Diet on vegetables fast and effective recipes. How to cook vegetable stew with zucchini in a slow cooker

Vegetables are a universal product, containing almost all the necessary vitamins and minerals. At the same time, they have a minimum of calories and a maximum of fiber useful for the smooth functioning of the digestive system and cleansing the body. That is why often choose a vegetable diet for weight loss. With proper observance and following all the recommendations, it allows you to remove 6 or more extra pounds per month without harm to health. At the same time, the diet is varied. Losing weight on such a system is easy, the results appear very quickly.

  1. Low fat content. Thanks to this, not only body weight is reduced, but also the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and blood pressure is stabilized.
  2. High content of dietary fiber. Fiber removes toxins from the body, helps the intestines to work properly, enhances its motility, promotes rapid satiety.
  3. Diversity. Vegetables are a big food group. There are thousands of recipes for interesting, delicious dishes. If you make some effort, then losing weight will be easy, at ease, bring only pleasure.

Like any other food system, vegetables also have their drawbacks. So, vegetables are quickly digested, saturation occurs quickly due to fiber, but not for long. In order not to break the diet, you need to eat regularly. It is advisable to eat at least 5-6 times a day.

In addition, it should be remembered that the absence of animal products leads to a deficiency of certain vital substances. Additional intake of vitamin-mineral complexes during the diet is recommended.

To make vegetable diets more satisfying and healthier, medium and low-fat dairy products are often added to them. Kefir, cottage cheese, yogurts help replenish amino acids, give energy, make the menu of a losing weight person more diverse.

Video: Diet on vegetables, minus 2 - 8 kg, sample menu

List of allowed products

When following a diet, the use of almost all types of vegetables is allowed. It is recommended to give preference to seasonal products grown in your area. Imported and greenhouse fruits are less beneficial to the body. During storage, many useful substances are destroyed. Often, imported vegetables are treated with special compounds before transportation, which prevent spoilage of the product.

Main permitted products:

  • zucchini, zucchini;
  • tomatoes;
  • pumpkin;
  • common beans, green beans;
  • carrot;
  • onions of different types;
  • radish, radish;
  • cabbage of all varieties.

You can add to the diet all kinds of greens, leafy salads. They will improve, diversify the taste of dishes, become an additional source of vitamins.

Interesting! There is an opinion among the people that potatoes get fat. In fact, the calorie content of a boiled tuber is only 82 kcal. This is a lot for a vegetable, but quite a bit compared to cereals, meat and other food products. If you do not add oil and fatty sauces to potatoes, then it is quite possible to use it even on a diet.

During a vegetable diet, you can not eat fruits and berries, bakery and other flour products, meat products in any form, fish and seafood. It is necessary to completely abandon sugar, fruit juices, industrial drinks, including alcoholic ones. Coffee and cocoa are reduced to one cup per day.

Basic principles of a vegetable diet

The average daily calorie content of the diet should not exceed 1300 kcal. Since the energy value of vegetables is low, it is not difficult to adhere to the recommended corridor. If you follow the sample menu, then you do not need to count calories.

Vegetables can be consumed raw, boiled, stewed and baked. In the warm season, it is recommended to give preference to fresh salads, cold soups, cocktails, smoothies and other dishes from raw vegetables: this way the maximum of useful substances is preserved. Mayonnaise and other fatty sauces are not added to salads. Corn, olive, sunflower oil are used as dressings, which help vitamins to be absorbed almost in full. You can add mustard, lemon juice, soy sauce, various herbs and spices.

In winter and autumn, the basis of the diet is hot first courses, mashed potatoes and stews. They help the body warm up, give a feeling of satiety, while having a low calorie content. But do not forget about fresh vegetables, which are a source of fiber and important substances.

A big mistake of many losing weight is a sharp increase in physical activity. Any diet is stressful for the body. Additional loads can be harmful and lead to a breakdown in the diet. During vegetable weight loss, outdoor walks, swimming, light running, cycling are recommended. No exhausting workouts if a person has never done this.

vegetable diet for 3 days

The shorter the diet, the more monotonous and stricter the diet. The menu for 3 days involves the use of only vegetables. Of course, you can choose one product and use only it, for example, cucumbers or cabbage. But sticking to a monotonous diet will be quite difficult.

Sample menu for one day

Breakfast: coleslaw with 1 tsp. oils, herbs and lemon juice.
Lunch: Apple.
Dinner: lean cabbage soup with cabbage, rosehip compote.
Afternoon snack: salad of fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs and spices.
Dinner: peppers stuffed with vegetables.

Advice: From a large number of fresh vegetables, increased gas formation, bloating, discomfort in the abdomen can be observed. An aqueous decoction of dill seeds will help reduce discomfort. You can use pharmacy fennel.

Vegetable diet for 5 days

The menu of a five-day vegetable weight loss is distinguished by the introduction of kefir. It can be replaced with natural yogurt or low-fat yogurt. Drinking a fermented milk drink is recommended at the end of the day.

An example of a vegetable menu for the day

Breakfast: boiled beetroot salad with butter and herbs.
Snack: Apple.
Dinner: green cabbage soup from sorrel, vegetable puree from carrots with cabbage.
Afternoon snack: vegetable or squash caviar.
Dinner: stewed asparagus beans.
Late dinner: a glass of kefir.

During the day you need to drink at least two liters of water. You can use green and black tea, herbal decoctions, compotes from apples, rose hips. All drinks are prepared without added sugar.

Vegetable diet for 7 and 10 days

A vegetable diet for more than five days is considered a long one. Low-fat dairy products are introduced into the diet. Recommended kefir and milk up to 1%, cottage cheese up to 2.5%. Sweet fruits, berries, cereals and bread are still banned.

Sample menu for one day

Breakfast: cottage cheese with herbs, tea.
Snack: apples.
Dinner: okroshka or hot vegetable soup, cauliflower puree.
Afternoon snack: pumpkin puree.
Dinner: eggplant, tomato and zucchini ratatouille.
For the night: kefir.

Vegetable dishes can be consumed in unlimited quantities. A serving of dairy products and apples should not exceed 250 g per day.

Features of a vegetable diet for a month

It is allowed to introduce a small amount of rye bread and cereal cereals into the diet of a long-term diet. It is better to eat one thing a day, you can use cereal bread. Below is an example of a menu for two different days with the addition of bread and porridge.

Sample menu for the first day

Breakfast: oatmeal porridge on the water, tea.
Snack: salad of cucumbers and herbs with butter.
Dinner: vegetable soup, tomato and pepper salad.
Afternoon snack: apple, kefir
Dinner: vegetable stew.

Sample menu for the second day

Breakfast: cottage cheese, apple, tea.
Snack: vegetable casserole, greens.
Dinner: lean borscht or okroshka, 2 slices of bread.
Afternoon snack: fat-free kefir.
Dinner: peppers stuffed with eggplant and carrots.

Weight maintenance and dieting

So that vegetable weight loss is not short-term, the lost weight does not return, you need to exit the diet competently. Meat products, cereals, eggs are introduced gradually.

Basic rules for exiting a vegetable diet:

  1. The use of all those products that were allowed during the diet. It is not recommended to change the diet drastically.
  2. The introduction of previously prohibited products one by one every 2 days in small portions.
  3. It is not necessary in the first weeks to eat polished rice, flour products, including pasta. The sharp rise and fall in blood glucose will lead to severe hunger, which will be difficult to control.
  4. Portion size control. No need to pounce on a previously banned product. It is better to eat it at the end of a meal or add it to a vegetable dish.
  5. Fluid control. Water is important for the body not only at the stage of vegetable weight loss, but also to maintain the results achieved.

It should be remembered: The use of a large number of fresh vegetables is contraindicated in case of problems with the digestive organs and kidneys. It is not recommended to follow a diet for children under 16 years of age. In all other cases, vegetable weight loss will only bring benefits, help cleanse the body, give lightness and get rid of extra pounds.

), and every day the number of followers of a healthy lifestyle is growing. The importance of a healthy diet is told by the pages of glossy magazines, scientific and entertainment TV shows, and radio programs.

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Proper and healthy nutrition is only part of a huge set of measures aimed at healthy lifestyle. Nowadays, people have more information about the dangers of certain products, about what diseases they cause, and how destructive these or other food components are for the body. Slimness is a sign of leading a healthy lifestyle, which is why many people are so eager to shed unwanted pounds.

Vegetable diet for weight loss

One of the healthiest diets is vegetable diet for weight loss. It is better to sit on a vegetable diet for no more than one month. The minimum period is a week. Some manage to lose weight on vegetables by 10 kg in 7 days, but sudden weight loss is quite harmful and stressful for the whole body, so doctors recommend gradual weight loss. In a month you can get rid of an average of 2 to 7 kg of excess weight. Sitting on this diet is not recommended more than 1 time per year. It is not balanced, but the body during the diet receives enough vitamins and minerals. In addition, in losing weight:

  • complexion improves;
  • improves the structure of nails and hair;
  • there is vigor and a desire to lead an active lifestyle, lightness throughout the body;
  • the symptoms of chronic diseases are reduced;
  • weight is reduced;
  • immunity increases;
  • mood improves, and symptoms of depression disappear.

Also this diet is great. prevention of many diseases such as atherosclerosis, obesity, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the cardiovascular system, beriberi, anemia, etc. A vegetable diet is a wonderful option for cleansing the body.

How to choose products

Starting a vegetable diet for weight loss is best in the "season" - summer or autumn when you can find an abundance of inexpensive vegetables and fruits in the markets and supermarkets. After all, buying fresh vegetables out of season, you risk going broke, and even get poisoned, since most of the out-of-season fruits are stuffed with chemicals. It is advisable to choose fresh products, only plucked from the beds, or buy them from the hands of those who do not treat plants with pesticides during the growing process. But if this is not possible, then ordinary products that you can get will do.

choose fruits and vegetables that grow in your area and that your body is used to. With caution, introduce overseas fruits into the diet, as the body must get used to them. In addition, products delivered from abroad often cost much more than fruits grown in your country. Therefore, in order to save give preference to the "domestic manufacturer". This fact will make the vegetable diet also cheap.

What can you eat on a vegetable diet

Vegetable diet for weight loss can rightfully be called a delicious diet. It is diverse, despite the fact that the main products in the diet of losing weight are fruits and vegetables. After all, there are a huge number meals, salads, drinks thanks to which you will experience a surge of strength and lose weight. So, what fruits and vegetables can you eat while on a diet?

  • zucchini;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • radish;
  • carrot;
  • salad;
  • beans;
  • cabbage;
  • mushrooms;
  • sweet pepper, etc.

vegetable, which should be avoided - potatoes, since eating potatoes contributes to weight gain rather than weight loss.

Advice: if you decide to go on a vegetable diet for weight loss in winter or spring, when there are few fresh vegetables, you can buy frozen vegetable mixes. Such products undergo shock freezing, that is, they are frozen immediately after collection. Therefore, all vitamins and minerals in them are kept almost in their original form. From these mixtures, you can cook vegetable soups and cook stews and saute vegetables.

From fruits, give preference green apples. Sometimes you can afford melon, watermelon, peaches, apricots.

In addition to vegetables and fruits in the diet of losing weight should be present:

  • low-fat kefir;
  • skim cheese;
  • skimmed milk;
  • yogurt with a fat content of 0%;
  • oat groats;
  • Rye bread;
  • eggs.

Products allowed boil, steam, bake in the oven or grill, eat raw. Salads are best seasoned with lemon juice or olive oil in a small amount. You can also use your favorite spices and a small amount of salt when cooking.

Diet menu for the week

Try to make your menu so that it is as diverse as possible. Introduce something new into your diet every day. Set a goal try the maximum number of vegetables during the diet. You should eat about 1.5 kg of vegetables. If you manage to eat less, it means that the process of losing weight will go much faster.

We offer you an approximate menu of a vegetable diet for weight loss for a week:


The first day:

  • Breakfast: omelet with tomatoes, tea;
  • Dinner: vegetable soup from any vegetables, a slice of rye bread;
  • Afternoon snack: green apple;
  • Dinner: vegetable casserole, fat-free kefir.

Second day:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal in water or low-fat milk with a little added sugar, tea;
  • Dinner: zucchini baked with cheese;
  • Afternoon snack: peach;
  • Dinner: fresh vegetable salad (white cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, grated carrots, canned corn, seasoned with olive oil), kefir.

Day three:

  • Breakfast: fat-free cottage cheese with raspberries, tea;
  • Dinner: baked eggplants with tomatoes, onions and cheese;
  • Afternoon snack: orange;
  • Dinner: grilled vegetables (eggplant, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes).

Day four:

  • Breakfast: toast with tomato, tea;
  • Dinner: mushroom soup with vegetables;
  • Afternoon snack: fat-free yogurt;
  • Dinner: stewed cabbage with chicken meat.

Day five:

  • Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, 2 cucumbers, tea;
  • Dinner: eggplant caviar, rye bread, fruit compote;
  • Afternoon snack: pear;
  • Dinner: mushrooms baked with cheese, herbal tea.

Day six:

  • Breakfast: fat-free cottage cheese, freshly squeezed carrot juice;
  • Dinner: bean and tomato lobio;
  • Afternoon snack: a few pieces of melon;
  • Dinner: ratatouille tea.

Day seven:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal, tea;
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, vegetable stew, tomato juice;
  • Afternoon snack: 2 peaches;
  • Dinner: vegetable casserole with egg, kefir.

A vegetable diet for weight loss for a month suggests a similar diet. You can slightly expand and diversify the menu offered by us at the expense of your own imagination and recipes.

On our site you can find a huge number of recipes for vegetable dishes in the Recipes section.

Recipes for popular low-calorie vegetable dishes. Video

Vegetable cream soup


  • 300g chicken fillet;
  • celery 1 pc.;
  • carrots 2 pcs.;
  • onion 1 pc.;
  • potatoes 3 pcs.;
  • flour 5 tablespoons;
  • skim milk 300 ml;
  • salt, pepper, spices to taste, for example, suneli hops.

Cooking method

  1. Cut the chicken fillet into pieces and dip into boiling salted water.
  2. Cut the carrots and celery into small cubes, scroll the onion in a blender or through a meat grinder. Simmer all vegetables in a skillet over low heat.
  3. Peel the potatoes, cut them into cubes, and add to the pan with the vegetables. Salt, add your favorite seasonings. Simmer for 5-10 minutes, and add to the pan with chicken fillet.
  4. Whisk flour with milk until smooth. Add it to the soup, and cook, stirring for another 10 minutes.
  5. Blend the soup in a blender until smooth. Cream soup is ready.

Video recipe for vegetable soup with a calorie content of 57 kcal:

fitness salad


  • tomato 1 pc.;
  • cucumber 1 pc.;
  • Feta cheese 40 g;
  • lettuce a few leaves;
  • pitted olives 6 pcs.;
  • olive oil 30 g;
  • Yalta onion (purple);
  • salt, spices to taste, for example, oregano.

Cooking method

  1. Chop the lettuce a little and put them on a plate.
  2. Cut the cucumber into thin circles, cut the tomato into slices resembling garlic.
  3. Cut the Yalta onion into thin half rings.
  4. Cut feta cheese into cubes.
  5. Lay all ingredients in layers, add oregano, drizzle with olive oil. Diet salad is ready.

Fitness Salad Video Recipe:

Vegetable cutlets


  • cauliflower 200 g;
  • carrots 1 pc.;
  • potatoes 3 pcs.;
  • flour 100 g;
  • salt, pepper, spices to taste, for example, curry.

Cooking method

  1. Grate all vegetables on a fine grater.
  2. Add flour and spices. Make minced meat.
  3. Form small balls and fry them in a pan in a sufficient amount of oil for 2 minutes on each side.
  4. Transfer the finished cutlets to a paper towel to absorb excess oil. If you don't want to fry the patties, you can steam them, bake them in the oven, or microwave them.

Video recipe for vegetable cutlets:

Vegetable stew


  • zucchini 1 pc.;
  • carrots 1 pc.;
  • tomato 1 pc.;
  • eggplant 1 pc.;
  • red bell pepper 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste 100 g;
  • salt, pepper, spices to taste.

Cooking method

  1. Cut the zucchini and onion into small cubes. Fry in a skillet with a little sunflower oil.
  2. Grate carrots on a coarse grater, add to vegetables, stew.
  3. Cut the bell pepper into cubes, add them to the vegetable mass. Put everything in a deep saucepan, add a little water and start simmering.
  4. Dice the tomato and add to the vegetable stew. Stir, simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. At the end, add 100 g of tomato paste for color and a pleasant sour taste. Tomato paste may or may not be added. Salt and pepper the stew.

Video recipe for vegetable stew:

Chic vegetable dish - Ratatouille


  • zucchini 1 pc.;
  • tomato 3 pcs.;
  • eggplant 1 pc.;
  • garlic 2 cloves;
  • tomato paste 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • olive oil 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, spices to taste, for example, a mixture of Provence herbs (basil, marjoram, sage, rosemary, oregano, thyme, mint).

Cooking method

  1. Cut the zucchini, eggplant and tomatoes into thin circles. Arrange the vegetables in a rimmed ovenproof dish, standing up, alternating between the zucchini, tomato, and eggplant. Vegetables should be tightly packed.
  2. The second step is to prepare the ratatouille sauce. This will require three-quarters of a glass of hot water, in which you need to dissolve the tomato paste and 2 tablespoons of Provence herbs. After that, crushed garlic, salt and pepper if desired, olive oil should be added to the sauce. Mix everything.
  3. Pour the sauce over the vegetables. Cover the pan with a lid, or cover tightly with baking foil.
  4. Bake in the oven for 1 hour at 200 degrees. At the end, bake the ratatouille without a lid for another 10 minutes. This is necessary to get a golden crust. Ratatouille is ready!

Video recipe for a vegetable dish Ratatouille:

Vegetarian Diets: Everyday Soup Cleansing Book

On our site you can download the book "Vegetarian diets: everyday, cleansing soup" written by Yulia Bebneva. It talks about the benefits of vegetable diets, provides a lot of simple recipes for vegetable dishes that help you lose weight. Download the book "Vegetarian Diets: Everyday, Soup Cleansing" for free in fb2 format you can on our website. Below you will find an archive for download, in which, in addition to the book, there is an installation file for the fb2 reader.

A diet based on vegetables is considered the most healthy and balanced. It has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. At the same time, you can not feel hunger and not introduce the body into a state of stress.

To know what a vegetable diet is, you need to familiarize yourself with its features:

  1. Every day you need to eat at least 1 kg of vegetables. More than 70% of them are required to be consumed raw.
  2. Dairy products must be present in the diet.
  3. Nutritionists strongly recommend lean meats as well.
  4. Maintaining the correct balance of foods in the diet will remove the need to purchase vitamin complexes and minerals.

A close relative of this diet is.

In order for a raw vegetable diet to bring the desired result, you need to follow some rules:

  1. The daily diet should be divided into 5 meals.
  2. Vegetables consumed should contain a minimum of starch.
  3. Fresh greens are much more effective in the process of fat burning.
  4. Before proceeding with the technique, it is necessary to prepare your body with the help of a fasting day. On this day, you can eat only vegetable salads for the diet and drink clean water.
  5. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. This amount does not include teas, coffees and juices.
  6. The average number of calories consumed should be - 1100 kcal.
  7. The duration of the procedure may vary. There are options for vegetable, 3, 7 and 31 days. Depending on the duration, the daily diet changes slightly.
  8. A prerequisite for achieving results is an increase in physical activity and daily walks in the fresh air.
  9. Only fresh seasonal vegetables can be eaten. It is worth giving up frozen products.

Pros and cons

Vegetables are in many ways useful for the human body, but in some cases they can harm it.

Benefits of a vegetable diet:

  1. without damaging the body.
  2. Vegetables strengthen the human immune system.
  3. becomes smoother and firmer. The saturated color returns to it.
  4. The body is cleansed of toxins and toxins.
  5. The work of the gastrointestinal tract improves thanks to vegetables.
  6. Thanks to a diet rich in vegetables.
  7. Nutrition on vegetable fibers effectively eliminates the feeling of hunger.
  1. A low protein content in vegetables can adversely affect the growing body of children, so years are contraindicated.
  2. Due to the increased intake of fiber, stool disorders are possible.


Proper nutrition consists of a well-composed diet for the entire course of the technique. Vegetable diet menu for the week:

Day of the week Eating Approximate menu
Monday 1 Apple salad, wild berry compote
2 Vegetable soup,
3 Salad of carrots and Beijing cabbage, season with a tablespoon of olive oil
4 Peppers stuffed with eggplant and zucchini, compote
Tuesday 1 Low fat yogurt, toast
2 Salad of fresh herbs, cucumbers and celery, season with lemon juice
3 Salad of bell pepper, cheese, olives, cucumbers, parsley and tomatoes, compote
4 3 apples baked with a spoonful of honey
5 Braised cabbage with pieces of chicken breast, fruit-based jelly
Wednesday 1 Beet and radish salad, herbal tea
2 A glass of kefir, an egg, lettuce leaves with cucumbers
3 Zucchini puree, Chinese cabbage with green peas, compote
4 Grilled vegetables, soft-boiled egg
5 Herbal tea
Thursday 1 Vegetable soup, green tea
2 , two apples
3 Chicken broth with vegetables, kissel
4 handful of berries
5 Salad of celery, zucchini, bell peppers and cucumbers, compote
Friday 1 A glass of kefir, half an orange
2 Vegetable ragout, herbal tea
3 100 grams of baked white fish fillet with carrots, onions and tomatoes
4 Apple
5 Chicken broth, salad from any vegetables
Saturday 1 Vegetable soup, hard cheese slice, tea
2 Pea puree, sweet pepper, cucumber
3 Broth with chicken pieces and vegetables, compote
4 Salad of carrots, onions, Beijing cabbage, bell peppers and green peas
5 A glass of kefir
Sunday 1 Fruit salad, green tea
2 Vegetable salad with lemon juice
3 Soup with vegetables
4 Braised cabbage with carrots, eggplant and chicken liver
5 Yogurt.

This is an approximate vegetable diet menu. Components can be changed within acceptable limits.

Methods of cooking - boiling, baking, stewing, steaming. It is impossible to fry vegetables in a pan, especially with the addition of vegetable oil. Useful components die, and increases.

Allowed and prohibited products

To comply with the restrictions, you need to know what you can and cannot eat.


  • any vegetables with the lowest starch content;
  • compotes and jelly cooked on fruit;
  • apples, oranges, berries (in limited quantities);
  • lean meat and fish (limited);
  • dairy products with the lowest fat content.


  • alcohol;
  • sugar;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • sausages;
  • canned food and semi-finished products;
  • bakery products;
  • cereals and cereals;
  • pasta;
  • sauces;
  • potato;
  • fatty dairy products.

Now you know what vegetables you can eat with a diet and what foods are prohibited.


The vegetable diet has several popular varieties:

  1. - such a diet is more suitable for people involved in sports. It includes not only fresh vegetables, but also the daily consumption of white fish and chicken fillet. Thus, the body receives the necessary amount of protein to build muscles.
  2. Fruit and vegetable is a method of alternation. The first two days you need to eat 1.5 kilograms of vegetables, the next two days, 1.5 kilograms of fruit. And so on up to 10 days. With such a diet, the condition of the skin, hair and nails improves.

Other methods are less popular and effective.


The menu for any diet should be varied. So you can protect yourself from stressful situations caused by the monotony of nutrition.

stuffed peppers

For cooking, you will need 5 large bell peppers, 2 zucchini, onion, carrots, 50 grams of hard cheese.


  1. First of all, you need to clean the peppers from the insides. When the molds are ready, you can prepare the filling.
  2. Peel the zucchini, grate them on a coarse grater, cut the onion into small pieces. Grate the carrots as well. Mix ingredients.
  3. Fill the peppers with the mixture. Lay them out on foil and place them on a baking sheet.
  4. Grate cheese and sprinkle peppers on top. Wrap the foil and put in the oven.
  5. Bake for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.

Diet cutlets

For cooking, you will need 500 grams of turkey fillet, 2 carrots, 1 tomato, 1 zucchini, 2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs.


  1. Pass the turkey fillet through a meat grinder twice.
  2. Mix minced meat with breadcrumbs.
  3. Finely grate the vegetables, cut the tomato into small pieces, mix them with minced meat. Leave what happened in the refrigerator for an hour.
  4. Form cutlets and cook them in a slow cooker for a couple.

Vegetable salads for weight loss can be prepared from any mixture of vegetables. For dressing, you can use olive oil or lemon juice.

Contraindications and side effects

The vegetable diet has a minimum number of contraindications and side effects. This is due to the fact that there are a huge number of types of vegetables and in any case, something will suit a certain person.

A side effect may be a violation of the stool due to the large amount of fiber. In some cases, there is a general weakness of the body.

Diet on vegetables reviews and results

Ekaterina 32 years old

I have loved vegetables since childhood. I eat them every day and in large quantities. At the same time, I do not like sweet and salty. I eat fatty meat often. Apparently the love of fat and contributed to the set of extra pounds. When I decided to put my figure in order, I purposefully looked for a technique related to vegetables. Found it very quickly. It was very easy to follow. The result pleased.

Valeria 26 years old

To prepare for the summer season, I needed to lose 10 kilos. For a very long time I was looking for a diet that would be easy to maintain and combine with sports. The choice settled on the classic vegetable method. I liked her very much. The diet is varied, the feeling of hunger does not appear throughout the day.

Getting out of the diet

You need to stop the vegetable diet correctly. First, you need to slowly introduce more lean meat into your diet. Secondly, add oatmeal in the morning and buckwheat or rice in the evenings. Thirdly, do not forget about fruits and dairy products.

Vegetable diet is considered the most versatile and of all weight loss methods. In it everyone can find something of their own. The minimum number of side effects will attract the attention of the most cautious people.

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Excess weight worries most of the fair sex, and in order to get rid of a few extra pounds, women are ready for a variety of actions. Most often, ladies resort to the help of various diets.

Most experts recommend starting the fight against weight using a vegetable diet. By relying on vegetables and fruits, a lady can lose up to 7-8 kilograms over 2-3 weeks. What is the peculiarity of such therapeutic nutrition?

Read in this article

Benefits of a vegetable diet

If a woman makes the main emphasis in her daily diet on fruits and vegetables, then she does not limit her body in sufficient intake of most useful substances, including vitamins, trace elements and amino acids. Such a diet is quite balanced, while a vegetable diet does not exclude the use of a small amount of protein-rich foods.

The main feature of this method of weight loss is that with a minimum number of calories, food remains rich in vitamins and other useful substances. Such a diet does not have a sharp effect on the woman's digestive tract, does not increase the load on the immune and hormonal systems, does not lead to jumps in blood pressure and a failure of acidity in the stomach.

Vegetables help get rid of toxins, enhance the metabolism between cells, stabilize the digestive tract. Since the restrictions on fatty and sweet foods are not as critical as with other types, the woman's body adapts more calmly to a decrease in the percentage of fats and carbohydrates in the daily diet.

A diet that focuses on fresh vegetables is a really effective tool in the fight against extra pounds, while it can be used for 1 to 2 months without compromising health. It should be noted that experts advise choosing such a vegetable diet no more than 2 times a year.

The main positive properties of such nutrition should be highlighted:

  • Such a diet helps to improve metabolism, while it is possible to gently cleanse the body of toxins.
  • The vegetable diet does not provide for a maximum restriction in the foods consumed. A woman can afford poultry, lean fish, nuts, mushrooms and those varieties that contain the least fat. Such indulgences will diversify the lady's table.
  • There are practically no restrictions on the use of the gifts of nature. All vegetables are allowed to be included in the menu, and their various combinations will achieve the necessary balance of nutrients in the daily diet.
  • Fruits and berries will be a great addition to vegetable products. They will allow women to introduce many tasty and healthy dishes into their menu.

A vegetable diet practically does not limit the culinary fantasies of ladies; the absence of fat and smoked meats is easily compensated by other healthy products. However, any food restrictions always have their negative sides.

Disadvantages of the weight loss method

Although nutritionists classify the vegetable diet as one of the mildest therapeutic fasting methods, it can not be used by a woman for a long time. First of all, this restriction in food causes a certain failure in the usual percentage of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

A small amount of animal fats after a certain time can provoke digestive disorders in a lady, a decrease in vascular tone. With prolonged use of a vegetable diet, there is a high probability of edema and muscle tone disorders.

It will be difficult for a woman to get used to the complete absence of flour products.

After all, it is the high content of carbohydrates in cereals that allows the body to experience a feeling of fullness, which automatically prevents excessive secretion of gastric juice.

And, of course, one should take into account the dependence of this type of medical nutrition on the time of year. Summer and fall are a great opportunity to use a vegetable diet to fight excess weight, but the rest of the time, vegetables will be less available.

In addition to the high price, these gifts of nature will necessarily contain an increased amount of mineral fertilizers and herbicides. In addition, if vegetables and fruits have been heat-treated for longer storage, then the percentage of nutrients and vitamins in them will immediately decrease several times.

Contraindications for weight loss

Specialists do not distinguish individual contraindications for the use of a vegetable diet. They emphasize that if a woman decides to do therapeutic fasting, then in any case, she will need to consult a doctor.

Nutritionists believe that they should not expose themselves and their bodies to such loads:

  • women suffering from chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys and pancreas;
  • if a lady has problems with metabolism, especially if such processes are accompanied by hormonal disorders;
  • most oncological diseases are a contraindication for the use of any diet, including vegetable.
Thyroid diseases are a contraindication to diets

There is always an acute question whether it is possible to use therapeutic fasting during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If most of the more stringent food restrictions are recommended to be postponed until the birth of the child and the end of the lactation period, then the vegetable diet can be used by expectant mothers and lactating women. Of course, this can only be done under the supervision of a doctor.

Healthy Diet Foods

The vegetable diet, contrary to many erroneous opinions, is quite compatible with many foods, which makes it possible to distinguish several varieties of this method. At the same time, each type of vegetable diet will have its own healthy products.

Start the fight against excess weight with the help of a vegetable diet with the additional inclusion of foods containing a large amount of protein. First of all, this includes lean varieties of fish, such as cod or pollock.

Any bird will fit well into such a diet, but you should avoid eating fatty geese or ducks. Dishes such as vegetable stew with meat should only be cooked in a double boiler, and butter should be completely excluded.

If we are talking about vegetable salads, then in this case even vegetable oil should be avoided. For taste, along with vegetables, add walnuts or pine nuts, grated cheese, lemon. This dish is served with soy sauce only.

However, if you want to achieve more significant results. It is best to combine the gifts of vegetable gardens with berries and fruits. Most often, nutritionists recommend adding prunes or dried apricots to vegetable dishes.

Such a salad will not only have an exquisite taste, but will also allow you to additionally saturate the woman's body with useful substances, including calcium, magnesium and fluorine. Such a combination of products will favorably affect the work of the central nervous system, enhance metabolic processes. However, most experts do not recommend staying on such a dietary restriction for more than 5 days.

The best result is given by a diet based solely on vegetable salads and soups. Any decoctions from the gifts of nature are useful for women, they allow you not to limit yourself to the amount of servings. Hot soups allow ladies not to feel hungry for a long time, besides, they are not inferior to fresh vegetable salads in the content of vitamins and microelements.

When using such nutrition, it is recommended to make the main bet on beets, zucchini, fresh herbs. Do not interfere in salads and cucumbers. But potatoes should be completely excluded from the diet during weight loss. This root crop contains a large amount of starch, which prevents the normal removal of toxins from the body and often provokes constipation in women who are on a vegetable diet.

For the most useful fruits and vegetables, see this video:

Rules for cooking vegetables

Most women consider vegetables solely as an addition to the main dishes. The thing is that green food does not cause a feeling of complete satiety, and this is due to the peculiarities of human taste buds.

Food that is richly seasoned with spices will cause any person to increase the production of gastric juice, which, naturally, will increase his appetite. Therefore, during the period of the vegetable diet, any flavoring additives, salt and pepper should be limited as much as possible.

For good nutrition, it is necessary to alternate the use of fresh vegetables and fruits in raw form with dietary dishes that have undergone heat treatment. Preference should be given to cooked with a double boiler or convection oven.

Hot stewed or boiled vegetables can saturate a woman much more and the feeling of hunger will not arise for a long time. At the same time, one should try to reach the golden mean between the preservation of nutrients and the taste of food.

Many experts advise in such cases to use a microwave oven. This familiar kitchen appliance will help you prepare hearty and tasty meals, while the percentage of vitamins and minerals in these foods will remain almost unchanged.

Cabbage or zucchini, cooked in a double boiler or in a microwave oven, will decorate any lady's dinner, and will relieve the feeling of hunger for 5-6 hours. At the same time, women do not need to limit their portion. Since the calorie content of these dishes will not differ from the usual morning salads of fresh vegetables.

How to choose a steamer, see this video:

Menu for weight loss by 10 kg

Most experts claim that a vegetable diet will help any woman lose 5 to 10 kg in a month. However, to achieve such a result, you should follow a few simple rules of therapeutic fasting.

Nutrition rules for 3, 7, 10 days

The fastest way to lose weight is to eat only fresh vegetable salads for 3 days. The basis of this result can be considered not only the extremely low calorie content of such dishes, but also the high content of plant fiber and pectins in the gifts of nature, which help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and actively transform fat cells.

Carrots, all types of cabbage, bell peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers are best suited for this purpose. Radishes, green peas, dill, parsley and sorrel are usually added to add flavor to such dishes.

You can not cook these salads for the future. For each meal, you should invent a new combination of familiar vegetables, and for their dressing it is best to use low-fat kefir or olive oil.

If the first stage of the fight against excess weight is successfully completed, then you can move on to a more saturated diet, designed for 7 or 10 days. The difference in these methods of losing weight is that the diet for a week does not allow fish or poultry to be included in the menu. And if a woman uses a vegetable diet that allows such liberties, then the period of food restriction, of course, increases.

In the first case, fruits and berries will be a great help for ladies, which will not only diversify the table, but also saturate the woman's body with light sugars, carbohydrates and those groups of useful substances that are not found in garden plants. The therapeutic diet for 7 days can be something like this:

  • For breakfast, a woman can afford a salad of tomatoes, zucchini and raspberries. In addition, berry decoction is allowed.
  • Lunch should be limited to vegetable soup, stewed cabbage and green tea.
  • 2 - 3 hours before dinner, it is recommended to eat shredded carrots or radishes with olive oil, and finish the daily set of dishes with hot bell pepper and a baked green apple.

Vegetable diet menu for day 5

You should also remember the basic rules for such diets:

  • The number of vegetables and fruits per day should be 1.5 - 2 kg.
  • Fat-free dairy products are allowed, of course, which do not contain sugar.
  • Fresh and heat-treated vegetables should be in the diet of a lady in a ratio of 1: 1.
  • A woman should drink at least 3 liters of fluid every day, while mineral water should be 40%, and fruit compotes - at least 25% of the total daily volume.

In order for ladies to more easily endure such food restrictions, there are many recipes for healthy dishes.

For a vegetable diet and a sample menu, see this video:

In reference books about tasty and healthy food, any woman will find many recipes that are useful for herself. Ladies can be recommended for the period of vegetable restriction the following salad:

  • White cabbage or Savoy cabbage is washed, thinly cut and carefully squeezed. Tomatoes, bell peppers and dill are also finely chopped, mixed with cabbage, the salad itself is seasoned with olive or corn oil. Salt should be at a minimum, and it is best to refuse pepper altogether.

Nutritionists advise ladies to diversify their menu with hot dishes. An example would be pumpkin casserole:

All this is poured with milk, previously well whipped with a mixer with 2 proteins. The baking sheet is placed in the oven and baked for 45 minutes at 200 degrees.

How to make delicious soup

Such a dish can form the basis of the daily diet of a lady using a vegetable diet. There are no special secrets in cooking.

First you need to decide whether to cook the soup in meat broth or limit yourself to the vegetable component. If the diet is moderate, then you can afford chicken broth, which will add a large amount of protein to the woman's diet.

When you decide to confine yourself exclusively to vegetables, then preference should be given to onion soup or traditional Russian cabbage soup. Shchi is usually boiled from carrots, cabbage and sorrel, and you can add a chicken egg for taste.

When preparing onion soup, onions and a large amount of herbs, in particular, basil, and parsley, are used.

Vegetable soups can be cooked from any gifts of nature. However, most nutritionists recommend not using legumes, as they are difficult to heat and are quite difficult for the gastrointestinal tract during therapeutic starvation.

To learn how to cook a healthy vegetable soup for those who are on a diet, see this video:

The optimal time for losing weight when it is better to repeat

Since there are different recipes for a vegetable diet in dietology, the duration of its use will depend entirely on willpower with food restrictions. If a lady adheres to the most stringent weight loss regime and allows herself only, then the duration of such a weight loss method should not be more than 7 days.

Most often, doctors recommend women a sparing vegetable diet, that is, this is the case when fruits, berries, lean fish and poultry are allowed. With such restrictions, the body can more easily tolerate such loads, so the period of therapeutic starvation can be extended to 45-60 days.

You can talk about a second session of a vegetable diet no earlier than 9 months after the end of the current fast, and only if the food restriction regimen was the most sparing. In all other cases, experts advise a break between such loads on the body for at least 1 year.

Vegetable diet is one of the most gentle methods of curative starvation. However, it also carries significant burdens on a woman's body, so doctors advise ladies to adhere to some rules:

The most optimal option is the one in which the lady keeps a diary of her condition during the vegetable restriction in food, strictly controls her weight and the amount of liquid she drinks. At the slightest deterioration in the condition, you should restore the normal rhythm of nutrition and seek help from a specialist.

It has long been known that vegetables are an ideal component of the diet. In many food systems, the menu is based on a different combination of these useful products. Vegetable diet for weight loss is one of the most popular among people who want to get a slender waist.

How to lose weight on vegetables?

Such diets are created taking into account various factors, and the obvious advantages of vegetable nutrition include:

  1. Almost all vegetables are fiber. And it is known to have a positive effect on the abdominal organs.
  2. All vegetables (except potatoes) are low in calories, even considering the way they are cooked - fried eggplant will cause much less damage to the figure than a piece of fried meat.
  3. Due to their chemical composition, vegetables normalize metabolism.
  4. In addition to fiber, vegetables are a source of healthy carbohydrates that are needed when compiling a balanced diet.

Adhering to any menu of a vegetable diet for weight loss, you should remember some rules:

  1. Do not overdo exercise during such diets.
  2. It is allowed to eat vegetables in any form, except for fried ones, but it is most useful to eat them raw, because they contain more nutrients. The average daily intake of vegetables is about 1200 kcal.
  3. With strict observance of the vegetable diet for weight loss, you can lose up to 7 kg.
  4. Meal times are strictly observed every day.
  5. The vegetable menu must be supplemented with complex carbohydrates, protein and fructose.
  6. Do not drink alcohol, sugar, flour products and fatty foods during the diet.
  7. With such a diet, you need to consume a lot of fluids. Drink water, tea without sugar, herbal infusions or natural vegetable juices.

What vegetables can you eat while losing weight?

The way vegetables are cooked plays a big role. You should also select vegetables in such a way as to maintain a balance in the content of nutrients in the diet, since their lack will immediately affect your well-being. You shouldn't feel low, and it's important to remember to eat starchy vegetables in very small amounts. Sweet vegetables contain fructose, and this contributes to the awakening of appetite, try to reduce their share in your diet.

List of vegetables that any classic diet can include:

  1. Broccoli - it contains carotenoids, vitamins E, B, A, C, PP and U.
  2. Spinach - contains in its composition a large amount of potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium and iron (24 mg.).
  3. Lettuce is a rich source of iron, phosphorus, iodine, cobalt, zinc, sodium, potassium and copper.
  4. String beans contain a whole range of vitamins from ascorbic, pantothenic and folic acid.
  5. Cucumbers contain a large amount of fiber, vitamins A, C, D, B6, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and iron.
  6. Carrots have a very diverse composition - they contain vitamins C, B, A, E, B9, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine.
  7. Parsley in its leaves contains a significant amount of sugars, proteins and vitamin C.
  8. Asparagus is rich in sodium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium.
  9. White cabbage contains a large amount of vitamins, including B vitamins.

Boiled vegetables for weight loss

Useful vegetables for weight loss are primarily boiled vegetables. You can cook them in the traditional way or steam them. They retain the maximum amount of useful substances. In addition, they have a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines. But in the form of processing, there are some tricks that can be applied in order to get the most benefit from the products:

  1. It is preferable to use steamed foods than boiled ones.
  2. When cooking, it is better not to remove the peel first, and grind the ingredients after they are cooked entirely. It is better not to add salt when cooking.
  3. Weight loss on vegetables allows the use of salads, but without the addition of mayonnaise or sour cream. You can replace them with a small amount of wine vinegar or lemon juice.
  4. Calculate the amount of ingredients needed before preparing them to avoid storing them in the refrigerator. Otherwise, vegetables will lose their beneficial properties.

Dietary vegetables differ in their properties. There are some that are more beneficial if consumed boiled rather than raw:

  1. Carrots - freely passes the entire digestive process and helps to get rid of constipation.
  2. Asparagus is a vegetable that acquires even more useful trace elements during the cooking process.
  3. When raw, some vegetables adversely affect the functioning of the thyroid gland, but when cooked, this property disappears from them. These vegetables include radish, turnip, radish, cabbage.
  4. Zucchini also becomes much more useful after heat treatment. It increases the amount of vitamins B9, A and B3.
  5. Boiled beetroot accelerates weight loss due to its laxative properties.

Raw vegetables for weight loss

Just as some boiled vegetables are more preferable for weight loss, there are a number of vegetables that this type of processing (as well as any other) has a negative effect on. Among them:

  1. Onion - loses all its useful qualities, while in its raw form it is a product that improves bowel function.
  2. Cucumber - this vegetable also does not accept any type of heat treatment.
  3. Broccoli - having a large number of useful properties, everything loses them during cooking and becomes useless.
  1. Vegetables ground in a blender should be consumed immediately.
  2. You should also abandon mayonnaise, replacing it with low-fat yogurt or vegetable oil.
  3. You should not resort to a diet for people who have an upset stomach or intestines.
  4. In the presence of diseases of this nature, it is better to give preference to boiled vegetables.

If you don’t want to eat vegetables, there is an excellent barley diet, which is based on the use of barley porridge.

If you don’t want to eat only vegetables, but still want to lose weight, then you have a 6-petal diet, which is based on 6 different mono-diets -.

baked vegetables

This type of processing also requires compliance with certain rules:

  1. For cooking baked vegetables, you can use not only the oven, but also an open fire or grill.
  2. A large amount of liquid is created in the peel. If you cut it before cooking, then the dish will turn out more juicy.
  3. So that an appetizing crust forms on the vegetables, and this does not contradict the principles of dietary nutrition, pre-lubricate them with olive oil.
  4. As with other treatments, try to avoid adding salt.
  5. On the baking sheet, leave gaps between the slices so that they do not wash off and subsequently fall apart.
  6. Wipe vegetables dry before roasting. This will help prevent cracks in cooked foods.

Diet on vegetables

There are many different variations of vegetable diets. Choosing the right one should be guided by many parameters: taste preferences, physical characteristics, the expected result and the duration of the diet.

Protein and vegetable

Such a diet is a kind of vegetable, only its diet is supplemented with protein products. Adhering to a protein-vegetable diet for weight loss, you will need to exclude from nutrition:

  • vegetables that contain starch;
  • cereals;
  • sugar and salt;
  • smoked meats;
  • fatty foods;
  • flour and pastries;
  • sweet.

Almost all types of cooking are allowed, except for frying. Supplement the diet with plenty of water and exercise. Try not to eat after sunset. This type of vegetable diet exists in various versions, which differ in duration:

  1. Diet for 4 days. The daily menu includes vegetables in the amount of 700 grams, meat (low-fat varieties of it - beef, chicken) - 150 grams, fish - 250 grams, 500 grams of fruit and 250 ml of kefir.
  2. A vegetable diet for a week is built taking into account the total caloric content of the products, not exceeding 1250 kcal. Menu components can be taken from non-prohibited products.
  3. Diet-alternation. It lasts 7 days and is an alternate use of products. The first day is unloading. 500 ml of kefir is drunk throughout the day. On days 2,4,6, you need to eat only protein foods, on the remaining days - vegetables.

Fruit and vegetable

Such nutrition will provide your body with a large number of trace elements and vitamins. A fruit and vegetable diet for weight loss has a beneficial effect on appearance and general condition:

  1. The metabolism is normalized.
  2. The work of all vital processes will be adjusted in the body.
  3. The condition of hair, skin and nails will noticeably improve.
  4. You can resort to this diet even in winter by eating frozen fruits.
  5. After a course of such nutrition, an improvement will occur in the body - fruits help to eliminate toxins and harmful substances.

For best results, the day before starting this diet, you can drink a laxative, this will prepare the intestines for a lot of fiber.

Prohibited foods during such a diet include:

  • dried fruits, primarily prunes and raisins;
  • potato;
  • peas;
  • mango, banana and grapes.

Vegetables and fruits can be consumed in any form, not exceeding the norm of 1500 gr. You need to eat at the same hours three times a day, additionally including 2-3 snacks. This fruit and vegetable diet does not allow the use of meat, fish, flour products, sausages.

vegetable soup diet

This diet does not put restrictions on the amount of food, although you can only eat one dish - vegetable soup. The vegetable soup diet for weight loss is very effective, if you follow the rules:

  1. You can take any ingredients for soup, excluding starchy vegetables. You need to combine products, taking into account the properties of a particular vegetable - some are excellent fat burners, others contain a high level of fiber.
  2. Soups can be salted, but not much. Use of natural spices is allowed. But the broth of fish or meat is prohibited.
  3. The diet can be supplemented with raw vegetables and fruits.
  4. The duration of this diet should not exceed 7 days.