Diet for 90 days separate. Oriental chicken broth

Overweight people want to get rid of excess weight without making any effort and eating whatever they want. In this case, they created a method of losing weight "90 days of separate nutrition." From other weight loss schemes, it has differences in duration and great abundance in the diet.

The uniqueness of the methodology "90 days of separate nutrition"

A separate nutritional technique, combined with a variety of products, is the main rule of this diet for 90 days. The food ration of the “90 days of separate nutrition” diet differs from many weight loss methods in that you can eat delicious flour products. Acceleration of metabolic processes and proper eating behavior in the body is the goal of the 90 day diet. With this diet, there are no strict rules. By the name it is not hard to guess that the duration of the diet is three months. The use of this diet is good to use as a daily systematic nutrition for every day. This method of losing weight is well combined with physical activity and an active lifestyle. The results of this diet of separate nutrition depend on the initial weight and can reach up to minus 10 - 25 kilograms of excess body weight. Before you go on this diet, be sure to consult with specialists - doctors in this field.

Contraindications for a 90-day separate diet

  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and intestines.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Principles of a diet of separate nutrition for a period of 90 days

The menu of this diet is divided into four daily meal plans:

Day 1 - fish, meat (protein food).

Day 2 - cereals, beans (starchy food).

Day 3 - cereals, pastries (carbohydrate food).

Day 4 - dried fruits, nuts (vitamin food).

The rules of the 90 day diet of separate meals

  • Every 29th day of separate nutrition, unload on ordinary purified water.
  • Dinner no later than 20.00 pm.
  • At breakfast, eat a small portion of food before 12.00 o'clock, at lunch, increase the portion, dinner is a divided lunch in half.
  • You can have a snack with any one fruit.
  • The main thing is to observe the intervals between meals.
  • On a protein-meat day, the interval is at least four hours.
  • On a starch and carbohydrate day, the interval is at least three hours.
  • On a vitamin fruit day, the interval between meals is two hours.

Recipes for preparing separate meals can be tasty and varied. Be sure to use only the products that are in the table.

Separate diet menu for 90 days

For the period of the diet of separate nutrition for a period of 90 days, breakfast for each day consists of the same food. All other meals are planned in advance to your taste. A sample menu for 4 days looks like this:

For a greater result of the "90 days of separate nutrition" diet, you can apply the following useful tips:

  • Cooking vegetables is better in boiled, stewed, baked form.
  • Minimize the consumption of high sugar fruits.
  • Avoid white bread.
  • Using a small amount of fat is very beneficial;
  • Choice of products with minimal processing;
  • Make cooking with your own hands a tradition, do not eat semi-finished products.
  • Use a small amount, seasonings, salt, sauces.

Exit from the 90 day diet of separate meals

To maintain the lost weight at the end of the diet for a period of 90 days, it is recommended to leave the diet for the benefit of your figure.

  1. Eat plenty of fruit for breakfast.
  2. Continue eating according to the method of separate nutrition.
  3. Don't forget about meal schedules.

Obesity is the scourge of modern civilization, because the times when a person had less food than necessary have long since sunk into oblivion.

Today, almost everyone can consume more calories than necessary. This, in the first place, is the reason that many of us suffer from excess weight.

It is believed that in achieving a good figure, all means are good, because the main thing is the result.

It happens that during a diet you constantly want to eat, you don’t have enough strength even for a small number of things, and after returning to the previous way of eating, the weight returns faster than it left.

In this article, we will look at a nutrition technique that allows you to avoid the above problems when losing weight.

Diet Features

Many people who want to lose weight are looking for a nutrition system that will allow them not only to quickly and permanently get rid of extra pounds, but also to provide enough energy for everyday and sports activities.

The 90-day separate food system was created at the beginning of the 21st century in Slovenia by two women. They wanted to find a way to lose weight that would allow them to quickly lose weight, and food would not bother or cause discomfort.

It is based on the alternation of cycles, each day of which will allow you to eat tasty and at the same time useful and lose weight.

What's good about this technique?

  • a minimum of restrictions, the ability to use not only healthy, but also delicious dishes. The nutrition system allows you not to give up your favorite foods that are usually prohibited when following other diets, but at the same time get as close as possible to a healthy diet;
  • varied food: the dishes eaten change daily. At the same time, you do not need to make additional efforts to prepare them;
  • cash costs do not differ from the costs of a normal diet. In nutrition, ordinary, accessible to all products are used;
  • the duration of the diet is about 90 days. This time is enough to develop good habits, accustom the body to a healthy diet and the redistribution of energy for more efficient work during the day;
  • diet cycles are specially designed not only to speed up metabolism (and, consequently, more accelerated weight loss), but also to ensure the intake of vitamins, essential micro and macro elements and minerals;
  • the diet is designed for concomitant physical activity.

Disadvantages and contraindications

For fans of instant results and short diets, 90 days may seem like a long time to achieve the desired weight.

Contraindications: the presence of diseases of the digestive or excretory systems. Also, people with severe obesity should consult a doctor.

Efficiency and results

The achieved effect depends on the initial data.
With a low initial weight, weight loss will be from 2-3 kg per month. If the initial body weight is large, then during the period of following the diet, you can lose from 15 to several tens of kilograms.

At the end of 90 days, you can continue to eat according to this system - in the absence of contraindications, it does not harm either health or figure. In this case, the result will be preserved for a longer period or even forever.

Diet Rules

Nutrition on a diet consists of cycles, each lasting 4 days. After 7 cycles (that is, every 28 days), it is necessary to arrange a day of unloading, during which only plain water is allowed.

Cycle order:

1 day. Eating foods that contain mostly protein.

Protein products are allowed for consumption: any kind of meat and fish, eggs, dairy products, including cottage cheese and cheese.

As a side dish, you can use vegetables without starch, such as greens. At lunch, a piece of whole grain bread is allowed.

Protein foods should not be combined with each other.

Day 2 Starch.

It is recommended to eat dishes based on legumes, cereals (buckwheat, rice, millet, pearl barley, etc.), any vegetables.

A piece of whole grain bread is also allowed at lunch.

Day 3 Eating foods that contain mostly carbohydrates.

A mandatory element of dinner is your favorite dessert in moderation, for example, a few cookies, a couple of strips of chocolate, preferably dark, or 2-3 scoops of ice cream.

Day 4 Vitamin.

Day of fruit in any form (without processing, juice, etc.). You can eat dried fruits (it is advisable to pre-soak them in water for greater benefit), vegetables, nuts, including seeds (no more than 25 g in total).

The break between lunch and dinner in duration depends on the day: in protein - 4 hours, in carbohydrate and starch - at least 3 hours, and in vitamin - 2 hours.

If hunger is felt between meals, then it is allowed to eat 1 small piece of fruit.

  1. Before the first meal, the authors of the diet recommend drinking plain water with the addition of honey and apple cider vinegar (1 tsp each).
  2. The breakfast itself is the same for any day, except for the unloading day, and consists of fruits (1 - 2 pieces) or a glass of any berries.
  3. The authors advise to present the most acceptable serving size, and then reduce it by 2 times - this will be the amount of food that must be consumed at one time.
  4. The norm of water per day is about 1.5–2 liters. Juices and fresh juices from fruits and vegetables, according to the authors, are a separate meal.
  5. The creators of the diet recommend that you stop drinking alcohol, as it negatively affects weight loss.

Menu example

Breakfast: a glass of berries or 1-2 pcs. fruits.

Dinner: a hot dish of allowed foods, depending on the day, or a salad, 300 ml of broth (meat, if protein day, vegetable, if carbohydrate).

Dinner: depending on the day.

On a carbohydrate day, a small amount of your favorite dessert. Sweet can be replaced with a portion of pizza or salted crackers.

On starch and protein days, you should eat half the serving of the lunch meal.

On a vitamin day - also half a lunch dish or replace it with 1 grapefruit, soaked dried fruits or fresh fruit.

The 90-day diet of separate nutrition, invented by Breda Hrobat and Moycea Polyanshek from Slovenia, differs from many other weight loss meal plans not only in duration, but also in an enviable variety on the menu. The authors aim to make the metabolism of a person losing weight work more intensively and accustom him to a certain discipline in matters of food intake, but do not seek to deprive a person of gastronomic joys. Check out recipes for each of the four phases - protein, starch, carbohydrate and vitamin.

90 Day Diet Recipes: Eat Anything! But in due time

The 90-day separate nutrition diet is organized very simply: it consists of repeating cycles of days, the sequence of which cannot be changed.

1 day - protein
2 day - starchy
day 3 - carbohydrate
Day 4 - vitamin (fruit).

At the end of the cycle, it repeats again, after every seventh cycle (that is, every 29th day of the diet for 90 days), it is necessary to carry out an unloading aqua day, during which you should not eat anything and drink plain non-carbonated water.

90 Day Diet Recipes: Allowed Foods by Day

  • 1 Protein day on a 90 day diet: meat, fish, seafood, eggs,cheese, cottage cheese, any dairy products without additives. All vegetables except starchy ones. No more than one slice of whole grain bread (at lunch only!).
  • 2 Starch day on the 90 day diet:legumes (including lentils and soy), cereals, vegetables, including starchy and potatoes,one slice of whole grain bread (for lunch).
  • 3 Carbohydrate day on a 90 day diet: pasta, bread, crackers, vegetable pizza, buckwheat and barley, millet,
    any vegetables and tomato sauce, yeast-free pastries without eggs, sweets.
  • 4 Vitamin day on a 90 day diet: fruits, dried fruits, vegetables, fruit and vegetable juices, seeds and nuts (no more than 25 grams).

Diet menu 90 days: less exotic, more realism

The names of the days eloquently indicate which ingredient is in priority today. However, calling their diet for 90 days a diet of separate nutrition, the authors establish not at all strict rules for the selection of products - it is allowed to use salt, spices, some additives (including bouillon cubes).

When combining products, it is important not to eat protein foods with carbohydrates, except for non-starchy vegetables and tomatoes, which the authors treat with great reverence, believing that tomatoes and simple tomato sauce without additives can be eaten almost any day, except for unloading. It is also not recommended to mix protein foods from different sources in one meal - for example, eating fish with cottage cheese or meat with eggs.

Breda and Moytsa approached the preparation of recipes for the 90-day diet with the practicality of experienced housewives: all dishes are easy to cook at home from ingredients that can be found in any store and offer to the whole family.

Daily diet menu for 90 days: compilation scheme


Every day (except unloading) - any two fruits or fruit + a glass of any berries


300 ml of broth (on a protein day - meat, on a starch and carbohydrate day - vegetable) + hot dish or salad from allowed ingredients


Carb day - 1 strip (20g) dark chocolate + scoop of ice cream, 1 brownie or 3 small cookies

On protein and starch days, ½ serving of the hot meal or salad you had for lunch

On a vitamin day - ½ serving of the dish that you ate for lunch or 1 grapefruit (or 2 slices of watermelon, a serving of soaked dried fruits, fresh fruit juice of your choice).

Thus, in fact, on a 90-day diet, you need to choose and cook only one full-fledged meal per day, with the amount calculated to be enough for lunch and dinner. Better to imagine what this food can be and be inspired by the Slovenian flavor, our recipes for the 90 day diet will help.

Diet recipes 90 days, protein day: chicken paprikash

Ingredients: large chicken breast (or three thighs, all without skin), 2 onions, 1 clove of crushed garlic, olive oil, 1 tsp red paprika, a pinch of marjoram, a little chili pepper or Tabasco sauce.


  • 1 In 1 tsp of olive oil, fry the finely chopped onion until soft, add the chicken cut into large cubes, fry until lightly browned.
  • 2 Add garlic and all spices, mix well.
  • 3 Pour the paprikash with hot water, reduce the heat to a minimum, leave the dish to simmer under the lid for 15-20 minutes. Serve with fresh herbs or lettuce.

Diet recipes 90 days, carbohydrate day: dumpling noodles

Ingredients: 120 g flour, 125 ml water, 1 tbsp olive oil, a little salt, 1 onion, pureed tomato sauce.


  • 1 Knead the dough from flour, water and salt - one should have a consistency that allows it to easily pass through a colander with rare round holes.
  • 2 Add olive oil to 2-3 liters of boiling water and pour the dough through a colander, stirring constantly.
  • 3 Boil until tender (about 5 minutes), drain the dumpling noodles into a shallow colander or fish out with a slotted spoon, serve with sautéed onions, adding greens if desired.

Diet 90 Day Starch Day: Moussac Potato Casserole

Ingredients: 6 medium potatoes, 3 medium tomatoes (or several cherry tomatoes, 1 cup boiled lentils or beans, 1 grated carrot, 100 ml of any stock, salt, pepper, 1 tbsp finely chopped parsley, 1 tbsp olive oil.


  • 1 Boil potatoes in their skins, cool, peel, cut into slices.
  • 2 Place potatoes, lentils, carrots, sliced ​​tomatoes in layers in a refractory, lightly oiled form, drizzle with olive oil, season with ground pepper.
  • 3 Pour the future moussaka with broth (can be replaced with skim milk), bake at a temperature of 200 C until browned. Serve sprinkled with parsley or green onions.

Diet recipes 90 days, vitamin day: pears with honey

Ingredients: 3 large yellow pears, 3 cloves, vanilla extract, cinnamon, honey, nuts.


  • 1 Cut the pears into thin slices and lightly simmer in a pan with water, cloves and vanilla.
  • 2 Let cool, add 1 tbsp honey and cinnamon on the tip of a knife.
  • 3 Gently stir so that the slices do not break and the honey disperses, sprinkle the dish with nuts (no more than 25 g).

To get rid of the hated kilograms, a diet that includes 90 days of separate meals will finally and irrevocably help. Compared to other methods of losing weight, it is quite long, but it is distinguished by a large number and variety of products on the menu. Thanks to this, the body is not deprived of nutrients, so additional intake of vitamins and minerals is optional. This diet will speed up the metabolism, and excess weight will go away for a long time.

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    Diet Basics

    With a diet of separate nutrition, only one type of food should be consumed in portions every day. This will speed up the metabolism, and losing weight will not be stressful for the body.

    The principle of the 90-day diet of separate nutrition is to consistently repeat a cycle of 4 days. It is forbidden to change their sequence and make changes. All three months you need to eat the following types of products:

    • 1st day - protein (meat, fish);
    • 2nd day - starch (legumes, cereals);
    • 3rd day - carbohydrate (pastries, cereals);
    • 4th day - vitamin (nuts, dried fruits).

    After that, the cycle repeats again. If at some point you have to interrupt the diet, then you need to start from the day on which the stop occurred.

    Diet "6 petals": basic principles, menus for every day and unique recipes

    Rules for separate meals

    General rules of the 90-day diet:

    1. 1. Every 7 cycles (that is, on the 29th day), you need to arrange a fasting day. At this time, only water is allowed to drink, there can be no talk of any food. In total, there are three such days for the course.
    2. 2. It is not recommended to starve and set strict limits in food.
    3. 3. Weight should not go away abruptly. A gradual and smooth result will last for a longer period.
    4. 4. The first meal should be before 12 noon, the last - before 20 pm. Lunch - after 12 noon.
    5. 5. The main part of the diet is for lunch, dinner consists of half the lunch portion.
    6. 6. After the end of the diet, you must take a break for 90 days, then you can again resort to the system of separate nutrition.
    7. 7. For maximum effect, you need to exercise several times a week.

    Breakfast every day throughout the entire period consists of the same set of products, namely: a glass of non-carbonated water at room temperature with the addition of one teaspoon of honey and apple cider vinegar. After 30 minutes, you can eat a few fruits or a glass of berries.

    1. 1. It is necessary to use only the indicated products that are combined with each other.
    2. 2. With an attack of hunger, you can have a snack with an orange or an apple.
    3. 3. It is necessary to drink enough water in the calculation: 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. Coffee and tea are allowed without sugar. Another liquid (juice, fresh) is food. The only exception is milk. It is allowed on a protein day.
    4. 4. It is desirable to reduce the salt content in dishes.
    5. 5. It is necessary to prefer the following methods of cooking: boiling, stewing, baking.
    6. 6. It is necessary to completely exclude alcoholic beverages from the diet.
    7. 7. A maximum of 1500 calories should be consumed per day, especially on a carbohydrate day.
    8. 8. Snack is allowed with any fruit.

    This diet is ideal for people with metabolic disorders or those who are overweight (more than 20 kg) and cannot lose it. Adhering to it is difficult at first, so you should consult a doctor, tune in not only physically, but also psychologically in order to avoid depression.

    90 day split dietinvolves not only weight loss, but also the removal of harmful substances from the body.

    Grocery list

    All allowed products for each day are summarized in a table.

    Protein days

    starch days

    carb days

    vitamin days

    Legumes (soybeans, beans, chickpeas, lentils, peas)

    Flour products (pasta, crackers, bread)

    Fresh fruits

    Cereals (rice, buckwheat, pearl barley)

    Cereals (buckwheat, barley, millet)

    Juices (fruit or vegetable)

    Meat (lean pork, beef, turkey, rabbit)


    Baking without the use of eggs, milk and yeast

    Dried fruits


    Whole wheat bread

    Liver or cake (for dinner)

    Nuts, seeds (25 g)

    Vegetable broth (300 ml)

    Chocolate (3-4 slices)

    Vegetables (except potatoes)

    Whole grain bread

    Meat broth (300 ml)

    All the ingredients of one group can be combined with each other, making new delicious dishes.

    Sample menu for every day with recipes

    To achieve the result, it is important to follow the recommendations for the diet menu for each day.

    First day

    You need to eat foods high in protein. It is forbidden to eat two protein products at one meal. For example, you can’t eat fish and eggs at lunch, the broth must be present. The interval between lunch and dinner is at least four hours.

    Second day

    It is allowed to use foods containing starch. The break between meals is on average three hours.

    Third day

    Carbohydrate day includes the use of cereals, pasta, a small amount of chocolate. The break between meals should also be at least three hours.

    Fourth day

    Any fruits, juices, dried fruits are allowed. The break between breakfast, lunch and dinner should be at least two hours.

    Throughout the day, you need to eat vegetables and fruits. They can be baked or made into salads, mashed potatoes. From drinks, fruit drinks, juices, compotes are suitable. It is better to introduce dried fruits into the diet, which will drown out the feeling of hunger.


    There are several menu options for one 4-day cycle.

    The first option is detailed in the table.

    The second version of the four-day cycle is as follows:


    Simple recipes will help you stick to this diet.

    Hake with green beans (protein day)

    • hake (fillet) - 150 g;
    • green beans (can be frozen) - 60 g;
    • lemon - ½ pc.;
    • seasoning, salt - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Marinate the fish fillet for half an hour in a mixture of lemon juice, spices and salt.
    2. 2. Then put foil on a baking sheet, hake on it, and beans on the sides. Top with foil.
    3. 3. Put in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for 30 minutes.
    4. 4. Decorate the finished dish with herbs.

    Hake with green beans

    Tomato puree soup with rice (starch day)

    For cooking you will need:

    • tomatoes - 6 pcs.;
    • rice - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • carrots - 2 pcs.;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • garlic - 3 teeth;
    • vegetable broth - 300 ml.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Finely chop the onion, send to the pan.
    2. 2. When it is a little fried, add chopped tomatoes, close the lid and simmer over low heat.
    3. 3. After the tomatoes soften, put browned carrots, rice, pour broth and salt. Cook until rice is cooked.
    4. 4. Beat with a blender or rub through a sieve until smooth, add garlic, boil, stirring constantly.

    Tomato and Rice Soup

    Spaghetti with vegetables (carbohydrate day)

    For cooking you will need:

    • zucchini - 1 pc.;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • spaghetti - 200 g;
    • salt pepper.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Zucchini and carrots cut into long thin strips.
    2. 2. Boil spaghetti in salted water until almost done.
    3. 3. Roast the vegetables in the oven for 5 minutes and add to the spaghetti.
    4. 4. Salt and pepper if desired.

    Spaghetti with zucchini and carrots

    Fruit salad (vitamin day)

    For cooking you will need:

    • banana - 1 pc.;
    • tangerine - 1 pc.;
    • apple - 1 pc.;
    • kiwi - 1 pc.;
    • nuts - 100 g;
    • yogurt (no additives) - 3 tbsp. l.;

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Cut all fruits into small cubes.
    2. 2. Chop the nuts into small pieces.
    3. 3. Put all the ingredients in a deep plate, mix gently.
    4. 4. Dress salad with yogurt.

    Fruit salad


    The 90-day split diet is not for everyone. There are a number of contraindications in which this method of losing weight is prohibited:

    • diseases of the heart, liver, urinary system;
    • diabetes;
    • high cholesterol;
    • problems with the digestive system;
    • childhood and adolescence;
    • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
    • allergy to the products that make up the diet with a diet;
    • professional sports;
    • weak immunity.

    To achieve the maximum effect from a separate diet, you should follow all the recommendations and add physical activity. After three months of the diet, you also need to get out of it gradually: first, gradually increase portions, and then introduce a full breakfast.

    And some secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

    I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person like his eyes.

    But how do you rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

A 90-day diet based on the principles of separate nutrition allows you to achieve good results without harming the body. It makes it possible to normalize metabolism, lose weight and fix the results obtained for a long time. After 90 days of proper nutrition, excess weight does not return again and again, as is the case with other diets. What is this type of diet and what are its features? Let's consider further.

Who is this weight loss option for?

The 90-day diet is a real godsend for people who have been losing weight for a long time or have only recently begun to struggle with extra pounds. This weight loss option is suitable for people who have 20 or more kg of excess weight, as well as metabolic disorders. The diet has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, makes it possible to quickly get rid of unnecessary kilograms.

The acceleration of metabolism is the main factor that provides a stable result for a long time. It is the accelerated metabolic processes that make it possible to consolidate the result and stay at a normal weight for a stably long time.

The essence of the diet

The three-month diet is based on the principles of separate nutrition. Scientists were able to establish that this type of food intake has a very beneficial effect on the organs and the whole body as a whole, and has a good healing effect. Reducing the number of calories consumed ensures the burning of extra pounds.

Most people note that in the early days it is very difficult and unusual to adhere to the basic principles of the diet. As you get used to the new way of eating, discomfort will decrease. After 2-3 weeks, a complete adaptation occurs, and subsequently the diet is more easily tolerated.

Initially, you should tune in to:

  • The diet has clear deadlines - your "torment" in the form of some restrictions on food intake will last a certain time - only three months.
  • The success of a diet depends on the willingness to unquestioningly follow its principles, combine foods correctly and abandon the usual type of food.
  • After three months, you will need to continue to monitor your weight, combine proper nutrition with regular exercise.

Before you start a diet, you should weigh yourself and measure the main parameters of the figure in order to determine the size of the changes for the better after the end of the diet.

What is a diet of separate nutrition 90 days (video)

Diet 90 days of separate nutrition. Basic principles, approaches, sample menu, contraindications and main benefits.

We follow the basic principles

The diet is based on 4-day nutrition cycles. New day - a certain grocery set.

1st day of the cycle - protein. This is where the diet starts. Throughout this day, you should eat exclusively protein foods - eggs, fish and meat dishes, sour-milk products.

Day 2 of the cycle - starchy. The diet should be saturated with foods with the highest starch content. Here, first of all, we are talking about all kinds of cereals, potatoes, other starchy vegetables and fruits, grain bakery products.

3rd day of the cycle - carbohydrate. The basis of the diet should be vegetables and fruits, pasta, yeast-free homemade cakes. It is on the third day of the cycle that you can treat yourself to a few pieces of dark chocolate or your favorite dessert.

4th day of the cycle - fruity. On this day, the use of fruits is shown. Dried fruits, seeds of various fruits (for example, pumpkin seeds) are also allowed. Freshly squeezed juice lovers can afford 1-2 glasses of their favorite drink.

Do not forget that juice is the same food that replaces a full meal.

The days of the cycle are repeated one after another. The 29th day has come on the calendar - it's time to unload for the body. This day should become unloading, during which you need to let the body cleanse itself and relax exclusively on the water. Then the diet cycle starts from the very beginning, from the 1st protein day.

90 day diet menu

All three months of the diet, breakfast should be of the same type. The menu for other meals during the day can be planned by each person depending on their taste preferences. Below is a sample menu for the week:

Day 1 - meat. Breakfast: One favorite ripe fruit and a few berries. Lunch: 150 g green salad, 200 g grilled salmon steak. Snack: a sandwich with a tomato, a piece of boiled chicken and lettuce. Dinner: a glass of your favorite fermented milk drink - sourdough, low-fat kefir or fermented baked milk.

Day 2 - starchy vegetable. Breakfast: berries and fruits (similar to day 1). Lunch: 200-250 g vegetable stew. Afternoon snack: baked apple or pumpkin. Dinner - 100-150 g of dried fruits.

Day 3 - sweet, carbohydrate. Breakfast - similar to day 1. Lunch: 250-300 g of homemade pizza. Snack: Vermicelli with hard cheese and tomato sauce. Dinner: black or green tea with a piece of homemade biscuit.

Day 4 - fruit and vitamin. Breakfast: by analogy with day 1. Lunch: a salad of your favorite fruits (no more than 250-300 g). Dinner: a few pieces of watermelon or melon.

Day 5 - protein. Breakfast: Similar to Day 1. Lunch: Green salad with beans and avocado. Snack: omelet with hard cheese and milk sausage. Dinner - cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat.

Day 6 - vegetables. Breakfast is the same. Lunch: stewed vegetables - eggplant, zucchini, carrots, sweet peppers (200-250 g), 50 g of bread. Afternoon snack: potato casserole with parsley or other herbs to taste. Dinner - an apple or a banana.

Day 7 - carbohydrate. Breakfast is the same. Lunch: vegetable lasagna. Snack: 100-150 g of apple pie. Dinner: a glass of hot chocolate or tea with homemade cakes.

Compatibility of products with separate power supply (video)

Separate nutrition for weight loss. What you need to know about the compatibility of products with separate meals? Professional advice.

Recipes for the 90 Day Diet

Below are a few recipes that will help diversify the menu during the diet and please yourself with delicious and hearty dishes.

Boiled chicken on protein day

Wash a medium-sized chicken well, place in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Add 1 whole carrot and 1 onion (pre-peeled), salt and black pepper (in a small amount). Cook over low heat until done. Remove the cooked chicken from the broth and separate the meat from the bones. Portioned pieces of chicken can be divided into several meals. Eat warm with vegetables or legumes.

Rice with vegetables on a starchy day

To prepare the dish, you need to prepare: 150 g of rice, 250 ml of broth, one carrot and a medium-sized onion, 1 bell pepper, a couple of cloves of garlic, salt, olive oil. Finely chop the vegetables, add garlic and lightly fry in olive oil. Pour in the broth and add the pre-washed rice. Simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes with the lid closed. For 5 min. salt to taste until done. Rice with vegetables goes well with a green salad.

Buckwheat porridge for a starchy day

Rinse 2 cups of cereal thoroughly, pour into a deep container, ideally into a pot. Pour water from a ratio of 2: 1 (two glasses of water to one glass of cereal). Add a teaspoon of butter and a little salt. Mix the ingredients and place the pot in the preheated oven. To prevent the porridge from burning, it must be periodically stirred during cooking.

This method is also suitable for making wheat or barley porridge.

Lean Pancakes on Carb Day

In a deep bowl, mix 2.5 cups of sifted flour, 1 teaspoon of sugar, a little salt, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and? glass of mineral water. Ideally, beat the ingredients with a mixer. If one is not at hand, then a regular whisk will do. Pancakes should be baked in a well-heated frying pan until golden brown.

To make the dessert even more delicious, you can prepare a delicious topping - chop one banana and add some nuts, raisins, a little grated dark chocolate and? a teaspoon of butter. Wrap the filling in pancakes, smearing the rest of the chocolate on top. The meal is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Fruit salad of exotic fruits on a vitamin day

Cut one large avocado, banana, kiwi and mandarin into small pieces. Put in a salad bowl, mix thoroughly and sprinkle with a little lemon juice. The most delicious treat is ready.

To achieve your goal, lose weight and not gain it again, during the diet, be sure to follow simple but significant recommendations:
  • In the morning, have breakfast exclusively with fruits, without expanding the diet with other foods.
  • Dine no earlier than noon. Ideally - between twelve and one in the afternoon.
  • If hunger has made itself felt ahead of time, you can have a light snack. As a snack, you can use apples, bananas, kiwi, citrus fruits.
  • The break between lunch and dinner should be about three hours.
  • On a “protein day”, the intervals between main meals should be an average of four hours.
  • On the day of eating fruits and vegetables, the breaks between breakfast, lunch and dinner should be minimal - 2-3 hours.
  • Refuse any food after 20.00.
  • At lunch, eat all the necessary amount of food. By the evening, portions can be reduced.
  • For food and preparation of various dishes, you should use only high-quality and fresh products, do not use semi-finished products.
  • It is unacceptable to use products containing so-called hidden fats, sugars and other additives harmful to the body.
  • All dishes are cooked in a small amount of vegetable or olive oil. They should also dress salads.
  • Preference should be given to baked dishes, as well as steamed food.
  • Minimize the amount of salt and various seasonings on the menu.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of non-carbonated water per day. It is also allowed to drink tea, coffee and compotes.
  • Do not forget about sports and exercise regularly.

Getting out of the diet

To consolidate the results, you should properly exit the diet. After 90 days, it is recommended not to refuse, but to continue to follow its basic rules:
  • have fruit for breakfast in the morning;
  • observe the principles of separate nutrition;
  • do not violate the schedule and regularity of eating.
Numerous reviews of the 90-day diet of separate nutrition suggest that in 90 days the human body adapts and gets used to a new diet and way of eating, after which it becomes a commonplace habit.

To get enough, the body needs much less food. At the same time, the daily diet becomes sufficient for an active lifestyle, vigor and strength. Extra pounds no longer appear.

Diet outcomes may vary. So, for example, a person with a slight overweight can lose from 6 to 9 kg during a three-month diet. At the same time, very obese people can achieve more significant results by dropping 20-25 kg in 90 days.

The main advantage of a separate diet is that it allows you to completely rebuild and regulate the metabolic processes in the body, as a result of which extra pounds go away forever.


Separate nutrition is not an option for everyone, it has its own contraindications. The 90 day diet should be abandoned:
  • people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • minors (a growing organism needs a different nutrition system);
  • women during childbearing.
Even if there are no above or other contraindications, before going on a diet, you should consult with a therapist (or nutritionist) so that the experiment with nutrition does not turn into sad consequences for the body and does not lead to an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of the 90 day diet

Separate power supply has a lot of advantages and a small number of disadvantages.

Among the main advantages are the following:

  • A long-term diet (three months) allows the body to completely adapt to a new nutrition system, get used to it, consolidate the right habits and never return to the old ones.
  • The diet can be quite varied and has every chance to fit perfectly into the menu of your family - you do not have to cook different dishes for yourself and your household separately.
  • Most of the dishes and products “allowed” during the diet are on the menu of cafes and restaurants. This means that various festive events and other feasts “will not pass by” you.
  • Thanks to a varied diet, the body does not adapt to the same type of food, as a result of which weight is reduced throughout all three months of the diet.
  • The periodic use of sweets and all kinds of goodies in the form of fresh fruits allows the body to take a break from the diet and restore strength.