition to the general positive aspects, walking with Scandinavian sticks helps to strengthen women's health, prevents the development of congestion in the small pelvis and the occurrence of gynecological diseases associated with it.

The effectiveness of Nordic walking

Why is pole walking so popular? It's all about its accessibility, simplicity and efficiency. For classes, you do not need to visit special clubs or gyms. It is enough to take sticks and go to the nearest park.

In addition, such exercises can be carried out without harm to health at any time of the year, regardless of the weather and climatic conditions of the region.

You can learn how to properly engage in Nordic walking with sticks from an instructor, after consulting a doctor and finding out the allowable limits for physical activity.

You can get acquainted with the technique of Nordic walking by watching the video:

Possible harm and contraindications

Perhaps the only absolute contraindication to Nordic walking is bed rest prescribed by a doctor. It should also be taken into account that intensive loads on very long routes can negatively affect human health.

The harm from Nordic walking in such cases can be much more pronounced than its benefits.

The harm of Nordic walking is assessed as minimal and associated with cardiac loads, especially when it comes to patients with decompensated forms of cardiovascular diseases. The attending physician will tell each individual person in more detail about the benefits and harms of Scandinavian sticks, taking into account the history of his life, the nature and course of possible ailments, age, and the like.

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There are many sports directions that have their advantages and disadvantages. There are options that people of all ages can use, while receiving huge benefits for their body. Nordic walking with sticks can be safely attributed to this group.

What are the benefits of Nordic walking?

The presented sports direction is approved by many doctors, since it has a number of important properties. It has been established that walking affects a person in a complex manner, without causing harm. It has long been used by many rehabilitation centers, and it is included in various programs that allow you to restore the body after serious illnesses. This direction is recommended for people aged and those who suffer from extra pounds. To understand which one, just look at the main list of possible outcomes.

  1. It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, normalizing blood pressure and blood circulation.
  2. The benefits and harms of Nordic walking with sticks are associated with the ability to lose weight and cope with cellulite, as well as improve muscle condition.
  3. The nervous state is stabilized, which makes it easier to cope with stress, insomnia and other problems.
  4. The benefits of classes are related to the fact that they are carried out in the fresh air, improving brain activity and increasing efficiency.
  5. Develops stamina and fitness.
  6. It has a huge benefit on the function of the musculoskeletal system. You can remove pain in the spine, improve posture and bone density. With regular training, the risk of fractures and other injuries, as well as various diseases, is reduced.

Nordic walking for arthrosis

Many sports areas are contraindicated in diseases of the joints. Nordic walking with arthrosis of the knee helps in the treatment and is used to prevent the development of diseases. The benefits are associated with the reduction of excess weight, which often causes joint diseases. Thanks to the use of additional support, the load is distributed evenly on all joints and muscles. The main thing, in order not to cause harm, is to start with a minimum intensity, gradually increasing it.

Nordic walking with cervical osteochondrosis

According to statistics in rehabilitation centers, people with musculoskeletal problems involved in race walking felt a surge of strength after 3-4 weeks, movements were easier for them, and motor function was restored. Thanks to the use of sticks, the load is distributed over the entire body, which allows you to relieve tension. Osteochondrosis and Nordic walking are also compatible due to the fact that while maintaining posture during training, the upper body and arms can be in a relaxed state. Equally important is the increase in muscle density.

How to practice Nordic walking with sticks?

Different terrains are suitable for training, for example, an ordinary street, park or forest. Start on a level surface to minimize the risk of injury. Nordic walking rules require three sessions over seven days, and they must last at least half an hour. In the sports shop, purchase equipment, choosing it according to your height. Equally important are comfortable clothes and shoes.

Nordic walking technique

The movements of the human body during exercise are similar to skiing. This style does not rely on sticks, as they should slide freely on the ground. Hands are inserted into the mounts, and they must be kept along the body as close to it as possible. Proper walking with Scandinavian sticks involves a rhythmic change in the position of the limbs, as in normal walking. There are several key points in the execution technique.

  1. Bend your legs slightly at the knees, and tilt your body forward.
  2. A wave of the hand should indicate the size of the step, that is, the wider it is, the greater the step.
  3. Keep your arms wide and keep your gear close to your body.
  4. First, lower yourself to the surface with your heel, and then, go to the toe. The entire foot should touch the ground.
  5. Don't lower your gear abruptly as this will disrupt your walking pace and also put stress on your joints.
  6. The body should be static, that is, the hips, chest, shoulders and back of the head should participate in the movement.

Nordic walking with poles for weight loss

Overcoming excess weight without physical activity will be difficult, and sometimes impossible, since you need to burn calories. The effectiveness of Nordic walking for weight loss is due to the fact that this is a cardio direction. In addition to spending fat, there is a strengthening and drawing of the muscle corset. To get results, it is important to feel the work of the muscles and follow the basic rules.

  1. You need to do it regularly and preferably three times a week, spending 40 minutes on training.
  2. Start with a step that is slightly faster than walking.
  3. Keep in mind that when walking in small steps with a large amplitude of the arms, you can develop the upper body, and with large steps and close positions of the arms, the legs actively work.
  4. Use for effective weight loss - alternating fast and slow pace.

Nutrition for Nordic walking for weight loss

If this sports direction was chosen to get rid of accumulated fat, then you need to change your eating habits. Refrain from eating high-calorie, fatty, sweet, smoked and other junk food. Already this step will allow to achieve the first results. Nutrition during Nordic walking must comply with the basic rules.

  1. Eat small meals and in addition to the main meals, add two additional ones.
  2. You should not train on an empty stomach, and a couple of hours should pass after eating.
  3. Give preference to protein foods with low fat content, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits.
  4. Maintain water balance, so the daily rate is 2 liters.

Benefits of Nordic Walking for Seniors

With age, changes occur in the body, many diseases occur, which significantly affects the quality of life. The situation is aggravated by the lack of physical activity. Nordic walking for seniors is ideal because it does not require a lot of effort to train, but it can provide a number of clinically proven benefits. During training, four points of support are used, which allows for good balance and safety.

Nordic walking for pregnant women

During the period of bearing a child, many women go into the so-called gentle mode. This is considered a mistake, since physical activity must be present and in limited quantities it is not harmful. Nordic walking during pregnancy is one of the few permitted directions. This direction combines fitness and outdoor walks, which leads to a number of useful properties.

  1. The amount of incoming oxygen to the internal organs and the fetus increases. As a result, you can get such benefits: insomnia disappears, and the risk of shortness of breath and problems with the cardiovascular system is minimized.
  2. Many women in the position suffer from, and so regular classes will help stabilize the mental state. Nordic walking with sticks, the benefits and harms of which have been proven by scientists, allows women to avoid postpartum depression.
  3. With systemic exercises, you can not be afraid of a strong weight gain, which is harmful, complicating childbirth.

Nordic walking - contraindications

Although this sporting direction is considered sparing, in some cases even it should be abandoned. Physical activity is harmful in the presence of infectious diseases and exacerbation of chronic ailments. It is necessary to consult a doctor if there are problems in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Nordic walking can harm people who have recently had surgery. High blood pressure is also a contraindication. To avoid harm, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination beforehand.

Nordic walking with sticks has recently become more and more popular among people of all ages: this technique is successfully used in everyday life by both young and old people. Nordic walking with sticks, the benefits of which have long been established by doctors, has gained great popularity in recent years. But how does this type of walking differ from ordinary movement? And what is the origin of Nordic walking?


The progenitors of this type of walking were not at all the inhabitants of the northern countries, as the name might seem - this technique was successfully used in their activities by professional skiers.

Nordic walking is essentially a way to keep your body in good physical shape in those months when competitions of various levels are not held.

The athlete must always be in good physical shape, so this type of walking is the best way to keep the body in good shape.

During normal walking, the hands practically do not participate in the process of movement - the maximum load falls on the muscles of the legs. With the so-called "Scandinavian" (Northern, Finnish) walking with sticks, the load is distributed more evenly, while the hands are able to participate in the movement of the body.

Mastering the technique of Nordic walking is quite easy - with the right choice of stick height, this method of movement has practically no contraindications.

Benefits of Nordic Walking

This technique of movement has an independent direction, although some people tend to consider Nordic walking one of the types of fitness or sports walking. What made her so wildly popular? One of the main success factors of Nordic walking was ski poles. As already mentioned, walking or running places a serious load on the legs, while not loading the upper body.

Therefore, for those people who want an even development of the muscles of the whole body, ordinary running or walking is not suitable, because in this case only the muscles of the legs are trained.

Nordic walking with sticks can reduce the load on the legs and spine, distributing part of the load on the muscles of the hands. It was the ability to evenly train all the muscles of the body that led to great success this type of walking.

With regular Nordic walking, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, the heart muscle trains, the heart rate (pulse) normalizes, the level of blood pressure decreases, which ultimately reduces the risk of blood clots.

Nordic walking can improve

  • sleep quality
  • movement coordination
  • stimulates attention and memory
  • the brain begins to be well supplied with blood.


Nordic walking is recommended for maintaining good physical shape, and people of all ages can train with this technique. Walking with sticks, subject to all the rules, can not only improve blood circulation, but also help the heart and blood vessels work more smoothly and clearly.

Active movements allow you to pump up biceps and triceps, which are practically not involved in normal walking or running.


In Western countries, Nordic walking is prescribed as a way to lose weight, improve the functioning of the heart and circulatory system, and provide an effective load for the whole body. Walking with sticks is used to prevent and treat the following diseases:

  • chronic lung diseases;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • disorders in the work of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthrosis, osteoporosis, arthritis);
  • nervous and mental disorders (depression, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease);

People with problems with the cardiovascular apparatus are forbidden to engage in this type of walking. In addition, Nordic walking is contraindicated in:

  • aneurysm of the aorta and heart;
  • possible bleeding;
  • inflammation of the kidneys;
  • aphid infections exacerbation of cardiovascular disorders;
  • progressive myopia and glaucoma;

During classes, you need to carefully monitor your blood pressure and pulse.


For Nordic walking, it is enough to have special sticks, comfortable shoes and clothes.

  • Shoes. Mostly people are engaged in parks where there is a dirt, asphalt surface or just on the grass. Shoes should not hinder movement, so shoes with hard soles should be avoided. - it is desirable to have flexible and comfortable shoes that have good grip on the surface. One of the best options will be high-quality sneakers.
  • Clothing. For Nordic walking, light clothing that can protect against various weather conditions is best, so it is better to wear light clothing in several layers than heavy and thick clothing. In the cold season, you can wear a waterproof jacket and durable gloves. It is undesirable to wear cotton T-shirts, as well as jeans and socks made of this material, because cotton is able to absorb a large amount of moisture, so such clothes become heavy and sticky at the moment.
Correct technique

The body is able to remember the movements of this type of walking in just a few sessions. At first, you can train without sticks - first you need to learn how to properly position your feet. It should be remembered that the correct execution technique is the key to a good result.

During Nordic walking, the body is able to move much faster (6-7 km/h). At the same time, the muscles of the hands are involved, which leads to increased blood circulation and the manifestation of the aerobic effect of such training. At the same time, the load on the joints of the legs is reduced. Almost all the muscles begin to contract, which leads to increased calorie consumption, so this method allows you to get rid of extra pounds much faster than with normal walking or running.

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It is necessary to correctly place the feet, rolling them from heel to toe, while hands should make synchronous movements. The use of such an element as sticks in Nordic walking allows you to use all the muscles of the body, while significantly reducing the risk of injury.

When transferring body weight, the knee must be relaxed so that the load gradually falls on the leg joints. The stick should not be taken out in front of the foot, while it should be in contact with the ground at the level of the heel.

During training, many beginners make the following mistakes:

  • when the body moves, there is an excessive load on the forearms, the arms bend at the elbows;
  • when walking, sticks are placed in front of you;
  • hands practically do not participate in the movement;

To get the most benefit , the technique of Nordic walking should be well studied by a person, in addition, it is necessary to gradually increase the duration of classes and the distance of the route.

When walking in a group, you should take into account your own feelings: if necessary, you can stop, do not compete with more trained participants, do not experiment on your body. Only proper walking with sticks will allow you to get the maximum benefit from training.

Where and how much to walk

Proper breathing plays an important role in Nordic walking: you should inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, while the duration of exhalation should be 1.5 times longer than inhalation. Beginners are advised to choose areas with natural ground for training, which, unlike other surfaces, gives less stress on the joints - it is best to train in a forest, park or a quiet place, away from highways.

If you want to get rid of excess weight, it is recommended to choose areas with ups and downs.

Beginners can conduct 2-3 classes per week lasting about 45 minutes. When the body gets used to the loads, the duration of training can be increased. Positive results can be seen after 4 months of regular training - that is why you should not load your body as much as possible in the first weeks of training.

People with a fairly long experience of Nordic walking can walk up to 8 km in one lesson, while the duration of the walk is 60-80 minutes. When walking, special attention should be paid to the pulse rate. To enhance the effect of training, you can increase their duration and number, bringing up to 5-6 per week.

♦ Tip: if during walking it is possible to simultaneously talk with a partner and not suffocate at the same time, then the intensity and pace are chosen correctly.

How to choose sticks

Experts when choosing sticks for Nordic walking take into account a number of the following factors:

  1. poles must not fold (telescopic poles);
  2. sticks should be made of carbon fiber, not aluminum;
  3. Stick handles should be plastic, rubber, or made from cork;
  4. the presence of a comfortable lanyard (fastening for fixing the brush) should be mandatory;
  5. good metal tips on sticks (thorns);
  6. the presence of tips that will help when walking on asphalt, where metal tips can slip;

Depending on the height of the walker, sticks for Nordic walking are selected, the table with the selection data is given below
