Diet Favorite (7 days) - a detailed description and useful tips. Favorite Diet Reviews and Recipe Examples

Hello everyone today I will share with you my experience about the diet "Beloved!"

So: Diet menu:

Day 1: Drinking. It is allowed to drink only liquid (Broths, teas, milk, yogurts, water)

Day 2: Vegetable Noah .: Vegetables, stews, salads, whatever you want, do not get carried away with oliya and other things.

3. Day. Drinking:The same as the first one. Liquid of choice. But watch out for calories.

4. Fruity day: Any fruit: apples, oranges, bananas. Bananas are not recommended, if you decide to eat one, take no more.

5. Protein day: Fish, eggs, yogurt, chicken breast. But do not run into food, little by little.

6. Drinking Day: The same liquid of choice.

Day 7. Balanced diet. the menu is on the sites. ( During the day, you can have a couple of hard-boiled eggs, vegetable and fruit salads in small portions, soup and broth - a minimum of salt .)

So: What did I eat, how and when?

Day 1: Drinking:

Day 1 was great! : + water + 1 unsweetened tea.

I didn’t want to eat, I ate milk and yogurt! I have never felt so good physically and mentally on diets!

Day 2: Vegetable: -1.200 g after drinking!

Breakfast: 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes + a saucer of stew

Dinner: Salad: 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes + sour cream + stew

Dinner: 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes + stew

Day 3: Drinking +200 g after vegetable:C

Day 4: Fruits: - 800 g after drinking! Hooray!

3 apples, 4 pears, 2 peaches, half a small melon. The day went wonderfully without hunger, unlike vegetable!

Day 5: Instead of protein made drinking today. - 400 g after fruit.

1 pack of milk = 500k + pack of yogurt = 400

Day 6: Balanced diet: -300 after drinking.

(Due to the fact that I have already spent drinking instead of protein, and I will not do protein,

I decided to combine the exit from the diet and protein ..)

Morning: 2 boiled eggs + salad of 2 cucumbers and 2 tomatoes + sour cream.

Dinner: some yogurt with cottage cheese.

Snack: 2 pears.

Dinner: The remaining yogurt, cottage cheese + 2 pears.

About my experience with different diets: I've tried hundreds of diets that I couldn't even last 2 days, followed by terrible relapses, weight gain, depression. I also tried a diet of 3 days of rice, 3 days of chicken, etc. For which I managed to throw off 4 kilos, but with what efforts? I was depressed, I had a headache, I wanted to eat, my stomach cramped, the food was disgusting! And after this diet, a breakdown followed! 4 kilos came back and brought friends! On your favorite diet, everything is different! For the first time in my life, I am on a diet with such enthusiasm, after 2 days of the diet, the stomach really decreases, I want to eat a little! And even today, on the day of a balanced diet, I eat small portions and fill up! which has never happened before!

Ito og: I am more than sure that tomorrow I will type something after this day. But, for the first time I do not despair and I am going to start on the second round until I reach the desired weight. In the end, I lost 2.5 kg. Which is not even bad! No hunger, and other disadvantages. + Volumes go great on this diet! On the 3rd day, the whole body is already noticeably tightened, and the result is very visible in things! Great diet, I recommend it to everyone! I'll post the results after the second week!

Recently, the “Favorite” 7-day diet has become increasingly popular. This is due, first of all, to its effectiveness, because it allows you to lose up to 10 kg in a week. However, having decided to try it on yourself, immediately prepare for the fact that it will not be easy for you, and it will become a serious test for your body. For those who have various chronic diseases, it is better not to tempt fate and choose a less strict diet for yourself, so as not to lose health along with being overweight.

First of all, people with gastritis, colitis, kidney, liver and heart diseases, eating disorders, and those who have a tendency to emotional overeating should abandon this method of dealing with extra pounds. Ideally, before trying this diet, you should consult your doctor to avoid unpleasant consequences.

As you can see from the name of the diet, it is designed for 7 days. During this time, you can not only “expel” extra pounds, but also cleanse your body of toxins. However, with a tendency to constipation, before entering the diet, you should clean the intestines. To do this, it is not necessary to put an enema, it is enough to take a laxative at night, then on the first day (drinking), everything that remains in it will be washed out. This will help prevent poisoning of the body with toxins from the intestines (respectively, it will eliminate headaches and poor health), and ensure the most complete absorption of nutrients and vitamins.

If you need to lose more than 10 kg, then with this diet you will reduce the volume of the stomach and will be able to more easily switch to proper nutrition to lose weight further. Diet "Beloved" 7 days can be repeated after 3 months. You can not repeat the diet without a break. If you have a need to extend it, then you can additionally follow the diet of the 7th day for a couple of days.

The principle of the "Beloved" diet for 7 days is very simple. The first, third and sixth days of losing weight are drinking, during these days you can eat foods in liquid form. The second day is vegetable (you can eat any number of vegetables and salads). The fourth day is fruity (any amount of fruit can be consumed). The fifth day is protein (it is allowed to eat eggs, boiled chicken, yogurt is not prohibited). And finally, the seventh day - the exit from the diet. It is forbidden to replace the products presented in the nutrition menu or swap days. But there are no restrictions on portion sizes and the number of meals in this diet.

Diet "Favorite" 7 days - what foods can be consumed

On the drinking days of the “Beloved” diet for 7 days, the diet may consist of water, broth, kefir, drinking yoghurts, cleansing cocktails from vegetables and fruits, jelly, compotes, milk and homemade milkshakes. If you are firmly focused on the maximum result, then on this day you should give preference to kefir and milk, which have a low percentage of fat content.

On vegetable days, you can eat any vegetables, but the most welcome guest on your table should be cabbage, due to its "fat-burning" properties. You can add a small amount of vegetable oil to salads. Vegetables are best consumed raw, boiled or baked. On vegetable days, water and tea without sugar are also not prohibited.

On fruit days, you can eat any fruit except bananas.

The diet of protein days should consist of egg white, boiled chicken (it is better to take fillets), low-fat cottage cheese, cheeses, fish, soybeans, peas, beans, nuts.

Diet "Favorite" 7 days - what foods should not be consumed

On drinking days, sugary water and juices should be avoided. When you make salads on a vegetable day, you can’t season them with mayonnaise or sour cream, it’s better to limit yourself to vegetable oil. During the diet, you should also exclude salt, sugar, alcohol.

Diet "Favorite" 7 days - menu examples

First day of the diet:

Breakfast - 200 gr. kefir and a cup of unsweetened tea; lunch - 200 gr. chicken broth without salt; afternoon snack - 150 gr. yogurt; dinner - 200 gr. milk. You can also drink unsweetened tea in between.

Second day of the diet:

Breakfast - 2 tomatoes; lunch - a salad of fresh cabbage, herbs and cucumbers, seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil; afternoon snack - 2 cucumbers; dinner - a salad of sweet peppers, herbs and cucumbers.

Third day of the diet:

Breakfast - 200 gr. milkshake and a cup of unsweetened tea; second breakfast - 200 gr. milk; lunch - 150 gr. chicken broth without salt; afternoon snack - 200 gr. kefir; dinner - 200 gr. milk. You can also drink unsweetened tea in between.

Fourth day of the diet:

Breakfast - 2 oranges; second breakfast - grapefruit; lunch - fruit platter of kiwi, apples and oranges; afternoon snack - pear and apple; dinner - grapefruit.

Fifth day of the diet:

Breakfast - 2 eggs; second breakfast - 200 gr. boiled fish; lunch - 150 gr. boiled chicken meat and 100 gr. boiled peas; afternoon snack - 100 gr. cottage cheese; dinner - 100 gr. cheese.

Sixth day of the diet:

Breakfast - 200 gr. kefir and a cup of unsweetened tea; second breakfast - 200 gr. grapefruit juice; lunch - 200 gr. chicken broth without salt; afternoon snack - 200 gr. milkshake; dinner - 200 gr. milk. You can also drink unsweetened tea in between.

Seventh day (day of exit from the diet):

Breakfast - 2 eggs and a cup of green tea; second breakfast - fruit at your discretion; lunch - light soup with rice or buckwheat; afternoon snack - fruit at your discretion; dinner - vegetable salad, seasoned with salt and seasoned with vegetable oil.

Diet Favorite 7 days (for 7 days 10 kg) - useful tips and reviews

Judging by the reviews of people who have tried this diet on themselves, it is quite effective and in most cases really helps to get rid of excess weight. As in any other diet, the most difficult in it is the first day. Therefore, there are no large restrictions on the caloric content of the diet for him. However, some will still find it difficult to endure the rejection of solid foods. Therefore, in reviews of the “Beloved” diet for 7 days, you can often find advice to limit physical activity and give up training, if any, are present in your life routine, since the first diet is characterized by dizziness, nausea, loss of strength, etc. It is also recommended on drinking days, be sure to use the broth so as not to break loose and not break the diet. Another tip for drinking days is to avoid artificial juices and sugary drinks.

Food on a fruit day should be frequent, every 2-3 hours, so that there is no excruciating feeling of hunger.

On protein days, it is better to make a diet of chicken, fish, shrimp, egg whites, since eating cottage cheese or yogurt can reduce the effectiveness of the diet (this is due to the ability of lactose to retain fluid). During the entire diet, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of pure water per day.

And finally, it is very important to get out of the diet correctly. After the end of the “Beloved” diet for 7 days, in no case should you pounce on food. Breakfast on the first day after the diet may consist of a couple of boiled eggs, lunch should be a light soup on vegetable or chicken broth, and dinner should be a light salad. During the day, you can snack on fruits.

As a result of the “Beloved” diet for 7 days, the total loss of adipose tissue is up to 2%, but in order to consolidate the result and develop it, you should slightly limit the calorie content of your usual diet over the next month.

Favorite diet is a regulated and effective nutrition system. She has repeatedly proved that she is an effective and, more importantly, effective means for losing weight and improving her figure. The diet does not last long (only seven days), and her diet is relatively sparing.

Favorite diet 7 days does not belong to the category of mono-diets. If you pay attention to finances, then it will not hit your wallet hard. Favorite Diet received very positive reviews. This is probably due to the results of the diet. You will lose five to ten kilograms in just one week!

Favorite means the best?

No matter how enthusiasts try to elevate this method, the diet is not a panacea and the only true salvation from excess weight. It is effective as a one-time and fast way to lose weight, and you should not abuse it. In addition, you need to seriously prepare for it: if you have gastritis, colitis and kidney disease, you should wait a little while losing weight.

Favorite is a 7-day diet in which every day is dedicated to a product. Depending on the caloric content of the diet, it is necessary to strictly observe the regime of exercises and walks so that the process of natural fat burning coincides with the general physical activity. In general, this diet is very simple, any housewife can find the entire menu in her refrigerator. The diet is designed in such a way that it includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner - each time is different. Therefore, he will not get bored, and the week will go unnoticed.

Ration "Favorite" diet

Day 1. Drinking

Day 2. Vegetable

Only liquids are allowed. Especially soups, teas, and most importantly - water, but not ice, cool, cold, hot, but warm. Tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, carrots, peppers, white cabbage (a natural means of burning fat), lettuce - the diet of the second day of the diet.

Day 3. Drinking

Day 4. Fruity

We do what we did on the first day. On this day, you can eat absolutely any fruit: apples, oranges, bananas, it is especially desirable to include grapefruit and kiwi, which are also natural fat burners.

Day 5. Protein

Day 6. Drinking

The body will be saturated with proteins. Be sure to include boiled fish, eggs, yogurt, chicken breast. However, despite the abundance of choice, you should not immediately fill up. 4-5 small servings a day are enough. Pamper your body with a sufficient amount of liquid (see day 1, day 3)

Day 7. Balanced diet

The transition from diet to normal. But the menu remains at the same time individual. Throughout the day, you can consume a couple of hard-boiled eggs, vegetable and fruit salads in small portions, soup and broth, adding a minimum amount of salt to quickly remove liquid.

Hard version of your favorite diet 7 days

First two days - drinking

Kefir and water - in large quantities.

Third day - apple

Classic unloading menu. If you do not have a big love for apples, then replace them with oranges. Also drink liquids to neutralize the acid.

Fourth, fifth and sixth days - chicken

Boiled chicken without skin and plenty of liquid.

Day seven - alcohol (wine)

Dry wine and cheese throughout the day. For a glass of wine, thirty grams of cheese.

Together with allowed products, nutritionists advise to use vitamins and minerals (in pills, tablets, capsules).

Sample menu for 7 days of the beloved diet

First day: Breakfast
afternoon tea- yogurt 150 gr.
Dinner- 200 ml of milk.
Second day: Breakfast- 2 medium tomatoes.
Dinner- a salad made from fresh cabbage, cucumbers and herbs. Can be seasoned with vegetable oil.
afternoon tea- 2 medium cucumbers.
Dinner- salad of cucumbers, sweet peppers and herbs.
Third day: Breakfast- a cup of unsweetened tea with 200 ml of milkshake.
Lunch- 200 ml of milk.
Dinner- chicken broth without salt 200 ml.
afternoon tea- 200 ml of kefir.
Dinner- 200 ml of milk.

During the day, only unsweetened tea is consumed.

Fourth day: Breakfast- 2 pcs. orange.
Lunch- one grapefruit.
Dinner- assorted fruit of oranges, kiwi and apples.
afternoon tea- apple and pear.
Dinner- 200 ml of milk.
Fifth day: Breakfast- 2 eggs.
Lunch- boiled fish, 200 gr.
Dinner- 150 grams of boiled chicken meat and 100 boiled peas.
afternoon tea- 100 gr low-fat cottage cheese.
Dinner- 100 grams of cheese.
Sixth day: Breakfast- a cup of unsweetened tea with 200 ml of kefir.
Lunch- 200 ml grapefruit juice.
Dinner- chicken broth without salt 200 ml.
afternoon tea- 200 ml milkshake.
Dinner- 200 ml of milk.

During the day, only unsweetened tea is consumed.

Seventh day: Breakfast- a cup of green tea and 2 eggs.
Lunch- any fruit.
Dinner- light soup with rice or buckwheat.
afternoon tea- any fruit.
Dinner- dressed with vegetable small and salted vegetable salad.

It is not necessary to adhere to this menu, products can be changed, guided by the following dietary recommendations for your beloved.

Judging by the reviews of people who have tried this diet on themselves, it is quite effective and in most cases really helps to get rid of excess weight.

As in any other diet, the most difficult in it is the first day. Therefore, there are no large restrictions on the caloric content of the diet for him. However, some will still find it difficult to endure the rejection of solid foods. Therefore, in reviews of the "Beloved" diet for 7 days, you can often find advice to limit physical activity and abandon training, if any, are present in your life routine, since the first diet is characterized by dizziness, nausea, loss of strength.

Food on a fruit day should be frequent, every 2-3 hours, so that there is no excruciating feeling of hunger.

On protein days, it is better to make a diet of chicken, fish, shrimp, egg whites, since eating cottage cheese or yogurt can reduce the effectiveness of the diet (this is due to the ability of lactose to retain fluid). During the entire diet, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of pure water per day.

And finally, it is very important to get out of the diet correctly. After the end of the "Beloved" diet for 7 days, in no case should you pounce on food. Breakfast on the first day after the diet may consist of a couple of boiled eggs, lunch should be a light soup on vegetable or chicken broth, and dinner should be a light salad. During the day, you can snack on fruits.

As a result of the "Beloved" diet for 7 days, the total loss of adipose tissue is up to 2%, but in order to consolidate the result and develop it, you should slightly limit the calorie content of your usual diet over the next month.

How to keep the result

When the Favorite diet is used, it takes up to 10 kg in 7 days. However, like many weight loss methods, this one has its limitations after a week of restricted eating. Within a month, it is advisable to limit the calorie content of your diet, avoiding flour and sweets. Through careful trial and error, you need to identify foods that add "gain" and discard them. However, you should not mock the body in order to achieve this ideal result.

There is a lot of talk about what kind of reviews the diet receives, what results it shows. But in general, it creates a good impression - this is a great way to eat a balanced diet and at the same time lose weight. However, the main thing is moderation, and then the body will delight you not only with a beautiful figure, but also with good health.

Benefits of the Beloved Diet

Shake and result. Get ready for an important meeting, get in shape, break through the “plateau”, when the last kilograms stubbornly refuse to leave.

Tempering Willpower- a week is just a small milestone, but you already understood that the brain controls the body, and not vice versa. This knowledge will come in handy more than once on the way to building the body of your dreams.

Disadvantages of the beloved diet

The disadvantages of the diet are, first of all, that during it there is a large load on the human body, in addition, there may be a problem with the gastrointestinal tract, various anemias and other deficient conditions - which is quite often a phenomenon after such experiments.

In addition, the metabolism begins to slow down during such food starvation - then you will need to expend a lot of effort in order to restore it.

The human body is not designed for diets, because fasting adjusts the organs to a special mode of existence, with the help of which a small amount of calories is burned than in normal times.

Therefore, these are peculiar risks, and before making a decision, go on a diet, think well before that.


Before a diet, a consultation with a doctor is required.

Diet Favorite is contraindicated:

  1. during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. with hypertension;
  3. with diabetes;
  4. with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. during depression;
  6. with renal and heart failure;
  7. after surgery on the abdominal organs.

Firstly, some nutritionists categorically refer to the inclusion of broth in this nutrition system, advising to exclude this product from the diet of the drinking day, explaining this by the high content of salt and fat in it.

Thirdly, nutritionists advise replacing traditional white cabbage with broccoli, which has the maximum fat-burning effect.

Fourth, in order to maximize the result of your favorite diet, protein foods (eggs, yogurt, chicken) should be consumed in different meals, separately from each other.

There are many reviews about this trendy diet. At the same time, it is interesting to note that most of the fair sex is not fully aware that everything, absolutely all diets are designed for overweight people. If your weight is practically within the normal range, you will lose those extra couple of kilograms during the diet and not a drop more, just as much as your body needs.

But at the same time, remember the consequences of the “beloved” diet. You may feel dizzy during the diet, and after it ends, the weight may return. It is also worth noting that the metabolism is slightly reduced.

At the same time, it should be said that the "Favorite" diet also cleanses the body very well. But we note that if you have a tendency to constipation, then before you go on this diet, you need additional bowel cleansing. On the eve of the first day, you can take a laxative at night. Well, the first day (drinking) the body will remove the remnants of toxins from the intestines.

Nutrition with the first drinking day has long been the key to successful disposal of extra pounds. The first drinking day in diets helps to get involved in the process of active burning of fat cells. Replacing food with water helps to get rid of hunger, tormenting in the first days, and reduce the body's need for food.

For a long time, diets carried terrible starvation, which women went on to lose weight. Modern diets are a well-calculated system for quick weight loss in a few days.

Such diets allow you to prepare the figure for an event or a vacation trip with guaranteed and without harm to health. Such necessarily consists of the first day of drinking.

The benefits of a diet where the first day of drinking

The main reason for the first day in a diet in which a person consumes only drinking water is in the physiology of the body

When you are overweight, fat cells are replaced with water, a process that helps you lose weight easily later on by getting rid of water in your body.


This weight loss process is regularly used by professional athletes. Also, drinking a day at the beginning of each fast-acting diet helps to maintain balance in the body, avoid stress, and, importantly, wean the body from the constant desire to chew something.

The best diet

Most people who are overweight are faced with the problem of long and exhausting diets.

But the best way to lose weight is regular exercise, proper nutrition and periodic diets for 7 days, where 1 day is drinking.

At the same time, all weekly diets are quite variable, and their principle is based on the fact that every day there is a certain type of food that helps to unload the human body.

Such unloading not only helps to lose 2-3 kilograms before an important event, but also cleanses the body of harmful toxins that have accumulated in it during disorderly eating.

Water is the source of health

Diet week

1 day - drinking. It is allowed to drink any kind of liquid (juices, water, compotes). At the same time, sugary and carbonated drinks, as well as alcohol, are completely excluded from the drinking day.

Day 2 - vegetable day. Any vegetables are allowed. Also, it is allowed to steam them, and use them boiled. It is forbidden to fry vegetables.

Vegetables need to be steamed

Day 3 - drinking day. Any liquid is drunk similarly to the first day of the diet.

Day 4 - fruit day. Any fruit is allowed.

Day 5 - protein day. Only protein foods are consumed (low-fat dairy products, chicken, fish).

Day 6 - drinking day. Similar to the first day, only liquid is consumed.

Day 7 is the final day of the diet. Allowed breakfast with boiled eggs with tea, light soup for lunch and dinner with vegetable salad.

Seven-day diet with the first day of drinking No. 2

Day 1 - drinking day with the maximum amount of liquid consumed;

Day 2 - vegetable. It is allowed to eat vegetable soup, vegetables, it is allowed to eat legumes or baked potatoes 1 time per day.

Day 3 - vegetables and fruits. It is allowed to eat vegetables, vegetable soup, any fruits, potatoes and legumes are prohibited.

Day 4 - drinking day, consisting only of pure water (carbonated and non-carbonated).

Day 5 - protein-carbohydrate day. Vegetable soup, porridge, boiled chicken or beef (no more than 300 grams per day).

Day 7 is the final day of the diet. It is allowed to eat boiled rice, vegetable soup, boiled meat.

Both diet options, where 1 day of drinking, help to cleanse the body as much as possible and remove a few kilograms of excess weight.

Thus, a drinking day is an essential attribute of weekly diets, making them balanced and effective.

There are many weight loss recipes. It is difficult to decide and find "one's own": effective, safe and "nutritious". The diet, which will be discussed, is known as "Favorite" and is designed for seven days. She deserved her name. The fact is that, adhering to its rules, in just a week you can easily part with 10 kilograms!

The essence of the diet

This nutrition system is universal and consists of five mono-diets. She combined several options for unloading days. Due to the variety and availability of the products included in it, it is easy to follow. So she became a favorite for many who want to lose weight.

"Favorite" diet due to the variety of its menu is very popular among those who want to lose weight

Indications and contraindications

"Favorite" diet is right for you if:

  • you need to quickly lose extra pounds for some event or “break through” a plateau when the last “extra” pounds do not go away (800-1000 g are “lost” on each day of the diet);
  • you have a strong will;
  • Do you want to cleanse your body?

Your “favorite” diet is contraindicated for you if:

  • it occurs during physical (competition) or mental (session) loads;
  • there are chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines, diabetes mellitus, hypertension or a tendency to anemia;

Anemia (anemia) is a painful condition when there is little hemoglobin in the blood.
Everyone should know the symptoms of anemia: pale skin, tachycardia, shortness of breath, fainting, weakness and fatigue.
Foods that increase hemoglobin: red meat (beef), walnuts, pomegranates, buckwheat, apples, nuts, grapes, garlic, mountain ash, bananas, beets, fresh carrot juice, watermelon and melon.

  • you are pregnant or breastfeeding;
  • have recently undergone surgery;
  • suffer from chronic constipation (diet slows down the normal course of metabolic processes even more);
  • you have a cold, or two weeks have not passed after it;
  • you are depressed.

Where to begin

If the choice is made in favor of the "Favorite" diet, you must:

  • consult with a competent doctor who, taking into account the state of health, can make recommendations specifically for you;
  • paint a detailed menu for each day of the week;
  • buy all the necessary products.

Menu for every day

The menu of the “Favorite” diet is quite diverse

In each of the days of the "Favorite" diet, you need to eat only one type of food. With the onset of the next morning, the diet changes completely. The exception is the last, seventh, day, when the food becomes more varied.

1st day - "drinking"

Water is the main component of the first day of the "Favorite" diet

On the first day of the diet, only liquid foods and drinks are allowed, but in any quantity. Preference should be given to broth, tea and kefir. Some replace kefir with fermented baked milk. You need to give up store-bought juices and sweet soda. Kissel is also not allowed to drink, as it contains starch. On this day, hunger may be felt, because the daily calorie content of the diet does not exceed 1500 kcal.

It is interesting!
The feeling of hunger dulls the inhalation of aromas of mint, banana and apple.

Breakfast: a glass of low-fat kefir and a cup of tea without sugar.
Lunch: about 200 ml. chicken broth without salt.
Before dinner - 150 g of yogurt.
In the evening - a glass of 1.5% milk.

2nd day - "vegetable"

Even low-calorie vegetables perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger.

As the name suggests, you can only eat vegetables during the second day. The ban is imposed only on potatoes because of the starch it contains, which inhibits weight loss. Preference should be given to cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, onions and carrots. You can't fry vegetables in oil!

Breakfast: two medium tomatoes.
Lunch: vegetable salad. It can be beetroot salad, grated carrots, cucumber and tomato salad, stewed zucchini. Fill the dish with mayonnaise or sour cream should not be.

salad recipe
1. Cucumbers cut into cubes.
2. Chop white cabbage.
3. Rinse and chop the parsley, dill and cilantro.
4. Mix everything well and season with olive oil or lemon juice.

A couple of cucumbers will make an afternoon snack.
Dinner is a salad of peppers, gherkins, parsley and dill.

3rd day - "milk"

For breakfast, you can drink a glass of skimmed milk and a cup of tea without sugar.
Before dinner, you are allowed to drink a glass of 1.5% milk.
Lunch consists of chicken broth without salt and unsweetened tea.
For an afternoon snack, you should drink a cup of low-fat kefir.
In the evening only a cup of milk and tea without sugar are allowed again.

4th day - "fruit"

It's a very tasty day! Judge for yourself: all fruits are allowed in quantities up to three kilograms. Especially kiwi and grapefruit.

It is interesting!
Grapefruit burns fat thanks to the content of inositol and naringin. Daily consumption of half a grapefruit with each meal (always with white partitions!) Or 150 g of grapefruit juice, on average, reduces weight by 2 kg in two weeks.
Kiwi promotes fat burning. It is recommended to eat two kiwi fruit per day.

It is better to refrain from bananas and grapes, as they contain a lot of sugar.
A couple of oranges and a grapefruit is breakfast.
Lunch - apples, oranges and kiwi.
Snack - apples and pears.
Dinner is milk.

5th day - "protein"

This day is the most satisfying. There is a lot of protein in eggs, shrimp, chicken fillet, fish, cheese, beans, nuts, peas, and dairy products.
Breakfast consists of boiled fish and a couple of boiled eggs.
For lunch, you need to cook peas and cook chicken breast.
Dinner - 100 g of fat-free cottage cheese and cheese.

6th day - "drinking"

You can only drink again! Day repeats the first.
In the morning - a cup of 1% kefir and tea without sugar.
Snack - a glass of grapefruit juice.
Lunch - lean chicken broth.
Evening - 1.5% milk.

Day 7 - "Balanced" or "Final"

The seventh day is different: you must strictly follow the established menu. It is "mixed". There are five meals on this day. It helps the body to gradually switch to normal nutrition.
In the morning it is allowed to eat two boiled eggs with green tea without sugar.
Snack consists of any fruit.
For lunch, you need to cook a vegetarian soup with buckwheat or rice.
The afternoon snack consists of fruit.
A vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil is the dinner of the last day of the diet.

How to get out

It is imperative to control your diet after the "exit" from the diet. High-calorie foods, sweets, carbonated drinks are prohibited if you do not want to return the previous kilograms. The first two weeks of the menu should consist exclusively of low-fat broths, light soups, vegetable and fruit salads. Many people recommend "getting out" of the diet on oatmeal and a salad of fresh beets, cabbage and carrots.

How to cook oatmeal
1. To give the cereal softness and tenderness, soak a glass of oatmeal with water in the evening. It is recommended to soak even “instant” cereals.
2. In the morning, drain the water and add two to three glasses of skimmed milk, a little salt and sugar to the cereal.
3. Put the contents on the fire until boiling.
4. As soon as the porridge boils, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for about 5-7 minutes.
5. Let the porridge brew under the lid for at least five minutes.

There is an optimal option for beginners who first decided to lose weight. This is a five-day version of the "Favorite" diet.

The essence of the "Favorite" diet for five days

For five days of the diet, the body is cleared of "slags" and starts the process of burning fat. In the future, you can easily maintain your weight by simply controlling the total caloric content of the daily diet.

Five-day meal plan

  • first ("unloading"): only 1.5% kefir and water are allowed;
  • the second (“cleansing”): preference is given to fiber, which is abundant in vegetables and fruits;
  • the third (“protein”): you need to eat low-fat dairy products, chicken breast and boiled egg whites;
  • fourth - repeats the first, but you can also freshly squeezed juices from citrus fruits;
  • fifth - any vegetables and fruits are allowed.

Three days after the "five days" canned food, sausages, fatty and fried foods are prohibited.

"Hard" version

Do you want the effect of the "Beloved" diet even greater? There is another variation of it. It is more difficult to comply with the “hard” option due to the meager menu, but the volume of servings is not limited. Parallel intake of vitamins is required.

The first and second days are drinking days. You need to drink only fat-free kefir.

The third is apple. If you don't like apples, you can eat citrus fruits like oranges or grapefruits. It is recommended to consume only one type of fruit during the day.
The next three days are chicken days. You should eat only chicken meat without skin and drink plenty of plain water.

Alcoholic (wine) day - the last. It is recommended to drink good quality dry red wine with a small piece of low-fat cheese (for 150 g of wine - 30 g of cheese). In extreme cases, wine can be replaced with pomegranate juice (this will affect the effectiveness of the diet).

Secrets to help you lose weight more effectively

1. Before a diet, you should “cleanse” the intestines well.

One-day kefir and beetroot juice will perfectly help with constipation. "Yesterday's" kefir, on the contrary, "strengthens".

You can give an enema the day before or take a mild laxative. A week before the diet, it is recommended to minimize the consumption of alcohol, fried foods, pastries and sweets.
2. In order not to feel hungry, you need to eat often - every 2-3 hours. A reasonable amount of food should be observed. The size of one serving is equal to the volume of a glass (approximately 250 g).
3. Alcohol, salt, spices and sugar are excluded during the "Favorite" diet.
4. Drink plenty of water. The minimum volume is 2 liters. Water well drowns out the feeling of hunger, albeit for a short time. In addition, it speeds up metabolism, preventing constipation.
5. Remove chicken broth from the menu.
6. It is better to replace white cabbage with broccoli.

You need to know!
Broccoli is a product of youth, health and beauty. There are only 30 kilocalories in 100 g of cabbage. Due to its high content of calcium and vitamin C, it speeds up the metabolism and helps in weight loss. This cabbage prevents the development of cancer.

7. It is better not to eat yogurt on a “protein” day. It contains a lot of lactose, which retains water. Considering that this day is already the most high-calorie in the diet, eating yogurt will negatively affect the result.
8. Swap vegetable and fruit days.
9. To consolidate the effect of the "Favorite" diet, it can be repeated, but not earlier than after three months.
10. During "drinking" days, physical activity should be kept to a minimum. These days, the body already spends a lot of energy and is deficient in nutrients. Static exercises are allowed: for example, callanetics, Pilates. You can drink soy milk during your workout.

Do you want to lose weight tasty and fast? Then start the "Favorite" diet!
