How to cook diet barley porridge. Barley for weight loss: is it possible or not

Its main advantage is availability: it does not take much time to cook complex dishes. And you don’t have to spend a lot of money, you can even save on products. But this diet also has disadvantages: not everyone can withstand a monotonous diet.

The barley diet is one of the simplest. In addition, you can’t sit on a strict diet for a long time, experts recommend limiting yourself to one week.

All those who have ever been involved in counting the calorie content of dishes know that cereals cannot be called low-calorie. Therefore, many people have a question: does the barley diet really bring results? To answer it, you need to analyze the properties of pearl barley.

The perl contains:

  • vegetable fiber,
  • amino acids,
  • vitamins and other useful trace elements.

The diet on barley porridge is effective due to such a rich composition of cereals. Fiber helps to cleanse the intestines, remove toxins, get rid of edema. Amino acids (lysine) contribute to rapid saturation, eliminating the feeling of hunger. Vitamins have a general positive effect on the body. In this way, pearl barley has all the components to regulate metabolism, while not exhausting a person.

In order for barley porridge to be beneficial, it must be properly prepared. First, the cereal is washed in running water. Then they are soaked for several hours (it is convenient to do this at night so that the cereal is ready for cooking in the morning). The prepared barley is poured into boiling water and boiled for about half an hour. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to soak the cereal, it will cook longer, from 45 minutes to an hour. It is worth noting that for diet food milk, salt, sugar and butter are not added to porridge.

Barley on the water is the basis of the whole diet.

A barley diet of 10 kg per week is quite realistic with overweight. But most people who have tried it report a weight loss of 5 kg. This is a very good result, as nutritionists are against sudden weight loss. It is better to conduct several “courses” of the barley diet, designed for 7 days, taking breaks, than to achieve results by eating one porridge for weeks. The last option is not safe for health.

Ways to lose weight on pearl barley

There are several options for the pearl barley diet. They differ in terms and restrictions. There are three main types:

  • five day diet
  • seven day diet
  • free food.

The first method is the most strict in terms of restrictions. It is necessary to use barley porridge cooked only on water, without salt, sugar and oil. This dish should be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In addition, daily use is not allowed. a large number unsweetened yogurt or low-fat kefir (200 g) and one sour apple. The main disadvantage of this option is that not everyone can withstand it. But the results he gives are amazing: a loss of 1 kg daily. It is forbidden to eat in this mode for more than five days, since the body also needs other products to maintain strength.

Barley diet for 7 days is the most popular option. It is not so strict and also short in time. During its observance, you need to eat unsweetened and unsalted porridge on the water, but adding other foods to the diet. During breakfast, barley is eaten with fruits, for example, on the first day - with apples, on the second - with prunes, on the third - with dried apricots, etc. At lunch, a small piece of boiled milk is added to the porridge. chicken meat or beef.

You can also diversify lunch with a salad of vegetables (cucumbers, celery, cabbage). Dinner, in addition to pearl barley, is supplemented with cottage cheese and low-fat kefir. Such a diet gives a weight loss of up to 5 kg, but it can be repeated after a couple of weeks of break, achieving the desired result.

The third option for losing weight with barley porridge is the most gentle. Can eat different dishes and products, preferring, of course, healthy and low-calorie. It is necessary to abandon flour, fatty and smoked in favor of fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products and boiled meat with fish. At the same time barley is eaten every day, but not only in the form of ordinary porridge. You can cook a delicious side dish by adding mushrooms and vegetables to it, or cook cereal soup.
This diet can be observed for a long time, up to two months. The Barley Free Diet is effective at reducing fat and carbohydrates in the diet, and the barley diet helps improve digestion. This is a very comfortable way to lose weight, but weight loss is slow.

The benefits and harms of pearl barley, contraindications for diet

Barley diet, according to reviews, gives nice results. And this is not surprising, because the beneficial properties of pearl barley are undeniable. This applies not only to the process of losing weight, but also positive impact on the body.

  • Fiber removes toxins from the body and generally has a beneficial effect on the digestive processes.
  • Lysine, which belongs to amino acids, improves immunity. The same effect is given by vitamin A contained in cereals.
  • Barley lowers cholesterol levels. The constant inclusion of it in the diet will relieve excess cholesterol without drugs.
  • The trace elements that make up the cereal have a good effect on the condition of the hair and strengthen the nails.

The harm of barley lies in the content of gluten. There are people with individual intolerance to whom this cereal is contraindicated. Also, because of gluten, barley is not recommended for young children (under 4 years old) and pregnant women.

Due to the many useful properties pearl barley diet has very few contraindications. These include:

In the reviews on the results of the barley diet, some also note the resulting flatulence, intestinal disorders, or constipation. This is also due to the presence of gluten in the composition. If such problems are present, it is better to reduce the use of barley porridge to two times a week.

Barley is not only a tasty, healthy and nutritious product, but also easy way in short term lose weight without cost and loss of health. A strict diet on barley porridge allows you to lose up to 3-5 kg ​​(depending on the initial body weight) excess weight in just five days.


The benefits of pearl barley and the effectiveness of weight loss

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of pearl barley obtained from barley for our body, it is rich in vitamins A, B, E and PP, contains a variety of microelements (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, etc.), as well as vegetable protein that is well absorbed by the body , present in the right amount for good nutrition. The main advantage of pearl barley, like porridge, is the content in its composition essential amino acid lysine. This substance works in two directions: it contributes to the rapid saturation of the body, which is very important when you are on a diet, and also stimulates the production of collagen in the body, which is the “youth” protein. In other words, as a result of losing weight, you will not only get beautiful figure, but also tightened and elastic skin. Sagging skin that accompanies weight loss this case will not.

Pearl barley contains a lot of fiber, which fills the stomach, reduces appetite, and has a positive effect on stool, contributing to normal bowel movements. Not high calorie content and the full-fledged composition of pearl barley makes it useful and truly effective product for weight loss.

The pearl barley diet exists in several versions, the most strict allows you to lose up to 1 kg of weight per day. Barley itself does not have the ability to burn fat, so weight loss is based on other principles. First, the intestines are cleansed, then, due to some diuretic effect of the cereal, the accumulated excess fluid will leave the body. And only then will they leave body fat(about 1-2 kg), which is facilitated by the low caloric content of the diet and the predominance of calories consumed over those received.

Video: Useful properties of pearl barley in Malysheva's program "Live Healthy!"

A rigid pearl barley diet is not suitable for significant weight loss (maximum 5 days), otherwise irreparable damage to health and general well-being can be caused. The effect after five days of the pearl barley diet is, of course, noticeable, but upon returning to normal nutrition lost kilos will return again. Therefore, the option strict diet on barley porridge ideal for fast weight loss e.g. for holidays or special occasions. For long-term use, it is better to use more sparing dietary options based on barley, which will allow you to “throw off” up to 5 kg per month.

Due to the slight diuretic effect of cereals during a strict diet, it is important to drink plenty of clean drinking water ( green tea, rosehip broth, non-carbonated mineral).

In spite of good performance Not everyone can sit on barley porridge boiled in water, without salt, sugar and oil for a long time. But I think in order to achieve harmony and wellness you can wait 5 days. Efforts will be rewarded.

How to cook barley for weight loss

For weight loss, pearl barley is used as part of the pearl barley diet as a properly cooked porridge. Pearl barley requires long cooking, so it is advisable to rinse it overnight and soak it in cold water (for about 8-10 hours) in a ratio of 1: 5 (a glass of cereal to 5 glasses of water). The next morning, the cereal will swell, it should be poured again cold water(three glasses) and put to cook on a quiet fire. Cook from the moment of boiling for half an hour. Next, remove the porridge from the stove and wrap it with a towel. Most importantly, for the purpose of losing weight, porridge should not be salted, butter and sugar should be added to improve taste.

If you didn’t fill the cereal at night, in the morning to speed up the cooking process, pour the washed cereal for 20 minutes with boiling water, and then cook in the usual way. In this case, the cooking time will increase. Ready porridge turns out to be about five times more than it was cereals. Based on this, select the volume of porridge you need for the day yourself.

Diet on barley porridge for 5 days

For five days, use only porridge on the water, 4 times a day equal in small portions, drink at least 2 liters of clean drinking water per day. The last meal should be taken no later than 19.00.

Seven-day barley diet, menu for 1 day

Breakfast: a portion of barley porridge on the water with pieces of prunes (5 pcs., pre-hold in boiling water).
Dinner: a serving of lean porridge, a salad with vegetables, a piece of boiled meat or low-fat fish.
Afternoon snack: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.
Dinner: a portion of porridge, a glass of fat-free kefir.

Drink clean water throughout the day drinking water without Borders.

Not a strict version of the pearl barley diet

At this option diet on porridge diversify non-calorie fresh vegetables, fruits, greens, lean meats, fish, nuts, dried fruits, mushrooms, lean dairy products. Breakfast should be replaced with porridge on the water, in other meals, use barley in various variations (show your imagination). Of course, pastries, smoked meats, canned food, sweets, and all fatty foods should be removed from the diet. With such weight loss, it is important to limit portions, do not eat after 19.00, drink plenty of water. Diverse menu you can adhere to for quite some time, the result will certainly be, but slower.

The results of the use of pearl barley for weight loss

After five days of such nutrition, you will lose overweight, skin condition will improve, swelling will go away, work will normalize digestive system and metabolic processes, and in general general well-being organism.

Barley diet contraindications

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diseases in the acute stage.
  • The period of bearing a child.

If you combine the use of pearl barley with physical activity(at least once a week) you can achieve better results. Dare and be beautiful!

After winter, most women have wrinkles on their stomachs, extra pounds. Need to lose weight urgently, but what diet to choose? Barley is often used by women for weight loss. Why is this enough high-calorie product nutrition can help to lose weight, while fast enough and for a long time?

Barley is a whole barley kernel, even in pre-treatment it has a grain shell, it is for this cereal that is considered useful for both adults and children.

Barley contains many useful trace elements, and vitamin B, which are useful for our body. Pro useful read barley properties.

What is useful barley diet

Barley for weight loss allows you to normalize the metabolism in the human body, while maintaining a barley diet, you can not eat fatty, fried, smoked, floury, sweet foods. With this diet, you need to eat cereals boiled, not salty and not greasy.

Within 14 days you will lose 10 to 14 kilograms of excess weight. Without salt, and fried foods in the body, you will get rid of cellulite, swelling on the arms and legs, whoever has them.

Within a week, you will see that your complexion is evened out.

Barley recipe for weight loss

The recipe for barley for weight loss is very simple, pour barley with water and cook for at least 60 minutes. Pearl barley is cooked for a long time, when cooked, it increases 5 times, so the groats can be soaked in water in the evening. When cooking, do not add salt or oil.

With such weight loss, you need to drink a lot of liquid, about 2-3 liters only in small sips throughout the day, and 1 glass of water before eating.

The results of such weight loss, you will notice the very next day, as your body will be cleansed.

During the rest of the period, you will lose 1 kg per day. It is better to sit on such a diet from 5 to 14 days.

How to switch to regular food after a diet

Often it is impossible to adhere to such a diet, it is not recommended, more than 2 times a year. After 14 days, you can start slowly, eat lightly salted food.

It is important not to overeat after the diet, get up from the table with a feeling of slight hunger.

Some women who adhere to the pearl barley diet consume milk thistle fruits: drink 1 teaspoon with 1 glass of water an hour and a half before meals. When consumed, these fruits swell in the stomach, so when you eat, you will not be able to eat large portions food, thereby your stomach will become smaller in size.

After the end of the diet, you will notice that you have begun to eat less food than before.

The pearl barley diet is difficult, it is not suitable for every person, I advise people with a weak heart not to do heavy physical exertion.

I want to offer you barley diet which I used myself:

1-3 days pearl barley without salt, without oil. An hour and a half before meals, drink 1 teaspoon of milk thistle fruit.
3-6 days pearl barley with vegetables, drink a glass of kefir
6-9 days pearl barley with fish or chicken meat, which will not be fatty or salty.
9-14 days pearl barley, kefir, fruits.

With this diet, you need to use as much as possible more water to cleanse the body.

Products that can be used with this diet: carrots, beets, peppers, cabbage, greens.
Fruits: oranges, apples, kiwi, it is desirable to use grapefruits, they also actively burn fats.

You can not eat pineapples and bananas, they have a lot of calories.
When dieting on pearl barley, you need to drink liquid: water, kefir 1%, You can’t drink slightly carbonated or highly carbonated water, it’s best to drink just purified water.

At the end of the Barley for Weight Loss diet, not only your figure will improve for a long time, appearance but also health. You can read

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Every girl strives to achieve beauty standards. Diet is an option to achieve the ideal. Here the question arises, which diet is better to follow. In this article, we will talk about barley porridge. The name barley came from ancient Russia, earlier porridge was called "pearl".

It seems to be a simple and affordable porridge, but it contains a large number of useful substances. Barley grain has earned its ancient Russian name. Therefore, pearl barley when losing weight will be an excellent choice.

Daily use of pearl barley, types

In everyday life, we rarely meet pearl barley dishes. But people in vain, of course, forgot about cereals. Useful properties that are filled with amaze in their quantity. Useful properties of barley porridge, we will consider in detail below. There are three types of cereals on the market.

  • Dutch, clean and whole grains. Undergoes careful and deep processing.
  • Barley, this type of small cereals, but at the same time, such cereals take less time to cook.
  • Ordinary cereals, subjected to less thorough and remote processing, consist of whole grains.

Whichever variety you use, each of them is useful and contains the necessary elements to improve the condition of the body and lose weight.

Useful properties of pearl barley for weight loss

Barley porridge always distinguished by its usefulness. The grains contain a large amount useful elements. The variety of vitamins and beneficial properties is amazing.

Let's consider in detail how pearl barley is useful:

  1. It contains a set of vitamins (A, B, E, PP)
  2. A high content of microelements useful for the body. Magnesium, calcium, iron, carbonate and other elements
  3. The amino acid content of lysine.
  4. Fiber content in grains
  5. Contains protein

Such a list of useful properties is sure to be appreciated by every person. Thanks to lysine, the body is satiated, and this amino acid also causes the process of collagen production. Which will gladly rejuvenate the body, as well as give the skin elasticity. Therefore, with such a diet, sagging skin after losing weight does not threaten. Vitamins will fill the body with the missing supply. It also helps to remove cholesterol from the body and improve the functioning of the thyroid gland.

When you stick to a diet, there is always a feeling of hunger, you want to eat something. But a diet with barley porridge will not allow this due to fiber. Thanks to her, the stomach is satiated, digestion improves, the feeling of hunger will go by the wayside. Vitamin A will improve the condition of your skin and boost your immunity.

There are no elements in barley porridge that burn fat. The process of losing weight begins with another. First of all, you cleanse the intestines and remove excess liquid from the body. Barley also has a diuretic property and easily copes with its task, removing toxins from the body. After that, the process of processing fat in the body begins.

This happens due to the low calorie content of barley. Can I eat other foods on a barley diet? To achieve a full-fledged result in a short time, it is desirable to exclude other products. It is possible to use only green vegetables and fruits in small quantities.


Due to its beneficial properties, some people may experience contraindications. Since barley porridge contains protein, people with poor protein digestibility should not use such a diet. The diet is also contraindicated for pregnant girls.

With bowel disease and frequent constipation, the use of barley porridge for weight loss is also not recommended. If you eat one bowl of porridge with these problems, there will be no aggravation. But on a diet, you will have to constantly use barley porridge as main product. This is where problems can arise.

Preparing barley for cooking

In order for barley porridge to contribute to weight loss, it must be properly prepared. The calorie content of porridge depends on the cooking time. Let's see if it is possible or not to cook porridge immediately after purchase.

According to the results of the study general rules cooking barley porridge, it turned out to highlight a number of actions necessary for cooking:

  1. Before cooking cereals, it is necessary that it gain moisture. To do this, it is recommended to leave the porridge for 12 hours in water.
  2. Rinse the cereal thoroughly afterwards. Rinse at least 3 times until it drains pure water from cereals. Rinse under running water.
  3. Check for the presence of foreign objects, sometimes industrial waste is found in the cereal.
  4. Only after all the procedures should you start cooking porridge.
  5. Standard porridge recipes take 30 minutes. Calorie content per 100g of porridge is 320 kcal.

With properly cooked porridge, you can find out how easy it is to lose weight, how much, it turns out to be easy.

Types of barley diet

The diet can consist entirely of barley porridge or the second option, where the main dish is barley groats, which should be diluted with products compatible with it.

In the first option, since the main food consists only of barley porridge, it is required to drink 2 liters of water per day, people with abundant overweight 3-4 liters of water. At the same time, such a diet is recommended to be observed for 5 days. During this time, the body will cleanse itself and receive the right amount of nutrients and burn the prescribed amount of fat. If you continue to eat only barley porridge, you can greatly harm the body.

The second diet option is more loyal. It is necessary to add foods that are compatible with barley to the main diet. On such a diet, you can safely sit up to 3 weeks. The results of such a diet will also please you, but it will take a slightly longer process.

Foods that can be added to the diet:

  • Twice a week we steam meat or fish
  • Boiled vegetables are combined with barley porridge. Cucumbers and cabbage are also added to the diet.
  • Chicken breast It won't hurt you if you cook it without using oil.
  • Soup puree
  • Fruits are added to barley porridge.

Basic Recipes

Soak the porridge overnight. By morning, we wash the swollen cereal under running water. After that, pour 3 cups of water into 1 cup of cereal and set to cook, after boiling, transfer the fire to a low feed. We cook for 30 minutes. When ready, cover the porridge with a towel so that the porridge reaches. The most important thing is not to use salt and sugar, butter.

For a 3-week diet, it must be added to porridge diet recipes using only approved products in the preparation.

Many girls have tried the diet on themselves and left a lot positive feedback. Without a doubt, we can say that pearl barley is one of the most useful. I am glad that in addition to losing weight, the body is enriched large quantity useful substances. The results of the diet can be seen in the photo before and after.

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Barley is barley that is peeled hard upper layers, which are not amenable to softening during the cooking process. Groats are often not polished and due to this they are considered one of the most valuable cereals.

It contains about three hundred useful enzymes, including carbohydrates, starch, dietary soluble fiber, vitamins (B) groups - these are (B6, B3, B2, B1), vitamin (E), proteins, folic acid, copper, iron, magnesium and manganese, phosphorus and selenium.

Useful properties of barley

Groats provide invaluable benefits to the body and provide beneficial effect on health. Namely:

  • Vitamins (B) of the group strengthen blood vessels and make them more elastic.
  • Thanks to great content minerals pearl barley can help children with growth problems.
  • Slows down the rise in blood glucose, which is very useful for people with diabetes.
  • It is an excellent antioxidant and cleanses the body of free radicals.
  • Restores the intestinal microflora after taking antibiotics.
  • Vegetable fibers in pearl barley are able to bind and remove harmful cholesterol from the blood.
  • Pearl barley is an excellent source of niacin, which strengthens cardiovascular system and prevents the formation of blood clots and sclerotic plaques.
  • Available nicotinic acid protects the body from free radicals.
  • Barley porridge is food for constipation and hemorrhoids.
  • The combination of vitamin (E) and selenium in barley helps to strengthen the cell membranes of the body and normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Soluble fibers and fiber contained in barley help cleanse the intestines of accumulated toxins and improve liver function.
  • The contained phosphorus supports bone tissue.
  • Helps improve the functioning of the immune system.
  • The herpes virus is afraid of barley, as it contains lysine, which has the ability to suppress viruses.
  • Eliminates fluid retention in the body.
  • Contributes to the prevention of early wrinkles, as it contains enough vitamin (E).
  • Barley can act as a kind of energy and well restores strength after exhausting workouts.
  • It is an excellent antioxidant and therefore helps the body to avoid premature aging, as it promotes cell regeneration and improves skin elasticity.
  • Soluble plant fibers found in grains help prevent the formation of stones in the gallbladder because it reduces the production of bile acids.
  • After eating barley, the intestines are less susceptible to anaerobic infections.

What do the doctor's say

American dietitians conducted studies in which more than ten thousand people took part. As a result, they found that people who regularly use pearl barley are twelve percent less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases and thirty-one percent less likely to get type 2 diabetes.

Delicious and no calories All about meat and vegetable broths for those who do not want to gain weight from the first courses.

The benefits of pearl barley for weight loss

Barley, according to nutritionists, tops the rating the best cereals for weight loss. She, during a diet, can replace more high-calorie cereals, such as rice or wheat porridge.

  • She does not have a very high calorie content (per 100 g - 290 kcal). Another plus is that when cooking, the cereal swells and absorbs a lot of water, and its calorie content is reduced by almost three times and is only 96 kcal. per 100 g. Therefore, eating barley when losing weight, you will quickly satisfy your hunger with a minimum amount of calories.
  • Barley has a lot of carbohydrates, but these are aggregated carbohydrates that do not contribute to weight gain.
  • Having a lot of protein, pearl barley helps fight hunger, because after eating it, blood sugar levels rise slowly and a feeling of satiety quickly sets in.
  • Helps reduce visceral fat.
  • Has a low glycemic index and therefore this porridge does not allow fat to be deposited, and therefore increase weight.
  • Pearl barley is dietary product, as it contains very little fat (only 2 G per 100 G porridge) than is ideal for a diet.
  • Contains many plant fibers (13 G per 100 G), due to this barley has a slight laxative effect, which improves defecation and cleanses the intestines, and this in turn accelerates weight loss.
  • Barley, thanks to the content of monounsaturated fats and oleic acid, helps to break down fats in the thighs and abdomen.

But when losing weight, you can’t add butter, fatty sour cream, sugar and fruits containing a lot of glucose to pearl barley. You can add some dried fruits or honey.

How to cook barley

The composition of barley porridge is priceless. It is very useful and versatile, with a very pleasant taste. And most importantly, it is very easy to prepare. There are two main cooking methods:

Barley preparation with soaking

To reduce the cooking time, barley is soaked for ten to twelve hours, and preferably overnight. Such soaked cereals can be cooked in twenty minutes. The ratio of barley and water for cooking is 1:3.

Cooking barley without soaking

And if you want to cook barley without soaking, then you fully prepared you have to cook it for an hour. The ratio of barley and water is 1:4.

Barley for breakfast

Barley porridge - perfect option for breakfast. It will quickly and permanently satisfy hunger during the diet, especially with kefir or natural yogurt. This combination will significantly improve digestion, there will be no bloating.

This breakfast will provide the body enough energy and there will be no desire to have a snack between breakfast and lunch. In addition, you will receive the minimum amount of calories that will in no way harm your figure.

You can still add any fruits to the porridge, but not grapes and bananas, as they contain a lot of glucose, as well as vegetables, except for peas and beans. Another recommendation is to drink one glass of hot water half an hour before breakfast. boiled water small sips. This will greatly improve digestion.

Barley for dinner

Groats are useful for dinner, as they eliminate insomnia and strengthen nervous system. And it's also very easy on the stomach.

Pearl barley recipes

There are a lot of recipes for barley dishes; this is a universal cereal. It is used for cooking first courses, salads, risotto, cereals. You can also use tea from ground barley grains, it is also very useful.

Pearl barley soup

Excellent option for diet menu can be considered barley soup. It gives you fast satiety with a minimum of calories (one serving of soup contains only 100 calories). And this is due to the fibrous structure of cereals.

After drinking the soup, the feeling of hunger recedes for a long time and the desire to arrange an unwanted snack disappears. This way you will eat less and less frequently.

Barley and pumpkin soup

Barley - 300 g
Onion - 1 pc.
Pumpkin - 200 g
Greens - 1/2 bunch
Water - 2 liters

Boil the barley. Cut pumpkin and onion small cubes and pass through a small amount olive oil. Bring water to a boil, add barley, fried pumpkin with onions and greens. Let everything cook for about five minutes. Salt to taste.

Pickle with barley

Pearl barley - 200 g
Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
Medium carrot - 1 pc.
Onion - 1 pc.
Water - 2 liters.

Boil the barley. Peel cucumbers, cut into small cubes and pass through in a small amount of sunflower oil, along with finely chopped onions and grated carrots.

Bring the water to a boil, throw in barley, cucumbers with carrots and onions, let it boil for about fifteen minutes. Five minutes before the end of the pickle preparation, add finely chopped greens and salt to taste.

Soup with barley, chicken breast and pumpkin

Vegetable broth - 0.7 l.
Onion - 1 pc.
Green onion - 1 bunch
Garlic - 1 clove
Carrot - 1 pc.
Pumpkin - 100 g
Boiled chicken breast - 70 g
Barley boiled - 8 tbsp. lies.
Egg - 1 pc.
Mint - 1 tbsp. lies.
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. lies.
Celery - 1 stalk
Salt - to taste

Finely chop the celery, onion and garlic. Pumpkin mode in small cubes, Place everything in a saucepan and pour vegetable broth.

Cook for about twenty minutes, until the vegetables are ready. Add boiled barley and boiled breast. Add another 250 ml of water and after boiling, cook for another five minutes.

Then add to soup and stir. a raw egg. Salt and pepper to your taste.

Second courses and salads with pearl barley

Risotto with barley

Medium-sized tomatoes - 2 pcs.
Carrot - 1 pc.
green onion and parsley - 2 tbsp. lies.
Medium bulb - 1 pc.
Garlic - 2 cloves
Boiled barley - 10 tbsp. lies.
Water - 0.5 l.
Olive oil - 1 tbsp. lies.
Salt - to taste

Dice tomatoes, carrots, garlic, onions and parsley. Saute onion and garlic a little. Add carrots, parsley and boiled barley. Add boiling water, put on fire and simmer, stirring until the water evaporates. Then we season everything with olive oil.

Ragout with barley

Pearl barley - 200 g
Large tomato - 1 pc.
Bulb - 1 pc.
Olive oil - 2 tbsp. lies.
Salt - to taste

Dice onion and tomato, fry them for about four minutes. Then put the vegetables in a saucepan, pour one liter of water, bring to a boil, add barley, salt and simmer over low heat for one and a half to two hours.

Barley porridge

Barley - 1 glass
Water - 2 liters.
Salt - to taste

Pour barley with a liter of water and leave overnight. In the morning, drain the water and rinse well again. Then pour fresh water in a ratio of 1: 3, put on a minimum heat and after boiling, cook for about an hour.

Then remove the porridge from the stove, add 2 tbsp. lies. olive oil, mix, tightly close the lid and wrap in a blanket. Let it steam for forty minutes in this form.

In this case, the porridge will turn out crumbly and with a very delicate taste. The recipe is suitable for more long-term diets, and for unloading days.

Barley with kefir

Boiled barley - 200 g
Kefir is not fatty - 150 ml

Mix barley boiled in water with kefir. You will get an excellent low-calorie and satisfying dish.

Vinaigrette with barley

Boiled barley - 200 g
Boiled beets - 200 g
Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
Sauerkraut - 100 g
Olive oil - 3 tbsp. lies.

Cut the beets and cucumbers into small cubes, add barley, cabbage and three tablespoons of olive or sunflower oil. To mix everything.


Barley has a large amount of gluten and is therefore contraindicated for people with a disease such as celiac disease.
