Kefir diet queen reviews. Diet of Margarita Koroleva (9 days): reviews, menus, basic principles

When Nikolai Baskov decided to lose weight, he did not know where to start and which nutritionist to contact! Star friends came to the rescue, convincing him that the diet of the Queen would help. And here on the scales - minus 7 kg. for 2 months, and on the covers of magazines - a fit and stately singer. Everyone is now interested to know what this miraculous method is.

Margarita Koroleva is a well-known Moscow nutritionist. At the moment, she has her own clinic, which helps people become slimmer and gain health. They say that many pop stars turned to her, such as: Philip Kirkorov, Nadezhda Babkina, Vladimir Vinokur, Andrey Malakhov, Anita Tsoi. Today, the secrets of losing weight from a popular nutritionist are also known to us.


A family

The Queen began her medical career from the school bench when she decided to become a doctor. After school, her dream came true, she studied as a cardiologist at the Moscow Medical Institute.

Rita gave birth to her first child at the university. Difficult sessions, practice and couples did not let her lose shape, like many other women.

But the second birth did not go unnoticed. Having fairly gained kilograms, she once looked in the mirror. Extra roundness, which did not allow her to dress beautifully and look more attractive, made her feel ashamed.

Turning to her doctor husband for advice, Margarita heard that she was loved for who she is. The husband said that he would not allow her to exhaust herself with diets. Being overweight is not a problem, maybe it's genetics. It was these words that hooked the Queen.

By urgently loading herself with books on genetics and aesthetics, she took the first step towards her future.


Years of work, special courses in leading clinics of aesthetic medicine around the world, the study of thousands of female organisms, mountains of material read - and before us is the country's most famous nutritionist!

Margarita Koroleva is a doctor who has more than 40 diplomas, Ph.D. degrees in dietetics, physiotherapy, dermatology and mesotherapy. For 20 years she has been working in the field of aesthetic medicine and developing her own weight loss programs, such as the 9-day diet of Margarita Koroleva, the royal diet, fasting week.

The dietitian accepts, basically, quite well-known clients, selecting individual weight loss systems for them. Everyone can sign up with the Queen, but it should be borne in mind that all her working time for the next few months is already taken and scheduled by the minute. In addition, your weight loss program may contain quite expensive products and complicated recommendations for organizing a healthy lifestyle.


Margarita has written more than 50 works on aesthetic medicine. She often participates in television and radio programs with speeches about her programs and advice for all people. Rita Koroleva also wrote several books for those who want to lose weight:

  • « Rules for slender satiety". This book contains tips on how you can balance your diet so that you don't gain excess weight, but only speed up your metabolism. Margarita gives you the opportunity to create for yourself an individual weight loss program and a menu that will not put your body in a stressful state.
  • « The easy way to slim. Lose Weight Forever". From this book by the Queen, you can learn how not only to reduce weight in about a year, but also to keep it at this mark for many years. A lot of questions of the psychological side of losing weight are revealed.
  • « The secret of harmony” is an addition to the previous book. The queen will force you to give up diets by making proper nutrition a way of life.
  • " Nutrition Diary"Contains practical advice that will help you draw up an individual weight loss scheme (menu, sports, psychological training).

Interview with Margarita Koroleva: video


9 day diet

This technique is the most popular of the works of a nutritionist. It has been personally tested by Margarita and a thousand other women of different ages from all over the world and has many positive reviews. The most optimistic results of this diet are minus 10 kg. However, this nutrition system is not for those who decide to lose weight for no reason, without completely preparing the body for the stressful state that is caused by any food restrictions.

The diet is suitable for those who want to consolidate the already obtained result or for those who urgently need to lose weight in a short period of time (before a concert, filming, going out). The results will be visible already on the 2nd day.

This method of losing weight includes 3 different mono-diets.

Stage 1: 3 days - rice diet

This will help cleanse the body of unnecessary substances. The properties of rice include a quick enveloping of the stomach, which helps to satisfy the feeling of hunger. Rice does not contain salts that retain water in the body and destroy the walls of the stomach. With all this, this product is rich in vitamins of several groups. It helps to always be in a cheerful state, strengthens hair, teeth and nails, maintains a healthy complexion, positively affects the psychological state of a person, making you feel light and vitality.

The recipe is very simple. A glass of cereal soaked overnight is placed in boiling water and boiled over medium heat for 15 minutes. Cooked rice is divided into 6 parts, while one of them is made a little larger and eaten for breakfast (the first meal is considered the most important part of the diet, from which we are charged with strength for the whole day, so we can load it as much as possible). The rest is distributed another 5 times every 2-3 hours. This cooking method best preserves the beneficial properties of the product. It is also advised to use round or long-grain rice.

These days you should drink green tea and at least 2.5 liters of water. It is allowed to “sweeten the pill” with three spoons of honey separately from the rest of the food.

Stage 2: 3 days - chicken diet

Chicken has long been considered a dietary product - it contains almost no fat and is easily digested due to its collagen content. In addition, chicken meat is rich in many vitamins and amino acids, including iron, zinc, calcium and phosphorus. It is an unsurpassed source of protein. In general, these properties make it possible for chicken to replace pork, beef and other "heavy" meats.

It is necessary to eat no more than 1 kg per day. Chicken. It can be steamed or boiled. It is better to give the skin to pets, as it will not contribute to weight loss. As in the previous mono-diet, food is divided into 5-6 parts, which are consumed throughout the day.

We drink green tea and water again. And this time we do without honey.

Stage 3: 3 days - vegetable diet

Vegetables will allow you to finally cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, while replenishing the supply of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Vegetables contain a lot of fiber and substances that have a beneficial effect on the general condition of internal organs and the immune system. Moreover, a vegetable diet will charge you with energy and new strength.

The menu should consist of 1 kg. vegetables in raw or boiled (stewed, baked) form. Similarly, we divide 1 kg. for 5-6 meals throughout the day.

Again we drink water, tea and eat, if desired, 3 tablespoons of honey.

Unloading week

This express diet of Margarita Koroleva is intended for those who wish to achieve weight loss of 3-4 kg. for 4 days. A week is figurative. You need to follow this system periodically, if necessary, taking breaks in a couple of weeks.

So, the menu for the day: ¼ chicken; 1 cucumber; 100 g of cottage cheese; 1 potato; ½ l. fat-free kefir.

These products should be consumed at a certain time every day, alternating kefir and other food for 8 times (8:00 - kefir, 10:00 - cottage cheese, 12:00 - kefir, 14:00 - potatoes, etc.).

royal ration

Why royal? So it is called because of the play on words - either it is for kings, or it is from the Queen. Margarita has developed a special program for those who do not have the time or desire to stand at the stove and cook healthy food. Its essence lies in the fact that an individual menu is being developed for you, according to which the chefs of this project will cook. And the dishes will be delivered to your home at a certain time.

The menu consists not only of chicken, cottage cheese or vegetables. These are exquisite culinary masterpieces that may contain exotic fruits or expensive meats. You are given the opportunity to enjoy the finest aromas and great tastes of "royal" (and at the same time dietary) culinary masterpieces that are made just for you.

Having tried this program once, you understand that you really cannot cook this at home.

These diets receive the most positive reviews. They are harmless, so you can choose any of them for yourself: a 9-day diet, a fasting week, or a royal diet. But remember that when trying different nutrition systems, it is recommended to consult with a nutritionist.

How Nikolai Baskov lost weight: video

There is no way to get to Margarita Koroleva? There will be a way out.


This name is the medical center of aesthetics and beauty. Contrary to expectations, its owner is not Margarita. The hostess is the sister of the Queen - Rimma Moisenko, who, along with a relative, has become a successful Russian nutritionist.

The difference is that Margarita's programs are aimed at a more "golden" audience. Rimma's help is available to everyone. The sisters adhere to the same philosophical line, considering the diet as a healthy lifestyle. They consider psychology to be the key to losing weight, but they promote it in different ways.

Rimma Moisenko has developed a course of her own diets for weight loss. For example, one of them is designed for 10 days, during which every day you need to alternate protein and carbohydrate nutrition. On protein days, the menu consists of boiled eggs, chicken, salads. Vegetables and cereals (buckwheat or oatmeal) should predominate in carbohydrates. For 10 days, the result is guaranteed - minus 5 kg.

Rimma also recommends an active lifestyle for weight loss. She herself often goes on hikes or country trips with her family. Kayaking, climbing, spending the night in a tent - there is nothing better for a beneficial psychological mood, healthy well-being and burning calories.

To maintain a proper lifestyle, sisters Rimma and Rita advise following these rules:

  • Fractional nutrition. Little, but often - this is the motto that will lead to success in losing weight, according to Koroleva and Moisenko. Divide your menu into 5-6 meals every 2-3 hours - this will be the ideal daily routine. Provided that you need to eat every day at the same time.
  • A large amount of water - at least 2 liters. This contributes to the speedy metabolism and the removal of toxins from the body, so that they do not linger and do not clog the stomach. It is also important not to drink half an hour before meals and an hour after it. Margarita Koroleva came to this conclusion through experiments and research.
  • Less salt on the menu. Salt clogs the body, promoting the appearance of sores and retaining water in the body. It must be limited as much as possible, replacing at least with a natural, marine one.
  • Psychological methods - an individual approach to a person and the ways of his diet.
  • It is better to eat longer, stretching the meal. This method helps the body to get enough of less food for a longer time. In addition, with such nutrition, you are given the opportunity to really enjoy the taste of the dishes.
  • You should not endure and do not eat until the onset of brutal hunger. This will help you feel a sense of proportion. If you are hungry, then drink a glass of water. Often, hunger is confused with thirst, so the stomach gets extra calories. And the liquid in any case will muffle the appetite.
  • Never fight or yell near water or food. Negative energy falls on food, causing them to lose their vital properties and vitamins. There are separate scientific studies about the structure of water and food that prove the harm of negative factors on food.
  • Do not eat after 19:00. Even ancient philosophers determined that the body needs rest. 12 hours of eating, 12 hours of rest. The stomach needs time to process food, release beneficial enzymes and metabolism. In addition, in the late afternoon, the body loses its vitality and it is not easy for him to digest heavy nutrients.
  • Go in for sports. This is a great opportunity to help the body get rid of extra pounds. In addition, regular physical activity improves the psychological mood, gives lightness and relieves stress.
  • Use only healthy foods in your diet. The surest way to lose weight is less sweets, convenience foods and fast food.
  • In order not to torture yourself much, arrange one royal day (), for example, once a month.

What to eat to lose weight? Video

Already more than ten thousand women who have tried the tips and diets for weight loss from Margarita Koroleva were satisfied with the results. Why not give it a try too?

Margarita Koroleva - Candidate of Medical Sciences, dietitian, practicing and studying proper weight loss for over twenty years. Thanks to Margarita Koroleva, many show business stars, such as Andrey Malakhov, Tina Kandelaki, Anita Tsoi, Natasha Koroleva, Nadezhda Babkina and others, got rid of excess weight and acquired a slender, toned figure. The nine-day diet of Margarita Koroleva helps to lose weight by 5-10 kg, while cleansing the body, normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and strengthening the immune system.

Weight loss on the 9-day diet of Margarita Koroleva

The diet of Margarita Koroleva for 9 days helps to lose weight by 5-10 kilograms and consists of three alternating mono-diets.
Stages of Margarita Koroleva's diet for 9 days:

The first stage of Margarita Koroleva's diet is rice. Lasts 3 days. The shown daily norm of the product is 250 gr, which must be consumed in 4-5 meals. Rice porridge is very easy to prepare. In the evening, the cereal must be soaked in water and left to infuse overnight. In the morning, the cereal should be washed, poured with water in a ratio of 1: 2, simmered over low heat without salt for 15 minutes. At this stage, 2 teaspoons of natural honey are allowed in the diet menu.
Rice contains vitamins of groups B1, B2, B6, B3, PP, E, which have a positive effect on the nervous system, the condition of the skin, nails, and hair. Licithin improves brain activity.

Margarita Koroleva marked the rice stage of the diet as cleansing, unloading the digestive system and preparing the body for weight loss. In the first three days, you can lose 1-3 kg.

The second stage of Margarita Koroleva's diet is chicken. Lasts 3 days. The shown daily norm of the product is 1 kg, divided into 4-5 meals. Chicken must be consumed without skin and salt. Boiling, baking, stewing, cooking in a slow cooker, grilling, steaming poultry meat is allowed.

Chicken meat contains easily digestible protein, which is necessary for building bone tissue, building muscle mass. Poultry meat also contains vitamins C, E, A, phosphorus, zinc, iron, potassium, which enrich the body with useful vitamins and microelements.

With individual intolerance to chicken, it is allowed to replace it with a diet for lean fish (pike, bream, pike perch).

The second stage of Margarita Koroleva's diet is active fat burning. It is at this stage that the main weight loss occurs.

The third stage of weight loss according to Margarita Koroleva is vegetable. The final 3 days of the diet. The permissible daily norm of vegetables is 800 g, which must be consumed in 4-5 doses. Preference is given to green and white vegetables, such as: cabbage, onions, spinach, cucumbers, broccoli. It is a little less worth eating colored vegetables: tomatoes, beets, bell peppers, carrots. It is important to eat 300 g of raw vegetables per day, allowed as salads, seasoned with lemon juice. The remaining 500 g of vegetables can be consumed boiled, stewed, baked, steamed or grilled.

At this stage, according to Margarita Koroleva, the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins, enriched with useful vitamins and minerals, immunity is strengthened, metabolism is accelerated, and intestinal microflora is normalized.

Nutrition principles

Nutrition on the diet of Margarita Koroleva excludes starvation. You should eat fractionally, the entire allowable volume of food should be divided into 4-5 meals, so hunger is practically not noticeable. At the same time, the amount of food is sufficient to maintain good health, performance and prevent nervous disorders. The alternation of basic products every three days according to the diet of Margarita Koroleva will bring variety, so the diet of the diet will not have time to get bored at all. The last meal should be no later than 19:00.

It is important to observe the water balance, which affects the cleansing of the body, filling the cells with fluid, which contributes to weight loss. On the day you should drink 2-2.5 purified water without gas, but in between meals, it is forbidden to drink food. Green tea is allowed with a diet, but without additives (sugar, milk). It is recommended to drink most of the indicated rate of liquid in the morning and reduce to a minimum in the evening to avoid swelling. For the same purposes, the use of salt is prohibited during the diet of Margarita Koroleva. Spices are allowed (saffron, cumin, basil) that help speed up metabolism.

You can lose weight forever on the diet of Margarita Koroleva by observing the basic principles of nutrition throughout your life. Alternating three mono-diets in a row will allow not only to lose weight, but also to cleanse the body, change your eating behavior, and switch to proper nutrition. If necessary, you can repeat the nine-day diet, but not more than once every six months.

Grocery list

List of products for the diet of Margarita Koroleva:

  • Rice (mostly white, long grain);
  • Chicken (without skin);
  • Low-fat varieties of fish (hake, cod, bream, pike perch, pike);
  • Green and white vegetables in priority (cucumbers, onions, cabbage, zucchini, spinach, broccoli);
  • Colored vegetables in the diet should prevail in smaller quantities (carrots, beets, tomatoes, bell peppers);
  • Mushrooms;
  • Lettuce, greens (dill, parsley);
  • Spices (cumin, basil, thyme, saffron);
  • natural honey;
  • Green tea.

Menu for every day

Diet of Margarita Koroleva - menu for every day (breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner):
1 day:

  • Rice 70 g;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • Rice porridge 100 g;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • Boiled rice 80 g.

2 day:

  • Rice porridge on water 60 g;
  • 2 teaspoons of honey;
  • Rice 110 g;
  • Green tea;
  • Rice porridge 80 g

3 day:

  • Boiled rice 80 g;
  • Green tea;
  • Rice porridge 100 g;
  • 2 tsp honey;
  • Rice 70g.

Day 4:

  • Boiled chicken breast 200 g;
  • Chicken meat stewed in its own juice 200 g;
  • Grilled poultry fillet 200 g;
  • Poultry meat in a double boiler 200 g;
  • Steamed chicken breast 200 g

Day 5:

  • Chicken fillet in a double boiler 200 g;
  • Steamed chicken cutlets 200 g;
  • Grilled poultry fillet 200 g;
  • Baked poultry meat in the oven 200 g;
  • Steamed chicken schnitzel 200 g

Day 6:

  • Steamed chicken chops 200 g;
  • Baked poultry fillet 200 g;
  • Chicken meatballs in a slow cooker 200 g;
  • Boiled poultry meat 200 g;
  • Chicken rolls in a double boiler 200 g

Day 7:

  • Grilled zucchini, bell peppers and tomatoes 200 gr;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • White cabbage salad with onions seasoned with lemon juice 200 gr;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • Vegetable stew of carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers, onions and zucchini 300 gr.

Day 8:

  • Eggplant puree 200 gr;
  • Grated carrot salad 100 gr;
  • Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and onions, seasoned with lemon juice 250 gr;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • Baked zucchini with mushrooms and tomatoes 300 gr.

Day 9:

  • Grated beetroot salad 200 gr;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • Lean borsch from mushrooms, cabbage, onions, spinach, carrots 200 gr;
  • Spinach 50 gr;
  • Grilled vegetables: eggplant, zucchini, mushrooms, bell pepper 300 gr.

According to the diet of Margarita Koroleva, it is necessary to consume 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day. It is allowed to drink non-carbonated water or green tea without sugar. It is worth drinking liquid one hour before and after meals. It is advisable to drink most of the prescribed daily allowance in the morning to avoid swelling.

Right way out

The exit from the diet of Margarita Koroleva to maintain the achieved result of losing weight should be according to the following rules:

  • Breakfast is a must. Breakfast plays an important role in eating behavior. The first meal of the day kicks off your metabolism. Having a heavy meal in the morning, you can eat less for lunch and dinner, which will not lead to weight gain.
  • You have to eat mindfully. Margarita Koroleva recommends considering whether this product is good for the body or can only do harm before eating anything. Conscious nutrition is the key to a slim figure.
  • It is necessary to eat fractionally, at least 4-5 times a day. Lack of fasting will have a positive impact not only on well-being, but also on metabolism. You should eat every 3 hours, but in small portions, with a volume of 250 gr.
  • Margarita Koroleva recommends eating spices and spices that speed up metabolism, so that excess weight does not accumulate.
  • During the day, you need to drink at least 1.5-2.5 liters of liquid, mainly water and green tea without sugar, preferably in the morning.
  • Once a week, you can arrange fasting days on kefir. A one-day diet will help maintain normal weight. It is necessary to drink 1-1.5 liters of low-fat or low-fat fermented milk product (kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk) at regular intervals (3 hours).
  • You should pay more attention to your physical activity, Margarita Koroleva is convinced. To lose weight, you need to supplement your diet with exercise. An intensive workout for weight loss should be carried out for at least 40 minutes, because only after 20 minutes with a heavy load, the accumulated fat will begin to be actively burned. Daily exercise, swimming, running, walking, playing sports will help keep fit.

Compliance with all the rules recommended by Margarita Koroleva will help maintain the achieved result of losing weight on a 9-day diet, without returning the lost kilograms back. It is necessary to instill in yourself the right nutrition culture to maintain a normal weight, health and well-being.

Diet of Margarita Koroleva This is a non-standard, modern way to effectively lose weight without compromising health. The use of the beneficial properties of popular and familiar products allows you to comfortably, painlessly lose weight without physical and psychological stress. You do not have to starve and fight the emerging desire to eat at an inopportune time. This diet is based on the principles of healthy nutrition and knowledge of the body's needs for vitamins, minerals and useful trace elements.

The diet of Margarita Koroleva allows you not only to get rid of extra pounds. Thanks to the consistent alternation of products from different groups and the consumption of a large amount of liquid, the body is very well cleansed, immunity is strengthened and a feeling of lightness appears. The duration of the diet nine days, which are divided into three separate stages. Each three-day stage is an independent mono-diet. Just three days you have to "enjoy" the same food. The change of dishes on the fourth and seventh days brings a pleasant variety to the diet menu. For the food basket for the period of the diet, Margarita Koroleva chose rice, chicken and vegetables.

The first stage is a three-day rice mono-diet

So, for the first three days, those who want to lose weight should use only rice, still water and green tea.

Preparing rice is quite simple. On the eve of the next day, in the evening, we soak a glass of rice in cold water, and in the morning pour it into boiling water and cook for no more than 15 minutes. This method of cooking allows you to save all the most important properties of rice.

For breakfast we eat a glass of ready-made cereals. The remaining amount is divided into equal parts so that it lasts up to 19 hours when used every hour.

It is no coincidence that rice was chosen as the first product for weight loss in the diet of Margarita Koroleva. This cereal does not stimulate gastric secretion, as it contains substances that have the properties to envelop the walls of the stomach. After eating a small amount of a dish made from rice, you will feel full.

In addition, rice does not contain salt and does not contain gluten, which can provoke allergic reactions. The action of salts is neutralized by potassium and selenium, which are present in rice in sufficient quantities. At the same time, rice cereal dishes are rich in vitamins B 3, PP, B 1, B 2, E, B 6. B vitamins help strengthen the nervous system, help convert nutrients into energy and affect the condition of hair, skin, nails. Lecithin, which is found in rice groats, improves brain activity. It was the combination of the beneficial properties of rice that Margarita Koroleva used to cleanse the body in the first three days of the diet.

The second stage is a mono-diet based on chicken meat

The main component of the next three days of the diet, the fourth, fifth and sixth, is chicken's meat. In finished form, it should be boiled meat, peeled from the skin and fat. The daily norm is from 1 kg to 1.2 kg. Divide the cooked chicken into small portions and eat throughout the day, drinking non-carbonated water or green tea.

Margarita Koroleva prudently uses such a change of products in order to fill the body with the missing trace elements that are found only in meat. Exactly chicken can effectively replace pork, lamb and beef. With a low calorie content, it is an excellent source of amino acids and protein. Along with vitamins C, A, E, etc., chicken meat contains iron, potassium, zinc and phosphorus. In addition, due to the large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, chicken is considered one of the best means for the prevention of stroke, heart attack and coronary disease.

The low content of collagen contributes to the fact that chicken meat is easily digestible. This property is especially valuable for obesity, diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Protein, contained in sufficient quantities in chicken, is very well absorbed and has an effect on muscle building, cell division, the development of brain activity, and the construction of bone tissue.

The third stage - vegetable mono-diet

All that is required for the final three days of Margarita Koroleva's diet is vegetables. For the daily norm, 800 grams of any, which you only know and see on store shelves, fresh or boiled vegetables, is enough.

Distribute portions throughout the day (until 19 hours) and enjoy healthy and wholesome food.

A lot has been said about the benefits of vegetables for humans. However, in the context of this diet, it is vegetables that will make the final touch and replenish the supply of missing trace elements and nutrients. Vegetables do not contain fat and are very rich in healthy fiber. Vitamins and mineral salts provide a surge of energy and heal the entire body. It is the most affordable source of minerals and vitamins. In dietology, the beneficial properties of vegetables are used to speed up the metabolism and quickly remove toxins and toxins. Daily consumption of vegetable dishes improves appetite and speeds up metabolism by 15-20%.

Regular nutrition with vegetables enhances the processes of bile formation, improves liver function and heals the intestinal microflora. A set of vitamins, essential antioxidants, minerals and trace elements reliably protects against diseases and strengthens the immune system. Thanks to the vegetable mono-diet, strength is restored and the general condition improves.

Fluid intake during the diet of Margarita Koroleva

It is extremely necessary with a similar method of getting rid of excess weight to use per day at least 2.5 liters liquids. As has been repeatedly written above, for this you can choose still mineral water or green tea. A combination and alternation of water and tea is acceptable. However, certain rules must be observed when drinking.

Do not drink water or tea with food. Also, do not drink immediately after a meal. Keep a gap between eating and drinking. In addition, the main amount of liquid should be drunk before 17 hours. Tea should not be with sugar. In extreme cases, you can put a little honey.

The basic principles of nutrition eat little and often, demonstrates excellent results in this diet. However, do not forget that the products must be cooked and consumed. without salt, sugar and spices. Your body will receive all the necessary and useful substances from the products included in the diet list. Any other additions that you want to include on the menu yourself can reduce all efforts to zero. Do not experiment, trust a specialist. Many popular and famous personalities such as singer Valeria and other representatives of show business have already experienced the diet for themselves and got excellent results.


Too weakened immunity and an elementary cold can cause great and irreparable harm to the body if you create artificial extreme situations for yourself. Any diet for weight loss, in this case, can become just such a "trigger" that will undermine health.

The main contraindications for the use of Margarita Koroleva's diet are stomach ulcers, heart disease, colds etc.

Before you start to put your figure in order, put your health in order. Be sure to consult with your doctor about the possibility of starting a weight loss procedure.

Margarita Koroleva has her own PERSONAL SITE - if you wish, you can look there.

Margarita Koroleva is a star nutritionist, she helped Philip Kirkorov, Anita Tsoi, Natasha Koroleva and Nikolai Baskov lose weight. In the article for you - the secrets of Margarita Koroleva absolutely free!

The popular wording "the secret of harmony" has practically lost its relevance. The fact is that there are no secrets, but there are various nutrition systems and diets. The main thing is to choose the best option for yourself.

Nutritionist Margarita Koroleva

Margarita Koroleva is a famous nutritionist and author of the popular weight loss technique, which is called the 9-day diet of Margarita Koroleva. With the help of this technique, such show business stars as Nikolai Baskov, Andrei Malakhov, Natasha Koroleva, Masha Malinovskaya, Vladimir Solovyov got rid of excess weight and consolidated the result.

The nutritionist is a Ph.D. in Medicine, heads the clinic of aesthetic medicine and has devoted more than twenty years to the practical study of proper weight loss. Today, thanks to her, thousands of people successfully get rid of extra pounds.

The essence of the diet

The diet of Margarita Koroleva for 9 days allows both women and men to lose up to 10 kg of excess weight without hunger strikes and a sophisticated menu. It is divided into three stages and consists of 3 mono-diets, which follow one after another - for three days each. During this time, the body is cleansed and the metabolism is accelerated. So, a nine-day diet is an ideal unloading for changing eating behavior and the subsequent transition to constant proper nutrition.

Stages of the 9 day diet

The mono-diet of Margarita Koroleva for 9 days includes 3 stages.

Rice (1-3 days)

Rice is not only a source of complex carbohydrates that provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness, but also a good adsorbent. It also removes excess salt, and with it the liquid. The rice diet provides for the consumption of boiled rice without salt, sugar and oil. To do this, the night before, soak 250 g of rice, and in the morning rinse and boil it for 15 minutes (1 part rice to 2 parts water). Divide the resulting amount of rice into 5-6 servings. Repeat the same for the next two days. Do not forget that you should drink 2 - 2.5 liters of pure water every day.

Effect: this is the introductory stage, which will unload the digestive system and cleanse the body, preparing it for weight loss. In addition, a few kilograms will leave you in the first days.

Chicken (4-6 days)

During the three-day chicken mono-diet, you should eat boiled or baked chicken without salt - about 1 kg of meat for 1 day. If, for some reason, you do not accept chicken meat, you can replace it with low-fat varieties of fish (hake, pollock - in the same amount). Remove the skin from the chicken and separate the meat from the bones. Divide it into 6 servings and eat throughout the day. The last appointment must be no later than 20:00. Don't forget to drink clean water as well as green tea.

Effect: chicken meat is a storehouse of protein necessary for burning fat, which ensures the formation of new cells and body renewal. In addition, during the chicken mono-diet, cravings for sweets will noticeably decrease, and the feeling of satiety persists for a long time. Fat deposits are actively burned.

Vegetable (7-9 days)

The vegetable stage closes the diet, during which you need to eat 300 g of fresh vegetables (without salt, oil, lemon juice is allowed as a dressing) and 500 g of boiled, steamed or baked vegetables every day. It is better to choose: any cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, green peppers, lettuce. It is forbidden to eat potatoes. You should drink 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day, which can be sweetened with honey - no more than three teaspoons per day.

Effect: the vegetable stage is designed to ensure that the body receives the vitamins and minerals it needs. Also during this period, there is a normalization of microflora, purification from toxins, toxins and acceleration of metabolism.

Getting out of the diet

After cleansing the body, it is necessary to maintain the achieved result. Since the 9-day diet of Margarita Koroleva is based on a consistent process of setting the body for weight loss. Therefore, after you have successfully completed each stage of the diet, you need to eat fractionally, drink more clean water, gradually reduce your sugar intake, move a lot, devote enough time to walking in the fresh air and sleep. Do not pounce on taboo products (confectionery, fast food, fatty foods) - this threatens not only with a return of kilograms, but also with a sharp deterioration in well-being. After the diet of Margarita Koroleva, the body is cleansed and adjusted to proper nutrition, so it is very important to control yourself.

Alternative Diets

We bring to your attention several alternative diets.

Menu for the week

If for some reason (for example, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract) you cannot drastically limit your diet, as it should be done in the course of the 9-day diet or with mono-diets, the nutritionist suggests choosing a more sparing option. The seven-day diet will allow you to get rid of 3 to 8 extra pounds of excess weight.

Do not forget that all dishes are prepared without oil, salt and sugar.

  • 200 ml of kefir (1.5% fat) or 150 g of natural yogurt (you can add 100 g of strawberries, raspberries or currants);
  • 200 g pineapple;
  • 200 g baked chicken, 150 g steamed asparagus;
  • 200 g soup-puree from vegetables;
  • 150 g boiled shrimp.
  • 200 g cottage cheese (up to 9% fat) and 150 g raspberries;
  • 200 g of grated carrots with a tablespoon of natural yogurt;
  • 200 g boiled hake, 2 tomatoes, 1 cucumber;
  • 1 apple;
  • 1 chicken egg and 150 g of boiled cauliflower.
  • omelette: 2 chicken eggs + 100 ml of milk (1.5% fat);
  • 200 g currants / raspberries;
  • 170 g of baked pollock;
  • 200 ml of tomato juice;
  • 1 baked zucchini.
  • 150 g rice porridge (on water);
  • 200 g of Beijing cabbage;
  • 200 g chicken breast, 150 g steamed vegetables (cauliflower, asparagus, broccoli);
  • 150 g pineapple;
  • 200 g baked champignons.
  • 150 g of oatmeal (on water) with 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 apple;
  • 200 ml freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • 200 g of steamed salmon, 150 g of Chinese cabbage;
  • 50 g almonds;
  • 1 boiled egg, 2 cucumbers.
  • 200 g buckwheat porridge (on water), 1 cucumber and 1 tomato;
  • 150 g strawberries;
  • 200 g boiled chicken breast, 3 lettuce leaves;
  • 100 g dried fruits;
  • 200 g baked hake, 150 g cauliflower.
  • 200 g cottage cheese (5% fat), 1 banana;
  • 2 apples, 100 g raspberries;
  • 200 g baked chicken breast, 200 g Beijing cabbage;
  • 200 ml of kefir (1.5% fat);
  • 150 g boiled shrimp, 2 cucumbers, 1 tomato.


Kefir mono-diet is designed for 5-6 days. It belongs to the category of complex ones, since its diet provides for the use of only 1 liter of kefir (1% fat content) and fruits or berries (no more than 1 kg per day) or vegetables (also no more than 1 kg per day). During the express diet on kefir, you also need to drink about 2 liters of pure water, it is allowed to drink green tea.

Menu for 5 days

  • kefir (200 ml), 1 banana;
  • kefir (150 ml), 2 apples;
  • kefir (200 ml), 1 apple;
  • kefir (200 ml), 150 g raspberries.
  • kefir (200 ml), 200 g boiled green peas;
  • kefir (200 ml), 150 g strawberries;
  • kefir (200 ml), 2 tomatoes;
  • kefir (200 ml), 150 g raspberries.
  • kefir (150 ml), 100 g of baked zucchini.
  • kefir (200 ml), 2 bananas;
  • kefir (150 ml), 200 g of baked zucchini;
  • kefir (200 ml), 150 g strawberries;
  • kefir (200 ml), 100 g of baked zucchini;
  • kefir (200 ml), 150 g raspberries.
  • kefir (150 ml), 1 apple.
  • kefir (200 ml), 2 apples;
  • kefir (200 ml), 150 g strawberries;
  • kefir (150 ml), 200 g of baked zucchini;
  • kefir (150 ml), 2 tomatoes;
  • kefir (150 ml), 150 g raspberries.
  • kefir (150 ml), 2 apples;
  • kefir (150 ml), 1 banana;
  • kefir (200 ml), 150 g raspberries;
  • kefir (150 ml), 2 tomatoes;
  • kefir (200 ml), 150 g of boiled cabbage.

Easy way to slimness: lose weight forever!

Besides, there are 25 universal rules for proper nutrition from a star nutritionist. By doing them, you will maintain harmony, youth and health. Recommendations are as follows:

  1. No need to starve, because fasting is stressful. And after suffering stress, the risk of attacking food increases significantly. The result is more weight gain. To lose weight, you need not to starve, but to eat right.
  2. Don't beat yourself up for failures. For example, if you ate your favorite sweets. Not only unloading, but also loading days are useful. So the body will feel that it is not in a critical situation. The main thing is to arrange them no more than once every two weeks.
  3. The diet should consist of natural products. But semi-finished products, fast foods and confectionery should be excluded.
  4. You need to eat meat, because meat is an indispensable protein, which is the basis of harmony. However, remember that the meat must be cooked properly: it is best to bake it (without oil), boil it, or steam it. Chicken breast is an ideal option for dietary meat.
  5. If you're craving something sweet, try brushing your teeth. The taste of toothpaste neutralizes this desire. Just do not chew gum: it increases the production of gastric juice, which will only increase your appetite.
  6. Are you used to keeping a vase of sweets and cookies on the table? If you have a sweet tooth, then it is better to remove sweets away.
  7. Replace sugar with honey, but do not forget that honey can be consumed in an amount of no more than 3 teaspoons per day.
  8. If you do not have an allergic reaction to citrus fruits, then make it a rule to eat two grapefruit slices after each meal. This will improve the functioning of the digestive system.
  9. Eliminate sausages from the diet: they are of no use. And there is plenty of harm, for example, flavor enhancers that provoke overeating. Eat real meat.
  10. Eat fractionally: every 2-3 hours (it turns out 5-6 times a day) eat a portion that can fit in your palm. For example, 150-200 g of buckwheat or a chicken egg with cucumber. Try to chew slowly, chew your food well: this way, saturation will come much faster and you will not need an additive.
  11. Stress should not be eaten, as this creates powerful psychological "knots": every time, in case of a tense situation, you will reach for food, comforting yourself in this way, even if you are not hungry. This inevitably leads to excess weight. It is better to take a shower or bath, drink green or herbal tea, take a walk in the fresh air.
  12. Arrange useful fasting days. For example, Rice Monday. To do this, from Sunday evening, soak a glass (200-250 g) of brown rice, and on Monday morning, rinse it, pour boiling water over it and boil for 15 minutes. Then divide the rice into six servings and eat throughout the day. It is advisable to drink at least 2.5 liters of clean water on such days. Rice will cleanse the intestines and remove excess fluid.
  13. Forget about mayonnaise. Train yourself to dress salads and other dishes with low-fat yogurt (up to 8%), olive oil with lemon juice, or low-fat sour cream (no more than 15% fat).
  14. It is highly discouraged to eat at a TV or computer, as you are distracted, do not control yourself and run the risk of eating more than normal. Eat in the kitchen, focus on the process and try to get the most out of it - this way you will fill up faster. In addition, observe the aesthetics of eating: eat from beautiful dishes, in accordance with etiquette, surround yourself with pleasant kitchen accessories.
  15. Snacks must be correct. Let it be not cookies, but a handful of walnuts or peanuts (50 g), a cup of green tea and an apple, or two tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese (no more than 9% fat).
  16. Move more, walk wherever you can: get off public transport at a stop earlier, walk up the stairs. Walking is great for burning fat.
  17. Learn to distinguish between thirst and hunger. If you feel like visiting the refrigerator, first drink a glass of water in small sips. Perhaps you just wanted to drink.
  18. Help your body burn fat: while in the shower, rub problem areas with a hard washcloth or a special massager for about five minutes. Then apply anti-cellulite cream on them. Even if you are in great shape, such procedures will not be superfluous: they stimulate blood flow to the skin, thanks to which it maintains a healthy color, elasticity and youth.
  19. Use natural spices. For example, cinnamon, coriander, red pepper, etc. But avoid seasonings that contain artificial additives and flavor enhancers.
  20. After eating, it is useful to at least wash the dishes. First, you will burn more calories. Secondly, save yourself from having to wash off dried food residues from the dishes after a while. The ideal option is to take a leisurely walk after eating.
  21. Be sure to have breakfast! Remember that you can eat more in the morning - calories will be used up during the day. And eating a lot of food in the evening, after being hungry for part of the day, is very harmful: you risk not only getting better, but also provoking diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  22. Go in for sports, or just move as much as possible. After any warm-up for 1-2 hours, the metabolism works much faster.
  23. Eat dinner at least 4 hours before bed.
  24. Reduce the amount of salt in food - it retains water.
  25. Don't try to lose weight fast. Remember that the slower you lose weight, the more reliable the result of losing weight.


Grilled chicken breast


  • 200 g chicken breast;
  • half a lemon;
  • half a teaspoon of curry;
  • 1 sprig of rosemary.


Mix lemon juice with curry, rub chicken breast with rosemary and grease with the resulting mixture. Grill for 10-15 minutes.

Salad of beets, goat cheese and pesto


  • 1 boiled beet;
  • 5 st. l. soft goat cheese;
  • 9 tbsp basilica;
  • 2 tbsp. l. pine nuts;
  • 1.5 st. l. parmesan;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • 4 tbsp. l. olive oil.


Basil, parmesan, garlic, pine nuts and olive oil, beat with a blender to small pieces; arbitrarily chop the beets; crumble goat cheese into medium-sized pieces and add pesto sauce. Mix everything gently.


Popular nutritionist Margarita Koroleva is the author of 22 scientific papers, as well as books that have become bestsellers in their field:

  1. “Easy path to slimness. Lose weight forever!
  2. "Diary of food";
  3. "Rules of well-fed harmony";
  4. “Easy recipes for a healthy life. Cooking in a slow cooker.

Each of the books is a detailed guide on how to lose weight effectively and without harm to the body, as well as how to consolidate the result forever.

Moscow nutritionist Margarita Koroleva is a real celebrity among the stars of domestic show business and public figures. She helped Nikolai Baskov, Andrei Malakhov and other famous artists to lose weight beyond recognition. Also, politicians and serious businessmen often turn to her for help.

The most famous favorites of the public idolize the nutritionist for one simple reason - she really helps to get a good figure. The Queen has published two books on healthy eating - Easy Way to Slim. Lose weight forever! in 2009 and The Royal Diet in 2011. Star clients were happy to write reviews about their collaboration with the doctor, which made the publications mega-popular. Official sources indicate that the circulation of the first book is as much as 500,000 copies.

Despite the fact that the nutritionist prefers to work with each patient individually and make the most suitable diet for each, she nevertheless published two universal diets, which ordinary consumers immediately adopted. The first of them is called "9-day", and the second - "for a week." Both options are suitable for fast and effective weight loss.

Nine-day menu

The queen offered everyone who wants to be slim and beautiful a very effective way to lose weight - she specially developed a diet designed for 9 days. In fact, this is a set of three mono-diets that must be followed in turn. Such a diet is very well tolerated, since every three days the dishes on the table change, saturating the body with all the necessary nutrients.

First 3 days

During this period, we will only eat rice prepared according to a special recipe. So that porridge does not lose its nutrients, it must be cooked correctly. We take 250 g of cereal in the evening and fill it with cold water. In the morning, wash and cook without adding salt, sugar or spices for no more than 15 minutes. We divide all food into 5 even parts, which should be consumed throughout the day with the same interval. Between meals, rice is allowed to eat 3 tablespoons of honey per day.

Rice is very healthy because it contains such vital elements:

  • potassium and selenium, neutralizing the action of salts;
  • vitamins of group B, PP and E, which positively affect the condition of the skin, hair, nails, nervous system;
  • hepatoprotector lecithin, which improves brain activity.

Next 3 days

At this stage, you can only eat chicken, you will have to forget about honey. For each day of the mono-diet, we take a chicken weighing 1000-1200 g, cook it without adding spices and salt, and separate the skin from the bones. Finely chop all the meat. The resulting mass is also divided into 5 parts and consumed throughout the day. The last meal is not later than at 20.00.

Chicken meat is present on the menu of many diets, as it is both low-calorie and rich in nutrients, such as:

  • amino acids;
  • proteins;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • vitamins A, C, E.

Final 3 days

The last stage of the diet is similar to the global cleansing of the intestines from all the toxins and toxins that have accumulated in it for a long time. At this time, you need to eat only vegetables - 500 g of any fresh and 500 g of stewed without oil, fat, spices and salt. During these three days, you can again feast on honey or sweeten your water with it. Meals continue in the same way - 5 times a day in small portions.

Vegetables contain fiber, which acts as a delicate “brush”, relieving us of everything unnecessary and toxic. In addition, it is a real storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals. Regular consumption of vegetables helps speed up metabolism by 15-20%.

It is important to know that the nine-day diet from the Queen is recommended only for those people who have already been able to switch to a healthy diet and have given up foods that are harmful to the body. If you are happy to overeat cakes, sandwiches and other “unhealthy” dishes, then this weight loss system can cause serious stress. It is best to follow this diet after you have developed healthy eating habits.

Remember that not only food, but also drinking while dieting is of great importance. The Queen recommends drinking 2.5 liters of pure water. This should be done 30 minutes before a meal or 1 hour after it. In no case should you drink food, as water can disrupt the composition of gastric juice. You can also drink green tea without sugar, but this liquid does not replace water.

Diet Results

Star clients of the nutritionist and ordinary consumers note that in 9 days you can lose up to 10 kg. Reviews and results of losing weight are easy to find on the Internet. You can also visit the official website of a nutritionist and study in detail all the information about the nutrition system or make an appointment at the Koroleva center. A consultation lasting 3-4 hours will cost you 50 thousand rubles, and "unlimited" support during the weight loss program - 300 thousand rubles. Despite such impressive prices, there is no end to clients, since the effect of diets is 100%.

Unloading per week

In the name of the diet, the time period of 7 days is taken conditionally, in fact, unloading is not designed for a week, but only for 4 days. The Queen recommends starting the diet on Tuesday and ending it on Friday.

Every day you are allowed to use the following products:

  • fat-free kefir;
  • medium-sized potatoes (1 pc.);
  • cottage cheese (100 g);
  • fresh cucumbers (2 pcs.);
  • boiled chicken without spices and salt (1/4 carcass).

You will need to eat every 2 hours, drinking kefir is also considered a meal. The principle of nutrition is very simple - the day begins with 1 glass of kefir, after 2 hours one of the allowed foods is eaten, then another glass of kefir, then one of the products. And like this all day long. The last meal, or rather half of it - half a glass of kefir - should take place no later than 20.00.

This is a rather extreme, but very effective way to lose weight. In the allotted 4 days, it is realistic to lose 2-3 kg.

You can use this diet before important events, when the body should look irresistible. It will also help shake up your metabolism and speed it up if you suddenly stop losing weight during the transition to a healthy diet.

Power system contraindications

Proper eating habits are not the only condition for the Queen to follow the diets. Those who want to lose weight according to its systems should not have any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system, nursing and expectant mothers should also not limit themselves to a strict diet. It is not recommended to cut the menu during periods of high nervous tension.

Remember - you can not continue the diet longer than indicated in the instructions in any case. If the diet is designed for 9 days, then you cannot extend it yourself for 13 days or more, this may adversely affect your health.

For people who have already adjusted to proper nutrition and have developed the habit of eating only healthy food, both diets will help to significantly increase their results. You can say goodbye to excess weight and constantly keep yourself in great shape.
