Useful tips: how to choose the right poles for Nordic walking. How to choose the right poles for Nordic walking? The difference between Nordic walking poles

Nordic walking, which has been gaining popularity over the past two decades, has not left Russia aside. More and more often you can see in parks, and just on the streets of the city, people walking with sticks in their hands. Ten years ago this seemed strange, but today it is a common activity practiced by children, adults and the elderly.

In this publication we Let’s very briefly touch on the physiological side of Nordic walking, let's talk more about sticks and the necessary equipment for training. Let's look at the main characteristics, dimensions, and at the end of the article we will provide a mini-review of popular Nordic models with prices and reviews based on the opinions of people involved.

Briefly about the history of appearance

Nordic walking is also called Nordic or Finnish ( Nordic Walking and Finland Walking). But, regardless of the name, during classes they always use sticks - telescopic or solid construction.

This sport was formed on the basis of the summer training programs of Scandinavian skiers, who tried to maintain their high level of skiing skills even in the warm season, when there was no snow. As a result of the transfer of training programs for athletes to the amateur level, a special technique of walking with poles appeared, which was named after the northern countries, where it was incredibly popular.

In addition to training for skiing, such walks with poles have a beneficial effect on the overall tone of the body and use 90% of the muscles of the body. These conclusions of physiologists and the personal feelings of people involved gave a huge impetus to the popularization of Nordic walking throughout the world.

Let's move on to the topic of choosing equipment and how not to make mistakes when buying poles, pads, handles and other related accessories.

What to look for when choosing Nordic walking poles?

As with any sport, equipment should be tailored to the individual's body type to reduce the likelihood of injury and increased fatigue. In addition to this, a certain margin of strength, durability and sufficient build quality are required.

Important! All hiking poles (trekking models) made of fiberglass and aluminum are not suitable for Nordic Walking, they are for making walking and climbing uphill easier during mountain tourism!

Telescopic or fixed length

Telescopic- these are folding poles for Nordic walking with several types of sliding systems, consisting of one or two knees. The main feature is that the poles can be set to any length. Suitable for people of different heights.

  • Suitable for children, as they are constantly growing, and for beginners in Nordic walking;
  • Short-lived designs, especially cheap models. Over time, the fasteners wear out and additional vibration appears;
  • Compact. Some models fold up to 40 cm and are convenient to transport in a car or in.
  • Cheap models of telescopic poles may eventually begin to fold on their own while walking.

Solid (fixed length)- pole shaft of fixed length. Their features:

  • Professional equipment for full-fledged Nordic Walking classes;
  • Maximum absorption of vibration;
  • Durable and reliable design;
  • Among other things being equal, they are more expensive than telescopic poles.

The length of solid poles starts at about 100 cm and reaches 130 cm. The gaps are 5 cm. Solid poles are often lighter than sliding poles and are strong in themselves.

If you decide to seriously engage in Nordic walking, then it is best to abandon telescopic poles.
If compactness is important to you, then special trekking poles are ideal for traveling and moving around the terrain, but not for Nordic walking.

Important: An incorrectly selected length of poles will negatively affect your truancy. Pain in the back, neck, and knees will begin to appear. The table and formula for calculating the correct length of sticks is below.

Shaft (trunk) material

Today, three materials are used for Scandinavian poles - aluminum, composite materials (fiberglass) and carbon fiber (carbon).

The “worst” poles for Nordic walking are made of aluminum. They are the worst at restraining vibration during walking, and over time, long walks can cause pain in the elbow joints. Pure aluminum poles are rare on the market these days, however, know that it is better to buy the cheapest composite material than the cheaper pure aluminum alternative.

Specialized poles for Norwegian walking most often consist of an alloy of composite materials or aluminum alloys (7075 and 6061). 7075 aluminum alloy is considered one of the most durable, but cannot be welded, so bicycle frames are not made from it, but it is just right for Scandinavian poles.

Depending on the percentage of each component, the price and quality indicator of the model vary. The most expensive ones are carbon poles; with them, Nordic walking classes will be a pleasure!

Carbon is a material made from interwoven threads of carbon fiber. Steel is stronger and tougher, but at the same time lighter!

The higher the carbon content in the final alloy, the better it will absorb vibrations while driving. In the store, make sure that the structure does not spring - cheap (less than 1,500 rubles) telescopic poles most often suffer from this problem.


An ergonomic design is a must, or simply, a comfortable hand position, easy grip and no discomfort. Hold the sticks in your hands for 3-4 minutes to feel the handle.

Stick handle with glove (lanyard)

The material of a high-quality handle is balsa wood, for cheaper models they use balsa wood with rubberized inserts, the most budget options are pure rubber or plastic.

Good poles should have the ability to replace the handle!

Lanyard (bauble, strap)

The lanyard in Scandinavian sticks is the same glove - a belt that is fastened on the hand.

Before purchasing please check:

  • Is the strap adjustable to fit hand sizes?
  • Velcro fastener;
  • Possibility of quick removal of the fastener. Very often you need to quickly free your hand in order, for example, to answer a phone call, and an unthought-out design of the clasp will take up valuable time.
  • The glove should not restrain your hand while walking. At the moment of any movement, the hand should hold the stick freely;

The strap performs a number of functions. The main thing is to bring the stick to its original position after pushing off. With the help of a lanyard, the most rational movement of the stick is achieved, pressure on the cervical region and muscle joints is reduced.


No matter how banal everything described above may seem to you. After all, the average weight of a stick is 180-200 grams, so what kind of pressure on the cervical regions can we talk about? But, if you pick up ordinary sticks and walk every day for 40 minutes, and even on asphalt - after two weeks of discomfort in your neck and pain in your elbow joints, you will remember our words!

Many manufacturers produce several options for lanyards in size - choose the most comfortable one.

Tip and rubber pad (shoe)

A rigid metal tip (spike) with jagged edges allows you to walk freely on the ground and snow and ensures a strong grip of the poles with the surface. In principle, there are no special characteristics and all specialized models of Nordic walking poles have standard, pointed tips. The material of production and the presence of additional teeth may vary, but in general, this does not affect the cost of the set and the quality of the lessons themselves.

Some models of poles have a ground ring above the tip to prevent the pole from going deep into the ground or snow (similar to skiing).

If you do Nordic walking on asphalt, be sure to check that the kit includes a rubber pad for the tip. This is the so-called “shoe”.

It is needed to smooth out shock vibrations when walking on asphalt, to give softness to movements, such as walking on the ground or snow.

During intensive walks, the pads wear out after 3-4 months, but don’t worry, sports stores always have spare “shoes” in stock. When choosing spare linings, give preference to models with harder rubber; if there is tread, like on car tires, then this is a plus.

For walking and running, it is important to have the right shoes that are light, comfortable and at the same time ergonomic. Good shoes allow you to walk for a long time without straining the ankle joint and calf muscles. We advise you to read our publication about choice. Take care of your feet!

Nordic walking pole size chart

To determine the required length, use the formula:

Your Height in centimeters x 0.68
Example: 172 cm x 0.68 = 121 cm

Those who prefer a slow pace of movement and older people should use correction factor 0.66.

Use the data from this table:

When practicing Nordic walking, we recommend wearing. Using any cardiac monitor, you can quickly determine the speed of contraction of the heart muscle and understand whether it is active enough or not. Exercising at an optimal heart rate (80-100 beats per minute) helps burn fat and creates a balanced load on the cardiovascular system.

Checking the correct length

Take the sticks in your hands and place the tips on the ground, near your toes. If in this position the angle at the elbows is 90 degrees, then you have chosen the length exactly and it fully matches your physique.

Popular manufacturers and brands

When choosing equipment for Nordic walking, pay attention to well-known brands that produce the best equipment for this sport.

We checked all the manufacturers available on the Russian market and sorted them by the frequency of search requests from visitors in Yandex, resulting in the following summary table:

A dozen lesser-known Chinese companies are not included in this table. As you understand, the quality of tourist goods from China is not at the highest level and therefore we do not recommend buying the cheapest Chinese walking poles.

A German brand that produces excellent Finnish walking sticks - Spin Speed ​​Lock, Traveler.

The sports equipment manufacturing company was founded back in 1948 and over half a century has established itself as a manufacturer of quality goods in different price segments.

Country of foundation and production - Switzerland/Italy. But what’s interesting is that the company was founded in 1998 by the USSR Master of Sports in cross-country skiing, Tauf Khamitov.
Specialization: ski poles and accessories for Nordic and trekking walking.

On the official website, active athletes are given a 20% discount on the entire range of products. You only need to submit supporting documents - a certificate from the sports school, finishing protocols or a record book.

Some of the best poles for Nordic walking come directly from the birthplace of this sport - Finland.

The price segment is shifted towards the more expensive side, but what quality!

A popular Taiwanese brand occupying a leading position in the low price segment. Large selection of telescopic poles.

This campaign, like Ecos, comes from Southeast Asia. The prices are average, but the quality of the goods is the same. For beginners in Nordic walking, inexpensive models from this manufacturer are suitable, and when you feel that this activity is to your liking, you can take a closer look at higher quality specimens.

Prices for Nordic walking poles

Below we have collected for you some of the most popular models with prices and characteristics.

As can be seen from the table, the price of poles is primarily influenced by the material used, and then by the build quality of the handle, lanyard, etc.

Nordic walking has recently become increasingly popular as an independent form of fitness. This is an excellent option for those who seek to develop their body using a comprehensive method that simultaneously covers legs, arms, abs, back and muscles. To start classes, you will need special equipment - sticks. And so that everyone can choose the right model for themselves, we have compiled a rating of the best poles for Nordic walking.

The main element of Nordic walking is special structures in the form of poles; they help to properly distribute the load, relieve weight pressure on the spine and knees, and improve coordination of movements.

How to choose

There are several selection criteria that you need to rely on when purchasing Scandinavian poles:

  • Height. The taller the athlete, the greater the load the poles must take on, therefore, accordingly, for a tall person the poles should be long. Short rods are also suitable for short people.
  • Shaft. For most buyers, a shaft that uses fiberglass and carbon is suitable. It has a decent balance in weight, strength and elasticity. For training on snow, poles with aluminum shafts are better suited.
  • Type. Telescopic Nordic poles are not very reliable and are dangerous. These are sliding structures, if accidentally closed, a not very pleasant and painful situation can occur, and at the joints on the product there is a risk of breakage. It is safer to purchase monolithic or fixed-length models; they are more reliable and durable.
  • Tips. To walk on loose soil, it is better to purchase tips in the form of spikes; for hard surfaces, carbide tips are more suitable. The main task of the tip is to provide strong adhesion to the soil on which training will take place.

More information on how to choose a device:

By price

  • The most expensive models will be carbon fiber; the more of this material is used, the higher the cost of the product. Average price from 5 thousand rubles.
  • Budget ones are characterized by the absence of replaceable tips and cost in the range of 1-2 thousand rubles.
  • Basic models for the mass consumer with standard functionality will cost up to 4 thousand rubles.
  • A level higher in cost are professional Scandinavian designs; they must be of very high quality and suitable for frequent use, so their production uses durable and high-quality carbon fiber and other materials that meet these criteria. As a rule, they are sold with replaceable nozzles at a price of 5 thousand rubles.
  • The cost of exclusive models from world brands starts from 10 thousand rubles.


  1. Fixed ones are monolithic one-section devices in which the length cannot be adjusted, that is, they cannot be adjusted to suit growth.
  2. Telescopic - sliding structures that are made of aluminum alloy and can be adjusted to different length parameters. They are generally cheaper than fixed ones and are more suitable for beginners.


The choice of stick length depends on the person’s height. If the user's height is between 180-200 cm, then the stick should be 130-140 cm. For people whose height is below 175 cm, it is better to choose a stick with a length of no more than 125 cm. For classes in fitness groups, you need to add another 5 cm to the selected length, for professional training – 10 cm.

HeightGroup healthFitness groupSports group
150 110 110-115 110-120
160 115 115-120 115-125
170 120 120-125 120-130
175 125 125-130 125-135
180 130 130-135 130-140
190 135 135-140 135-145

The appropriate weight of a structure cannot be determined by standards. It all depends on individual preferences for comfort and training effectiveness. The ideal approach is a stick whose weight is barely felt, because the heavier it is, the more difficult the activity will be.

In terms of elasticity, the structure should not vibrate in the hand and be difficult to push off. You can check this by taking a few quick steps.

Which company is better

The best manufacturers of Nordic walking equipment pay special attention to the quality of their products, which is why they are very popular among users.

  • Leki. The brand from Germany is focused on producing good products in a wide price range.
  • KV+. The company has established itself well thanks to high Swiss quality products. Main focus: ski poles and accessories for Nordic and trekking walking. For professional athletes, there is a discount on all products provided they have supporting documents.
  • Excel. A Finnish brand focused on producing premium products, therefore the prices for the models are higher than market prices, however, according to user reviews, the cost is quite justified.
  • Ecos. Popular models of the Taiwanese manufacturer occupy leading positions in the market of affordable products. They feature a wide range of telescopic poles.
  • Ergoforce. Another brand from Taiwan, focused on the budget segment in the production of Nordic walking equipment. The product is in demand among beginners.

Rating of quality Nordic walking poles

Finpole NERO 100% Fiberglass

Fixed models with very durable fiberglass composition. They have a comfortable ergonomic handle and a half-glove lanyard. The thoughtful rubberized texture of the handle is ideal for sports at any time of the year; in winter, the material will maintain a comfortable temperature for the body, and in summer, the device will not slip out of sweaty palms.

Price - 1150 rub.

Finpole NERO 100% Fiberglass


  • Ease;
  • lanyard - half-glove;
  • rubberized handle;
  • Suitable for people of all ages.


  • There is no possibility of adjusting the length according to height.

Vinson / Vinson Plus

Telescopic two-section poles with plastic or cork handles. The soft lanyard and anti-shock absorber make this model an ideal choice for starting Nordic walking lessons. When choosing the Vinson Plus modification, the buyer receives poles with a cork handle and rubber inserts, which help prevent slipping and make the design even more reliable and convenient to use.

Price – 1400 rub.

Vinson / Vinson Plus


  • The presence of a shock absorber;
  • convenient adjustable lanyard;
  • produced according to TUV quality standard;
  • budget cost;
  • high strength;
  • Adjustable for heights up to 135 cm.


  • If handled carelessly, there is a possibility of breakage of the clamps;
  • They are more designed for beginners, so they are not suitable for frequent use.

More details about these sticks in the video:

Very high quality, reliable and easy to use telescopic poles. Lightweight aluminum is used in production, which contributes to a long service life. The lanyard-trap is designed for excellent fixation of the hand, making walking more comfortable. The ergonomic cork handle absorbs excess moisture in hot weather and keeps you warm in cold weather.

Price: 2200 rub.


  • Cork handle;
  • a light weight;
  • convenient lanyard;
  • production according to ISO quality standard;
  • The kit includes all the necessary attachments.


  • If used for a long time, rattling and vibration may occur.

Device overview:

Ergo Pro 100% Carbon

Three-section telescopic very light models for orthopedic purposes. They are distinguished by increased reliability of fastenings between sections and quick-release lanyards. The sticks can be used on different surfaces.

Price – 4000 rub.

Ergo Pro 100% Carbon


  • Cork handles;
  • folds down conveniently for transportation;
  • lungs;
  • the anti-shock system helps smooth out shocks;
  • quick release tremlyak.


  • Risk of injury due to accidental folding.

ALPINA Carbon 60%

Excellent ratio: price - quality, suitable for people of different ages, experience and weighing up to 120 kg. The high carbon content in these telescopic structures gives the poles excellent running properties. The lanyard is comfortable, and the tips are suitable for walking both on asphalt and crushed stone, and on frozen and icy soils. Equipped with a removable soil ring that prevents the stick from falling into the ground or snow.

Price - 4200 rub.

ALPINA Carbon 60%


  • Ease;
  • use of natural materials in production;
  • wear resistance.


  • The latches may break if exposed to dirt, sand or water.

The peculiarity of these fixed structures is that they are made from ultra-light Diamond Carbon material, which increases the durability of the structure and makes their use as comfortable as possible in any conditions; the technology has no analogues and is an innovative development of the brand.

Price – 5900 rub.

One Way TeamFinlandPRO 60% Carbon


  • Ease;
  • adaptable lanyard;
  • natural cork handle;
  • serrated tip shape;
  • length 105-135 cm.


  • There is no possibility of length adjustment.

KV+Adula 80% Carbon

This model of telescopic devices is distinguished primarily by practicality and compactness; when folded, the length of the structure is only 63 cm, which is a significant advantage when transporting. In addition, the brand has equipped its products with one of the most convenient types of lanyards - a quick-release half-glove that fits comfortably and tightly to the hand.

Price - 6800 rub.

KV+Adula 80% Carbon


  • 80% carbon composition;
  • natural cork handle;
  • lanyard fastener with Velcro;
  • Ideal for training in different terrain conditions.


  • They are dangerous if folded accidentally.

Video review of poles:

One of the most popular models of three-section telescopic structures for Nordic walking. In it, manufacturers were able to successfully achieve the ideal combination of quality, design and functionality. The ergonomic handle made of natural cork material fits comfortably in the hand, and the ability to adjust the lanyard allows for maximum comfort. Another feature of this model is reflective elements, which increase the level of safety for activities in the dark.

Price — 12500 rub.

Leki Smart Traveler (Carbon 100%)


  • Optimized balance through a combination of ultra-light aluminum and carbon fiber;
  • optimal weight distribution between all parts of the structure;
  • good grip on any type of soil thanks to well-designed tips;
  • SLS system guarantees faster length adjustment

Correctly selected length and material of Nordic walking poles will make the exercises more effective, fun and comfortable.

Exercising outdoors has a beneficial effect on human health, promotes weight loss, and strengthens the immune system. Exercising in a park or forest will help you relax, get rid of stress, and feel a surge of strength and energy. Nordic walking with poles is a sporting type of walking that can be practiced in nature, combining a pleasant walk with useful physical activity.

Walking with poles will help you effectively train all muscle groups. It is considered an excellent alternative to regular walking or running, as it forces not only the muscles of the legs to work, but also the muscles of the back, shoulders, abdomen, neck, and arms. At the same time, walking makes it possible to relieve the load from the spine; during training, it is transferred to special sticks. This feature is very important for people suffering from spinal diseases: radiculitis, osteochondrosis and others.

Nordic walking will be useful for older and overweight people. It allows you to get a full anaerobic load, without putting any strain on the knee joints. The most important equipment for Nordic walking is poles, the choice of which must be taken with full responsibility.

When choosing poles for walking, first of all you need to pay attention to their length. Too long or short poles will become a big hindrance during exercise, or even make it impossible to carry it out.

The length of Scandinavian poles is calculated using a formula in which height must be multiplied by 0.68. The resulting value corresponds to the recommended pole length; for accuracy it should be rounded, but not by more than 5 units.

Walking poles are either fixed or telescopic.

Telescopic Can be adjusted in height depending on the terrain or user height. These poles fold down to a compact size and can be easily transported in a sports or travel bag. They are equipped with a reliable lock that can withstand loads without losing the lock.

Folding poles will be a good guest option; if necessary, they can be given for temporary use to friends, relatives or acquaintances who want to try themselves in this sport. Telescopic poles usually have 2-3 sections, but poles with a large number of folds have also appeared on sale. It is worth considering that the fewer sections there are in a stick, the more reliable and durable it is.

Telescopic poles are suitable for beginners who have not yet mastered the technique and have not decided on a comfortable length of equipment. Experienced users may also find the folding design useful due to its compact size. The ability to adjust their height allows you to practice your favorite sports on any terrain, transport them over long distances, or take them with you on vacation.

Fixed poles will be good for experienced users who conduct classes close to home on homogeneous terrain, for example, on paths in a park. The length of the fixed poles remains unchanged, so they need to be selected exactly according to height. Their design is simple, which means they are reliable and durable.

Which material is better?

Nordic walking poles are made from a variety of lightweight materials. The cheapest options are made from aluminum, and the more expensive ones from composite materials: fiberglass, carbon fiber, carbon fiber.

Rods made of aluminum alloy are suitable for use by beginners and amateurs; they are quite lightweight and have proven themselves well during operation. For long-term loads and professional use, it is better to give preference to more expensive poles with carbon fiber rods. They are lighter in weight and spring better.

It is the shaft of the stick that absorbs most of the shock load during Nordic walking, helping the athlete walk. The higher the carbon content in the shaft of the stick, the stronger and stiffer it will be. A full carbon rod is quite expensive, so it is used only for complex exercises with running and increased load.

The handles of Nordic walking poles should be thin and easily fit in the palm of your hand. The handle can be made of plastic, cork or rubber.

Plastic handles do not absorb moisture and after a while they become wet and slippery, causing them to slip out of the palm. They are also quite tough.

Cork handles are more optimal; unlike plastic handles, they absorb sweat well, and they are also natural and pleasant to the touch. But the cork is short-lived and over time can lose its appearance and peel off.

Rubber handles are the most optimal, they absorb sweat well, are durable, elastic and absolutely non-slippery. Professional pole models are usually equipped with such handles.

The handle must be equipped with a lanyard - a special fastening for the hand, which allows you to return the stick back to your palm when walking when you release it. On inexpensive models, the lanyards are made in the form of a loop and are not very comfortable when walking. It is best for the lanyard to be in the form of a fingerless glove, easy to remove and pleasant to the touch. The lanyard allows you to perform the technique correctly and securely fix your hand on the handle.

Good walking poles should be equipped with two types of tips: a metal spike and an attachment for walking on asphalt. The asphalt tip is made of soft rubber and is necessary to reduce vibration.

Metal tips must be made of durable materials, because they bear the entire brunt of the load while walking.

Expert advice! Before purchasing walking poles, you should try out several different models. You should not make a purchase without walking experience. After several training sessions, you will understand which characteristics are most important to you, feel the difference and select the most comfortable option that meets your individual requirements.

It is believed that the history of Nordic walking began with professional skiers from Finland, who used ordinary ski poles for training in the summer. By the onset of the winter season, this significantly increased the effectiveness of training, and athletes had high ratings in competitions. Over time, walking gradually gained popularity in the world, and in 1997, Mark Kantan received a patent for the “original Nordic walking”, published a manual on walking methods, and also modified the design of the equipment itself.

This sport uses ninety percent of the muscle structure, allows you to keep the body in excellent shape and helps reduce weight.

Almost everyone can exercise, even people who are prohibited from jogging. The undeniable advantage of walking is always its simplicity. You only need to figure out once how to choose the right poles for Nordic walking; you immediately need to purchase the ideal ones and start a trial training session.

First, let’s find out the structural features of the stick. It has four components - the main rod of the shaft, the lanyard strap, the protective tip and the fixing handle. Each of these parts can affect the effectiveness of the exercises performed, much depends on the material of manufacture.

Despite the lack of strict requirements for sports equipment, we have some important tips on how to choose Nordic walking poles (in particular, extendable ones).

  1. The main rule is safety in use. Structurally, they are divided into fixed (solid) and telescopic (collapsible) types. Solid poles are more reliable and less dangerous, making it convenient to practice on flat surfaces. Collapsible ones will allow you to individually adjust the height to suit a person’s height and the load used, they are convenient to transport and use when traveling, and they have an affordable price. However, the locking mechanisms of folding models can break and collapse at the most unexpected moment, causing serious injury.
  2. The poles should be stiff and light. Rigidity is provided by the material from which the core of the equipment is made. Nowadays there are shafts made of aluminum, carbon or fiberglass.
  3. Aluminum products are the lightest, but practically do not absorb vibration when in contact with the ground. Carbon tools are durable, fairly light in weight, and dampen vibration well. When considering the characteristics of carbon, you need to take into account the level of carbon content, the recommended level is from fifty percent. Fiberglass poles are very light and absorb vibration well. But their drawback is fragility.
  4. The handle should be as comfortable as possible. The handle of any stick is usually small in size and has a specially designed shape. The main feature is the material of manufacture, which includes plastic, cork, and rubber.
  5. Plastic is the least desirable material because it does not absorb moisture, making the surface slippery and uncomfortable. Cork is good because it is a natural moisture-absorbing material, however, it is susceptible to high humidity and can deteriorate with prolonged exposure and is prone to abrasion. Experts recommend using rubber, as the handles made from it are strong, non-slip and comfortable to use.
  6. A comfortable lanyard must be present. This is a stick fixation system, which is a strap around the wrist that returns the stick to the palm when accidentally released. Lanyards vary in size and fixation adjustment mechanism.
  7. Having quality tips is important. Usually the standard pole kit includes a metal one, as it is strong and reliable. For walking on asphalt and other surfaces where it is undesirable to use metal tips due to slipping, the kit should include spare removable ones. They come in rubber or plastic.

What to pay attention to for children and pensioners

For older people, you should be extremely careful not only in choosing equipment, but also in your activities. Prior consultation with a physician is strongly recommended. However, this sport still has no serious contraindications, other than diseases that require bed rest; and partly obesity and cardiovascular disease. But it’s worth paying attention to the intensity of the load.

Such poles help children develop good coordination of movements with a sense of balance. Great for helping normalize posture! But first, the child, of course, must grow enough so that a suitable stick can be selected for him. And now let's see how to choose them correctly according to human height.

Selection table by height

A particularly important aspect in choosing a Nordic walking pole is how to choose its size depending on your height. This is necessary for quality training; the correct redistribution of loads on the entire body depends on the size of the stick. If it is short, then the spine and back muscles of the legs will suffer first, while a long one will not allow you to take the correct position in movement.

To ensure the optimal length of Scandinavian walking poles, how to choose, a table prepared by experts in this field will help you; with its help you can easily calculate the appropriate length, height and size.

Here, for example, is its simplest version, depending on a person’s height. It should be noted that the option of lightweight walking is taken into account here. If you are planning a slightly increased load, you can “throw” yourself 3-5 centimeters of height.

However, we should not forget that each person has his own physiological characteristics, which are not taken into account by mathematical calculations. The main recommendation here would be actual fitting on site. You need to take a stick, place the tip on the toe of your foot; If the elbow of the hand that holds the tool is bent ninety degrees, you can determine that the stick fits perfectly.

In the future, if walking is easy and pleasant, then you have determined everything correctly. Discomfort, pain in the lower back, and similar alarming symptoms indicate the opposite and you should try poles of a slightly different size, even if they were selected entirely according to the table and other tips above.


As for manufacturers of equipment for Nordic walking, there are several main companies.

  • The most popular brand is the German Leki, famous for its reliability and wide selection of equipment.
  • The Swiss company K+ offers products at affordable prices, while maintaining high quality.
  • Finnish Exel belongs to the premium segment with appropriate characteristics.
  • There is also a well-established brand “Splav” on the Russian market, represented by reliable and affordable models.


We hope that after reading the basic information in this article, you have learned which poles are best for Nordic walking and will definitely try this simple, but interesting and useful sport.
