Indications and contraindications for Nordic walking with sticks. The benefits and harms of Nordic walking with sticks

Nordic walking is a great opportunity to support yourself without the use of expensive equipment and simulators. Such walking first took shape as an independent trend in fitness in Sweden, which is why it got its name. This type of walking is also called, or walking.

Walking with special sticks is ideal for people, as well as those who have knee problems, but physical activity is indicated. Swedish walking provides long-term uniform load on 90% of the muscles, allows you to effectively and.

Swedish walking technique

Walking with sticks differs from skiing by low speed and nuances of execution technique. Thanks to the use of sticks, this one allows you to work with the shoulder girdle, the muscles of the arms and back, and, of course, the legs. However, to feel the effect of you have to walk right.

So, Swedish walking with sticks: execution technique:

  • Waves of the hand and steps of the same foot must be synchronized.
  • While walking, do not stretch your arms too much forward. It is better if the stick is slightly tilted in your direction.
  • Necessary keep up a vigorous pace and take springy steps.
  • First you need to stand on the heel, then on the toe. In this case, the correct load on and is provided.
  • It is necessary to choose the right Swedish walking poles: they must have special straps and a suitable length.
  • During Swedish walking, you need to push off with sticks with sufficient effort.
  • It is necessary that, along with the legs and arms, the chest, shoulders and hips are in motion.

The benefits of Swedish walking

Walking with sticks provides a constant, but not excessive load, which allows you not to overload the body with training. Such fitness has practically no, but only solid advantages:

  • Allows you to burn almost 50 calories more than regular.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • Enlarges the body.
  • Allows you to train 90% without harm to health.
  • Helps to return to a full life for people suffering from injuries and damage to the musculoskeletal system.
  • Walking with sticks strengthens the immune system.

What else should be said about Swedish walking: the benefit of this direction is that the knees are subjected to minimal stress. This is especially true for older people and those who are not recommended for serious physical activity.

With the right approach, Swedish walking can also improve health. As a rule, this type of fitness is done outdoors, which also increases the benefits of physical activity. In addition, Swedish walking is kind of meditation, because it allows you to calm the mind and pacify thoughts.

Choosing walking sticks

So, Nordic walking poles: how to choose? We will bring this equipment so that classes bring not only pleasure, but also maximum benefit. Note that sticks of the wrong length also increase the back, which is quite dangerous and can lead to injuries and pain.

  • Remember that you need to choose not just, but shorter gear made of aluminum or lightweight carbon fiber. There are models with a fixed length, but we recommend that you pay attention to telescopic equipment with adjustable rates.
  • Correctly for walking, a simple formula will help: the height of a person should be multiplied by 0.66.
  • Walking sticks have special straps on the handles, which helps to avoid the appearance of blisters. Also, the equipment has a special spike at the bottom of the structure, which helps to train without problems.

Nordic walking has become popular in our area not so long ago. But over time, more and more people are interested in it. This type of activity actually has a lot of benefits and a minimum number of contraindications. However, even in this case, certain risks are present, so it is worth exploring them too. If you decide to engage in such an activity as Nordic walking, the indications and contraindications for which raise questions for many, you should figure out how this activity affects the body.

Nordic walking with sticks, contraindications and indications for which will be discussed later, is also called northern, Finnish, Swedish and Nordic. It appeared in the first half of the last century as a way of training for skiers. Finnish athletes, who are forced to train for half a year without snow, found a way out and began to imitate the movements of biathletes, giving a load to those muscles that are also involved in cross-country skiing.

This experiment turned out to be successful. The experience of Scandinavian athletes was adopted by skiers from other parts of the world. Scientists, who could not fail to note the good physical shape of biathletes, began to use Finnish walking, as a method of rehabilitation after operations. Since the results were positive, in medicine Nordic walking has become a popular way of healing. It is used to improve the condition of the body, keep it in good shape, as well as to gain the desired physical shape.

Who benefits from Nordic walking: main indications

Nordic walking with sticks, the benefits and contraindications of which are topical issues, has an effect on the body quite a strong influence. In particular, it affects the state of the musculoskeletal system. According to experts, walking with Scandinavian sticks has the following indications:

  • Diabetes;
  • The presence of cardiopathologies (including people who have had a heart attack);
  • Risk group for diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • orthopedic problems;
  • Disability, movement problems;
  • Rehabilitation, including after a stroke;
  • Balance disorders;
  • Overweight;
  • Pregnancy.

Those who suffer from osteoporosis and are also at risk for recurrent fractures may consider Nordic walking as part of their rehabilitation therapy and treatment.

Therapeutic effect

Nordic walking, which has numerous indications, has a positive effect on musculoskeletal system. When doing this sport, about 90% of the muscles are activated. The therapeutic effect of Nordic walking is as follows:

  • Correction and correction of posture;
  • Reduction and removal of pain in various parts of the spine;
  • Increased bone density;
  • Strengthening the muscles of the abdomen, back, buttocks, thighs;
  • Leg training, reducing the load on the knee joints;

Nordic walking has a positive effect on cardiovascular system. This type of activity helps to increase the heart rate, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, break down cholesterol, and improve the blood supply to the brain.

For respiratory system the benefits are also obvious. Nordic walking is a great way to increase lung capacity and saturate the body with oxygen. It can be a good alternative to running if it is contraindicated.

Nordic walking outperforms other types of walking in burning calories. It allows you to speed up the metabolism, so it is indicated for those who suffer from excess weight.

Nordic walking also has a positive effect on the nervous system, improves mood and helps fight depression. By replacing drugs with physical activity, you can forget about stress and negative emotions.

Nordic walking for the elderly

Swedish walking with sticks, contraindications for which we will discuss later, especially recommended for older people because it has a positive effect on their overall health. Among the advantages of this type of activity, low physical activity and the absence of exercises that would be difficult for older people to perform stand out.

With the aging of the body, the coordination of movements in a person decreases, and in Nordic walking, the movements are as natural as possible. At the same time, a special level of training is not needed to start classes, and the intensity of the loads can be adjusted depending on the characteristics of the body, its general condition, endurance, and so on.

is a safe and effective way to keep the body in good shape, slow down the aging process and improve physical and psychological condition.

If an elderly person belongs to some risk group, you first need to make sure that there are no contraindications for Nordic walking, and consult with a specialist, and only after starting classes

Who is Nordic walking contraindicated for?

Despite the fact that there are not so many contraindications for this type of activity, you need to find out who Nordic walking with sticks is contraindicated for, not to hurt yourself. The following contraindications are distinguished for Nordic walking with sticks:

  • Long break from training. In this situation, it is recommended to undergo an examination beforehand.
  • Hand and shoulder injuries. Not always active work of the muscles of the shoulder girdle can be useful. In the presence of a fresh injury, activity can aggravate the situation.
  • Flat feet.
  • Decompensated respiratory or heart failure.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Recent abdominal surgery.
  • Acute pain syndromes.
  • Inflammatory or degenerative processes of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Infections and diseases in which the temperature is elevated.
  • Anemia.
  • coronary insufficiency.
  • Extended deformities and degenerative changes in the joints of the lower extremities and spine.

Canadian walking with sticks, to which we have already considered contraindications, often becomes dangerous for other reasons, namely, if certain rules are violated, which increase the risk of injury. Mistakes can also lead to pain. The most common errors in this case are as follows:

  • Excessively long strides. Wanting to develop maximum speed, a person stretches his leg. As a result, the load on the tibial muscle increases.
  • Incorrect work of the upper limbs. Namely, a fixed position of the hands close to the body or movements without bending the elbow joints.
  • Incorrect foot placement. The foot should push off the surface.
  • Wrong shoes. Inappropriate shoes can also lead to safety violations. It is important that it is comfortable and suitable for this type of activity.

Video "10 main mistakes in the technique of Nordic walking"

Taking into account the indications and contraindications of Nordic walking with sticks, the reviews from which are mostly positive, you can use this activity to get the most out of it. This is a safe, simple and effective way to improve your figure and health.

Over the past decade, on the streets of cities and towns, you can meet groups of people walking proudly with sticks that are very reminiscent of ski poles. In this case, we are talking about a unique sport - Nordic walking (also called Nordic or Finnish).

Although this sporting direction is relatively new, the number of its fans is increasing at an enviable rate.

Is Nordic Walking Good or Bad?

This young sport does not require significant financial costs, such as when visiting a fitness club. Practical classes are held outdoors, often in parks and squares. Shade from sprawling trees and clean air complement the healing effect, and birdsong helps to relax and move in the right rhythm.

Nordic walking is beneficial primarily for the elderly and overweight people. With an excess of kilograms, it is difficult to walk or run, and besides, physical activity creates an additional load on the knee joints, and can greatly harm your health.

From the outside, it may seem that the actions of "athletes" are quite simple and sometimes comical, but behind them lies a significant benefit for the whole organism.

Nordic Walk is traditionally used for skiers' summer training, as well as for body recovery after surgery and, of course, for maintaining the overall muscle tone of the body.

In the course of Finnish walking with sticks, muscle groups that do not work during normal walking are included in the work. To a greater extent, this applies to the muscles of the upper belt, arms and back. There are a number of other benefits as well:

  • Alignment of posture and removal of fatigue from the spine;
  • Improved coordination of movements;
  • Improving the functioning of internal organs (especially the lungs);
  • Normalization of the state of the cardiovascular system;
  • Reducing the load on the spinal column;
  • Elimination of the consequences of hypodynamia (lack of movement in everyday life);
  • Activation of metabolism, loss of excess weight and stabilization of sleep;
  • An hour of exercise burns almost twice as many calories as a regular walk.
  • Virtually no contraindications. Regardless of physical form, everyone can do it, from the elderly to teenagers and children.

For reference! There is an opinion that Nordic walking in the fresh air produces the effect of an antidepressant (equivalent to visiting a psychologist). But the main benefit is that, like any other aerobic exercise, walking with sticks reduces the level of cortisol in the blood (the stress hormone) and increases mental clarity by increasing blood circulation in the body's brain.

Correct movements are the key to success!

Although we covered a whole post with Scandinavian sticks, let's define the important points again:

  1. While walking, always put the foot on the heel, then smoothly transfer the weight to the toe (in a fast rhythm).
  2. One arm must be kept in a bent position and so pulled forward. Keep the stick at an angle.
  3. The second hand is retracted (keep at the level of the pelvis) and the stick hangs on a lanyard, the hand is in a relaxed state.
  4. During stops along the way, sticks should be used for additional stretching.

Movements should be rhythmic and natural, and with sticks we help to push off the ground. To help, we advise you to watch with a demonstration of movements from professional trainers.

Read more about the benefits and uses of Nordic Walking

According to medical research, Nordic walking is considered to be one of the best sports for weight loss. In the process of active training burns 46% more calories than regular walking, and energy consumption is about 400 kcal per hour of activity. Therefore, regular exercise will improve health and maintain a slim figure.

Unlike other physical activities (running, cycling), Nordic walking with sticks does not cause diseases of the lower extremities, since the ankle and joints are unloaded with the help of sticks. Nordic walking also outperforms running, its efficiency is less by 45%, and cycling - by 40%.

Is it possible to harm?

With the wrong movements and a low level of training, the body can be harmed. You should not try to go long distances in the first workouts - this will lead to excessive cardiac stress. Training should be regular, while you can gradually increase the pace and distance traveled. If there was a long period of time between classes, you should start with gentle walks.

If you feel weakness or the onset of an inflammatory process, stay at home and do not go out until the body has fully recovered. The sharp pains in the joints that have arisen after the start of the workout serve as an alarm signal. In such a situation, taking a break and waiting for the pain to stop is the best solution.

About the choice of equipment

With the wrong choice of sticks for Nordic walking, pain in the neck and elbows may occur. The likelihood of worsening posture, the appearance of additional problems with the spine increases.

It is very important to choose the right length and material, preferably carbon, which best absorbs the vibration from the impact of the tip of the stick with the asphalt.

Note! Before you start practicing Nordic walking, it is recommended to consult with your doctor and find out all possible contraindications for your body.

Benefits of Nordic Walking for Seniors

Nordic walking is a physical therapy. This method of movement is ideal for complex activities, the main task of which is to stimulate the vital functions of the human body. Therefore, Finnish walking is especially useful for older people.

What are the benefits for retirees and the elderly?

  1. Lowers the level of bad cholesterol;
  2. Normalizes blood pressure indicators;
  3. Increases immunity, which is especially important for seasonal diseases;
  4. Improves mobility and coordination;
  5. Speeds up the work of the brain;
  6. Reduces the risk of a heart attack and eliminates its consequences;
  7. Increases the sensitivity threshold for back pain.

Older people become more difficult to move and perform various exercises over time. But physical activity is especially important for them: without it, the basic functions of the body will begin to decline. Bone tissue in older people becomes more fragile and more susceptible to various injuries, so Nordic walking is recommended as the most optimal sport for pensioners.

Elderly people should independently adjust the walking time, based on their well-being.

When is exercise prohibited?

There are no strict contraindications to classes. On the contrary, Nordic walking is used as a recreational, therapeutic and rehabilitation sport that does not require exhausting specific training or high speed.

That is why classes can be afforded by people of all ages and with any level of physical development. You can train outdoors all year round.

Some points are still worth paying attention to. If you are in poor health, you should consult a doctor. He may prohibit exercising with the following diseases:

  • Heart failure;
  • Complications during pregnancy;
  • joint disease;
  • When undergoing surgery in the abdominal cavity (first 2 months);
  • Colds and SARS;
  • Serious diseases of the spine.

In the midst of infectious and viral diseases, classes are contraindicated. Intense exercise can lead to significant complications, so do not exercise until you improve your health.

Watch the video recording of the "Live Healthy" program, where doctors talk about the benefits of walking with Scandinavian sticks:

Reviews about the benefits of walking with Nordic poles

We collected comments from people practicing constant training. You can also describe how you feel about training below. We will definitely attach the most interesting reviews to the article.

The biggest benefit that Nordic walking has given me is the ability to constantly be in good physical shape. If earlier I walked maximum on weekends, since I was in the office all the working week, now I walk three times a week for an hour in the nearest park. And, to be honest, the state of health is simply indescribable, I have never had so much strength and energy!


I have been walking with sticks for over two years now. I bought myself equipment from the Exel company and I still go with them, I only change the tips from time to time. It all started with a desire to lose weight. I was advised such activity as the most optimal for weight loss. Of course, there were many more adjustments to my eating habits, but still, Nordic walking for a year helped me lose 15 kilograms of excess weight.



Training in nature is not only physical education, but also an opportunity to gather your thoughts in order to think and tune in to the harsh working days.

Almost all the advice about the benefits and disadvantages of Nordic Walk is standard and suitable for any other type of aerobic activity. It is necessary to exercise in moderation, regularly and in compliance with the correct movement technique. Toga you are provided with good health, vivacity and a huge boost of energy.

Many of us may be unhappy with our weight, health status. But at the same time, there is often no time or desire to spend free time in gyms, exhausting your body with complex workouts. You can choose to do something simpler, but which is not less effective.

This is Nordic walking with sticks, which allows you to maintain an active lifestyle, get rid of excess weight and prevent many diseases.

What is the effect of these activities?

Nordic walking with sticks originated in Finland, and in Scandinavia people became more and more interested in it. There is a global community for this sport, where professional instructors are trained. In order to start training, only special sports sticks are needed.

Thanks to such walking, you can get rid of excess weight in a short time. Just an hour of intense exercise - and you will lose up to 700 calories.

Walking with sticks is possible at any time of the year, regardless of the weather. You do not need to purchase any sports equipment, the main thing is to choose the right sticks.

The benefits of Nordic walking with sticks are great.

  • Almost all the muscles of the body are involved, so this is a great way to keep them in good shape.
  • If there is a problem of excess weight, then it can be solved in a short time.
  • Since the shoulders and hip joint receive a certain load, it can be relieved with the help of Nordic walking.
  • The spine is strengthened.
  • All body systems receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients along with the blood flow.
  • This activity is suitable not only for adults, but also for children whose body is not yet strong enough, who needs to develop the spine and joints.
  • You can take classes anywhere.

Varieties of walking

A special influence is exerted on the emotional state of a person, his nervous system.

Varieties of walking as a sport

Depending on the effect you want to achieve, there are several types of exercises:

In order for the lesson to bring only benefits, you need to perform the exercises without forcing yourself, but getting real pleasure from it. It is best to start from 15-20 minutes; for athletes, the load can be increased to an hour. Don't forget to practice regularly, at least a couple of days a week.

You need to remember what the correct walking technique is.

It contains several basic principles that you should definitely follow.

What mistakes can you make at the beginning of a workout?

Nordic walking with sticks is not such a difficult sport, but still some exercises are performed incorrectly. For example, arms and legs move in sync on each side. Do not press your elbows to the body while walking and spread your legs wide. You can not "drag" the sticks behind you, they are your assistants during the exercise.

We buy sports equipment

How to choose sticks? It is important to know the answer to this question, since apart from them, nothing else is required for Nordic walking.

There are several models of sticks, both with a fixed length and those that can be moved apart, thereby adjusting it. To calculate the parameter you need, you need to multiply your height by 0.68 - this will be the required length of the sticks.

Protection for skin from calluses if you go without gloves. Usually its size does not need to be changed, as it fits any hand.

If you plan to perform Nordic walking exercises with sticks within the city, you need to purchase special protective tips.

Are you new to the sport? Choose lightweight, one-piece models that are very light, but at the same time reliable. The material used to make them is carbon fiber.

Telescopic poles are convenient to transport, but they are not as durable, they last less time. Made from aluminium.

Contraindications to sports

Many are interested in whether Nordic walking with sticks brings any harm to the body? In fact, no, but there is a category of citizens who should refrain from this occupation.

These are people who have problems with blood pressure (hypotension or hypertension).

Those who have recently had a complex operation, and the attending physician strictly forbade any physical activity.

There is a respiratory disease characterized by elevated body temperature (flu, cold).


It has already been said above that the sticks have tips in the kit, or they need to be bought separately. If you plan to walk on a dirt road, it should be metal, and for asphalt - rubber. There are also tips for snow cover, so that even in winter there is an opportunity to perform exercises. Make sure that the handle is made of non-slip material.

Let's sum up a little. Nordic walking with sticks, if carried out correctly and regularly, has a positive effect on the state of the human body. No special equipment is required, ordinary ski poles can be used if carefully selected in terms of length and quality.

Classes can be carried out even for older people and those who cannot heavily burden the body. You can walk in the forest, around the city, in the mountains, which is very convenient.

Don't forget to exercise regularly. Set aside at least a couple of days a week when you can do Nordic walking exercises with sticks.

But it will be better if you find time to walk around the park or the city every day. Let it be only an hour or two, slowly, enjoying every movement, but the performance will be excellent. Stick to the technique described above, and the result will not be long in coming.

…Go. Scandinavian.

With your feet to reach happiness - perfect figure Nordic walking will help. This unusual sport originated in Finland in the middle of the last century and quickly conquered the countries of Scandinavia. Now it is rapidly gaining popularity with us.

The essence of Nordic walking- in successive movements of arms, legs, hips and the whole body using special sticks. It is the presence of sticks that distinguishes this sport from the so-called sports walking.

But let's move on to practice. The relative simplicity of the technique makes Nordic walking accessible to people of all ages, genders and fitness levels.

Nordic walking technique video

Nordic walking lesson with sticks will help you quickly understand the technique and the basic rules of this sport. Happy viewing.

Contraindications for health reasons

However, even such a gentle form of sports activities as Nordic walking with sticks has contraindications and can harm. In case of doubt, before starting classes, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Yes, classes are not shown at:

  • long break in workouts. In this case, you should first undergo a medical examination.
  • Injuries hands and shoulder joints. Thus, the active involvement of the muscles of the shoulder girdle also has disadvantages.
  • Flat feet.
  • Decompensated respiratory or heart failure.
  • Hypertension.
  • After abdominal surgery.
  • Acute pain syndromes.
  • Degenerative or inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system.
  • infections and diseases accompanied by an increase in temperature.
  • Anemia.
  • coronary insufficiency.
  • Extended deformities and degenerative changes in the spine and joints of the lower extremities.

As you can see, the list of contraindications for Nordic walking looks like pretty impressive, so contacting doctors for advice will not be superfluous.

Nordic walking - as simple as walking?

In addition, practice shows that frequent violations of the technique of performing walking exercises significantly increase injury risk this sport. Mistakes in Nordic walking can contribute to pain. Here are the most common errors:

  1. Too much long stride.Wishing to accelerate, we stretch the leg further, as a result of which the load on the tibial muscle increases.
  2. Wrong work upper extremities: the arms are held still and too close to the body, or the movements are carried out without flexion in the elbow joints.
  3. Wrong foot placement. There is no repulsion of the foot from the surface.
  4. bad shoes: too heavy, tight, old, hard.

Born to swim will not walk

Won't fit Nordic walking and people are quite healthy, but active and love variety. It's largely a matter of goals and preferences: maybe you find daily walking with sticks not too solid, or if your area does not boast a variety of exciting routes, or you need to lose weight as soon as possible.

In this case, you should pay attention to alternative weight loss methods. Namely:

  • comparable study of different muscle groups can provide - swimming.
  • lessons dancing guarantee the absence of boredom and a toned sexy figure.
  • classes in allow you to purposefully work with a specific part of the body.
  • sets of exercises in
In this way, nordic walking for all its attractiveness, it cannot be called a universal remedy for weight loss. It is available to many, but still has a number of serious medical contraindications which limits the possibilities for its application. Energetic individuals, as well as those who rely on quick results, should find more active types of activities for body shaping.

The material was prepared by order of the editors " Let's lose weight”, if you have any questions or doubts - ask in the comment box.
