DIY protein at home recipes. Protein shake: how to take, delicious homemade recipes

Today, on the shelves of sports nutrition stores and on the pages of specialized Internet resources, you can find a large number of a wide variety of protein supplements from different manufacturers. They are soy, complex, whey, casein, are available in the form of powders, mixtures, capsules, packaged in jars and bags, have a variety of tastes. Athletes and those who just want to be in great shape really have plenty to choose from. But not everyone trusts modern pharmaceuticals and many believe that it is better to get the protein the body needs from food by preparing special cocktails at home. Such homemade mixtures undoubtedly have a number of advantages:

  • They are much cheaper than the factory ones. Companies do not have small expenses for the manufacture of the product, since the process of isolating pure protein is quite resource-intensive and painstaking. Therefore, quality supplements are usually not cheap.
  • Their composition does not contain additional components, such as sweeteners, anti-caking and anti-foaming agents, flavoring agents. And for supporters of a healthy diet, this is very important.
Are homemade proteins as effective as factory ones? The opinions of experts differ, but they definitely will not do harm, so why not. Below, we've rounded up the most popular homemade protein shake and mix recipes that are quick, easy, and inexpensive. There is also a list of high-protein foods that are best used for your attention. So, how to make protein at home, read below.

How to make protein at home - recipes

  1. Whey product made from milk and cottage cheese. We take powdered milk in the amount of 50 grams and add the same amount of low-fat cottage cheese to it. Pour the resulting composition with 300 milliliters of 2.5% store milk. To make the taste better, add a little vanilla sugar or cinnamon. 400 ml of such a product contains about thirty-three grams of protein and no more than 9 g of fat.
  2. From wheat, kefir and nuts. We grind 50 g of germinated wheat in a blender, pour it with 200 grams of kefir and add six chopped cashew nuts. Instead of kefir, you can use low-fat yogurt. In 270 g of such products, there are about 25 g of pure protein.
  3. Soy concentrate, nuts and water. In a blender, mix twenty grams of any kind of nuts and 50 g of soy concentrate, dilute with a glass of water. Milk can also be used as a diluent. The protein content in this case is 25–30 g.
  4. Milk curd with fruits and honey. Using a blender until smooth, mix 90 g of cottage cheese and 300 g of milk from the store, one and a half bananas, 25 g of nuts and two large spoons of honey. If you don't like the honey taste, you can use less or not at all.
  5. Kefir with oatmeal and banana. We take a cup of kefir and mix it with half a banana, three tablespoons of oatmeal and a small amount of cinnamon. Those who love fruits and berries can also add kiwi, strawberries, raspberries, pineapple.
  6. Kefir-curd cocktail with cocoa. Pure cocoa powder and sweetener are diluted with half a glass of water and brought to a boil in a small saucepan. Cook, stirring, for two minutes and cool. Separately, mix 300 g of cottage cheese and half a liter of kefir. Then we combine everything and beat until smooth. Drink chilled throughout the day, between main meals.
  7. Milk and egg mixture. This is the easiest option, which is done within a couple of minutes with a mixer. For cooking, we take one raw egg, 250 g of milk and for sweetness a little honey or one small spoonful of sugar. If you drink such a drink in the morning after waking up, you will feel cheerful and active.
  8. Juice cocktail. We combine two hundred grams of cottage cheese, one persimmon, half a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and the same amount of kefir. If desired, the persimmon can be replaced with a banana. Such a drink will not only saturate with protein, but also give a lot of vitamins, a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day.
  9. Cherry mix. We mix natural cherry juice in the amount of one hundred milliliters and 100 g of curd mass, take the protein separated from the yolk and a little sweetener.
  10. Recipe with oatmeal and flaxseed oil. In a mug of baked milk, add 250 grams of cottage cheese and a tablespoon of linseed oil and oat bran. This composition is convenient to eat with a spoon. If you want to diversify the taste, you can mix fruits and nuts.
  11. Juice, protein powder and fruit. This is a popular drink from nutritionist George Zangas. To obtain, beat a couple of fresh fruits with 350 g of freshly squeezed juice and pour 2 tsp into the resulting mass, stirring. brewer's yeast, 3 tsp. protein powder. We break three chicken eggs and in the final add 4-5 ice cubes. The result should be a gruel that is eaten several times a day.
These are the easiest recipes on how to cook protein at home. Calculating how much protein a person needs is not difficult. Per kilogram of body weight should go from one to two and a half grams, depending on how strong the load is and what goals a person wants to achieve. For example, a fitness or aerobics girl who weighs 60 kilograms will need 60–90 g of protein per day, and a 100-kilogram athlete will need 250 g of protein. Depending on this, it is worth choosing foods and preparing nutritious cocktails.

What foods to make protein at home

The recipes listed above do the job just fine, but you don't have to follow them alone. You can make your own protein shake using any combination of protein rich foods. Suitable for cooking:
  • Sprouted wheat. In its grains there are many vitamins and minerals, this product is well absorbed and extremely nutritious. One hundred grams of germinated wheat contains 25 g of proteins.
  • The cheese is fat free. In the curd mass with a fat content of 0 to 8%, there is about 18 g of protein. This product can be bought in the store, or you can cook at home.
  • Soy concentrate. It is perfectly perceived by the body and the protein component in it can be 40–60%, which makes it very popular, especially among female athletes.
  • Egg powder. The protein in it is up to 45% and at the same time it is very high in calories due to the high content of various fats, they are about 37% in powder. There are 542 kilocalories per hundred grams, so you need to be careful with its use. This is a good solution for an athlete in the period of mass gain, but for those who want to stay in shape, fitness beauties, it will not work.
  • Baby food or skimmed milk powder. 100 g of mass contains 36 g of protein, in addition, it contains about 50% carbohydrates, which should also be taken into account.
  • Cashews, peanuts, walnuts. It is also a high-protein and fatty food. True, the protein here is vegetable, not animal, and it is less valued, but as an addition it is quite suitable.
For connection and a pleasant taste, milk, kefir and various yogurts are used, seasonal fruits and berries, sweeteners are added. Knowing how to make protein at home, you will always be sure of its exceptional harmlessness, benefits for the body. Such drinks will cost you inexpensively and, in combination with regular physical activity, will help you achieve the desired result in a short time.

For more details on how to make protein at home, as well as what recipe to prepare a gainer, see below:

Greetings, dear readers! Do you want to learn how to make protein for muscle growth at home? If your answer is yes, then this article is for you! I will also tell you how to eat raw eggs, it is absolutely safe for health!

Protein (aka protein) we consume to replenish the body's needs for vital amino acids. Without them, our existence is simply impossible. Protein requirements depend on many factors, such as age, gender, body weight, or physical activity. Especially relevant is the use of high doses of proteins by athletes.

We, people involved in gyms, also need increased portions of proteins. After all, they are responsible. And the most enjoyable way to consume it is considered to be protein shakes!

DIY protein pros and cons

Well friends, why do I want to tell you about the protein shakes made? I can argue this as follows:

  1. A homemade shake contains at least as much protein as a commercial protein powder, while outperforming the latter in terms of usefulness.
  2. By making a cocktail with your own hands, you will be more confident in the quality of the final product.
  3. You can choose the taste for yourself by manipulating the ingredients

There are, of course, disadvantages, such as:

  1. The time it takes to prepare. However, in fact, 5-10 minutes is not so much.
  2. At home, it will not be possible to make a quick-digesting protein shake in the likeness of whey protein. By the way, the assimilation time is not so catastrophic.

As you can see, the cons turned out to be not very negative in reality.

Making a homemade cocktail

How to make a delicious and nutritious protein at home? Let's take a look at a couple of simple and delicious recipes that will only benefit you!

  • The first recipe is very simple. It will consist of cottage cheese, kefir and honey

Take a container convenient for mixing the ingredients, you can immediately throw everything into a blender. Put there 100-200 grams of cottage cheese, one teaspoon of honey (for taste), and pour 200-300 milliliters of kefir. Mix thoroughly in a blender. Everything, a nutritious drink is ready! Enjoy your meal!

I gave the weight ranges of the ingredients because I don’t know who will make the mixture - a fragile girl or a strong man. So choose the necessary weight of products for yourself.

This smoothie is best taken shortly before bedtime as it contains slow digesting protein that will keep your muscles nourished throughout the night. Or you can drink it if you will not have the opportunity to eat for a long time ahead. True, in this case, I would advise you to “upgrade” it by adding a banana (or half) and oatmeal. Plus, I like to add some cocoa powder to give it a chocolatey touch.

  • Morning cocktail,

The chip of this drink is faster digestibility. And it is perfect for fueling your body after waking up or after a strength training session.

A small side note: I think you have heard of such a bacterium as salmonella, which loves to huddle in raw chicken eggs and is dangerous to humans. So I want to protect you and advise you to use quail eggs in cocktails, which will be discussed later. They are not susceptible to this infection!

The main ingredients we will have are raw eggs (quail), low-fat milk (if you are sensitive to lactose, then use soy milk), honey (berries are also possible).

So, break 10-15 eggs into the already mentioned blender, do not be surprised at this amount, since they are much smaller than chicken ones, if you are on a diet, you can remove some of the yolks. Put a teaspoon of honey or a handful of fruit, pour all 200-300 milliliters of milk. Stir. Enjoy!

Such a cocktail, as I said, will provide you with the necessary protein faster than others. It is inferior in terms of absorption rate only to purchased whey. Believe me, if within 30 minutes after training your muscles do not receive protein, nothing terrible will happen.

I have provided you with two useful recipes. If you want to see more, watch the video.

As always in the end

Protein at home is a great option if you do not have the desire or funds for sports supplements, the price of which has not been pleasing to the eye lately. In addition, with a homemade cocktail, you can provide yourself with a lot of micronutrients! So cook to your health! I tell you see you soon. Don't forget to subscribe to updates and share them with your friends on social networks!

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In order to effectively build muscle, you need to engage in physical activity, eat food enriched with proteins and drink a protein shake for muscles.


No serious athlete can do without a protein shake. The name of the drink comes from the word "protein".

In England, it is listed as protein. A protein shake for muscle growth is considered a natural product.

It is made by processing milk, which is further processed into a powdery mass.

Protein is considered a biological supplement in sports nutrition. The best nutrient for muscle growth is protein. Professional athletes recommend eating six times a day in a fractional way, consuming a sufficient amount of protein.

Muscle building protein shakes contain approximately 30 grams of protein.

Its composition is as follows:

  • Dairy products (300-400 ml),
  • Protein powder (30-35 gr.).

Products are thoroughly mixed in a shaker.

At home

You can also make a protein shake for muscles at home. To achieve a good result, you need to know how to make a protein shake for muscles correctly.

This drink is a good helper in building muscle and burning subcutaneous fat. It is an assistant, and not the main product for athletes. In other words, it is impossible to achieve the desired forms only thanks to a protein drink, you must first of all exercise regularly and sit on a protein diet.

The daily norm of cocktails is three servings. The principle of the sports drink is to produce growth hormones and insulin, which promotes muscle growth and fat burning.

The drink is consumed immediately after training. However, in order to lose extra pounds, you can drink it instead of breakfast or dinner. For effective muscle building, special hormones are needed, which are taken from a protein-carbohydrate drink.


A homemade protein shake for muscle growth is in no way inferior to a store-bought one in terms of its beneficial properties. The main thing is to prepare it correctly.

The main component of the drink should be:

  • Squirrels,
  • Carbohydrates,
  • A little fibre.

If the main goal of drinking a cocktail is to lose weight, then it is better to refuse carbohydrates.

The substances that make up the miracle drink can be found in ordinary foods.


  • chicken eggs,
  • any nuts,
  • cow's milk,
  • Low fat cottage cheese
  • natural yogurt,
  • Protein powder.


  • Sweet fruits,
  • Ice cream,
  • Berries,
  • Juices,
  • Baby food (mashed potatoes).


  • cereals,
  • Flour, cereals (oat, barley, soy, buckwheat)
  • Oatmeal,
  • Bran,
  • Vegetables.

  • Dairy products should be used with an average percentage of fat content, since a very low percentage affects the taste properties of the future cocktail, and a high percentage affects the harmfulness.
  • You can add lecithin. It can help the body absorb nutrients more easily.
  • Morning drinks can be sweetened with glucose, honey, but in the evening it is better to refuse additives.
  • The optimum temperature of the drink is 37 degrees. A cold product is not able to speed up the metabolic process quickly enough.
  • It is necessary to monitor the calorie content of the cocktail and the daily dose of consumption.

The easiest muscle protein shake recipe is made from eggs. For the preparation of egg cocktails, you can use both raw and boiled eggs. A blender is used to make a healthy sports drink. A stationary device is best suited.


To make an egg protein shake for muscle growth at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Kefir (1 glass)
  • Egg (1 pc.),
  • Sweeteners and additives (honey, nuts, fruits, etc.).

The egg is taken whole with the yolk. All components are mixed together and sprinkled with nuts on top (optional).

There are several basic protein shake recipes for muscle growth.

Banana coctail

Perfect for those who love intense workouts. Banana is a treasure trove of energy.

Would need:

  • Banana (1 pc.),
  • Milk (0.5 l.),
  • Honey (3 tablespoons),
  • Nuts (30-50 gr.),
  • Cottage cheese (200 gr.).

Everything is mixed in a blender and drunk in two doses.

Curd cocktail

It is a very nutritious and simple drink.

Would need:

  • Milk (250 gr.),
  • Cottage cheese (300 gr.),
  • Berries (100 gr.).

You can also use a little cocoa as an additive. The ingredients are mixed in a blender for about two minutes. The drink must have a homogeneous mass.

Milk shake

A healthy and nutritious drink will especially appeal to milk souls.

Would need:

  • Yolk of one egg
  • Freshly squeezed orange juice (150 gr.),
  • Juice from half a lemon
  • Sour-milk product (200 gr.),
  • Olive oil (2 tablespoons),
  • Additives (fruits, berries, etc.).

All components, except lemon juice, are mixed together. Lemon juice is poured in at the end of cooking. This drink is suitable for a snack between workouts.

Ice cream cocktail

A sweet and healthy protein shake with ice cream can achieve an effective result.

Would need:

  • Ice cream (0.5 cups),
  • Powdered milk (3 tsp),
  • Milk (300 ml),
  • Egg (1 pc.)

The drink is prepared in a blender and consumed an hour before physical exertion.

Protein drinks prepared at home have a number of advantages:

  • Contains nutrients and nutrients
  • Serves excellent breakfast
  • Has the property of reducing appetite,
  • Contains components that are able to restore strength after active loads,
  • Includes natural supplements that are easily absorbed by the body.
  • They contain hormones necessary for building muscle and components for burning subcutaneous fat.

Thus, a protein shake is intended not only for sports, but also for the health of the body. After all, thanks to a sufficient amount of protein that enters the body, metabolism improves. In addition, the body is saturated with hemoglobin, oxygen and other vital elements.

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Any athlete needs to eat right, and only then will he be able to achieve the desired result with the help of training. It is protein that is the key element of nutrition intended for sports. It is also obtained by obtaining from meat or dairy products.

How to make homemade protein for muscle growth

A lot of protein is contained in a chicken, juicy steak or pork roll, but they take a lot of time to cook, and if you look at how many of these foods you need for your weight and your needs, then you need this food several times a day in large quantities.

Before you start eating a diet, you need to find out which one suits you best.

It is usually advisable to eat them before training and, of course, after. In general, protein is the best remedy in this situation, especially when it is homemade protein.

Homemade proteins and shakes

Protein is found in various foods such as meat, fish, milk, legumes. However, the amount of pure protein per unit weight varies considerably. Accordingly, it is worth choosing a product with the highest content of pure protein in one hundred grams of the product. For example, if meat is used as a source of protein, then it is worth noting that it is digested for a rather long time, while the whole body has to spend a lot of energy on its processing. That is why, before training, it is not advisable to eat such food.

Homemade protein shakes

But meat can be replaced with protein or a smoothie that is light and nutritious, and can be prepared quickly and easily. As for the preparation itself, the protein shake will take the first place in simplicity, since its preparation consists only in the process of dilution in water or milk, dry protein concentrate. You can also buy a concentrated protein shake in the store.

In general, there are quite a few types of proteins, and each of them has different functions and, as a result, gives different results. As for protein supplements, they are more palatable. If we talk about powder cocktails, then there is poor absorption, which is associated with the processes of obtaining concentrates.

But in this article, we are interested in exactly how to make homemade protein? Making protein at home is quite simple, the main thing is to do everything according to the rules. In general, from the very morning it is desirable to add a little glucose to the cocktail itself, but as for the night time, it is better to minimize carbohydrates in this cocktail.

Cook protein at home - video

For quick assimilation of a cocktail, it is not necessary to allow a low temperature of the cocktail itself. A cocktail at room temperature will speed up the work of the stomach itself. As for the calorie content of such cocktails, it can be completely different, because you prepare it yourself. It also depends on the ingredients that are included in the cocktail warehouse itself. In general, we figured out how to make homemade proteins, now it remains to figure out the correct application.

When and how should you take protein?

With the help of a protein shake, a constant high level of amino acids is maintained in your body itself, it is this condition that will help increase your muscle growth.

In general, it is advisable to take cocktails about half an hour before the start of the workout, and after the workout itself, after the same period of time.

Protein dosage at home
  • - Use in the morning.
  • Use before and after training.

It is necessary to enrich the body with nutrients before training, with the help of which muscle growth will be accelerated. You need to consume both protein and carbohydrates here. And if you compare both, then carbohydrates will be absorbed much more slowly. But it’s also not worth eating a lot before the workout itself, as this can cause heaviness in the stomach and nausea, plus, these products will be absorbed for quite a long time.

It is protein that will help you solve this problem. It will help you not only lower the level of sugar in your body, but also stimulate fat burning. In order to relieve fatigue after a workout, sweets will help you. Immediately after training, you will feel hungry, but it will pass immediately after the use of protein.

  • Daytime use.

For athletes, it is very important to evenly distribute food. But you don’t need to eat a lot, more than four times a day will be enough for you. But following these rules is very difficult, especially when you are at work. But protein shakes are taken quickly, and the taste can be completely different. But how do you make homemade muscle proteins?

How to prepare homemade protein for muscle growth?

There are many ways to prepare a cocktail, and its types. But before you prepare this shake with protein, you need to find out what kind of protein you need in this case. After all, there are proteins that help increase muscle growth. There are those with which you can lose weight, or those that will simply keep your body in shape. In general, the main thing is to find out the problem that worries you and choose the type of protein that will help get rid of it. There is nothing difficult in this.

Making homemade protein

Of course, making your own protein shake is more expensive than making a regular powdered shake. But the effect itself will be much better from homemade protein. Now we will talk about several recipes for making a cocktail at home.

Cocktail "Peach Delight"

To prepare this shake, you need to take vanilla flavored protein, a cup of clean water, oatmeal and peaches (canned). You need to mix all the necessary ingredients, a blender will help you with this. If you don't really like oatmeal, you can use corn flakes instead.

Strawberry cocktail

You will need a small package of yogurt, milk, whey protein, ice and, of course, strawberries (fresh or frozen). We mix all these ingredients with a blender and wait until all the ice has completely melted.

Buying sports supplements in our time is quite simple: even if you don’t have a sports nutrition store nearby, you can always buy the right sports nutrition on the Internet. Nevertheless, the question “how to make protein at home” still remains relevant. You will find the answer to this question in this article.

Why might you need to make protein at home?

As mentioned earlier, buying the same protein is now easy (provided, of course, that you have money for sports nutrition). However, the protein may run out at the wrong time (after a workout, for example) and you will need to get by before buying a new one with some kind of analogue. In such a situation, you can prepare the protein at home, using the available products.

Also, even in our time, there are still a large number of people who believe that proteins are “chemistry”. And even these people, when playing sports, need a lot of protein. Thus, they can make protein from their own products at home, and not worry about their health.

Also, a situation may arise when there is no cash for sports nutrition. Provided that you have the usual products (cottage cheese, eggs, etc.) available, you can cook the protein yourself, at home.

Two types of proteins that can be prepared at home.

People who want to make protein at home can be divided into two groups:

  • The first group is looking for a recipe on how to make a protein powder shake at home. Those. they already have the protein mix on hand and are wondering what kind of shakes they can make with it.
  • The second group is looking for protein shake recipes that can be made at home with common ingredients, without the use of powdered protein powder.

In this article, we will give recipes for both groups.

How to make whey protein at home

Whey protein is the most interesting of the proteins, because. has the highest biological value (has the most optimal amino acid composition and is best suited for athletes). Replace whey protein at home with something else will not work. If you still need protein from regular products, you will find recipes at the end of the article, but they will not be related to whey protein.

1. Whey protein chocolate shake (at home)

You will need:

150 g (1 scoop) chocolate flavored whey protein

40 gr (4 teaspoons) Nesquik cocoa

To begin, heat the milk in a saucepan on the stove or in the microwave until hot, but do not bring to a boil. Pour the hot milk into a blender/mixer/shaker. Add in protein powder and cocoa. Stir until smooth.

2. Peach whey protein shake (at home)

You will need:

400 ml peach juice or nectar

100 grams canned peaches

Remove the peaches from the jar (no syrup is needed for the cocktail), cut into small cubes. Pour peach juice into a mixer/blender/shaker, then add chopped peaches and protein. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

3. Banana protein shake

You will need:

150g (1 scoop) Vanilla Flavored Whey Protein

500 ml milk (preferably skimmed or not very fat (up to 2.5%))

2-3 bananas

Load everything into a mixer / blender / shaker and mix until smooth.

How to cook protein at home from natural products (recipes)

As a liquid for a cocktail, at home, the following are used: milk, water, juices, kefir, drinking yoghurts.

The main sources of protein are: milk, cottage cheese, boiled egg whites (raw should not be drunk).

Now there will be recipes for protein shakes from natural products, without the use of protein concentrate in powder.

Recipe number 1.

You will need:

500 ml milk (preferably skimmed or not very fat (up to 2.5%))

2 boiled egg whites

200 grams of jam or jam (strawberry, strawberry or any other)

Boil the eggs and separate the yolks. Squirrels cut into small cubes. Bananas are also cut into cubes. We load all the components into a mixer / blender / shaker and mix until smooth.

Recipe number 2.

You will need:

250 grams of cottage cheese (preferably low-fat)

500 ml of kefir (up to 2.5% fat, but fat-free is better)

150 gr fruit syrup or jam

Recipe #3

You will need:

500 ml milk (preferably skimmed or not very fat (up to 2.5%))

200 grams of cottage cheese (preferably fat-free)

200 ml chocolate syrup

200 gr ice cream

Bananas cut into cubes. Mix all components until smooth.
