What to drink to quickly gain weight. Protein shake recipes at home

Someone spends their life in the fight against excess weight, someone was even lucky to win this difficult fight... And it's just hard for these people to imagine that someone wants to get fat!

Causes of thinness

So, let's start with health problems. After all, as a rule, when there are health problems, weight problems already fade into the background. There are many diseases that lead to weight loss. And all of them should be treated by doctors. But we will focus on two groups of diseases that are considered the norm of life and can prevent you from gaining weight.

The first group is the curvature of the spine. Spinal problems do not have to lead to thinness. But if the area that affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract or the thyroid gland is curved, then this may well lead to thinness. And in general, in general, if you are predisposed to thinness, then any gaps in your health will lead to weight loss. How to treat the spine will not be discussed here, because. does not apply to this topic. The only thing that can be said is that if you have problems with your spine, then try to find a good specialist doctor. The only problem here is that the longer you have the curvature, the more difficult it will be to minimize or eliminate it altogether.

The second group is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. After all, when there is a problem with the digestive system - what kind of weight gain can we talk about. We will dwell on this problem in more detail, because it still belongs to the theme of the site. Violations of the gastrointestinal tract leads to a decrease in the digestibility of food, to loss of appetite. Accordingly, so that this does not become a hindrance, attention should be paid to this.


You know, there is a type about which they say among the people "Do not feed the horse." These are people who seem to eat a lot, but do not get better. For them, becoming heavier by a kilogram is a miracle. There are several physiological reasons for this state of the body. One of them is an excess of cortisol, our hormone responsible for tissue breakdown. It is with his "light hand" that everything is burned.

Extreme thinness must be fought with extreme methods. As a reminder, this is not a general guide to gaining muscle mass for every person, this is a WEIGHT GAIN program for VERY THIN people! For those who have at least some fat, the following recommendations will not work.

In terms of healthy food and exercise, gaining weight is similar to losing weight. If you are trying to gain weight, then you need to consume more calories.

However, that doesn't mean you have to run to the nearest vending machine and grab a bunch of high-calorie, low-nutrition foods. You don't need to swim in fat, you need muscle.

You need to choose foods that will allow you to gain muscle mass, and your body will be enriched with the necessary nutrients. Eat more, but eat right. Include healthy foods in your diet, namely: grains, fruits and vegetables, dairy products and lean meats rich in proteins (chicken, fish), and legumes.

Eat regularly three times a day

This means that you should have breakfast, lunch and dinner on time and regularly. Therefore, you need to cook every day and not skip lunch or breakfast even if you are late for work or simply do not want to eat.

Snack three times a day

This means that in addition to three meals a day, you should have three snacks between meals (morning, afternoon and evening). It is advisable to do this at the same time. Set yourself a meal schedule and stick to it.

Do not take low-calorie (calorie-free) drinks

By such drinks we mean soda, tea and coffee without sugar, mineral water. Drink cream, milk (1% - 1.5% fat), 100% juice.

Eat high calorie foods

You should replace celery and carrots with something more high-calorie: potatoes, grains and legumes. Replace apple or orange juice with banana or cranberry. Granulated cereals are more nutritious than steamed rice. Get in the habit of checking the calorie content of the food you buy at the store.

Diversify your menu

Your menu should include starchy foods (potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, cereals), vegetables and fruits, and protein-rich foods (chicken, red meat, fish, tofu, eggs, cheese, beans, peanut butter). Consume 2-3 tablespoons of margarine with food.

Gaining weight, as it seems at first glance, is not so difficult. You just need to follow a few rules and follow them daily.

So, how to gain weight:

First of all, include chicken meat in the diet and make it a staple food when gaining weight. It is easily digestible and contains very good protein - the best building material for muscles.

It is better to use boiled soft-boiled eggs (boil for 3 minutes), but no more than 3-4 eggs per week.

Cottage cheese 0% fat, "house in the village" is best, this protein should be used as an addition to chicken meat and eggs.

Milk is optimally suited for 1.5% fat, because. it contains enough protein, carbohydrates and not so much fat.

Meals should be mostly protein, plus carbohydrates and some fat.

It is good to eat rice before and after training. Since it is necessary to replenish glycogen stores in the muscles (energy stores in the muscles). Rice is great at this. Rice before training provides enough energy for the workout itself, and after it helps to quickly replenish energy consumption. If you wish, you can drink milk after training, and when you want to eat, then rice.

Yes, diets aren't just for losing weight. A diet is a special diet. And there can be many goals. And very often it happens that we need to lose weight or vice versa, gain weight. That is why we need to know which foods stimulate mass gain. For an athlete, these products are just a godsend, but for losing weight, this is a disaster.


If you are losing weight, then you should eat less salted herring. The fact is that this fish, beloved by many, is one of the strongest natural (natural) anabolics. These are substances that stimulate protein processes and in particular protein synthesis, which leads to an increase in muscle mass. If you are serious about strength sports, this should be one of your favorite meals. But if you are losing weight, you should limit your consumption of herring. In addition, after salted fish, you are very thirsty. Which, together with a pronounced anabolic effect and chromium, which is also rich in herring, gives a very good increase in muscle mass.


It will seem strange to you, but garlic is also a strong natural anabolic. Although the cause of this effect is not fully known, but it is a fact. The main reason for the stimulation of protein synthesis is that garlic causes a feeling of dryness in the throat. And we want to drink after dishes with garlic. And water, as we know, is the basis of our cells. That's the addition of muscle mass.


Many people love it. Especially bodybuilders and especially those who don't take creatine. This invigorating drink containing caffeine has a number of properties that, on the one hand, are contradictory, and on the other, are quite logical. Coffee has a fairly strong diuretic effect. On the one hand, this is good. But on the other hand... Have you ever tried to quench your thirst with a cup of coffee? Did you succeed? I think no. Coffee also "asks" for more water. It draws water out of us, but also "makes" us drink even more. This is the action of caffeine. It also stimulates performance. And if you want to cheer up with coffee, then you must remember - caffeine begins to act after 40 minutes.

What to do if you don't feel like eating?

You just need to increase the energy consumption - i.e. workout. Anyone. For starters, shaping or aerobics is enough, a pool, a bicycle, rollerblades - everything will do. And the muscles that will slowly appear will give the desired fullness. Observe the regime of the day, get enough sleep, often be in the fresh air.

And yet, have you ever noticed that among overweight people there are much fewer extremely emotional personalities? So in addition to a balanced diet, it is worth balancing the emotional background. Life will become much easier. Try to be as nervous as possible and not get out of balance. Develop a certain phlegm in yourself. Give up products that excite the nervous system: alcohol, coffee, strong tea, cigarettes, tonic drinks.

Health food

The effect of thinness treatment is greatly enhanced by the use of various herbal infusions that improve appetite and digestion. In the practice of treating thinness, medicinal plants such as sophora, clover, alfalfa, leuzea, dandelion, wormwood, yarrow, cinquefoil, yasnitka, knotweed, nettle, coriander, pepper knotweed are widely used.

Enhanced therapeutic nutrition is prescribed taking into account the form of thinness and the state of the body.

If your thinness is accompanied by a lack of appetite, we recommend you a regimen of enhanced nutrition, rich in proteins (include, for example, meat, fish, eggs in the lunch menu) with a gradual increase in calories in the daily diet. Beautifully decorated, tasty, varied food stimulates the appetite and is well absorbed by the body.

It is not advisable to force your body to take large amounts of food without prior preparation, this can only increase its aversion to food. It is better to gradually increase your daily calorie intake (for example, 300 calories per day), bringing it up to 5000.

15 topical tips

The basis of everything is protein

Imagine a long Christmas tree garland of colorful balls-decorations. This is the model of a protein molecule. Well, each colored ball is some kind of one amino acid. When such a protein "garland" enters our digestive system, the gastric juice dissolves the intermediate connecting links and the "balls" of amino acids break out into freedom. They enter the blood and with it begin a journey through our body.

Eat more carbohydrates

It is known that plants "eat" the sun. Moreover, growing plant tissues accumulate the energy of solar photons within themselves. And all this energy is "hidden" in special molecules called carbohydrates.

Calories are a growth factor

Scientists came up with the idea of ​​measuring the amount of food in special units - calories. They also measure the expenditure of forces by a person. It would seem that how many calories you have spent, the same amount must be reimbursed at the kitchen table. No, you need to "eat" more calories! Remember, muscle growth itself needs an influx of energy.

Fats are friends, not enemies

The secretion of the most important hormones and the intake of fats are directly related. From fats, our body "makes" the main anabolic hormones, including testosterone. That is why the transition to a low-fat vegetarian diet always responds with a drop in sex drive - less testosterone is secreted in the body. However, an excess of fats is harmful just like their deficiency.

Food should be varied.

But what if, instead of natural products, you take protein and carbohydrates in powder, fish oil in teaspoons, and vitamins and minerals in tablets? Is it possible to grow up on such a diet? Hardly. Today, nutritionists have discovered about fifty fundamentally new compounds in "live" plant foods, called phytosubstances.

The bigger, the better

You need a lot of carbohydrates to recover the huge energy expenditure of training. And this means that you need to choose foods that have the most carbohydrates. Massive foods include: mashed potatoes, pasta, rice, raisins, honey, pancakes, oatmeal cookies, muffins, apples, and ripe bananas. These foods will allow you to reach your daily "norm" of carbohydrates, without the risk of filling your stomach to the point of breathlessness.

Eat slow-acting carbs before your workout

There are two types of carbohydrates: "fast" and "slow". Some are digested almost instantly. Others lie in the intestines, gradually releasing energy from themselves. How to distinguish one from the other? Foods with "fast" carbohydrates are usually sweet. Here are examples: jam, cakes, cakes, sweets...

All attention to the post-workout meal

Ultra-intense training causes an increase in the secretion of cortisol, glucagon and catecholamines, hormones that can provoke a chain reaction of muscle tissue destruction.

Snack as often as you can!

Multiple meals (in small portions up to 8 times a day) were invented by doctors. However, bodybuilders were the first to adopt this nutritional strategy. Here is the opinion of the famous pro Mike Matarazzo: "When I broke my daily diet into many small meals, I immediately put on weight." When you eat frequently with short breaks, your muscles are provided with a constant supply of amino acids (from protein) and glucose (from carbohydrates).

Don't Forget Vitamins C and E

In the process of training, the body of an athlete in unimaginable quantities gives rise to free radicals. These harmful compounds destroy muscle tissue. Moreover, scientists consider them the main cause of many diseases - from skin diseases to cancer. And all the same, athletes remain healthy people until old age.

Use the "services" of creatine and glutamine

As a dietary supplement, creatine is unparalleled - it really increases endurance, muscle energy levels and stimulates protein synthesis. Injects, in short, for three.

Focus on weights

The readings of your floor scales are directly related to the amount of carbohydrates you consume. How? Everything is very simple: if the scales show that you are adding from 200 to 500 g. per week means you are eating enough carbs. If your weight is not growing, then the carbohydrates you eat are probably not enough.

In addition to scales, you will need a caliber

To assess the prospects for an attack, an experienced commander resorts to a variety of ways to assess the situation. So you can not be limited to some weights. There is such a wonderful thing - a gauge for measuring skin folds; it allows you to more or less accurately determine the specific ratio between muscle and fat in your body composition.

Drink more water

You will not drink water in the right amount - you will remain at your previous weight. Why? Yes, because your body is 75% water, and no growth without it is simply impossible. When the body is dehydrated, water leaves the muscle cells and thereby triggers the mechanism of destruction of muscle tissue.

Do not forget, by the way, that the action of creatine and glutamine is largely based on the effect of "swelling" the muscles, that is, filling them with fluid. By "pulling" water into muscle cells, creatine and glutamine push the muscles to grow further.

Load up on meat

Recent studies by scientists have shown that natural beef is no worse than lean chicken breasts or fish. Low-fat parts of the carcass - rump, flank - contain the same amount of dietary fat and cholesterol, but in terms of "energy-intensive" B vitamins, including B12, as well as creatine, iron and zinc, beef has no equal.

Vitamin B12, iron and zinc act as "catalysts" for cell growth; in particular, they are necessary for the synthesis of red blood cells (erythrocytes). In addition, zinc works on the “production” of testosterone, the male sex hormone responsible for muscle strength and size.

So, if you want to get bigger, eat a lot, but really - then you will acquire not fat, but first-class muscle mass!

The most important vitamins involved in weight gain: C, B6, B1, D, B3, E, A, B2, H, B12.

From the point of view of science, being unnecessarily thin means being underweight. This corresponds to a body mass index (BMI) below 18.5.

BMI is equal to a person's weight in kilograms divided by the square of their height in meters. For example, my height is 1.84 meters, and my weight is 107 kilograms. BMI is 31, which means that I have obesity of the first degree.

As you understand, the BMI is the lower, the greater the mass of a person. The formula is extremely primitive and does not take into account the qualitative composition of these same kilograms. If you are not friends with sports and weigh a centner with a penny, then everything is sad. If, with the same mass, you press one and a half of your weight from the chest, this is a completely different story.

In the case of low weight, BMI is more indicative. It doesn't matter if it's fat or muscle. You don't have either.

According to American studies, only 1% of men are underweight. Among women there are 2.4%. However, gender in this case does not matter, because health problems due to underweight can occur in everyone.

The impact of underweight on health

The problems of fat people are obvious, everyone knows about them. Thin people, except when they are outright sickly in appearance, appear healthy, but scientific research shows a different picture.

What can cause underweight

Not only genes and heredity. Sometimes this is a very specific disease that a person does not suspect.

  • Eating disorders. This includes anorexia nervosa, the intentional desire of a person to reduce their weight as much as possible.
  • Problems with the thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism - an overactive thyroid gland - can lead to unhealthy weight loss.
  • Celiac disease, also known as celiac disease, is an acute form of gluten intolerance.
  • Diabetes of the first type.
  • Infections.

The problems listed above will not go away on their own, and self-medication will hurt even more. Therefore, the first and main advice for a person suffering from a lack of body weight is a visit to the doctor, especially if the signs of weight loss appeared from a certain point in time and did not bother before.

The right way to eat

Perhaps there are more? This is the surest way, but thoughtlessly pouring yourself with sweet drinks, absorbing kilograms of cakes with chebureks, is a guaranteed undermining of health. Outwardly healthy people, without deviations in weight, receive terrible diagnoses, which are usually companions of severe forms of obesity. All because of bad food.

The thesis “there is more” needs to be specified. "Eat more healthy food." That's better.

However, even eating exceptionally healthy food, you need to think about the end result. You don't want to just be fat. Yes, and the very concept of "healthy fat" somehow does not fit well in the head.

Mass gain in one way or another implies an increase in both adipose and muscle tissue, and therefore the problem cannot be solved by eating alone. You still have to make friends with the sport, but more on that later.

Calorie surplus

The fundamental law of mass gain is a calorie surplus. Get more calories than you burn. If you ignore this basis, then all other efforts will be in vain.

Finding the point where you reach a calorie surplus is very easy. At first, you will not need anything but food, scales and patience.

Every day you need to eat more than yesterday.

Don't speed up too much. After some time, you will notice that the body weight graph slowly but surely went up. So you've achieved a calorie surplus.

Now you need to turn to the calorie calculator and find out the numerical value of the daily calorie intake at which your body began to gain weight. Just add up the calorie content of everything eaten per day. Based on this data, you can freely change your diet, focusing on the total calorie content.

If the mass growth has not stopped, then it makes no sense to continue to greatly increase the calorie content. A surplus of 300-500 kcal is enough for a slow, confident weight gain. With an excess of 700-1,000 kcal, you will recover much faster.

At this stage, it is much more important to convince yourself that in the future this approach to nutrition will become the norm for you. In fact, you will have to change the way you think about food for the rest of your life. Psychologically, this is difficult, but without turning a new approach to eating into a habit, all that has been achieved will inevitably be lost.


Protein is the most important nutrient. Building material for your body and muscles in particular. No matter how you experiment with the menu, it is important to respect the protein rate. Unfortunately, protein is not only the most necessary, but also very satisfying. Increasing the amount of protein in your diet will make it harder for you to meet your calorie intake, but there is no alternative way to achieve the desired result.

When gaining mass, your daily protein intake will be like that of athletes - from 1.5 to 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight.

Protein-rich foods are always the most expensive, but delicious. Meat, fish, eggs, milk, legumes, nuts. Here are your best friends. There is one hack that makes it easier to achieve the daily protein requirement to the desired value. This is a quality sports nutrition. It is also expensive, but whey or multi-component protein between meals and casein before bed will give a very good bonus. In any case, you will come to the sports pit when you start playing sports, but you can get to know this interesting world a little earlier.

Carbohydrates, fats, number of meals

Don't limit yourself to anything. A nice feature of mass gain is complete freedom in choosing food, as long as it is healthy. Do not listen to crazy people talking about the dangers of animal fat. We are omnivores, we need all fats - both animal and vegetable. And complex carbohydrates. Lots of complex carbohydrates.

Try to bring the diet up to 4 grams of complex carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight per day. Difficult but real. In addition, deliciously cooked porridge is very cool.

You should make friends with cereals, pasta, potatoes and bread.

And here, too, there is a sports pit hack -. Much has been written about them on specialized sites.

With meals, everything is very simple. The more often, the better. At least three full meals a day with high-calorie snacks in between.

High-calorie foods and supplements

With insufficient appetite, you will start looking for the most high-calorie food. There is a risk of going down to fast food. In fact, there are alternatives. Much more high-calorie and very useful.

A high-calorie food is called a food with a maximum ratio of energy value and mass / volume. Such food takes up little space in the stomach, it is easier to eat.

  • Nuts (almonds, walnuts, peanuts).
  • Dried fruits.
  • Fatty dairy products.
  • Vegetable oil (olive and avocado oil).
  • Cereals.
  • Fat meat.
  • Potato.
  • Dark chocolate.
  • Avocado.
  • Peanut butter.

Unfortunately, the desire to maximize the calorie content of the diet will force you to limit yourself to vegetables, but in any case, do not give them up completely.

When choosing fruits, try to pay attention to those that need to be chewed less.

A little more about food

  • Eating more is easier if you eat more often.
  • Do not drink before meals, leave room for food.
  • Want to drink? Try milk instead of water.
  • The larger the plate, the smaller the amount of food on it seems.
  • Coffee tastes better with cream.

Power sports

Excess calories allow you to gain weight. The only question is where you want to see these kilograms. In the sides or in the muscles? If you like the second, then welcome to the world of sports for the thin.

Sport, no matter how you feel about it, is an equally important factor in the right way. Suffice it to say that sport greatly increases appetite, and you really want to learn how to eat more.

First we go to the doctor and make sure that there are no serious obstacles to playing sports. No one is forcing you to break records right away. Power sports are measured progress.

You will do fewer sets and reps, but with more weight.

Naturally, we must not forget about cardio, but in your case, the emphasis will be on strength training. The emphasis on cardio is all about burning calories, and you don't need to waste energy.

If funds allow, then first it is better to contact a professional trainer. He will explain and show the basics, and over time you yourself will begin to understand everything.

Not everyone dreams of losing weight and exhausting themselves with diets. Many people, on the contrary, dream of gaining weight, gaining weight in order to get rid of thinness and acquire attractive forms. If all your attempts in this direction have failed, you need, first of all, to analyze the causes of the problem of thinness. Therefore, before embarking on the use of various methods for weight gain, go to the doctor.

It is necessary to exclude diseases of diabetes mellitus, gallbladder, thyroid gland. Very often, the cause of thinness can be a disturbed metabolism. In these cases, the doctor will help you bring the weight back to normal.

If everything is in order with health, you can get rid of thinness with simple proven methods. And therefore, I will tell you right now about how to eat right to get better quickly.

What to do to gain weight?

First, determine if you really need to gain some weight. Perhaps by nature, you have a completely normal weight. Maybe the problem is contrived? To understand this, calculate how many kilograms you need to gain.

To do this, calculate your normal weight. There is a very simple way to do this: Measure your height in centimeters. Now subtract 100 from the resulting figure.

There are different methods of gaining weight that will help you get better quickly. Almost all of them are based on increasing the caloric content of the diet. The general principle of these methods is that body weight is in balance with the diet and caloric content of food. By increasing calories, we increase body weight, and vice versa. Therefore, to solve the problem of thinness, you should reconsider your diet and food intake.

If you previously ate 3 times a day, you need to switch to 4-5 meals a day, observing the same interval between meals. For example, bodybuilders eat 7 to 8 times a day.

By the way, it will be useful to use sports nutrition in your diet, consisting of proteins and gainers. They will serve as a source of additional energy, especially if you play sports. With the help of such nutrition, you compensate for the expended energy, restore muscle tissue.

To eat right, make your diet varied. Eat foods high in protein daily. It can be legumes, eggs, chicken, beef, soy products. They are important for building muscle mass. Be sure to drink whole milk, eat dairy products, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, heavy cream. These products are not only high in calories, but have great nutritional value.

It is very useful to cook cereals: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal. You can also drink tea, coffee with cream and sugar.

For better digestion of food, for the prevention of constipation, be sure to eat fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits. As a "snack" eat grapes, apples, bananas, oranges.

If you need to gain weight quickly, choose dairy products with a high fat content. You can eat eggs daily, but no more than 2 pieces per day. It is better to cook them soft-boiled.

Salted fatty herring with onions and fresh garlic will also help build muscle.

Adjust the combination of proteins and fats in your diet. Thus, you can adjust the structure of your body.

Sample menu for the day

I offer you an approximate menu for one day, "for those who want to get better":

First breakfast:

A plate of oatmeal boiled in milk, an omelet from 2 chicken eggs, or just soft-boiled. You can drink them with concentrated protein dissolved in 0.5 liters of milk.


Sandwich of white bread with a piece of salmon or herring. You can drink a portion of the gainer.


300 g of stewed or boiled meat of veal, chicken or turkey. For a side dish, you can cook a portion of durum pasta, eat a bowl of rice with butter or mashed potatoes. Plus, a plate of salad from any vegetables with parsley and dill is obligatory.

Afternoon snack:

Sandwich with fish or a piece of beef. You can eat a serving of cottage cheese with sour cream. Wash it down with any juice.


Have a serving of ocean grade fish with garnish. Let it be a salad of vegetables or fruits.

If you have no appetite, you need to load yourself intensively. Go in for sports, sign up for a gym, swimming pool. Alternatively, go hiking or cycling to the park. Very often, the appetite disappears due to experiences, stress, fatigue.

If this is the reason, fill your life with positive emotions, new acquaintances, go to visit, to parties. Try to get enough sleep and exclude stimulants - alcohol, coffee, tobacco.

Try to eat right, follow the recommendations and most importantly - do not use any pills to gain weight. They will do nothing but harm. And when the diet, diet, state of mind return to normal, thinness will disappear. Get well soon and stay healthy!

Some people are looking for various tips on how to gain weight, while others on how to gain weight. Someone will say: “I wish I had their problems ...”, but not everything is as joyful as it seems. Sometimes it happens that you have to make much more effort to gain weight than vice versa to lose weight. And there is not so much information on how to increase body weight. And today we will talk about how easy it is to put on weight and at the same time not harm your health.

First of all, those who want to gain weight at home need to calculate their body mass index (BMI) to make sure that their weight does not reach the norm. It is very easy to calculate BMI using the following formula: body weight (kg) / height 2 (m). That is, your body weight in kilograms must be divided by your height in meters squared. For example, if your body weight is 50 kg and your height is 160 cm, then your BMI will be: 50 / (1.60) 2 = 19.53. After you have calculated your body mass index, compare your result with the data in the table below.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that a BMI of 18 is the lower limit of the “normal”, at which your body does not experience problems due to lack of weight, and normal weight can be considered with a BMI of 19.5.

First of all, you need to understand that it will be easy to get better at home only if your thinness is not caused by any serious illness. Therefore, first you will need to seek help from a doctor, take tests and cure the disease, due to which you cannot gain weight.

If you are in good health, then all you need is to increase the number of calories consumed per day, but you should not drastically increase your diet. For a healthy and proper diet, you need to gradually increase the amount of calories consumed so as not to cause an aversion to food and not overload the gastrointestinal tract.

The most important thing when eating for weight gain is to consume at least 40 cal. per 1 kg of its weight. And for those people who are having difficulty gaining weight or not gaining at all, it is worth increasing the amount of calories in their diet to 50-60 calories. per 1 kg.

Now let's look at a simple example that will help you calculate how many calories you need to consume per day. For example, if your weight is 60 kg, then the total number of calories per day should be (60 kg x 40 cal = 2400). This is the minimum number of calories you need to consume per day to gain weight.

How easy it is to gain weight for a man.

Now more than half of the male population wants to gain muscle mass, especially teenagers. It will be easy to achieve the desired results if you follow 3 simple rules.

The first and most important rule is proper and balanced nutrition. and energy (carbohydrates). Proteins must be of both animal and vegetable origin.

Protein-rich foods are meat (poultry, beef, veal, lamb), seafood (fish, shrimp, mussels, crabs), dairy products (kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, cheese), legumes (soy, beans). From protein products, you can make, for example, protein shakes.

Carbohydrate-rich foods that men who want to gain weight need are buckwheat and semolina porridge, pasta, bread, fruits and vegetables.

The second rule is constant increasing physical activity so as not to become fat, but remember that not all exercises are good for gaining mass. The most effective exercises are considered basic exercises (pull-ups, bench press, push-ups on the uneven bars, squats with a barbell). Training should be regular, at least two to three times a week and lasting no more than one hour.

And finally, because during the rest there is an increase in body weight. The duration of your sleep should be at least 8 - 9 hours. Also try to avoid stressful situations. Compliance with these simple rules will help you quickly gain the necessary weight.

How to gain weight for a girl.

In order for a girl to get better, she needs to eat regularly 3-4 times a day, as well as snack between main meals, for example, sandwiches with cheese and butter. When eating, try to ensure that the body can absorb all the nutrients as fully as possible. In order for a girl to gain weight at home, she must remove low-calorie foods that are “fashionable” now from her diet. The more calories your diet, the faster you can achieve results.

Balance your menu so that it is dominated by foods high in protein and carbohydrates. From protein products, you can choose, for example, chicken meat, beef, fish, milk, kefir, sour cream, yogurt, legumes, eggs. Foods high in carbohydrates are pasta and bakery products, potatoes, buckwheat and semolina porridge, honey, fruit juices, sweet pastries and cakes, but it is worth considering that a girl should not lean heavily on sweets, otherwise thinness can be added to and skin problems.

Proper nutrition is half the battle in the fight for kilograms, it is also important to lead a healthy lifestyle. Give up bad habits and walk more often in the fresh air, so you will not only improve your well-being, but also will not stress your body. Follow the correct daily routine, go to bed not too late and at the same time, and the duration of your day should be at least 9 hours.

The tips listed above will only work if you do not have serious health problems. If you yourself at home can not achieve weight gain, then you should seek the advice of a doctor. You may be suffering from a medical condition that is preventing you from getting better.

Tell friends:

The problem of weight gain is very relevant among young people. Research results indicate that underweight occurs in 15-17% of the population under 35 years of age. This comprehensive mass gaining technique is designed for girls and women who suffer from excessive thinness and for men of all ages who seek to build muscle and have an athletic figure.

The mass gain program is designed for 10 weeks. For convenience, the course is divided into 5 stages of 2 weeks each, each of which has its own characteristics - nutritional norms and physical exercises. This article is a step-by-step instruction that will help you build muscle mass intensively and safely. After you complete the entire course, you can repeat it, feasibly increasing the load during training.

Purpose of the program- to increase body weight due to muscle growth, not adipose tissue. As a bonus, men get voluminous relief muscles, and women get a harmoniously developed, toned figure.

Program elements:

  • proper nutrition - you will have to change the diet, count calories and weigh portions;
  • physical activity - it is necessary to perform a set of physical exercises 3 times a week;
  • daily routine - you need to allocate enough time for sleep and rest.
Each component of the program ensures the effectiveness of the other two, and only the implementation of all elements guarantees you the desired muscle gain.
Somatotype signs
Endomorph "Wide bone", squat rounded body, developed hips, a tendency to be overweight, a high percentage of body fat. For this somatotype, the issue of weight gain is not relevant. They have a slow set of substances and such people have to try hard not to gain extra pounds. Wrist circumference in men over 20 cm, in women over 18.5 cm.
Mesomorph Expressed noticeable and strong muscles. Beautiful massive muscles, shoulders wider than hips. People with this body type gain weight easily with proper nutrition and regular exercise. The circumference of the wrist in men is 16-20 cm, in women 16-18.5 cm.
Ectomorph A lean physique, relatively long limbs, narrow elongated muscles, a low percentage of subcutaneous fat. It is these people who have problems with a lack of mass. They are harder than others given her set. The metabolism is very active - calories are burned without physical effort, so enhanced nutrition is extremely important. Experienced trainers advise ectomorphs to first gain 20% of the planned weight, and only then proceed to active training 3 times a week. Wrist circumference in men up to 17.5 cm, in women up to 16 cm.

Even if you are an ectomorph and have a naturally thin body, this program can help you. It uses the natural mechanisms of muscle tissue formation, which are common to all body types.
Decide how much weight you want to gain. The exact figure will serve as a good motivation on the way to the goal. To calculate, use normal weight tables and an online body weight calculator. From your ideal weight (for your height), subtract the weight you have now. The resulting difference will be the mass that should be dialed.
This rule does not apply to men who are purposefully engaged in the development of their muscle mass. Their ultimate goal may be 2 or 3 times the difference between ideal and real weight.


Proper nutrition is 70% success in mass gain. Without it, no training will work, since the muscles will have nothing to take material from for growth. Food should be healthy and wholesome. Otherwise, you are threatened with fat deposition and serious metabolic disorders, which are later manifested by numerous diseases: kidneys and joints suffer, and the risk of cancer increases.

Benefits of this diet in that it is good for health and can become a nutritional system for many years to come. It is based on the recommendations of nutritionists and the experience of professional athletes.

Basic Rule– consume more protein and complex carbohydrates in the form of cereals, less fatty and sweet. The proportion of vegetables and fruits rich in fiber should be up to 30%. Excess fiber interferes with protein absorption.

The quality of the products and the way they are prepared. Give preference to natural products meat, fish, eggs, milk. It is preferable to buy them on the market from farmers and private traders. The same goes for vegetables and fruits. In this case, by increasing the amount of food consumed, you will not receive a double portion of industrial antibiotics, nitrates and hormones, which are often abused by manufacturers.

It is necessary to give preference to steamed, boiled and stewed dishes. Baking in foil or a sleeve is also recommended.

  1. How to go on a diet? If your current diet is significantly less than the amount of food that is needed for mass gain, then you will need an adaptation period. It may take 1-2 weeks. During this time, the digestive glands will learn to secrete the necessary amount of enzymes for digestion and assimilation. Otherwise, the body will not be able to cope with a large amount of food, which threatens indigestion. To get started, add 1 meal (second breakfast) in the morning, which will increase calories by 15%. If you cope well with this load, then after 2 days enter an afternoon snack 2-3 hours before dinner, etc.
  2. What should be the diet? Eat 70% of food before 5 pm. For the evening, leave easily digestible protein dishes that do not linger in the stomach overnight (eggs, fish, chicken breasts, cottage cheese and dairy products)
  3. What is the optimal number of meals? 5-7 per day. Each serving of food has an anabolic effect for 3-4 hours. During this period, active protein synthesis and the formation of muscle fibers occur. Therefore, food should be supplied with this frequency throughout the day.
  4. How many calories should you get daily? 45 kcal per 1 kg of weight is the minimum required for weight gain. At the same time, the body receives a little more energy than it spends on vital processes, daily activities and additional physical activity. For example, with a weight of 65 kg, the energy value of the diet is calculated as follows: 65x45 \u003d 2925 kcal. People with a high metabolism and those who are engaged in heavy physical labor should increase the calorie content of the diet by another 10-15%. If after a month of enhanced nutrition there is no weight gain, then the calorie content is increased to 50-55 kcal per kg.
  5. What should be the ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats? The correct ratio is 50:35:15. It is important to strictly observe this proportion, since each of the components performs its function.
  • Squirrels are the building blocks of new cells. They also provide mechanical, chemical and immune protection, as part of enzymes they catalyze the course of chemical reactions that ensure the vital activity of each cell and the whole organism. In addition, proteins are carriers of genetic information necessary for the formation of new body cells.
  • Carbohydrates provide the body with energy to digest proteins. They also provoke the release of insulin, which is the strongest anabolic hormone responsible for muscle growth.
  • Fats necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous and hormonal systems and as a source of energy, therefore they are also an indispensable component of nutrition.
Some mistakenly believe that the more protein is eaten, the faster and better the result will be. This is far from true. Excess protein (over 2.5 g per kg of body weight) has a negative effect on the body: it activates putrefactive processes in the intestines, negatively affects the kidneys, liver and blood vessels, and increases the risk of heart disease.
  1. How much liquid to consume? The required amount is 3 liters, including water contained in drinks, liquid dishes and fruits. 1.5 liters of water should be consumed in pure form. When gaining mass, metabolic processes are activated. There is a splitting of compounds and the decay of old cells. The liquid is needed to remove the toxins released during these reactions.
  2. When can you eat before and after a workout? A full meal is allowed 2 hours before and 30-40 minutes after training. However, this does not apply to light snacking. Modern research has shown that pre-workout whey protein shakes (pure protein) promote muscle growth. A few minutes after training, the body should receive "light" proteins and carbohydrates. It can be gainers or fat-free cottage cheese with jam.
  3. Why can't you eat simple carbohydrates for mass gain? Simple (fast) carbohydrates are flour, confectionery, sugar and chocolate. Already 2 weeks of a diet high in fast carbohydrates lead to the deposition of subcutaneous fat, allergization of the body. The risk of developing asthma, neurodermatitis and allergic rashes increases. There is a suppression of the immune system, which threatens with frequent colds and infectious diseases. Simple carbohydrates in small amounts are allowed immediately after training. They cause a short-term rise in blood glucose levels, followed by a surge in the anabolic hormone insulin. This hormone enhances the formation of glycogen in the muscles and accelerates cell repair.
  4. What are the side effects of this diet? This diet is a balanced diet. You can stick to it for as long as you like, without any negative consequences. However increased nutrition without intense physical exertion is the path to obesity. Therefore, as soon as you reach the desired weight or stop regular training, you need to stop additional protein snacks and eat 3-4 times a day. It is advisable to consume 30-35 kcal per kg of body weight per day.
  5. How to improve digestion? Take enzyme preparations that will improve food digestion and ensure better protein absorption (Pancreatin, Festal, Mezim). They are absolutely harmless, not addictive. There is no danger that your body will forget how to produce enzymes on its own.
  6. Is sports nutrition worth it? Sometimes when gaining mass, nutritional supplements containing pure protein or protein combined with carbohydrates are used. They can be used as an additional source of protein during snacks, as well as before and after training. However, there is no urgent need for these expensive products. Their analogues can be prepared at home, which we will discuss in the following articles.
  7. Is it necessary to take vitamin complexes? Definitely yes. In modern conditions, fruits and vegetables do not contain the required amount of vitamins. In addition, this diet does not provide for eating them in large quantities, since excess fiber interferes with the absorption of protein. However, vitamins activate anabolism, and their deficiency inhibits weight gain. Conclusion - the body must receive additional vitamins. At an early stage of the program, you can opt for Revit, Undevit, or other vitamin complexes with a small amount of ingredients. More on this in the following articles.

Diet for mass gain

Table No. 11 according to Pevzner was taken as the basis of the power system. This diet is high in energy (high in calories) by increasing the amount of proteins, vitamins and minerals. However, in this variation, the amount of fat is reduced by 40%, which allows you to stick to the diet for a long time, without the risk of fat deposits in the subcutaneous tissue, in the vessels and around the internal organs.

Diet. The diet is divided into 6 meals: full breakfast, lunch, dinner and 3 snacks.

Main characteristics:

  • proteins 110-130 g;
  • fats 50-60 g;
  • carbohydrates 400-450 g;
  • calorie content is about 3000 kcal.
Featured Products List
  • Bread - rye or grain, with bran, yeast-free. The norm is up to 200 g per day.
  • Broths rich in extractive substances to stimulate appetite - meat, fish, mushroom and soups based on them.
  • Meat of different types, excluding fatty varieties.
  • Fish of any kind and seafood.
  • Eggs. At an early stage of the diet, use eggs with yolks. They contain vitamins, trace elements and fatty acids, which provide a successful start to weight gain.
  • Dairy products of low and medium fat content. Cream and sour cream for dressing dishes.
  • Fats - unrefined vegetable, butter and ghee (in a small amount).
  • Cereals and legumes, muesli.
  • Pasta from durum wheat.
  • Vegetables raw and cooked.
  • Fruits and berries in any form.
  • Sweets - jam, jam, honey, chocolate, cookies, jelly.
  • Drinks - tea, coffee, cocoa in milk, compotes, juices, rosehip broth + pure water 1.5 liters.
Limit or eliminate from the diet
  • Fatty meats - fat pork, lamb, goose, duck.
  • Semolina and polished rice.
  • Margarine and cooking oils.
  • Smoked and fried in oil or deep-fried dishes (grilled is allowed).
  • Confectionery with cream, rolls and muffins, sweets.
  • Canned industrial production.
  • Sausages and other smoked products.
  • Products containing food colorings, flavors, flavor enhancers, preservatives.
  • Carbonated sweet drinks.
From the first day of the program you will need:
  • a guide for determining the calorie content of products;
  • electronic scales for weighing portions;
  • fresh and quality products;
  • a small supply of theoretical knowledge that will make your path conscious and motivated.

Menu examples for those who want to gain weight

Breakfast 450 kcal
  1. Cottage cheese pancakes with honey 130 g, milk rice porridge 250 g, tea with lemon 200 g.
  2. Cottage cheese casserole with raisins 120 g, millet milk porridge 250 g, coffee with milk 150 g
  3. Cottage cheese with sour cream and honey and nuts 200, soft-boiled egg 2 pcs, tea with sugar and lemon 200 g.
Second breakfast 420-450 kcal
  1. Omelet from 2 eggs with cream and cheese, berry jelly 120 g.
  2. Buckwheat porridge with milk 200 g, sandwich with boiled chicken fillet or ham 140 g, tea with sugar 200 g.
  3. Meat pate 100 g with grain bread 70 g, tomato or cucumber 70 g, vegetable juice 180 g.
Lunch 800-850 kcal
  1. Cucumber and tomato salad with egg, pea soup in meat broth 200 ml, potato stew with meat (meat 100 g 200 g vegetables). Fruit juice 180 g.
  2. Vegetable and squid salad 100 g, fresh cabbage soup 200 ml, beef goulash 150 g with pasta 200 g. Tomato juice 180 g.
  3. Vinaigrette with vegetable oil 75 g, herring 50 g, noodles in chicken broth 200, potato casserole with boiled meat 250 g. Apple juice 180 g.
Snack 350-400 kcal
  1. Soft-boiled egg 1 pc, sandwich with butter and caviar 50 g. Vegetable juice 180 g.
  2. Baked apples stuffed with cottage cheese and honey 200 g Tea with milk and sugar 200 g
  3. Potato zrazy with mushrooms 200. Tea with sugar and lemon 200 g.
Dinner 400-450 kcal
  1. Fish baked in foil 150 g with vegetables 150 g, coleslaw 200 g. Chicory drink 200 g.
  2. Grilled steak (chicken breast, beef) 150 g, stewed potatoes 200 g, salad of various vegetables 100 g. Rosehip broth 200 g.
  3. Omelet from 2 eggs stuffed with boiled chicken meat 150 g, cucumber and tomato salad dressed with yogurt 150 g, fruit salad from fresh or canned fruits 100. Dried fruit compote 200.
Late dinner 300-350 kcal
  1. Kefir, fermented baked milk, drinking yogurt 180 g, banana 1 pc.
  2. Liver pate 70 g, buckwheat porridge with butter 150 g. Compote 180 g.
  3. Cottage cheese pudding with dried apricots 150 g, nuts. Milk 1% 200 g
Individual approach. Do not forget that each person has his own individual metabolism. You may need some time to experiment. For example, some people need to replace meat with fish or move the last meal closer to the night. Keep in mind that almost every person has an intolerance to certain foods, they can cause allergies or digestive disorders. Therefore, if you do not perceive the lactose contained in dairy products, or chicken protein, they should be excluded from your diet. The same applies to sports nutrition products.

Physical activity

Physical activity helps distribute the extra calories from a heavy meal into the muscles instead of into the fatty tissue under the skin and around the internal organs.

Coaches identify 3 areas in which it may be difficult to gain weight

  • Avoid fat deposits. Enhanced nutrition leads to the fact that calories that are not used up for muscle work and the formation of muscle tissue turn into body fat. To avoid this, regular training 3 times a week is necessary. Example exercises are described below.
  • Avoid addiction when training no longer leads to muscle growth. The reason for adaptation is a protective mechanism that allows you to adapt to new living conditions. Unfortunately, it works against muscle building people. The body adapts to exercise in 4-8 weeks, as a result, the anabolic effect, which provides weight gain, is significantly reduced. Our methodology takes this feature into account, so you will be offered 5 training options with a gradual increase in loads, which will ensure stable muscle growth.
  • Break the genetic threshold. At the initial stage, weight gain is stable, but then the increase stops, despite diet and training. It's a matter of genetics. You may have reached your optimal weight. To overcome the threshold, the drop-set method is effective. You perform a large number of repetitions with a large working weight. Further, the weight is reduced by 20-30% and the maximum number of repetitions is performed at a slow pace.

Key questions at the start of the program

  1. How do muscles grow? Muscle growth is provided by two types of stress. If they act in pairs, then the muscles increase in volume.
  • mechanical stress. Significant efforts lead to the fact that individual muscle fibers are torn. Around them, microscopic foci of inflammation are formed, metabolism is activated and blood supply improves. Growing together, these microtears lead to an increase in muscle volume. Mechanical stress occurs during exercises with a large working weight (the weight of the projectile with which the exercise is performed).
  • metabolic stress- during prolonged training, anaerobic metabolic products (lactic acid) accumulate in the muscles. To neutralize them and remove them from the body, an increased amount of oxygen enters the muscles and their nutrition improves. A sign that a muscle is under metabolic stress is a burning sensation. Occurs when the exercise is repeated at a slow pace for a long time. Starting the chemical recovery processes stimulates muscle growth.

  • Power training. Especially squats and deadlifts.
  • Balanced diet - meat, seafood, greens, fruits, vegetables.
  • Compliance with the daily routine. Sleep deprivation and exhaustion lower testosterone levels.
  • The fight against stress. Strong emotions increase the level of the hormone cortisol, which suppresses the secretion of testosterone.
  • Refusal of alcohol and nicotine. They impair blood circulation and suppress the work of the endocrine glands.
  • Taking vitamins A, E, D. Their deficiency inhibits the production of testosterone.
  • Outdoor recreation. Relaxation lowers cortisol levels. And sunlight increases the level of vitamin D and stimulates the ovaries, which are responsible for the synthesis of testosterone.
Unfortunately, natural testosterone production declines with age. Therefore, to increase its level, it is necessary to use drugs.
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, tinctures of ginseng and eleutherococcus, zinc and selenium - together and separately increase testosterone levels. These substances are sold in pharmacies and are part of various dietary supplements.

A set of exercises for the 1st and 2nd weeks of training

The program is designed for 3 workouts per week. Between trips to the gym should be at least 48 hours. Recommended time: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, but you can change it at your discretion.

The basis of training - clusters. These are sets of a certain number of repetitions that allow you to load the target muscles for longer. For this purpose, exercises are performed in cycles. Therefore, in the program you will see the alternation of exercises.

Important! Perform all exercises without jerking at a slow pace. So you achieve the necessary mechanical tension in the muscles and involve all the muscle fibers. The result is a high level of protein synthesis necessary for muscle growth.

Start every workout with a warm-up. Spend the first 5-10 minutes warming up your muscles so that they receive oxygen and nutrients. This will reduce the risk of injury and sprains, help you set yourself up for strength training, and also cause an adrenaline rush, which makes training more effective. For a warm-up, cardio equipment and complex exercises that involve the maximum number of muscles are suitable. An obligatory element is rotation in all joints of the spine, arms and legs.

First workout

  1. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders 4 * (4 * 2). Total 32 squats . Basic exercise for the development of the muscles of the buttocks and thighs.
cluster (alternating approaches and short rest)
2 barbell squats. Put the barbell - rest 15 seconds.
2 squats + rest 15 sec.
2 squats + rest 15 sec.
2 squats + rest 15 sec.
Rest 1-2 minutes
2 repeat cluster
Rest 1-2 minutes
3 repeat cluster
Rest 1-2 minutes
4 repeat cluster
Rest 1-2 minutes

  1. Bent over row 4*(4*2). The exercise is designed to strengthen the muscles of the back, especially the latissimus dorsi.

1 cluster
Bent Over Row 2x + rest 15 sec.
Bent Over Row 2x + rest 15 sec.
Bent Over Row 2x + rest 15 sec.
Rest 1-2 minutes
2 repeat cluster
Rest 1-2 minutes
3 repeat cluster
Rest 1-2 minutes
4 repeat cluster
Rest 1-2 minutes

  1. Bench press (3*6).

Provides an increase in the anterior bundle of the deltoid muscles, triceps, large and small muscles of the chest. For beginner athletes, the option is more suitable when, in the lower position above the chest, the bar falls on the limiters.

1st approach

  1. Lifting the bar for biceps in a standing position (3*6).

Helps to increase the biceps and brachioradialis muscle of the forearm.
1st approach

  1. Bench press (3*6)
2nd approach
Bench press 6 times + rest 1-2 minutes

  1. Lifting the bar for biceps while standing (3*6)
2nd approach
6 times lifting the bar for biceps standing + rest 1-2 minutes

  1. Bench press (3*6)
3rd approach
Bench press 6 times + rest 1-2 minutes

  1. Lifting the bar for biceps while standing(3*6)
3rd approach
6 times lifting the bar for biceps standing + rest 1-2 minutes
Involves a large group of muscles: trapezius, anterior and lateral bundles of the deltoid muscle.

1st approach

  1. Regular GHR(3 * max.) Better than other exercises, it trains the muscles of the back of the thigh ("biceps" of the thigh), semitendinosus and calf. You can not do without an assistant who must press the toes of your feet to the floor. Technique: Get on your knees. Arms bent at the elbows, palms at shoulder level. Slowly, without jerking, lower yourself face down. Return to starting position.
1st approach
  1. High pull (power pull) with a bar from the floor (3*5)
2nd approach

5 times high pull with a barbell from the floor + rest 1-2 minutes

2nd approach

Perform the maximum number of times + rest 1-2 minutes

  1. High thrust (power traction) with a bar from the floor(3*5)
3rd approach

5 times high pull with a barbell from the floor + rest 1-2 minutes

  1. Regular GHR(3*max)
3rd approach

Perform the maximum number of times + rest 1-2 minutes

1st approach

2nd approach
20 times lifting on toes + rest 15 sec.

3rd approach
20 calf raises + rest 1-2 minutes
1st approach

2nd approach
Max reps + 15 sec rest.

3rd approach
Maximum reps + rest 1-2 minutes.

Second workout

1st approach
  1. Shrugs standing with dumbbells(3*8) train top trapezoidal muscles, improve posture and are especially useful if you have a sedentary job.
1st approach
  1. (4*6)
2nd approach
6 times knee row + rest 1-2 minutes
2nd approach
8 shoulder raises + rest 1-2 minutes
  1. Deadlift from knee level (4*6)
3rd approach
6 times knee row + rest 1-2 minutes
  1. Shrugs standing with dumbbells (3*8)
3rd approach
8 shoulder raises + rest 1-2 minutes
  1. Deadlift from knee level (4*6)
4th approach
6 times knee row + rest 1-2 minutes

1st approach
5 presses + rest 1-2 minutes
  1. Fitball push-ups(3*8). Complicated version of push-ups. If at the top point you spread the shoulder blades away from the spine, then you work out the anterior serratus muscle (Serratus Anterior), which is located on the side wall of the chest.
1st approach

  1. Close Grip Bench Press (3*5)
2nd approach
5 presses + rest 1-2 minutes
  1. Fitball push-ups (3*8)
2nd approach
8 pushups + rest 1-2 minutes

  1. Close Grip Bench Press (3*5)
3rd approach
5 presses + rest 1-2 minutes

3rd approach
8 pushups + rest 1-2 minutes
  1. (3*8). Develops the muscles of the lower back, buttocks and thighs. Legs in forward lunge position. It is important that the thigh of the bent leg is parallel to the floor.
1st approach
  1. Pull-ups to the chest with a wide grip, when the distance between the hands is 70-80 cm. (3 * max.) Exercise helps to increase the volume of the latissimus dorsi, deltoid and serratus muscles, lower and middle parts of the trapezius muscles, as well as biceps and forearms, back muscle bundles.
1st approach
2nd approach
8 barbell squats + rest 1-2 minutes

  1. Pull-ups to the chest with a wide grip(3*max)
2nd approach
Maximum number of pull-ups + rest 1-2 minutes
  1. The simplest split squat with a barbell on the back (3*8)
3rd approach
8 barbell squats + rest 1-2 minutes

3rd approach
Maximum number of pull-ups + rest 1-2 minutes

1st approach
15 lifts + rest 15 sec.
2nd approach
15 lifts + rest 15 sec.
3rd approach
15 lifts + rest 1-2 minutes

1st approach

2nd approach
The maximum number of twists + rest 15 sec.

3rd approach
The maximum number of twists + rest 1-2 minutes.

Third workout

1 cluster
2 presses + rest 15 sec.
2 presses + rest 15 sec.
2 presses + rest 15 sec.
2 presses + rest 1-2 minutes
Rest 1-2 minutes
2 repeat cluster
Rest 1-2 minutes
3 repeat cluster
Rest 1-2 minutes
4 repeat cluster
Rest 1-2 minutes
  1. Pweighted reverse grip pull-ups 4*(4*2).

With a narrow grip, you increase the load on the biceps and lower bundles of the latissimus dorsi, and with a wide grip, on the latissimus dorsi. If physical strength does not allow you to perform the exercise with an additional load attached to the belt, then perform regular pull-ups.

1 cluster
2 pull-ups + rest 15 sec.
2 pull-ups + rest 15 sec.
2 pull-ups + rest 15 sec.
Rest 1-2 minutes
2 repeat cluster
Rest 1-2 minutes
3 repeat cluster
Rest 1-2 minutes
4 repeat cluster
Rest 1-2 minutes

Provides growth of the biceps of the thighs and buttocks, as well as the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles.

1st approach
10 barbell lifts + rest 1-2 minutes

  1. (3*6)
Provides development of the deltoid muscles and triceps. The muscles of the calves, thighs and buttocks receive an indirect load. Please note that the bar is supported by the chest, and not by the anterior bundles of the deltoid muscles.

1st approach

  1. (3*10)
2nd approach
  1. Standing barbell push press (chest press with pressure at the top) (3*6)
2nd approach
6 barbell presses + rest 1-2 minutes.
  1. Romanian deadlift with barbell (3*10)
3rd approach
10 barbell lifts + rest 1-2 minutes.
  1. Standing barbell push press (bench press with pressure at the top point) (3*6)
3rd approach
6 barbell presses + rest 1-2 minutes
  1. (3*6).

The main load falls on the muscles of the pelvis, hips and lower back, most of the muscles of the body are also involved.

1st approach

  1. (3 * 12) works mainly on the biceps of the shoulder.
1st approach
  1. Squats with a barbell on the trapezius muscles(3*6)
2nd approach
6 squats + rest 1-2 minutes.
2nd approach
12 lifts + rest 1-2 minutes.
  1. Squats with a barbell on the trapezius muscles (3*6)
3rd approach
6 squats + rest 1-2 minutes.
  1. Sitting barbell curls (3*12)
3rd approach
12 lifts + rest 1-2 minutes.
  1. Seated calf raises (with back support)(3*30) work on increasing the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles on a simulator that provides back support.
1st approach
30 lifts + rest 15 sec.
2nd approach
30 lifts + rest 15 sec.
3rd approach
30 lifts + rest 1-2 minutes.
  1. Lateral hyperextensions (twisting) with weights (3*12).

To increase the load on the oblique and intercostal muscles, dumbbells or a disk from the bar are used. For beginner athletes, an additional weight of 5 kg is sufficient.

1st approach
2nd approach
12 crunches + rest 15 sec.
3rd approach
12 twists + rest 1-2 minutes.
After each workout, you will feel severe weakness and increased appetite. These signs indicate that the training was successful and the muscle growth processes are running.

Exercise Safety

  • Work with an insurance partner.
  • Before training, do a warm-up that involves all joints and muscle groups.
  • Keep a moderate pace. Thus, you work out the muscles better.
  • Don't jerk. In this case, the joints of the limbs and intervertebral joints (especially in the lumbar region) may suffer.
  • Listen to the instructions of the trainer, especially regarding the technique of the exercise. Minor deviations from the technique, such as back arching, elbows apart, or bending of the knees, can lead to serious injury.
  • Do not rush to perform exercises at the level of experienced athletes. They are protected by powerful muscles and strong tendons, you will acquire such protection in a few months.

Beginner Program

If you have a significant deficiency of mass, then devote the first 2-3 weeks to a set of kilograms. During this period, gradually increase the amount of food consumed and physical activity. Enough 5-7 minutes of gymnastics 2 times a day and walking in the fresh air for 60 minutes. After you have added 1-2 kg, you can start training.

If you have not done sports regularly before, then a program designed for experienced athletes will not suit you. Exercises with a significant working weight (dumbbells and barbells) will be exhausting for you. During exercise, all extra calories will be burned, and weight gain will be too slow.
In this case, a simplified version of the workout that you can do at home is suitable. The regime is the same - 3 workouts per week with breaks of 72 hours.

Each workout includes:

  • Push-ups from the floor 3 sets with the maximum number of repetitions.
  • Pull-ups 3 sets with the maximum number of repetitions.
  • Lunges back 3 sets of 10 reps.
  • Hyperextensions 3 sets of 10-15 reps.
  • Twisting 3 sets with the maximum number of repetitions.
Take a break of 2-3 minutes between sets.

Daily regime

Why is it needed?

Your body likes to follow a routine. If you adhere to the correct daily routine, this always leads to an improvement in the functioning of the nervous system, strengthening the immune system and normalizing body weight.

It is desirable that everything happens at the same time. Constancy stabilizes the body's biorhythms, which directly affects the production of hormones involved in mass gain. Eating by the clock normalizes metabolism and maintains a high level of anabolism. Sufficient rest protects the nervous system from stress, which regulates all processes in the human body. Overwork and exhaustion of the central nervous system often causes weight loss on a nervous basis.
Ideally, you should spend:

  • 8 hours for work or study;
  • 8 hours for rest and household chores;
  • 8 hours sleep.
About the benefits of rest and sleep ...

The increase in muscle mass does not take place during training, but during muscle recovery during the rest period. Therefore, the muscles must be able to recover. This period takes 48-72 hours. Based on this, training should be followed by 2-3 days of rest.

In your free time, avoid intense and prolonged physical activity: cycling, brisk walking, volleyball, basketball. They increase stress in the muscles and slow down their recovery.

Get at least 8-10 hours of sleep per day. And it is desirable to go to bed before 23 hours. In this case, during the sleep period, the active production of growth hormone falls, the muscles recover more efficiently and increase their mass. Lack of sleep impairs the synthesis of anabolic hormones and increases the production of cortisol. This substance reduces the rate of formation of muscle tissue, and enhances catabolism. It has been proven that sleeping less than 6 hours a day depletes the nervous system, which impairs muscle innervation and leads to weight loss.

A complete night's sleep is extremely important, especially on the days after training. In a dream, the synthesis of testosterone and insulin occurs, without which it is impossible to gain muscle mass. Also, 90% of the growth hormone - somatotropin is secreted during sleep between 23:00 and 01:00. This substance in young people provides bone growth, and in adulthood is responsible for protein synthesis and increases the ratio of muscle tissue to fat.

Is daytime sleep good? Sleeping during the daytime is not as useful for mass gain, as it does not cause the desired hormonal response. The fact is that hormones are synthesized in the 3rd and 4th phases of sleep, which are usually not achieved during daytime rest.

When is the best time to exercise?

The training schedule largely depends on your work schedule and biorhythms. Some prefer to go to the gym in the morning when there are fewer visitors. This makes it possible not to stand in line for shells, it is better to concentrate on the exercises and complete the workout faster. However, sports doctors believe that in the morning the muscles are not fully awake, so they do not work at full strength. This problem can be circumvented by intensive charging.

Evening workouts have their benefits. So some are motivated by the presence of numerous visitors in the hall, especially of the opposite sex. In addition, after a late workout, the muscles get a good rest during the night's sleep.

As you can see, the choice of time is an individual matter. The main thing is to engage persistently and with pleasure, then training will definitely give the desired result.

In order to go to the weight gain program for 3-4 weeks, click on the link: