A simple diet for 5 days is effective. Proper preparation for the express diet

Just 5 days is enough to lose up to 5 kg of excess weight, following the principles of an express diet and not torturing yourself with restrictions. This is a great way out for those who want to regain a slim figure after a festive culinary excess or a gastronomic tour.

The basic principles of all express diets are based on the biochemical processes that underlie metabolism, and on reducing the calorie content of foods consumed:

    An important rule of any fast weight loss diet is the daily consumption of 2 liters of clean water.

    To speed up the process of weight loss, you need to eat fractionally, observing equal intervals between meals.

    Before starting a strict diet, the body needs preparation, you can arrange a fasting day or at least a light dinner.

To keep the muscles in good shape and give the skin elasticity, gymnastics, massage, scrubs and other cosmetic procedures are used. You should not rush from one extreme to another, because the combination of a low-calorie diet with increased physical activity leads to poor health, a feeling of weakness.

Pros and cons of express diets for 5 days

The main plus of all five-day diets is the reduction of excess weight at an accelerated pace and a noticeable change in the parameters of the figure.

Other advantages of accelerated weight loss methods:

    Since restrictions are imposed for a short period of time, there is no psychological stress or it is minimal;

    There is no need to prepare special diet meals, because the essence of the diet is the moderate use of certain foods, and this condition is quite simple to fulfill;

    Simultaneously with weight loss, a complete cleansing of the body occurs;

    Correct eating habits appear, the volume of the stomach decreases.

Disadvantages of accelerated weight loss:

    Decreased efficiency, there is a decline in strength;

    The body creates a deficiency of vitamins, minerals;

    Requires a long exit from the diet;

    There is a high probability of restoring the original weight.

When choosing a method of rapid weight loss, you should take into account the characteristics of your body, predisposition to diseases. The presence of any pathologies, weakened immunity is an absolute contraindication to the use of a weight loss diet.

Before using any 5-day diet, you should consult your doctor, because only perfectly healthy people are ready for quick weight loss.

The 5x5 diet includes 5 daily mono-diets, built on the principle of separate nutrition. While following this diet, fats are burned at a high rate, muscle reserves are not consumed, the body is not dehydrated. For 5 days, losing weight consume alternately only meat, vegetables, fruits, cereal dishes, cottage cheese. When using natural products and an optimal diet, excess weight at the beginning of the diet goes away very quickly and does not come back.

If you choose a diet in accordance with the individual needs of the body, losing 5 kg of excess weight in 5 days is not difficult at all. With a body mass index of 18, it is possible to lose up to 10 kg of excess weight. After 7 days, the diet can be repeated, since the body will easily rebuild after recovery by adjusting its metabolism.

The essence of the 5x5 diet

The stages of the diet are designed for the most harmless weight loss and burning of subcutaneous fat:

    Eating meat - the start of the weight loss mechanism is turned on, a supply of protein is formed.

    Eating vegetables - the body stores fiber, stimulates the process of splitting fats.

    Eating fruits - the lack of glucose is replenished, weight loss is stimulated, calories are burned, the body is rejuvenated against the background of increased tone.

    The use of cereals - the body is cleansed of fats and toxins, saturated with essential fatty acids.

    The use of cottage cheese - there was a maximum preparation in 4 days for a significant loss of up to 3 kg of weight per day, completely harmless to the body.

Approved Products

At the first stage, animal protein is used for nutrition - this is chicken, rabbit, veal. On the first day, do not consume vegetable protein, because in this case, the destruction of muscle tissue due to a deficiency of amino acids is possible.

When choosing vegetables for the second stage, you should rely on their valuable qualities:

    Fat burning - use, for example, eggplant with garlic, baked tomatoes with cayenne pepper;

    Negative calorie, when more energy is spent on digestion than received from the product (carrots, radishes, celery, kohlrabi cabbage);

    A rich mineral composition for cleansing blood vessels and splitting fats (cucumbers, leeks, onions).

During the fruit day, in addition to fruits, flower honey is used, the diet is enriched with the following components:

    Pineapple, grapefruit - contain enzymes to speed up metabolism;

    Avocado - saturates, improves the condition of the skin and muscles, making the figure toned;

    Tangerines - enrich the diet with vitamins, but do not whet the appetite.

On the day of cereals, bread, homemade cereal cookies, cereals are consumed, seasoned with nuts and nut butter (rice with peanut butter, buckwheat porridge with vegetable oil), which stimulates the process of losing weight.

    Meat day:

    Breakfast - boil 150 g of beef, lightly salt;

    Lunch - boil up to 100 g of chicken, lightly salt;

    Dinner - boil or stew up to 200 g of rabbit meat.

Vegetable day:

    Breakfast - cucumber salad with radish;

    Lunch - stew eggplant, season with garlic, olive oil;

    Boil kohlrabi cabbage.

fruit day:

  • tangerines

    Grapes (up to 200 g)

Grain day:

    Boil rice, add 2 tbsp. Pine nuts;

    Boil rice, add almonds;

    Boil rice, add 2 walnuts.

Creative day:

    2 tbsp. water, low-fat cottage cheese (100 g);

    3 art. water, cottage cheese (140 g);

    2 tbsp. water, cottage cheese (100 g).

Positive aspects of the diet:

    short-term diet

    the menu does not require the preparation of special dishes;

    the condition of the skin improves, it is tightened and elastic;

    metabolic processes are accelerated, immunity is increased.

Cons of the method:

    absolute health is required, without a history of gastrointestinal diseases;

    defecation becomes more frequent;

    there are side effects in the form of weakness, fatigue, headache.

Diet on kefir for 5 days

To reduce at least 5 kg per week, you need to take fresh kefir, because kefir with other characteristics will lead to constipation. Bioadditives are allowed, the use of sugar, flavor enhancers, fruits is prohibited.


    Fractional meals in equal-sized portions, at regular intervals;

    Using 1% kefir;

    Ban on salt and sugar

Permitted Products. Fruits are allowed (apples, unsweetened pears), boiled potatoes without sauces, salt and dressings. It is recommended to choose vegetables without starch (onions, sweet peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage). Use only non-carbonated mineral water.


    Day 1 - unsweetened fruits (1 kg), kefir (1.5 l);

    Day 2 - boiled potatoes (4 pcs.), kefir (1 l);

    Day 3 - kefir (1 l), mineral water (1.5 l);

    Day 4 - chicken fillet (500 g), kefir (1 l);

    Day 5 - apples (1 kg), kefir (1 l);

    Day 6 - vegetables (1 kg), kefir (1 l);

    Day 7 - unloading diet of the environment.

Positive aspects of the diet:

    Prevention of edema;

    Kefir has a maximum of protein, a minimum of fats, carbohydrates, calories (59 kcal);

    Prevention of constipation;

    Improving intestinal motility, maintaining the balance of microflora.

Cons of the kefir diet - contraindications:

    Diseases of the digestive system;

    Increased acidity of gastric juice;

    kidney problems;

    Tendency to diarrhea.

Actor's diet for 5 days

This diet is common among show business stars, actors, artists, which is why it got its name. It is considered one of the most extreme and effective diets for rapid weight loss.

Diet principles. The method of extreme weight loss is based on a reduction in the volume and calorie content of food, combined with a complete cleansing of the body of toxins. Since the diet does not contain more than 2 products, it is considered a mono-diet.

All days of the acting diet are different from each other:

    Tomato Rice Day;

    Milk day;

    Meat day;

    Wine (or juice) day;

    fruit day).

Since the diet is quite strict and monotonous, there are contraindications:



    Somatic disease, viral infection;

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

    Weakened immunity.

Weight is reduced very quickly, while maintaining muscle tissue, although there are no restrictions on the amount of food. If you do not follow the rules of a healthy diet, the result obtained as a result of this diet will not last.

Approved Products

What you can eat during the acting diet:

    unsalted tomato juice;

    boiled rice;

    Wine (alternative - freshly squeezed orange juice);

    Green tea;

    Boiled lean meat;

    Low-fat dairy products;

The sequence and content of the menu:

    Day 1 - unlimited boiled rice + 200 ml tomato juice, or unlimited fresh tomato juice + a glass of boiled rice.

    Day 2 - yogurt or kefir (1 l), cottage cheese (800 g);

    Day 3 - unlimited amount of boiled meat;

    Day 4 - orange juice, dry red wine (700 ml);

    Unlimited apples or pears.

The result of such nutrition is a weight loss of 5 kg. From this diet, a gradual exit is planned within 10 days. Since the diet is quite strict, nutritionists warn against its frequent use, they recommend using it only before serious events.

Positive qualities of the diet:

    Muscle tissue is preserved;

    There is no feeling of hunger;

    There are no restrictions on the amount of food;

    In a short time, excess weight quickly disappears.

Disadvantages of the diet:

    After the restoration of the amount of fluid in the body, the weight returns;

    With rapid weight loss, the skin sometimes looks stretched;

    If you apply the actor's diet for a long time, there is a deficiency of fat, protein, vitamins.

English diet for 5 days

The diet is based on counting calories and alternating protein foods and vegetables. For effective weight loss up to 2-3 kg and enhanced breakdown of fat per day, it is recommended to consume no more than 1000 kcal.

Diet principles:

    Do not eat after 19.00;

    Drink at least 2 liters of water per day;

    Instead of salt, use natural spices and herbs;

    To cleanse the intestines, use 1 tbsp before bedtime. Olive oil;

    To preserve the beneficial properties of products, it is recommended to cook food by steaming.

Allowed and prohibited products. Allowed vegetables such as pumpkin, onions, beans, cabbage, parsley, eggplant, cabbage, celery. Recommended fruits are tangerines, lemons, kiwi, grapefruit, lemon, apples. Additionally, it is recommended to use pine and walnuts, pistachios, spices (black pepper, cardamom, basil, cinnamon, mint)

What is prohibited: drinks with caffeine (tea, coffee), salt, sugar, flour products.

It can be made independently, alternating protein and vegetable diet. The beginning of the English diet is a protein day, just like all odd days, vegetable days are even.

Protein day - an approximate diet:

    Breakfast - whole grain bread (50 g) with 1 tsp. Honey, unsweetened tea or coffee;

    Lunch - chicken broth (200 ml) with boiled chicken (100 g), or fish broth with a piece of fish, whole grain bread (50 g);

    Afternoon snack - a glass of unsweetened tea with 1 tsp. Honey;

    Dinner - boiled fish or chicken (150 g), or 2 boiled eggs, cheese (50 g), whole grain bread (50 g), a glass of kefir.

Vegetable day - sample menu:

    Breakfast - 2 oranges, apples or pears);

    Lunch - vegetable cuts, vegetable soup, whole grain bread (50 g);

    Snack - 2 oranges, pears, apples;

    Dinner - vegetable salad, whole grain bread, unsweetened tea with honey (1 tsp).

In a more strict version of the diet, the first day is considered unloading, when you can eat up to 2 kg of vegetables or fruits, drink 1 liter of herbal tea. Then vegetable (2, 4 days) and protein days (1, 3 days) alternate.

Diet Benefits:

    In 2-3 weeks, you can lose 20 kg of excess weight, subject to the principles of the diet and the rejection of high-calorie foods;

    Improves metabolic processes and skin condition;

    Drinking plenty of water helps flush out toxins from the body.

Cons of the English diet:

    Contains strict restrictions, it is psychologically difficult to endure fasting days;

    A breakdown in the form of eating sweets obliges you to start all over again;

    Among the contraindications are pregnancy, breastfeeding, gastrointestinal diseases;

    You can’t make your own changes, because the menu is compiled strictly in accordance with the calorie content of the products.

On this diet, weight goes quickly and comfortably, although excess protein can adversely affect the functioning of the liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels. A short-term diet for 5 days will not cause significant harm, but will allow you to get rid of 5 extra pounds.

Diet principles:

    In the morning, drink 200 ml of water and eat 2 tbsp. bran;

    Eat fractionally, in small portions;

    Alcohol and carbonated drinks are prohibited;

    Sleep at least 8 hours, the last meal no later than 3 hours before bedtime;

    Drink at least 2 liters of any liquid;

    Set yourself up to get the desired result, involve visualization.

Permitted Products. Lean meat, boiled eggs, fish and seafood, canned fish without oil, low-fat fermented milk products remain in the diet. The method of cooking is boiling, baking without oil in the oven and on the grill.

Sample protein diet menu for 5 days:

    Breakfast - scrambled eggs, coffee with milk;

    2 breakfast - cottage cheese, kefir (or yogurt);

    Lunch - boiled meat, fish, canned food in own juice;

    Snack - fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, boiled eggs;

    Dinner - fish, meat.


    No feeling of hunger;

    Appetite is regulated automatically and spontaneously decreases towards the end of the diet;

    Weight is reduced by reducing fat, not muscle mass;

    The diet is suitable for those who experience great physical exertion.


    The diet is suitable only for healthy people up to 35-40 years old;

    Due to the overload of the kidneys and liver, one should not diet for more than 2 weeks;

    Due to a deficiency of vitamins, microelements, carbohydrates, a person becomes irritable, memory suffers, the condition of the skin and hair worsens;

    The level of cholesterol rises;

    Increases blood clotting, increases the risk of blood clots;

    There is an unpleasant smell from the mouth;

    Due to fiber deficiency, constipation occurs.

Wine diet for 5 days

This diet is for red wine lovers who want to lose weight. Following the wine diet, you can get rid of 3-5 kg ​​in 5 days. For this method of losing weight, only natural dry wine is used.

Basic Rules:

    Salt and sugar are not consumed;

    The only liquid accepted is wine and pure water;

    The menu is strictly followed.

Dry red or rosé grape wine is used:

  • "Cabernet"


    "Muscat" and others.

In addition, the menu includes low-fat hard cheese, fruits, vegetables, quail (chicken) eggs.

    Day 1:

    Breakfast - tomato and 2 boiled quail eggs;

    2 breakfast - green apple;

    Lunch - fresh cucumber, 200 g low-fat cottage cheese;

    A glass of wine, 30 g of cheese.

Day 2:

    Breakfast - 150 ml of wine, 100 g of cheese;

    2 breakfast - toast with cheese;

    Lunch - 2 glasses of wine, dried bread, cheese;

    Dinner - 2 glasses of wine, 75 g of cheese.

Day 3:

    Morning - a glass of wine, a boiled egg, a tomato;

    2 breakfast - cottage cheese, baked apple;

    Lunch - toast, fresh cucumber, a glass of wine;

    Dinner - cheese, a glass of wine.

Day 4:

    Breakfast - toast with cheese, a glass of wine;

    2 breakfast - 200 ml of kefir;

    Lunch - 2 glasses of wine, 150 g of cheese;

    Dinner - 2 glasses of wine, 100 g of cheese.

Day 5:

    Breakfast - boiled egg, cucumber, glass of wine;

    2 breakfast - low-fat natural yogurt;

    Lunch and dinner - 2 glasses of wine, cheese.

Positive points:

    It is convenient to combine a diet with holidays;

    For 5 days you can lose weight by 5 kg;

    Rejection of salt normalizes metabolism;

    Red wine has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels.

Disadvantages of the diet:

    Requires perfect health;

    Salt excretion is contraindicated in some diseases;

    Weight is unstable, as it leaves due to the removal of fluid;

    Prohibited for pregnant women;

    Forbidden by alcohol addicts;

    There is a risk of buying low-quality wine;

    Should not be done more than once every 3 months.


List of diseases in which the wine diet is contraindicated:

    Diseases of the liver and digestive tract;



  • Depression;

    Ischemia of the heart muscle.

Buckwheat 5-day mono-diet is simple and effective, it does not limit the amount of food, it is easy to use. Buckwheat must be prepared according to a special recipe.

Within 5 days, you can eat any amount of buckwheat porridge without spices, salt and sauces.

Diet principles:

    Last meal 3 hours before bedtime

    Before going to bed, you can drink 200 ml of kefir;

    Porridge can be poured with kefir and eat these products together;

    It is forbidden to eat bread and pastries.

Buckwheat diet options:

    The classic diet - during the day there is only porridge without salt and sugar, cooked in water from 1 glass of cereal (or more), drinks - green tea without sugar, drinking water, 200 ml of juice for an afternoon snack.

    Combination with a kefir diet - add 500 ml of kefir to the required set of 1 cup of buckwheat.

    Combination with dried fruits - add 150 g of dried fruits to 1 cup of buckwheat.

    Combination with avocado - to 3 tbsp. buckwheat, brought to half-cooked, add the pulp of half an avocado, a little apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.

Buckwheat diet with vegetables. Together with buckwheat and kefir, you can eat apples, celery and cabbage to lose extra pounds. To compensate for fluid loss, it is recommended to drink vegetable juices, up to 1.5 liters of drinking water, smoothies, green herbal tea.

    Day 1 - cereals are brewed with boiling water:

    Breakfast - 200 g of porridge, an apple, a glass of kefir;

    Lunch - 200 g of porridge, 200 g of salad with olive oil;

    Dinner - 200 g of porridge, an apple, a glass of kefir.

Day 2 - buckwheat is poured with kefir at night:

    Breakfast - 200 g of porridge, an apple;

    Lunch - 200 g of porridge, green vegetables;

    Dinner - porridge on kefir, tea.

Day 3 - eat only buckwheat with kefir;

Day 4 - porridge is steamed overnight:

    Breakfast - 200 g of porridge, 100 g of cottage cheese, a glass of kefir;

    Lunch - 200 g of porridge, 150 g of chicken white boiled meat, 200 g of vegetables;

    Dinner - 100 g of porridge, a glass of kefir.

Day 5 - eat only buckwheat with kefir.


    The level of cholesterol is normalized, the blood is cleansed;

    Fiber cleans the intestines;

    Toxins are actively removed from the body;

    Strengthens hair and nails;

    The skin becomes fresh and well-groomed;

    The level of hemoglobin rises, vision improves.


    Monotonous food causes apathy;

    Refusal of salt provokes a decrease in blood pressure, headache, weakness;

    Lost weight quickly returns if you do not adhere to restrictions.

    Decreased attention and memory.

Absolute contraindications:

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

    A history of colitis and gastritis;

    Pregnancy and lactation.

This simple diet is quite difficult to follow. It is designed to reduce weight by at least 5 kg. In this case, the body is saturated with useful substances.

Basic Rules:

    Food is steamed, in a slow cooker, baked in the oven or in the microwave.

    Minimal salt is used in cooking;

    You need to eat 5 times a day, in small portions;

    You need to drink up to 2 liters of water per day.

In addition to cabbage, the following foods are included in the diet:

    Lean meat (beef);

    sea ​​kale;


    Olive oil;

    Milk, dairy drinks.

    Day 1:

    Breakfast - omelet from 2 eggs, coleslaw (150 g), seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil;

    2 breakfast - boiled Brussels sprouts (200 g);

    Lunch - cabbage soup;

    Snack - seaweed (70 g), seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil;

    Dinner - cabbage stewed with seafood (200 g), a glass of milk.

Day 2:

    Breakfast - cabbage casserole (150 g);

    2 breakfast - Beijing cabbage salad with oil and lemon juice dressing;

    Lunch - fish soup (200 g), steamed Brussels sprouts;

    Snack - sauerkraut (100 g);

    Dinner - buckwheat porridge (150 g), boiled beef (100 g), coleslaw.

Day 3:

    Breakfast - cabbage salad with carrots and beets with traditional dressing;

    2 breakfast - steamed broccoli (200 g);

    Lunch - lazy cabbage rolls (150 g);

    Snack - boiled cauliflower (100 g);

    Dinner - buckwheat with stewed cabbage (250 g).

Day 4:

    Breakfast - cabbage smoothie (200 ml), boiled egg;

    2 breakfast - fruit salad;

    Lunch - cabbage baked with cheese;

    Snack - kohlrabi salad dressed with soy sauce and sesame seeds;

    Dinner - stew of different varieties of cabbage with sweet peppers.

Day 5:

    Breakfast - cabbage salad with carrots and apples (200 g);

    2 breakfast - boiled cauliflower (200 g);

    Lunch - cabbage soup;

    Snack - a glass of yogurt;

    Dinner - boiled chicken breast (200 g), seaweed (150 g).

The most valuable thing about this method is that it is extremely effective. Disadvantages - an imbalance in the diet, which causes headache, weakness. Another disadvantage is the lack of vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin C, found in abundance in lemon, breaks down body fat, slows down the absorption of fats and carbohydrates from food. Stimulation of intestinal peristalsis helps to cleanse the body of toxins.

The exit from such a diet should be carried out very carefully, as it significantly changes metabolism. The planned result is a weight loss of 3-5 kg ​​in 5 days.

The diet includes 2 phases:

    On the first and second days, you should drink a specially prepared lemon-honey drink to cleanse the body and saturate it with vitamins and minerals, restore disturbed metabolic processes.

    In the second phase, you need to eat low-calorie meals for 3 days, actively using lemon in all drinks and dishes.

The lemon diet is not used for increased acidity of gastric juice, the presence of kidney stones, allergies to citrus fruits, diseases of the digestive tract.

Preparing a drink from honey and lemon for the first phase of the diet - squeeze the juice from 15 lemons, dilute it in 3 liters of drinking water, add honey (70 g), mix. In phase 2, you should eat fractionally in small portions.


    7.00 - tea with lemon;

    9.00 - cabbage salad dressed with olive oil and lemon juice;

    11.00 - vegetable stew with lemon zest;

    13.00 - fruit salad with lemon, vegetable juice with zest;

    15.00 - vinaigrette seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil;

    17.00 - vegetable puree soup with crushed lemon;

    19.00 - stewed cabbage with zest and lemon juice;

    21.00 - fruit smoothie with lemon juice.

Diet Benefits:

    Improves metabolism;

    Food is better digested, vitamins and minerals are absorbed better;

    The body is cleansed of toxins, and the intestines from food debris.

Disadvantages of the Lemon Diet:

    It takes no more than 5-7 kg of excess weight;

    Citric acid causes heartburn, abdominal pain;

    Tooth enamel can deteriorate;

    It is forbidden to combine a diet with alcohol and smoking.

An exceptionally effective diet, despite its complexity. It is required to sharply reduce the calorie content of the diet and reduce the set of products as much as possible. Expected results - reset 6-7 kg in 5 days.

Diet principles. A calorie deficit causes the body to intensively break down body fat.

Basic Rules:

    Salt minimum;

    The norm of drinking water is at least 2 liters;

    The norm of caloric content of food per day is no more than 1000 calories;

    After 15.00 eating is prohibited;

    Meals 5 times a day;

    With a strong feeling of hunger, a snack with greens (parsley) is allowed.

Permitted Products. It is allowed to eat lean fish, lean meat, low-fat dairy products, fruits and vegetables (with the exception of potatoes).

The menu is the same for all days of the diet:

    7.00 - boiled egg, coffee, tea;

    9.00 - a glass of kefir;

    11.00 - cottage cheese (150 g), tea;

    13.00 - 1/2 cup of meat or fish broth, boiled meat or fish (100 g);

    15.00 - any fruits or vegetables.


Diseases and conditions:



    Downgraded hell;

    The presence of somatic diseases;

    Treatment with antibiotics and other strong drugs.

A dairy diet will allow you to get rid of not only excess weight, but also a big belly. It exists in 2 versions - hard and sparing, minimizing negative consequences.

Diet principles. 2 options for a milk diet are used - the basis of a rigid diet is the use of only natural cow's milk. It can be used by healthy people. A diet when milk is combined with vegetables and fruits is considered more balanced and easier to tolerate.

With a rigid mono-diet, you only need to drink milk according to the following algorithm:

    1 day - 200 ml every 2 hours;

    Day 2 - 200 ml every 1.5 hours;

    3-5 day - 200 ml every hour.

A sparing option provides a more varied menu:

    1 option:

    Breakfast - a glass of yogurt with prunes, green tea with lemon"

    2 breakfast - a glass of kefir;

    Lunch - vegetable salad, egg, glass of fermented baked milk, cottage cheese (100 g);

    Dinner - cottage cheese with grated apple (150 g), a glass of milk.

Option 2:

    Breakfast - a glass of yogurt with a banana, tea;

    Lunch - cucumber salad with yogurt dressing, boiled egg, a glass of kefir;

    Snack - oatmeal (100 g), cottage cheese (100 g), a glass of milk.

    Dinner - pear, a glass of yogurt.

The abundance of protein does not lead to loss of muscle tone and deterioration. Replenishes calcium deficiency, missing in many diets. The absence of solid foods stimulates more intense weight loss.

Disadvantages of the dairy diet:

    Diet requires effort;

    A large amount of milk disrupts the intestinal microflora;

    The diet is contraindicated for lactose intolerance, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

The favorite porridge of English aristocrats is exceptionally healthy. It saturates well, having a minimum of calories.

Oatmeal diet normalizes bowel function, cleanses the digestive tract.

Basic Rules:

    Only traditional oatmeal can be used;

    Last meal no later than 4 hours before bedtime;

    You need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

    You do not need to drink oatmeal, they drink water in between meals.

There are several options for the oatmeal diet:

    Mono-diet, when oatmeal is consumed indefinitely, washed down with 2 liters of water or green tea. Removes up to 5-7 kg of weight in 5 days. Minimal additions of honey, dried fruits, nuts are allowed to give a pleasant aftertaste.

    With fruits - for 200-250 g of porridge, you can put 100 g of chopped fruit, or 50 g of nuts, or 2 tsp. honey. Fruits (1-2 pieces) are allowed as snacks.

    With vegetables - raw or boiled vegetables are added to the porridge, or a salad of them, seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil. These are zucchini, tomatoes, asparagus, cucumbers, greens.

    The multi-menu is a more benign option.

Allowed and prohibited products. Almost all types of fruits and berries are allowed. Among the allowed fruits are apples, pears, oranges, apricots, grapefruit. You can also take any vegetables except potatoes, carrots and beets.

It is forbidden to use grapes, mangoes, melons, bananas. In the morning, the use of dried fruits is allowed.

    Day 1:

    Afternoon snack - vegetable salad;

    Dinner - porridge on the water from 1/2 cup cereal with berries.

Day 2:

    Breakfast - porridge on the water from 1/2 cup cereal

    2 breakfast - a glass of kefir;

    Lunch - porridge on the water from 1/2 cup cereal with 1 tsp. Honey;

    Snack - 1.2 grapefruit, green tea;

    Dinner - porridge on the water from 1/2 cup cereal with dried fruits (figs, prunes and dried apricots).

Day 3:

    Breakfast - porridge on the water from 1/2 cup cereal

    2 breakfast - a glass of natural yogurt;

    Lunch - porridge on the water from 1/2 cup cereal with 1 tsp. Honey;

    Snack - orange, green tea;

    Dinner - porridge on the water from 1/2 cup cereal with raisins.

Day 4:

    Breakfast - porridge on the water from 1/2 cup cereal

    2 breakfast - a glass of kefir;

    Lunch - porridge on the water from 1/2 cup cereal with 1 tsp. Honey;

    Snack - leafy vegetable salad, green tea;

    Dinner - porridge on the water from 1/2 cup cereal, pear.

Day 5:

    2 breakfast - nuts (50 g), green tea;

    Lunch - porridge on the water from 1/2 cup cereal with 1 tsp. Honey;

    Snack - fruit salad;

    Dinner - porridge on the water from 1/2 cup of cereal, a glass of kefir.

Indications and contraindications of the oatmeal diet

The diet is indicated for the following conditions:

    high blood sugar;

    High cholesterol;

    The presence of cardiovascular diseases;

    Pathology of the digestive tract;



    Individual intolerance to gluten;

    peptic ulcer;

    Colitis, gastritis;

    lactation and pregnancy;

    Significant physical activity.

The diet is aimed at cleansing the body of toxins. First of all, it heals the body, and then it cleanses.

The diet can be used by everyone, especially people who do not adhere to the principles of healthy eating in everyday life.

Basic Rules:

    Refusal of prohibited products;

    Last meal no later than 20.00;

    You need to prepare for a diet in advance - a week before it starts, switch to eating vegetables and fruits.

Principles of quality cleaning:

    Full sleep;

    A glass of water before bed to stimulate digestion;

    Balanced diet;

    The menu is based on vegetables and grains;

    Drinking a detox cocktail;

    The presence of positive motivation;

    Smooth exit from the diet and adherence to the principles of healthy eating in the future.

Allowed and prohibited products

    Any fresh, frozen and canned vegetables without salt;

    Low-calorie berries: raspberries, cherries, sweet cherries, grapes, kiwi, currants;

    Lentils and beans;

    Oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, brown rice, rice noodles;

    Fruits: melon, nectarine, apples, plums, peaches;

    Herbal tea, medicinal fees;

    A small amount of protein (poultry, 2-3 eggs, seafood);

    Unsalted nuts and seeds;

    Dairy products, low-fat cheese and cottage cheese;

    Natural yogurt and biokefir to restore microflora.

Prohibited Products:


    Fatty dairy products;

    Baking and bread made from premium flour;

    Sauces, mayonnaise;

  • Sweets, sweet carbonated drinks;

    Alcohol, packaged juices;

    Black tea, coffee.


    day 1 - drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid - fruit juice, green tea, water;

    day 2 - add fruits with soft fiber - plums, mangoes, peaches;

    day 3 - add raw vegetables, herbs;

    day 4 - add boiled vegetables;

    day 5 - add cereals and fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk).

In order to easily enter the usual diet, you should include boiled fish and lean meat in your menu.

Cleansing Express Diet:

    Breakfast - detox cocktail;

    Lunch - vegetable soup, salad;

    Dinner - repeat breakfast;

    In the evening - 200 ml of chamomile tea.

Detox Diet Recipes

All dishes are prepared immediately before use on the basis of greens and vegetables.

    Detox cocktail- in 200 ml of warm water, grate a small piece of ginger root, squeeze the juice of half a lemon, mix;

    vegetable smoothie- chop cucumber, green apple, 2-3 leaves of white cabbage, 1/2 lemon, a small amount of ginger root, a piece of celery with a blender, add 200 ml of water, beat again.

    Cleansing Soup- in 500 ml of water, boil chopped zucchini, carrots, celery, tomato, 1 garlic clove for half an hour. Add black pepper, parsley, chopped Chinese cabbage, boil for 3 minutes, turn off.

    Mixed salad- cut boiled chicken breast, tomato, cucumber, spinach, onion, Chinese cabbage, grated carrot, almonds, parsley. Drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice.


Detox diet is contraindicated:

    Children under 18;

    Young women and girls 7 days before menstruation and 7 days after;

    With cardiovascular diseases;

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding;

    With gastritis and peptic ulcer;

    With cholecystitis and stones in the bladder;

    With autoimmune diseases (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis);

    In preparing athletes for endurance competitions.

A diet based on fruits and vegetables is one of the methods that strengthen human health. The body does not feel hunger and discomfort. Fiber cleanses of toxins, normalizes metabolic processes. There are no drawbacks inherent in many mono-diets when the body is deficient in vitamins and minerals.

Basic Rules:

    Eat should be fractional, 5 times or more a day;

    Fruits are consumed without peeling, rich in fiber and vitamins;

    You need to drink up to 2 liters of water, herbal tea, fruit and berry decoctions.

Method of preparation - boiling, stewing, steaming. Raw vegetables are very healthy, but not satiating enough.

Dishes do not require careful cooking, their options can be varied at will.

    Day 1, 3:

    Breakfast - cabbage and cucumber salad, dressing - lemon juice with dill;

    Lunch - a glass of fruit juice;

    Lunch - vegetable stew, a glass of tomato juice;

    Snack - salad of tomatoes and cucumbers with bell peppers;

    Dinner - stewed cauliflower, unsweetened fruit.

Day 2.4:

    Breakfast - baked peppers, a glass of carrot juice;

    Lunch - fresh vegetable salad;

    Lunch - stewed cabbage, a glass of orange juice;

    Snack - a salad of leafy vegetables with herbs;

    Dinner - tomato salad with olives, unsweetened fruit.

Day 5:

    Breakfast - 2 apples, carrot salad;

    Lunch - grapefruit-pear juice with pulp;

    Lunch - zucchini stewed with tomatoes and bell peppers, an apple;

    Snack - a salad of any vegetables, a glass of fresh fruit.

    Dinner - 2-3 oranges.

This diet is highly effective, it saturates the body with minerals, vitamins. Helps improve skin condition, reduce excess weight.

Disadvantages of the diet:

  • Weakness,

    White coating on the tongue

    The appearance of a tremor of the limbs.

The diet was created by Danish nutritionists for those who cannot stand hunger. Eggs are a source of low-calorie protein, their use does not affect the formation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels.

Diet principles. The basis of the diet is chicken eggs, useful for their high content of vitamins, trace elements, and antioxidants. They are low-calorie (only 70 kcal). It is recommended to eat only permitted foods, drink herbal teas, freshly squeezed juices.

Allowed and prohibited products. The diet includes soft-boiled eggs, low-fat cottage cheese or cheese (no more than 14%), lean rabbit, veal, chicken, low-fat milk and kefir (no more than 1% fat), fruits (apples, plums, oranges), vegetables (zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes).

It is forbidden to eat potatoes, bananas, sweets, flour products, muffins, all cereals except buckwheat, bananas, beans, mangoes, dates.

There are several options for the five-day menu, boiled eggs are used everywhere.

Classic variant:

    Breakfast - 2 eggs, orange, green tea;

    Lunch - 1 egg, 100 g of boiled chicken, fish, greens, 2 oranges;

    Dinner - 2 eggs, vegetable salad, 2 grapefruits.

Snacks consist of cucumber, carrots, greens, drinking water or a glass of kefir.

Mono-diet prescribes to exclude any products and eat only eggs in unlimited quantities. You can only drink water.

Egg-citrus diet - the egg diet is diluted with the use of citrus fruits, the enzymes of which break down lipids.

Contraindications and indications

The diet is indicated for those who play sports, as well as for all healthy people who do not have much time for cooking.


    Allergy to chicken eggs;



The 5-day diet is based on a low-calorie diet using herbal infusions to activate metabolism and weight loss.

Diet principles. Phyto diet is designed for a sharp decrease in the amount of protein in the diet. A minimum of calories stimulates the breakdown of fats, accompanied by a drink prepared according to special instructions.

Basic Rules:

    Cook porridge on water;

    Do not swap days.

The expected result is a loss of 5-8 kg in 5 days due to the acceleration of metabolic processes.

Effective herbs for the diet:

    Fat-burning - lemongrass, ginger, turmeric break down lipids in problem areas;

    Diuretic - senna, chamomile, burdock remove fluid reserves;

    Bile-excreting - remove toxins, normalize the functioning of the liver;

    Accelerating metabolism - sea buckthorn, dill, fennel act as laxatives, lingonberries, licorice, rhubarb normalize metabolism;

    Appetite-reducing algae - fucus, spirulina, kelp, increasing, create a feeling of satiety, angelica, marshmallow imitate a state of satiety.

Use one dish for the whole day, accompanying it with herbal tea.

    Day 1 - boil a glass of rice, divide into 5 doses, drink green tea with cinnamon and ginger;

    Day 2 - divide into 5 doses 500 g of low-fat cottage cheese, drink a mixture of 0.5 liters of milk with 0.5 liters of infusion 1 tbsp. calendula flowers;

    Day 3 - divide into 5 doses 300 g of oatmeal, pre-filled with water overnight, drink infusion of 1 tsp. chamomile flowers in a glass of boiling water;

    Day 4 - divide buckwheat porridge cooked from 200 g of cereal into 5 doses, drink St. John's wort infusion from 200 ml of boiling water and 1 tsp. herbs with the addition of 1 tbsp. lemon juice.

    Day 5 - divided into 5 doses of 1.5 - 2 kg of raw apples. Half an hour before eating apples, drink a rosehip infusion that has been infused for 10 to 12 hours.


You should not follow the diet for pregnant women, people with allergies, patients with pathologies of the liver and kidneys.

Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University N. I. Pirogov, specialty "Medicine" (2004). Residency at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).

You can write a diet for 5 days with any products and get the result. Because five days is too short a time to cause changes in body composition for weight loss.

With a sharp caloric restriction, which is the majority of unloadings, such as cabbage, rice, cucumber, the following happens:

  1. the body does not receive nutrients;
  2. there is no energy for ordinary life;
  3. stress arises due to the lack of familiar products and prohibitions.

What can be achieved in five days?

Five days of stress, anger at yourself, weakness. If you add physical activity to starvation, the body will approach exhaustion, it will begin to eat itself. At the end of the torment, the body will drive even more fat into the bins - and suddenly you still have to go through hardships.

Why do people lose 5 kg in 5 days? They drain 2-3 kg of water.

In the intercellular space and cells, the liquid is retained by sugar molecules and proteins. Cutting back sweets for just a few days, you can see a decrease in the abdomen and waist - this is how water leaves.

An effective diet for 5 days is one that accompanies the transition to proper nutrition. At first, many people have to eat literally according to the list in order to feel the taste of food without additives and sugar, to clear the receptors. The habit is fixed for a month, and 5 days can become a preparatory stage for debugging the diet.

What happens in five days?

Theoretically, to lose weight by 1 kg of fat, you need to create a deficit of 9000 kcal. This means that you need to spend 900 kcal in one day and create a nutritional deficit for another 900 kcal. This would require an average of three hours of high-intensity training and a 1,000-calorie meal each day for five days. The result of the experiment will be the exhaustion of the body and a sharp weight gain after returning to a good diet and activity regimen.

Getting rid of excess weight is called correct if, along with kilograms, fat reserves really go away.

However, the body is smart, and will not give away strategic reserves just like that:

  1. when switching to vegetables and cereals without salt and preservatives, excess water comes out;
  2. when carbohydrates are limited in the diet, the amount of glycogen and fluid stores is reduced;
  3. an increase in vegetables in the diet promotes the absorption of water by dietary fiber in the intestines, better peristalsis.

Each change in nutrition affects the water balance of the body, therefore, it affects weight primarily by the mass of water in the tissues. Five-day plans, usually accompanied by the rejection of soda, the transition to green tea and clean water - flush the body, relieve swelling. It is this weight loss that girls see.

The dangers of drains and breakdowns

Water dropped in five days by reducing calories is not the main danger. Every day, a cabbage or other mono-diet convinces the body that we are being starved, and generates enhanced hormonal signals that it is necessary to accumulate fat.

Any reduction in calorie intake by more than 50% of the body's need will lead to a dramatic return of weight.

We analyze the cabbage diet for weight loss

For 5 days, it is supposed to cook cabbage soup and alternate it with fruits, vegetables, and only the last two days - skimmed milk and meat are added.

A classic example of a low-calorie diet, in which the body will lose 1-2 kg due to water, experience a lack of energy and be cleansed by frequent stools due to fiber.

The cabbage diet has a major drawback - a low level of proteins. Similar dietary recommendations are given to people with kidney disease.

A pure cabbage diet, combined with everyday physical activity instead of losing weight, can lead to muscle breakdown at the cellular level - a dangerous complication and kidney failure.

The cabbage diet can be improved by simply eating cabbage with every meal, excluding starchy foods and fried foods from the diet.

As a result of such nutrition, the body will receive a number of benefits:

  1. experience improved digestion;
  2. get rid of overeating;
  3. lower blood cholesterol levels.

A kale diet combined with a wholesome diet gives good results without extreme dietary changes. The result of all dietary plans is the transition to a normal diet with the exception of muffins and fatty foods. Why is that? Because the cabbage cleansing of the body in itself is hunger, and any addition of fast carbohydrates and fats to the diet will lead to a set of fat instead of the lost 2-3 kg of water.

We analyze the milk diet for weight loss

For 5 days, it is supposed to drink a glass of milk, first with an interval of one and a half hours, then every hour, and for three days - every half hour. Liquid food will really create a feeling of release, as it minimally burdens the stomach, but saturates the milk well with the nutritional value.

However, dairy food is prohibited in case of:

  1. lactase deficiency, when cramps and diarrhea occur after milk;
  2. tendency to allergic reactions and dermatitis;
  3. diseases of the kidneys and intestines, as calcium overloads the work of these organs.

The loss of the promised 5 kg in such conditions will be tantamount to the loss of fluid during food poisoning.

The dairy diet is used in a light version, when dairy products are included in it: cottage cheese, kefir, casseroles, yogurts are distributed between three meals with light vegetables and fruits. Dairy food on store milk is the consumption of oxidized fat. After homogenization, air enters the milk, and oxidized fats or free radicals that disrupt cell function. Pasteurizing milk kills all the beneficial enzymes. The dairy diet is easy to lose weight because of satiety, as casein coagulates in the stomach and blocks digestion.

With increased acidity of the stomach, the benefits of milk lose their power - lactoferrin dissolves.

Dairy food, despite the large composition of vitamins, does not contain fiber. The body receives a bias in the energy balance - a sharp deficit. Low-calorie, protein-free dairy foods with no carbs will induce ketosis, a change in the color and smell of urine, which is not related to cleansing and toxins, but simply means an increase in ketone levels. For 3-5 days, the body only enters a state of ketosis, and then the body will not need carbohydrates as an energy source. However, for weight loss due to fat, 2-3 weeks are needed.

The dairy diet has the only benefit of lowering blood sugar levels, which will reduce cravings for carbohydrate sweets. You can safely switch to proper nutrition, which will help you lose 2-3 kg of real fat per month. Dairy mono-diet is prohibited for serious diseases of the liver, kidneys, intestines and diabetes.

How to achieve proper weight loss?

An effective diet for 5 days is one that heals the body, restores the functioning of internal organs. The best companions of a healthy gastrointestinal tract and weight loss are moderation and balance of nutrients. Add cabbage, including cauliflower, oranges, apples, oatmeal, nuts, greens to your diet, and these foods will be more beneficial than any restricted diet.

You've improved so much! How unpleasant it is to hear this phrase for any girl. Women all over the world tend to get upset, as a result of which all products are used, from sweet to starchy foods. But what to do if there is an important event ahead, and you already do not fit into your best dress a little? We lose weight in 5 days - this is a diet that will help out in a difficult situation!

We choose the right product and eat only it

This five-day diet option is very popular. She is very efficient. You just need to choose one product that you will eat for all 5 days.

What awaits you during this option:

  1. Excess weight will not keep you waiting long. He will leave very quickly.
  2. You will cleanse your body of harmful substances such as waste and toxins.
  3. It's not expensive, you don't have to spend big money.

The best option is to lose weight on buckwheat. Before going to bed, pour 1 cup of buckwheat with 2 cups of boiling water. By morning, you will have porridge ready for eating on your table. You can add tea to it and, of course, up to 8 glasses a day of plain water without gas.

We cook porridge only on water. Salt and spices are completely prohibited. The diet will give an excellent result, and in 5 days you will lose 4 kg. Approximately during each day you will lose 1 kg.

Separate diet food for 5 days

Compared to the previous version, this is a fairly gentle diet for weight loss.

The advantages of separate nutrition are as follows:

  1. During all 5 days you will not feel cold.
  2. The second advantage of the diet is that, most likely, the kilograms that go away will not abruptly return. Of course, this is with the condition that in the following days after the diet you will eat right and exercise.
  3. The diet is very easy to apply.
  4. Quality assurance! A 5 day diet will really help you lose the few pounds you need. This diet is very similar to the mono diet, in which you eat the same food for 5 days. Here you eat different foods for 5 days. But, every day is one thing.

Consider the approximate menu of this diet.

  1. On the first day, we only eat protein. To do this, during the day you can eat lean meats. This includes chicken and turkey. They can be baked in the oven or steamed.
  2. Eat plenty of vegetables throughout the second day. Prepare a salad from a huge variety of them. This can include cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes, celery and various greens - parsley, dill, cilantro. Potatoes are banned. Accordingly, you make a salad without the use of salt and mayonnaise, and eat it throughout the day.
  3. On the third day of your diet, you eat only fruits. The diet can consist of absolutely any options except bananas and grapes. If your stomach is healthy, then you can only eat grapefruit during the day.
  4. On the fourth day, you can only eat porridge on the water. This includes buckwheat and rice. These cereals allow you to very well cleanse the body of harmful toxins and toxins, as well as salts and salts of heavy metals.
  5. Cottage cheese day is a favorite of our diet. Cottage cheese will quickly give a feeling of fullness, so do not overdo it on this day. In addition, this product is very beneficial for human health. It is rich in a large amount of calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the hair, nails and skin beauty of any woman.

This technique will give a good result to people who really endure it to the end and do not break.

Five-day drinking diet - we throw off excess fat

Some diets that are based specifically on drinking food allow you to adhere to this procedure for a month. In fact, it is very dangerous and nutritionists strongly do not recommend doing this for more than 5 days.

The drinking diet, which lasts only 5 days, removes from the body all the necessary fluid accumulated there, and also accelerates the fat burning process. She is very efficient.

The essence of the technique is that for 5 days you drink only permitted drinks.

This includes:

  1. Of course, ordinary clean drinking water. You should drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water per day. As a rule, not all at once, but to separate them for the whole day.
  2. You can prepare vegetable and meat broths for yourself. At the same time, they should not contain any spices and salt, and low-fat varieties of meat should be chosen - this is chicken and turkey.
  3. You can eat dairy products, but their fat content should not exceed 2%. One percent kefir will help speed up the metabolism. It will cleanse your intestines of toxins and toxins.
  4. Green tea or Oolong tea. You can add a little honey to it.
  5. Juice from vegetables and fruits. It must be freshly prepared at home, and not bought concentrated juice from the store.

The drinking diet is very strict, but the result is pleasing.

Eating and counting calories

This method consists in the fact that a woman must calculate the rate of calorie intake every day. At the same time, they should be less than the calories expended during the day.

At the same time, she must remember that it is necessary to spend up to a maximum of 500 calories in order to lose about 5 kg in 5 days.

This is a simple diet and sticking to it is not difficult, the most important thing is to adjust everything in advance.

Here is an example of how a girl should eat during the day:

  1. For breakfast, you can have 70 g of low-fat cottage cheese, as well as a cup of green tea. Of course, it is not recommended to eat constantly fat-free cottage cheese, as it contains a lot of sugar in its composition. However, for a five-day diet, this is normal.
  2. For lunch, you can 100 grams of boiled chicken or turkey.
  3. For dinner, be sure to drink a glass of one percent kefir 2-4 hours before going to bed.

If there is hunger throughout the day, you can have a snack. It is only desirable that these snacks be in the form of raw carrots, green apples or cucumbers. You can also use a small amount of cabbage, tomato and kiwi.

Useful nutrition tips to lose weight in 5 days

In order for weight to go away quickly enough, proper nutrition or diet alone is not enough.

Therefore, during this procedure, use the following tips:

  1. Go in for sports. You don't have to go to an expensive fitness club. You can do physical activity without leaving home. Even a light 15-minute exercise will help not only lose weight, but also put the whole body in order.
  2. Don't try to lose weight too fast. By starving yourself, of course, you will instantly lose the kilograms you hate, but at the same time your skin will become flabby and look painful.
  3. In no case do not forget to observe the drinking regimen. The amount of water that you should drink per day should be at least two liters.
  4. No salt, no spices!
  5. To avoid the feeling of weakness that will overtake you during this diet, multivitamin complexes purchased at the pharmacy will help.

As with any other diet, weight loss in 5 days has contraindications. This diet is not recommended for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as pregnant and lactating women. Before experimenting with your body, be sure to consult a nutritionist.

Do not experiment on your appearance without the help of specialists. Otherwise, you can earn not only diseases of the stomach and intestines, but also get acquainted with the disease of anorexia.

Video testimonials and reviews

Diet Lesenka for 5 days allows you to lose from a kilogram per day

These days, there is an incredible amount of variety of diets. In pursuit of beauty and harmony, women are ready for several weeks in a row with only buckwheat, torturing themselves by constantly eating citrus fruits, drinking liters of water and counting calories every second.

The invention of the new 5-Day Ladder Diet revolutionized the world of beauty. It is unique in that it includes several mono-diets at once, which allows you to eat almost everything you want.

The ladder diet has already proven itself from the best side. Every day increasing the number of women confirming the effectiveness of this diet. It has already been dubbed the “super diet” in the beauty world for its quick results and the relatively easy way to achieve them.

The meaning of the diet is to follow a very precise nutritional system.

The entire course is divided into several days. Each day is one rung of the ladder. Women who follow the ladder diet for 5 days lose an average of 1 kg per day. Nutritionists say that the result after this diet lasts a long time thanks to a clear nutrition schedule.

Detailed menu of the Lesenka diet for 5 days

The whole point of this type of weight loss is to follow the schedule and detailed menu of the ladder diet. In case you could not fulfill all the necessary requirements one of the days, you should start all over again.

The structure of the Ladder for weight loss in 5 days can be decomposed into five steps, each of which takes exactly one day.

The 5-day ladder diet is very convenient for those who are used to starting a new life on Monday. The schedule of this weight loss system is ideally distributed at the beginning of the week.

Day one, cleansing

On this day, it is necessary to prepare the body for changes and how to unload it. Permissible food per day: 12 tablets of black activated carbon, 1 kg of apples and a liter of still water. The meaning of such cleansing is that pectin, contained in large quantities in apples, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and activated charcoal removes toxins.

Second day, reconstruction

After the expulsion of harmful substances from the body, it is necessary to restore the flora. The menu contains only dairy products, which will have the best effect on the work of the stomach and intestines. At your disposal are no more than 600 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, no more than 1 liter of fat-free kefir and at least a liter of still water.

Be sure to read

Curd diet for 7 days and other effective ways to lose weight

Third day, strength and energy

This stage is important for psychological unloading and saturation of the brain with glucose. This is a sweet day. At your disposal are 300 grams of raisins, 2 tablespoons of liquid honey and 2 liters of compote from a mixture of dried fruits. Such a fruit and berry menu will improve mood and give strength.

Fourth day, construction

And now it's time to eat. This step is completely filled with protein dishes, which are necessary in order to begin the construction of cells renewed and purified in the first days.

The diet of this day includes: 500 grams of lean poultry meat, it is preferable to choose a turkey, choose a turkey, if necessary, replace it with chicken.

The fourth step is filled with protein dishes

On this day, you need to drink 1 liter of non-carbonated water.

Fifth day, destruction of fats

On the final straight line, it is necessary to fill the body with fiber in order to logically complete the process of weight loss. It is necessary to eat no more than 200 grams of cereal (the weight of the dry product is indicated) and a kilogram of any raw vegetables and fruits. And, of course, you need to drink all this with at least a liter of water.

In talking about the ladder diet, it is necessary to highlight a number of its features. It differs:

Efficiency. Subject to all conditions, weight loss is guaranteed.

Fast result. Kilograms disappear already on the first day.

Diversity. Every day is a new product.

Complexity. Women with a developed will can withstand such a diet.

Diet ladder for 12 days

A clear schedule and structure of the ladder diet shows that it is difficult, but.

Every day is a new product

In addition to the express course option for 5 days, there is a ladder diet option for 12 days. It has a similar structure, except that the duration of the course has more than doubled.

This option is suitable for those who have already tried the standard short course and are convinced of its effectiveness.

A course for 12 days allows you to significantly increase the amount of weight lost, bringing it to the level of 15 kg.

A slim body is the result of proper nutrition and active physical activity. The path to the cherished figure goes through training, calorie control and food restrictions.

In the process of achieving the result, breakdowns occur, which leads to the resumption of weight. There is a desire to lose weight in a few days without compromising health. In this case, nutritionists have developed a five-day diet that allows you to lose up to 5 kg of excess weight in 5 days.

Diet Basics

The diet is designed for 5 days, during which the rules of separate nutrition are observed.

The basic principles of the diet "5 days minus 5 kilograms":

  • Eating foods from the same group for one day. You can not eat products from another group or mix the diet.
  • Maintaining water balance by drinking plenty of water. Water helps cleanse toxins and remove excess salt.
  • Portion at one time is not more than 150-200 gr. Each portion must be weighed on a kitchen scale. If this is not possible, then it is determined visually: the volume of the portion should fit in the palm of your hand.
  • Salt exception. Salt retains fluid, promotes the accumulation of carcinogens.
  • Cooking is done by steaming, roasting, boiling, stewing. Seasonings and spices are allowed in small quantities. Fried and pickled foods are prohibited.

Diet products


The menu consists of foods rich in protein, fiber, amino acids and slow carbohydrates. Protein contributes to the strengthening of muscle mass, is involved in the metabolic process and the structure of new cells. Fiber regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cleanses the body.

Approved for use:

During the diet, be sure to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day. The liquid helps to maintain the water balance in the body, eliminate hunger and eliminate toxins.

Amino acids burn fatty tissue, strengthen the immune system and increase metabolism. Slow carbohydrates promote long digestion, so they keep the feeling of satiety for a long time.

The greatest effect is achieved when consumed on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals. Water should be at room temperature or slightly warmer. It is acceptable to add a slice of lemon. Water from a mineral spring without gas is welcome.


For the duration of the diet, fast carbohydrates, saturated fats, trans fats and glucose are excluded from the diet. Fast carbohydrates have a high glycemic index and instantly increase blood sugar levels.

Thus, the feeling of hunger increases. Saturated fats and trans fats increase levels of "bad" cholesterol and carcinogens. Glucose increases the feeling of hunger.

Prohibited for use:

A unique herbal composition based on green coffee syrup. It is intended for oral use in order to start and accelerate the natural processes of weight loss.

It is worth remembering that this is far from a panacea, this product will show the best result with light physical activity, which will help to significantly accelerate weight loss by burning fat and increasing muscle.

Diet Benefits

  • The diet allows you to lose up to 5 kilograms of excess weight in 5 days.
  • Compliance with a dietary diet helps to cleanse from harmful substances.
  • Kilograms are not returned after the completion of the course.
  • Skin color improves and its elasticity increases.

Diet cons

  • A sharp change in diet reduces performance, increases the feeling of fatigue.
  • Not suitable for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system.
  • The diet causes headaches.

Diet menu for 5 days

The five-day diet consists of meat, vegetables, fruits, cereals, cottage cheese. Each day of the 5 days of the week has its own product. The use of products of another group is unacceptable, the diet will not give the desired result.

meat day

The first day of the diet is the start to prepare a person for a new format of nutrition for 5 days.

Therefore, it is designed to enrich the body with protein composition. It consists entirely of meat components that give a person a “building” material.

The diet includes dietary meats: rabbit, veal, beef, turkey, chicken. Meals are taken 4 times, one serving contains up to 200 grams of meat. Salt should not be used for taste. In small doses, it is allowed to use seasonings: curry, basil, hot pepper, ginger. Spices enhance the fat burning effect.

vegetable day

On the second day, the body is ready for active weight loss, vegetable dishes without starch help it in this.

Therefore, the diet does not include potatoes, corn, rutabagas. Moderately used carrots and beets.

The rest of the vegetables "green light" to the table. Vegetables can be either grated or consumed as a whole.

fruit day

After two "unloading" days, the body begins to actively use reserves. Blood sugar drops, so on the third day of the diet, a person needs glucose.

On the third day, you can eat not only fruits, but also natural honey.

Tangerines, avocados and apples help to satisfy the feeling of hunger. They contain a large amount of vitamins and enzymes. Due to the high calorie content, bananas are not recommended. Fruits can be eaten both raw and baked.

cereal day

Cereal day cleanses the body of harmful substances, but at the same time, saturates with fiber and nut butter.

On the fourth day of the diet, it is allowed to eat cereals on the water from various varieties of cereals. The priority is buckwheat, oatmeal or rice porridge.

The menu necessarily includes nuts of all kinds, except for salted peanuts. They enrich the body with fatty acids.

Water-curd day

Healthy cottage cheese completes the diet.

Due to the protein - casein, the product has a high energy value.

The diet includes a low-fat product or cottage cheese with 1% fat.

On the curd-water day, you can not drink coffee and tea. The main liquid is water.

Do you want to lose weight?

A slim figure is the dream of many women and men. I want to be at a comfortable weight without exhausting myself with strict diets and heavy exercises.

In addition, overweight can lead to health problems! Heart disease, shortness of breath, diabetes, arthritis and a markedly reduced life expectancy!

It has the following properties:

  • Accelerates metabolism
  • Burns body fat
  • Reduces weight
  • Lose weight even with minimal physical activity
  • Helps to reduce weight in cardiovascular disease

Three effective mono-diets

The peculiarity of an effective and cruel mono-diet is the use of a product of one type (kefir, buckwheat, apples and other types) for several days. A diet of one component is hard to tolerate by the body, so the duration of the course does not exceed 5 days.

The optimal ratio of weight loss and the duration of the diet is 3 days. During this time, a person loses from two to four kilos, depending on individual characteristics.

Advantages of monopower:

  • fast weight loss in a few days;
  • cleansing the body of toxins and toxins;
  • improvement in appearance.

Cons of a mono diet:

  • severe weakness and headache;
  • contraindications for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Kefir diet

Kefir is a product obtained by fermenting sour milk. It is rich in trace elements from calcium to sulfur, vitamins of groups A, B, C, D, H and beta-carotene. Thus, losing weight on kefir contributes not only to weight loss, but to the cleansing and enrichment of the body.

Features of the kefir diet:

Dairy diet

The milk diet is carried out on high-quality fresh milk, in which all useful substances are undoubtedly preserved. Mono-diet requires moral preparation, as it is considered one of the strict diets.

Features of the milk diet:

Buckwheat diet

It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of buckwheat. Buckwheat is rich in protein and complex carbohydrates, thanks to which the feeling of satiety is maintained for a long time. The cereal contains B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the structure of the hair, nail plate and epidermis.

Features of the buckwheat diet:

What results does the diet promise?

The results depend on the individual characteristics of the human body. The easiest way to lose weight is overweight people up to 20 kg, the heaviest - from 5 kg. A high result is achieved with full adherence to the diet and the right psychological attitude.

Thanks to the diet for 5 days, you can lose at least 3 kg, a maximum of 5 kg. The result will keep a smooth exit from the diet, as well as the transition to proper nutrition.

Stories from our readers!
“I had problems with excess weight for a long time, I could not lose weight, I tried different diets, but the weight returned again and again. Only with this remedy I was able to lose about 5 kg in the first month, I am very pleased with the result.

The remedy reduces appetite and therefore there is no need to starve and go on diets, for me it is very difficult. Definitely recommend to everyone to buy."

How to get out of the diet correctly?

Dieting is a stressful situation for the body. The state of health and the preservation of the result depend on the correct transition to the usual diet.

Dieting tips:

The more competent the exit from the diet, the less likely it is to return the lost kilograms. Therefore, there is no need to rush to the usual diet.

Revisiting the diet

The duration of the diet should not exceed 14 days. Five-day “fasting” days bring optimal results and health benefits. The course is designed to burn calories without losing vitamins and minerals. After completing the diet, they switch to a normal diet without eating "harmful" foods. After 21 days, the 5 for 5 diet can be repeated.

The 5 Day Diets is a 5 day weight loss plan with a meal plan designed to cleanse the body and effectively lose weight in a short period of time.

Express diet for 5 days

Such express weight loss is suitable for those who urgently need to lose weight in 5 days.

The first day of this diet is aimed at cleansing the body of toxins, salts and toxins, which can be achieved if you drink non-carbonated mineral water all day (more than 1.5 liters per day), eat apples in any quantity, and every 1.5 hours take 2 tablets of activated charcoal.

The second day of the diet, following which you can lose weight by 3-4 kg in 5 days, is aimed at restoring the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. For the whole day, it is allowed to eat 500-600 g of low-fat cottage cheese, a liter of low-fat kefir and 1.5 liters of mineral water.

The third day of the express diet is aimed at replenishing the energy reserves of the body, for which food containing glucose is consumed, such as 2 tbsp. honey, 300 g raisins, dried fruit compote and, of course, 1.5 liters of mineral water.

The fourth day is aimed at stopping the loss of muscle mass, since the previous three days actively contributed to this process. To do this, during the day, it is allowed to use half a kilogram of boiled or steamed chicken or turkey fillet with any herbs and 1.5 liters of mineral water in several doses.

The fifth day is aimed at burning body fat, which can be achieved by eating foods that are completely devoid of fat and rich in vegetable fibers, such as raw fruits, berries, vegetables and, of course, 1.5 liters of mineral water.

It is quite difficult to follow this diet, which allows you to lose 4 kg in 5 days, because it is a very low-calorie diet, so you should definitely consult a doctor before making such a decision.

Cleansing diet for 5 days

For those who want to urgently lose weight in 5 days, there is an easy cleansing diet. It should be remembered that in no case, following this diet, you should not starve or skip meals, because this diet is aimed at cleansing the body of accumulated saturated trans fats and sweeteners contained in foods, through which weight loss is achieved. On average, following this diet, you need to consume 1200-1500 kcal per day, but in no case less, otherwise the body will perceive such cleansing as hunger. Those who are seriously concerned with the issue of losing weight should keep in mind that it is necessary to eat food every 3-3.5 hours, only then will there be an accelerated metabolism, and it is also desirable to engage in any type of physical exercise (running, walking, swimming, visiting gym, etc.) and consume the maximum amount of plain or mineral water.

The following foods will have to be excluded from the daily diet:

  • Wheat
  • dairy products;
  • Sugar;
  • Salt;
  • Drinks containing caffeine (except green tea);
  • Alcohol.

Morning, if you follow this diet for 5 days, you can choose to start either with a small workout, or without any physical activity at all. If intense exercise takes place, then it is allowed to drink one glass of freshly squeezed orange juice before training and half a glass of protein shake after it.

1.5-2 hours after training, according to the recommendations of the creators of this diet, for breakfast you can make a cocktail of Greek yogurt with almond milk and consume 200-250 g of any raw or steamed green vegetables and a few apples.

As snacks, if you follow this diet for 5 days, any raw vegetables and a cup of green tea with ginger without sugar are allowed.

For lunch, any protein foods are allowed in the amount of 150 g (eggs, slaves, meat) and 250 g of raw or steamed vegetables. Dinner is similar to lunch, only you can add any greens to vegetables.

Since this diet requires only fresh products, it is recommended to purchase them in specialized food markets or in trusted supermarkets. Only those products that have been stored in the refrigerator for no more than 1 week are considered fresh. Following a cleansing diet for 5 days, according to reviews, you can get rid of 3-4 kg of excess weight, cleanse the digestive tract and improve metabolism.

military diet

One of the most effective diets in the world is considered to be a diet developed by the military for 3-5 days, which helps to achieve good results in such a short period of time.

On average, thanks to this diet, in such a short time you can get rid of 2-4 kg.

So, the menu of this diet for 3-5 days is as follows:

  • Day 1: Breakfast - half a grapefruit, 1 whole wheat toast with 2 tbsp. peanut butter, coffee or tea without sugar and milk. Lunch - steamed tuna fillet (250 g), 1 whole grain toast, coffee or tea without sugar and milk. Dinner - 100 g of any baked meat, 200 g of boiled asparagus, half a banana, 1 small apple and 100 g of vanilla ice cream;
  • Day 2: Breakfast - 1 boiled egg, 1 whole wheat toast and half a banana. Lunch - 200 g low-fat cottage cheese or 1 slice of Cheddar cheese, one hard-boiled egg and 5 salted crackers. Dinner - two chicken sausages, 200 g of steamed broccoli, half a banana and 100 g of vanilla ice cream;
  • Day 3: Breakfast - 1 slice Cheddar cheese, one apple and 5 saltine crackers. Lunch - one whole wheat toast and one hard boiled egg. Dinner - 200 g of boiled tuna, half a banana and 200 g of vanilla ice cream.

The menus of the fourth and fifth days are similar to the menus of the first and third days.

If you follow this diet exactly and do not eat any other food, then such a diet for 5 days, according to reviews, allows you to get rid of 3-4 kg, but it should be remembered that such a meager diet is only suitable for an absolutely healthy person. It is advisable to consult a dietitian before deciding on such weight loss. In unlimited quantities, observing a military diet, the use of plain or mineral water is allowed.

Notes: Whole wheat toast can be toasted, peanut butter is best made by yourself. Tuna can be both fresh and canned, meat can be replaced with any seafood, vanilla ice cream should be without any additives or fillers. If you can't get saltine crackers, you can replace them with plain ones.

It is allowed to add mustard and lime or lemon juice to ready meals.

Since this diet for 5 days was developed by the military, it is impossible to exclude physical activity, this is the only way to achieve such stunning results. If the diet is followed by a person with a large overweight, then the usual half-hour walk with a gradual transition to light jogging can act as exercise. For those who are physically healthy and do not have a lot of excess weight, it is advisable to visit the gym, actively engage in aerobics or cardio exercises.
